❄️ End Of The Year Art Dump of 2020 ❄️

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Damn, we are already to the end of the year already ?

Freaking finally doods-

2020 is just a giant sink hole and I am glad that it finally has ended and will be 2021 and hopefully, itll be better and won't be a giant, toxic mess -

Hopefully -

Anyways, let's jump into this art dump ..!

Here is a a comic i drew for Gmrsugarart ! uvu

This is a Tavis comic that I drew for Jackie and since she asked for it to be fluffy, I made it fluffy ! It started off kind of angsty in the beginning, but I think all fluff starts off with a little angst !

First panel
Mavis : Todd — wait !

Second panel
Mavis : I've got to know
Mavis : all those things you said to summer... Were they ...?
Todd : ...
Mavis : true...?
Mavis : that I am not your type and that I should... Find someone else ?

Third panel
Todd : ...

Fourth panel
Mavis : please Todd. I wanna hear this from you.

Fifth panel
Todd : truth is Mavis... Ive had a hard life and my dad — ...
Todd : but Mavis— what I said to Summer, I—
Todd : truth is...

Sixth panel
Todd : even with all that has happened to me, you make life worth living ❤️

So hopefully you like it Jackie and I enjoyed drawing this comic and I think it was a good test of my skills !

And yes, I tried to draw Snowdin in Undertale as the background

The next is payment for the amazing Ashes-OfThe-Burnt

I drew Kefi that you tagged me and I rEALLY suck at drawing curly hair so hopefully this is okay -

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the payment and I am sure that the Seawing will be lovely ! 💛💛

And know that i have those things out of the way, what better to jump into new characters for my world ? uvu

If you're confused about who these guys are , I am sure you'll remember this ugly picture :

You bet your asses that I redesigned the and made them better than this trash -

Let's go from left to right (so tallest to shortest)

We have Anapos which his name means water god in Greek and he represents the Pacific Ocean ! I gave him a rubber ducky floatee as I wanted all the oceans to all be different by have the same color eye as they are all siblings ! ^^
I have him a purple tank top and a towel over his shoulder as I wanted to give him a party boy and confident feel as I am sure we all know what the Pacific Ocean is (hopefully) -

The next one is Bellus and she is the Atlantic Ocean ! I low key inspired her off the ocean egg I had in my adoptables book (chapter has been taken down)
And she is a very popular and gossip girl ! She is very freewilled and can kind of be obnoxious at times and if age doesn't get her way, she will throw a fit -

This dood is probably my favorite design and his name is Colden and he is the Arctic ! I have him in snow pants over a blue sweater and gave him gloves uvu . His boots fade into white from blue uvu
Even though he looks like a bean, he is a very cold and introverted kind of person that builds walls between him and people he doesn't know / doesn't want to get close to
Fuck, I wanna kind of roleplay as him-

The next one is the one I had the least ideas on but hopefully it turned out well ...?
His name is Aspen and he wasnt in the original for some reason , even though the Southern Ocean is an Ocean-
Since he isn't well known, hes a pretty shy and quiet individual who has anxiety issues and doesnt like to interrupt, or correct, anyone as he finds it rude and tends to keep it to himself and is the least popular out of his siblings

Then , last but not last ... We have Shell , or the Indian ocean and she is a cute mtf and probably my shortest oc- quq
Since she is the warmest ocean, I decided to make her very warm and friendly, extroverted , social, tends to like compliments and likes making people feel better !

Anyways, some more characters are here ...!

We have the Ivory Coast , also known as Akissy and then we have the Democratic Republic Of The Congo (DRC) named Andre !

Not going to lie, I am not the proudest of his design so I may ask for a redesign or do it myself but anyways uvu ! Also, I will keep the mayonnaise in his design since Belgium had brought it to the DRC and the people of DRC put Mayo on everything ! So yeah, hows that small funfact ? .)

Akissy is a very warm and nice looking country and so, I gave him a beach feel and just a chillaxed state !


Who is this bean... ,0


originally he was a human but I am kind of bored of drawing ALL my characters humans and I wanted to do something unique for my first oc !

The next oc I will be designing (as I never drew Hicks-) will be my soldier Hicks (and I am going to give him a lot of bandages and stuff as that fits him owo)
Only problem I am going to have is drawing his slicked back hair that I imagine him having -

Another new character that I had Nacht help me on is Esi , also known as the African country of Togo !

Look at this short, chunky girl named Esi ! She's very shy and quiet and is known for trying to be friendly with anyone she knows, or comes across and I love her purple and black color palette ^^

So yeah, Esi is also a new character and hopefully you give her a warm welcome to the group !

Now, I want to welcome you guys to twins (which are two new characters-) ! ^^

The one on the left is named Fahad and he is the brother of Ali, Mustafa, Jamal, Houava, Zakariya, Rayan, Firas and Hamad !

They're the twins out of that group and they are the only ones that are close and don't want to rip at each other's throats -

So basically, Fahad is Kuwait and he is the biggest mood out of his siblings and always speaks sarcasm 24/7 , unless he is around his twin sister and tends to be nice and calm around her

His sister Fatima is sensitive and doesn't understand and gets butthurt EASILY and is known for being picked on by her older brothers and tormented, which Fahad hates and is overprotective of her -
She tends not to see red flags easily and she loves the mixtures of yellow, orange and pink and loves tie-dye -

So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed these two twins , and I just realized their the second pair of twins I have since Mitch and Maple are my first pair -

Since it has been Christmas break, I got some countries I was struggling to do in November done !

Let's go from left to right shall we ? .')
Or I can tell you literally nothing about these dudes and you can be confused, but that ain't my style !

The one on the left is named Mushaan and he represents Maldives ! He is a very quiet and stern male who likes things done traditionally.

Umar, or Kyrgyzstan, is a very suspicious and paranoid individual who is always on the lookout for something to go wrong. He is step brothers with all the countries in Asia that end in stan.

Last but not least, we have Eruandy, or Brunei. Are those hair tuffs I see -?
He is basically uptight and paranoid and doesn't like people invading his personal space as he hates nosy people and wants to do what he wants to do.

The next is is the little last of the Asia I have left that I felt like drawing as I have only a few more to do uvu !

Here are the last two of the Arab brothers !

Hamad is Oman and funny story for his design, so since I implemented that wormholes can be created between the reversed world and this universe, Rayan had came from the reversed au and everyone was nervous, expect Hamad. Hamad went out and flat out called Rayan his younger brother and the two got close , close enough where Hamad adopted his sense of clothing and decided to dress in lavender, black and purple stuff -
And even dyed his tips of his hair purple -

Houava is Lebanon and I didn't have any ideas for him so I went with the old school approach and put his country's flag on his shirt and found a funny pun while doing so and Kibbeh is a popular food dish in Lebanon and so,
You bet your kibbeh I am lebanese

And the last one is Babak, or Tajikistan and his design, I added color to it when it should've just been brown and white but i added orange and red to it as I wanted him to be decorative and not boring and plain as I felt like his design wouldn't stick well if I ever made a quiz of my characters on Kahoot or something
And now, I have the impulse to do that -

Now, that is all the new characters I'll throw at you guys for today, FatYoshi5 had redesigned this character !

Yep! Nacht did an amazing redesign on my other persona and here is what he did -

Art belongs to Nacht, please go support his account ! ❤️❤️❤️

How could I NOT draw this boi ?? I had SO MUCH fun drawing Azreal that it was crazy ??

His outfit is so fitting and I never thought of giving Azreal wings until Nacht added them and I like em ??

I kept his inky black tears, I know it's hard to see -

Not a new character but some practice. lilspacebirb gave me the idea of drawing Paris with different hairstyles

And then I drew this hair style

And then this was born !!

Paris as a rabbit ! Look at her purple eyes, doesn't she look so cute as a bunny-

She is literally a bean and she could totally rock an outfit of pink and yellow if I wanted to give Paris a secondary outfit, I'd probably use pastel yellow and pink in a secondary outfit if I ever wanted to draw -

Speaking of Paris ... Or more so the country of France -

I decided to draw something that is canon in my world and then explain it !

I don't think it's NSFW as it really isn't anything sexual and just a shirtless Archie bUT-

Whenever Archie gets hurt, he would go to Francis so Francis can patch him up and usually he would show up in the middle of the night -

Can we appreciate that Francis is wearing a pink bathrobe -

Francis : you really need to be careful. This is the 5th time I had to patch you up this week.

Francis : can't you be a little more careful ?

Whenever either of them would get hurt, theyd go to the other and I just chose Archie to demonstrate this behavior in their friendship at the time because he still wears bandages to this day and his back is fucked up by scars -

Of course, whenever they would fight against each other they wouldnt patch up the other and would just... Live with the pain but this has not happened recently so yey !

Hoped you enjoyed this small piece of head canons I have in my world -

Anyways, I am sure Lils has been waiting for this reversed picture but have some ship art (?)

Yes, here they are ! Reversed Poland (Artie) and Gary interacting ! Artie is a tough bean that is strong and acts like a big brother. I honestly took inspiration from my old head canon fnaf personality of Freddy so xP

I honestly find these two to be cute towards each other, both showing respect for each other and usually Franz gets jealous ovo;

I honestly don't know how Reversed Lithuania would react, maybe she (yes she .>) would be controlling about what Poland is doing ? I dunno -

Anyways Lils, hoped you enjoyed the PolHun quq

I was bored and I decided to make some collages of some of my characters during school just for fun ! ^^

First, we have my boi Archie and a red theme REALLY works well with him and I feel like you guys can learn a lot about his character by looking at these pictures and making some theories -!

And yes, I added a crown for him as than really fit the theme of the British Empire and how he had been ruled by kings and queens -

And the next one I wanted to share (yes, I made more than just 2-) is AusHun !

So, down the middle, we have the same 3 red on the top and since both of them share a white center, I decided to put a quote there about love uvu

The next one was a challenged as Hungary has green to finish off their flag whereas Tobias is red and so, I decided to do the balloon thing as a merge of the two colors so don't judge me too hard - ;-;

I made a couple more but I put them in my oc book as header photos if you want to investigate more =v=

The last picture I wanted to end off on was this lovely picture ...

This was my progress through early 2020 to when this art dump was published and I can see improvement throughout the months !

I randomly selected pictures that were in this art dump published in those months since I don't really date any of my art and should - -w-;;;

Honestly, it's been so long since I used markers that it.. Feels like 5 years have passed since even though i could just skim through late chapters and see me using markers and honestly, 2020 has been so rough on everyone and so stupid-

I guess this last picture is nice seeing small improvements and seeing designs I couldnt of accomplished in January and 2019 -

Anyways y'all, I hope you all have a lovely day / night and a lovely New Year .


❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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