Any historical event idea next ?

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Hello everyone .3
So, you know my world with the countries - Hands Of Destiny ? I decided to try and draw out some historical scenes (that'll probably stand more for symbolism then actual war xD)

For this one, I decided to draw Revolutionary!Mitch and the song I had chosen was "Into The Unknown" cover by Brandon Urie / P!ATD

If you would like to request a historical scene , please leave a song that kind of makes you think of the historical event .3

I am going to redraw a scene that include Naz and Jan so .3


I almost forgot-!
Gmrsugarart , I am actually really proud of this comic -

I made everything in gray because Shadow is loosing his color since Mitch is dying and singing , you are my sunshine to him.

Everything in yellow is Mitch singing and at the end, it turns gray because he is dying.

Let's talk about some of the scenes before I get to the writing portion .3


First scene : first scene includes Shadow looking for Mitch. The red lines in the background represent Shadow's beating heart. He's looking for Mitch
You are my sunshine

Second scene : this scene is a memory and that's why I added a blur effect. That's them falling in love
My only sunshine

Third scene : Mitch crying because he's dying and remembering all the memories with Shadow.
You make me happy, when skies are gray

The red writing says "I fell in love with you.. you wanted to stay but couldn't "
explains scene four very well..

Fourth scene : Shadow and Mitch are talking , well more of Shadow.
Shadow : please stay with me Mitch..
Shadow : don't go to war
You'll never know dear , how much I love you

Red writing reads "when I found you, my heart broke. I was destined never to love again"

Last scene : Shadow finding Mitch dying and Shadow is holding dying Mitch while he sings the last part of the course to Shadow
Mitch : please don't take ...
Shadow : Mitch..
Mitch : my sunshine away..

[ Oneshot ]
This oneshot takes place before these events . Basically a backstory of how the two met

Shadow had never really been the person to fall in love easily. Sure, he had his ups and downs in a relationship; crushing on celebrities or anyone but he knew it would never happen.

Shadow had just lost his job and fell down a rabbit hole that would eventually lead to something that would hurt everyone around him. He had an adopted daughter he had to take care of and he soaped around at a local bar, his eyes tired and tears threatening to fall from all the exhaustion they had held.

" Drink ? " The bartender had asked, his voice dark and it was almost a snarl.

" Water " Shadow's hoarse voice quivered and then rested his gaze back down towards his lap.

A male swooped in behind Shadow and began to ... grope him. Shadow squirmed in the male's grip.

" Come on ~ " the male flirted, his voice drunk and he tripped over a few vowels. " Let's have some fun ~ "

" Nono, I have to go " Shadow stammered and the male didn't let go and began to drag the black haired male towards a corner were a few drunken crooks were.

" I know a fancy hotel we could go to ~ "

" Didn't you hear him ? " A voice in the bar picked up. The drunken male dropped Shadow on the ground and Shadow quickly squirmed back towards the barstool were he was once sitting.

" Who said that ? " The drunken male shouted, his hairy hand swipped for a bottle and a giant hiss went off as glass shards glistened like diamonds.

" I did . " A blond male responded , shades covered his eyes and he estinguished a cigarette the male was holding. Shadow couldn't tell if the male were looking somewhere else.
" You should know your manners Bill " the male turned his body towards the drunk male who stomped towards the blond male.

Shadow quickly got up and raced towards the two, his heart beating like a heavy drum.

" Don't hurt him - " Shadow shouted, his feet nearly bouncing as he stopped shortly as the male punched the drunk in the face.

" Too late " the blond male responded, a small smile lighting up his face. A light blush appeared on Shadow's face as the man stood up and went to exit the bar.

" Last day in town. Time for war. " The male responded and Shadow grabbed his arm,

" W-wait... What's your name ? "

" Mitch , you're that.. Shadow right ? Don't you have a little girl you should get back to ? "

" Mavis - ! " Shadow exclaimed, his mind racing. How could he of forgotten his own daughter ? A sweat broke onto his face and he turned towards Mitch, he felt weak. He felt something he had never felt before.

" Please.. won't you stay the night instead of leaving ? "

Mitch stood their in thought for a while, he light a cig and shrugged. " Bill might come back so I guess I will keep watch. "

Bill never did come, but something else - love - did.

The end.
Also, I don't know if I had to write something angsty, but this isn't really for the writing comp. This is more for fun and a backstory about the two met.

The next chapter will probably be for the comp though .)

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