Entry In a Wacky Way

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Hello. This is my entry for lilspacebirb 's contest ! I honestly worked long and hard to finish this and I have a lot to say —!!

First of all, I wanted to highlight on something wacky but our way of looking at wacky is different so... Bare with me.

I wanted to make a house drawing where it showed little portraits of what was happening in each room, but I decided against it to highlight three big ideas.

( They must go in this order - )

First we got the kitchen—! I wanted to highlight on pride month since this June is pride month and what way of making the gay beans bake something prideful ?

The cookies say " happy pride month " and the cake in the corner says " happy birthday "

The pie says " be yourself "

And since I remembered that in a RP Lils and I did and that Zands was a terrible cook, I decided to make the oven catch on fire.

And Sergei is there since he doesn't support the LGBTQ+ community and is looking all disappointed and disgustful on it.

I made 2 mats on the table, a polysexual mat (pink, green, blue) and the rainbow mat to represent the sexualities of Zander and István !

István's face looks like he ate too much gay or the cooking was bad, it's up to you which one it is .> 

Zander : what should I do ...?

István : !

Topaz : My oven —!

Why I chose Zander and Topaz : I chose these two characters because they're basically the representation of LGBTQ+ pride and I felt like it would be funny to drop in a burning oven and bad cooking skills .>

This is a living room scene. I chose Axel and his twin brother (the one crying and forgotten about) Ernei and Dale !

They're texting and come on-! Everyone can relate to this moment where they're Axel and they're too lazy to flip the channel, or they had someone act like Axel.

Honestly, for this lil project , I went for a "I can relate to this" moment, which in itself can be related to wacky since Axel can just flip the channel and doesn't have to text, but what do I know xP

[ Phone texts ]

Axel : can you flip the channel ?

Dale : why are you texting? Why didn't you just ask —?

[ IRL ]

Axel : I'm lazy , duh—!

Dale : ...

Why I chose Dale : I chose Dale because I felt like he would have made a great choice for going up against Axel's laziness and extremely happy and extrovertedness

Last one is honestly my biggest Roman moment. Roman is asking the tree , that Ceriso calls "Treeta" to marry him.

Roman : will you marry me ?

Ceriso : Treeta and I are already married

*Plays to be continued music*

What happens next is up to you—!!

Why I chose Ceriso : horniness vs horniness is a must for someone like Roman xD

Honestly, I'm sorry if this isn't creative or wacky enough. I used the limit to achieve this small goal of creating some wacky scenes inside of this house of Ocs .>

Have a good day / night everyone. Take care and stay safe

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