Turkey ArtDump

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Bonjour everyone , how are all of you doing ?

This art dump is going to have a lot of weird stuff going on and honestly, I don't know how to explain it -

Anyways , just like I have said before, I am giving away all my adopts and theyre just BTA so feel free to adopt as much as you want because I don't want em ! x)
The only batch that are OTA are ones I made digitally and used color palettes for, so if that interests you, why not stop by ?

Happy thanksgiving to everyone and I hope you guys are all having a wonderful day / night and make sure not to overeat and get sick off of it -w-

My break that I went on honestly was very good and relaxing, I sorted stuff out with Azreal and sorted out some bad demons I had (some remain but it isn't that bad anymore—) and the thing that was stressing me out (exams) I did good on 4/5 of them with getting As, the one I was top notch worried about was Earth Science and I got a 17/21 on it and we couldn't go back and change our answers

And I drew over my break and I practiced digital as my unmotivated butt didn't know what else to do besides drawing over bad pictures and fixing some of my character's color problems —


Y'all know Maple ?

Yeah, well, I decided to redesign the male a tad bit since he seemed a little ... Bland ?

Like, he needed some patterns or something in his design and so, here he is in his redesigned form x)

I decided to give him a little more color and variety to his design as I really wanted to give him some plaid and decided to add that into his design !

I changed his hair style since I wanted to make him stand out and I always liked the idea of Maple's left eye bring covered !

The next thing is going to have a little story and context before I begin —

I updated an old world that I have made and decided to make it more... Interesting.

Instead of making them humans , I decided to make them different 'species' as I wanted to be creative uvu

Just note that I will probably only do my main ocs and not the overall world I have since that would take even more forever -w- and so! Here are the the FACE family or 'family' since none of them are related in this universe -

From left to right, we have Malcolm (the alternative Mitch) who is known as a cold and cunning business man that is full on capitalism and loves to crush people with his empire . He is Marcus's boss-
His species is one of my oldest, also known as a vampire bat, and he's extremely rare since most have white and dark gray wings and he doesn't !

Marcus is the alternative Maple and he's a cold jackass that doesnt like it when people butt into his business and does whatever Malcolm , his boss , says -
His species is a Cloudling and he can hover over stuff but he cant fly due to his weight -

We got the adorable, happy sunshine named William (also goes by Willi) and he's the alternative version of Archie and he can cook extremely well
His species is one of my oldest as well and is known as a Cupid Shuffler and his wings got chopped off (which he tries not to be bothered by, even though he gets saddened at the memory)

And last but not least , Francis ! Francis is an interesting one, in this world, Francis wasn't allowed to open up about being transgender and went through a whole lot of abuse and suffering and got it 'beat' out of him. Doing so, made Francis addicted to wine and smoking and even if he denies it, he still wants to transition over but is fearful and acts all empty and cold.
Again, I had such a hard time knowing Francis' species and I decided to go with making him one of my oldest species from Mirerralia, known as Flyers/Sakuras ! He refuses to fly with his wings as they bring up bad memories -

Anyways, did you think I was done with this reversed world ?

That's where you're wrong >.33

So from left to right we have Gary (the alternative version of István) and I adopted him from lilspacebirb as he was once theirs !

(Original art belongs to Lils, please go check Lils out -!)

István is a very tsundere and vocal young man who always seems to be grumpy and has a soft side, well, Gary is someone who never speaks his mind, keeps quiet and tends to be very pouty and hides his feelings under a facade of happiness !

Franz is the representation of Tobias in this world and first I was going to make him a lazy male who never takes anyone seriously but I went with a different approach !
A yandere .D ! He tends to enjoy killing and freaks out all of his friends and is obsessive over Gary to the point that Gary decided to break up with him and Franz wants the Hungarian back -
His species is a very old species I had called ' Cryrithions ' and they were basically pure hatred and lust with fancy tails (and sometimes wings) and so I found that fitting for Franz !

Now, my least favorite design out of the 2 reversed au pictures, it's Alexandru , the opposite of Roman. This was a hard one since Roman acts like he has a big ego but he gets very butthurt easily and so, I decided to make this dude be a very quiet, shy, stuttering individual who can't handle compliments and flirty comments as he tends to become a mess -
He shows off his low self esteem
Please don't be surprised if I give him a redesigned look in the future , I am open to suggestions for his design -
He has mini wings that cant support his weight to fly and his subclass of Flyers/Sakuras is called Samarks (tiny wings, cant fly) and he got the sunset color palate for his wings uvu

And the last , Roskovsky , also goes by the name Sky ! He's a very shy and quiet individual and is mute ! He hides behind his fluffy clothing and has a hard time sign languaging what he is thinking and tends to he a giant push over. He is a softie and just like Sergei, he LOVES animals .
His species is called Crysilis and they have ice powers !

So, I decided to reinstall Ibispaint and mess around with some art stuff and I realized I could be using my pictures as a reference and drawing over what I had put and making my pictures much more... Easier to see ?

From now on, I might do that for art contests (of course, having a colored paper version and a digital alongside it)

And so, I drew this bean that I had recently made and I got ... Sort of attached and he's going to be in my world !

His name is Nergui and he's the representation of Mongolia ! He tends to he a pushover and he tends to agree with Deweii and Sergei due to him being in between them and he doesnt want to get his country taken over -

He looks like such an innocent bean, doesnt he ?




Nergui is like a dime, one of him is all pushover and cute and this side of him is very blood thirsty and basically Ghengis Khan's ghost !

How does this work in my world ? He looses his "orange-yellow" scheme and it turns into this ! I thought it would work due to my world having a bit of a fantasy feel, so I hope none of you mind this -

The next one is also a digital piece of work I made !

I decided to digitalize the artwork of Daymare I made since I didn't really like how I redesigned him and now I can really enjoy this bean's redesign I made -

I , uh...
I really like the boarder -w-
Even though I didn't make it and blended a lot of stuff together -

The next thing is also a digital picture for FatYoshi5 (consider it a gift <3) as I drew Dinoman for you since I wanted to practice a little more !

So yeah, hopefully he turned out good, I wanted to draw chains because ... Just because honestly -

Here's another digitalized character that I wasnt happy with his colors and decided to digitalize !

He's peru and I like his colors in this !

Speaking of contests and doing them digital—

This is for FLOWER-CAKE119

The theme of this contest was draw something bloody and gorey and I decided to go with something with with two new characters I am attached to !

Also, before you guys judge me on drawing the blood, you guys wanna drop some helpful tips for making realistic blood ?

So here is a dark version !

I guess... 

Gore warning ...?
Even though the blood is horribly drawn since this is the first time I did a contest digital

Here's the lighter, much more crappy version of this in case you can't read what's in the background

I am submitting the darker version of this into the contest and not the lighter version

So , here's the story behind this since I am obsessed with these two characters , I—  owo

So, the story goes a lil something like this :

Gary had dumped Franz because Franz was being obsessive and abusive towards Gary and he wanted no part of that and decided to leave Franz in a broken mess

Franz decides to take out Artie (Poland) as he thinks that Artie was trying to steal Gary away from him and took him out , killing him and impersonating Artie and inviting Gary to an abandon school (image doesnt belong to me—)

And insert Franz showing up with blood all over and being obsessive and a yandere over Gary and cornered Gary and is going to kill him if he rejects him .')

It's your decision if you think he lives or not !

The next one is also a digital one and is one where I traced over my Brother & Sister artwork of Nevis and Lucia !

Here's the clean version owo

I really like this picture as it's just simple and fun ..!

Anyone remember this interesting drawing —?

I wanted to see this digitalized and so, I decided to !

Honestly, I think this turned out very cool ! This seems like something that would be a Halloween picture and honestly, I am happy with the lighting and everything I—

Archie looks creepy as heck in this picture and that was what I imagined this picture to look like and give off that feel —

Song is called Alice — Shinedown


Here's another redraw of two characters that were probably hard to see and I digitalized them to make them more easier to see —!

Since the original picture was trash—

Yeah ! Now you can see bottom boi Javier and his domatrix Florencia .'D

Does anyone remember this picture ?

There's a lot of error in this picture as a lot of these countries got a minor redesign and so I decided to draw it digitally !

Theyre in a sauna and so I gave it that effect !

Here's a picture of them without any effects and I'm going to talk about their designs !

From left to right, we have Noah . Noah is the representation of Denmark and got a small redesign and got some white on his design to help balance out the red and black. I also gave him dark gray gloves fading into light gray around his fingers

He has his arms around Cuddles, who didn't get a character redesign as I thought his design was perfect already —

Axel didn't get a character redesign either and I wish I made his rainbow colors a little more pastel —

Lucas is the one next to Noah and he got a light red shirt with white stripes since I am obsessed with characters wearing stripes and I updated his gloves a little and made them lighter —

I TOTALLY updated Erik's design and changed his colors around and made him look a little more like... A viking and gave him Sweden's colors as I found that fit him instead of just a boring blue —

Fin got a MAJOR redesign as I was very bored of Fin's boring and easy design and I decided to change it up and give him some more fluff and gave him some mittens uvu

Anyways everyone, I hope you have a good day / night !


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