And... take an art dump -

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Hey everyone ! This art dump is going to be among digital and traditional since I still prefer drawing on paper over my phone since my arms like to stiffen up a lot while doing digital and I just prefer traditional as well -

I'll probably only be doing it to make references of characters much more easier to see or if I want to see something in digital and make it more creepier-

Thank you so much to anyone who adopted an Oc from me and if anyone is interested, I made a new egg batch (which I might discontinue since nobody seems interested besides a few people) and so, what would you guys like to see in the future ? I am open to customs and doing big batches of adopts !

Open to any themes and just note that customs are open. Customs will require a small price as it helps me feel motivated -

I am also open for redesigns , just uh... Dm me and we can go over information there —

This first picture is an art trade that FatYoshi5 and I did ! I am so glad that you're coming more out of your comfort zone Nacht qquqq

Our art trade was around ship art ! He drew me Francesca x Enzo ship art (which inspired me to draw them again =v=) and he wanted me to draw Fatch ... Nacte ...? Fate x Nacht shipart  —

This gave me an opportunity to draw Fate's secondary outfit more and I kind of dig it ??

Anyways, I had fun with the art trade ❤️❤️

Here are some digital reference sheets !

I decided to redraw Carlos and added the words "smexy" to his headband as I found it fitting for the character and other than that, I left everything alone as I really like men in purple -

The next one are two characters that I wanted do draw for a while !

George and Kaira !

I feel like this picture really shows off George's colors better since the picture was very blurry and dark -

And then Kaira ! I really love her colors and she is like, one of the only characters to be in green and not red, white or blue -

Here are some ship art of two of my cute ocs >w<

I traced over my picture that I drew on traditional as I was bored and wanted to see how these two would look and I think it is still cute but I prefer them more on paper ?

And the last one is of two other characters I don't draw very much , the sisters !

Lola and Samantha (left to right)'s colors are very easily seen in this picture compared to their traditional picture and so, here they are , colored ! ^^

The next two have very interesting stories. So, I was bored and having art block as I decided to look through my old art book (unpublished due to me being a dumdum during a matienance thing on this website)

And I stumbled upon these two pictures (that I decided to redesign!)

The first one was an art contest that I had entered in back in 2019 that was hosted by Gmrsugarart !

When I drew this picture, it was when I didn't know how to draw very well and was trying to find my style , and I didnt have much ocs and so, I created the one in the picture to fit along with the fantasy theme !

Picture is blurry as well and here is a redraw of it just because I felt like it and felt I could have been more creative !

I also may make the Oc in that picture an adoptable if anyone would be willing to adopt them/her

I decided to make it the same theme and use the same idea, but have a little more going on in the background just because I didnt like that in the first picture.

I decided to give it a small story to go along with it just because I was bored and wanted to update it -

The story behind this is about Maple (used to be an old, cringe oc) and Mavis going to an amusement park and want to ride the rollar coaster named Nightmare Fuel (in the background) and Mavis turns out not to be tall enough (excluding hair and tail) and Maple is pointing out the obvious and Mavis is in disbelief !

The next one is an OLD character named Valo !

Anyone remember this vomit ? He represented the law in the world and his only purpose was being Mitch's boyfriend since I wanted him to have one before Buck and me shipping AmeGer-

And so after the reign of AmeGer, I decided to scrap Valo since I hate everything about him and -

Why not remake him as a country and change him up ? And so, this is a redesign of Valo as a new character as any old character can help develop my world UVU

Decided to put him in a pose and show his back view as I found it very cute and he has a scrunchie that ties his shirt back as it is kind of long -

And he is Turkmenistan uvu !

The next is a picture that I haven't drawn in a while including Mathias being a overprotective, serial killer older brother and Lars being an insecure younger brother

And here is the new and improved redraw of that picture uvu

I always knew that I wanted Switzerland to be very two faced and 'nice' since I always thought that about Switzerland and I think this picture here demonstrates his two faced nature since people say he 'wouldn't harm a fly'

Mathias : that kid over there, did he bully you —?

Lars : ...

Lars : yes

Mathias : don't worry, he won't ever again .

I kind of want to make this digital and make Mathias' eyes glow a dark red since I think that would be something else but for right now, have this traditional art piece !

Here's another redraw and a small character redesign of a south America straight couple

And here is the redesign uvu

Brazil has a feminine body shape now, gave her kneepads since I felt like that worked with her soccer theme and black gloves !

Enzo stayed relatively the same besides me giving making him a lighter mixed skin tone and gave him socks and boots since I wanted to give him some accessories !

The next one is one I have been working on for a while now and I found it fitting for the Nordics ! uvu

The top image is of Cuddles and Noah on the same team because Noah forced Cuddles to play against Erik and Lucas, who are destroying Noah and Cuddles right now —

The bottom left is of Axel who built a snowman and used Sergei's hat, he is going to be mad when he notices it gone —

And then we have FinEst in the bottom right as I ship them so much —

I drew this on December 1st, 2020 for Roman since that day was his boyfriend and so ... UvU

Roman LOVES his signs with writing on them —
It reads " it's my best, worship me ❤️" which, please dont, you'll only add to his giant ego

I made some new ocs that I wanted to introduce to you guys as I finally found the motivation to draw these guys, so let's get into it —

We have the two siblings , Pakistan / Omar on the left and his younger sister Bangladesh / Cecylia on the right side !

I will go more into their personalities when I get to their chapters but for now know that Omar is manipulative and cunning, whereas Cecylia is a quiet, broken female who is dating Vihaan (India) who Omar is against —

Here are another two characters I have been meaning to draw for a while now —

This is Iraq / Mustafa  (on the left) and his step brother Iran / Ervin (right) !

I will elaborate on their personalities more but in short, Mustafa is unstable and I gave him a ripped jacket over his shoulders since I found it fitting and Ervin is just a massive bully—

Now, introducing a new character in a scene with 2 other characters you already know !

Now, I had gotten the idea from Nacht about Archie being drunk on eggnog and thinking he is still in the high of his life (the British empire) and 2 of his used to be countries listening in on that —

Of course I put my boi Archie in a christmas sweater since he was the 'main' focus since I wanted do expand on his drinking headcanon I have for him —

Archie : British empire I am , owns every-one here —!

But I threw Mitch in there (should've given him an ugly Christmas sweater since everyone already knows his design —)

Mitch : he got drunk on eggnog —

And behind him, you have India who is thinking about killing Archie for that comment as he didn't appreciate what the British empire had done —
Also , this his first appearance and I like the simple design he has ! ^^

Hopefully you enjoyed this small Christmas themed picture owo—

Here's just a snow themed picture that I drew featuring the two adorable brothers , Mitch and Maple !

Mitch made a santa Claus snowman whereas Maple made a snow bear and I think both turned out cute !

I decided to give Mitch a jacket and long pants because I didn't want him to be in shorts and a T-shirt so—

Next one, has an interesting story to it and is a redesign of a character I had adopted from an ex friend of mine.

I dont want to be associated with them anymore and so, I decided to change the character I adopted from them and remove all the art that they made of the said character so I don't have to be reminded of their toxic and rude behaviors towards my close friends !

Anyways, everyone please introduce the redesign of Neno and forgot the design they made for me please •-•

Also, since lilspacebirb was designing their character, why not do the same ??

I honestly love his design over her's and now I can relate it more to Serbia due to blue being represented in the design and it not being ... Too edgy anymore ??

I also love the flag eye patch and the smile mask quq

Head canon : hes into chains and ripped capes and stuff

Anyways ... ! I hope you enjoyed this art dump and hopefully you all have a good day / night ❤️

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Always welcome !
Need more digital a lot owo

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜
— a redesign in the works ! ❤️

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