The Uncreative Art dump

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Before I begin, I am going to waste all of your guys time in a mini rant :'D

I feel ..  so anxious.
Probably because I upset people around me.. no matter how much positivity I put on , I seem to make people.. sad/upset/angry/etc..

I'm feeling so unmotivated to do anything honestly and it's tearing me at the seems..

I don't want pity , I don't want you guys to take this upon yourselves and go blaming yourself , no , I'm sorry if I act like a bump on the log for a while, but I'll get better..

I always do ...

Maybe I only feel like this because I miss someone.. or just because some events that unfolded that make me paranoid and anxious .. ?

Anyways , enjoy —

lilspacebirb this is for the first art contest you had entered and ..  I know you said draw them separately, but I am running out of paper sO...

If you want me to redraw, I'm fine with that. I also changed a bit of Z-ro's design because it was hard to do the amazing effect he had going on so, I hope you like it..

I still gotta draw Dino's 2 FRuK ship and a ship between their characters —

This is Greece / Kai.

I tried to give him a Hercules like vibe and decided to make his clothing's a light blue.

I kind of ship him with Turkey skakskhedgsh—

This is for _Shipping_Addict_ 's contest. I got inspired by my own contest (since that had a Yandere themed) and since I suck with romantic ideas, I decided to go with it!

I drew my boi , Anastasio , killing Milu for Douvet and telling her that "Milu is dead and he did it for her"

It's kind of like an anime scene where something bad happens and the protagonist is like "nOOOOO" and the villain is like "Mwahaha"

I would write a oneshot, but that would be in a different chapter / book—

Also , I got inspired by Vampire Hunter D and Fist of the North Star to draw the blood on Milu's face like that.

All in all, I'm not really proud with it since I struggled for ideas and such but.. it does show Anastasio (a typical, happy-go-lucky , "make pasta not war" *yES I sTOLE tHAT lINE fROM hETALIA—* kind of dude*) in a new light.

A new character had made itself into the rank—!!!

Josef has appeared...!

His country is the Czech Republic

He's honestly me right now —

Hope you all have a good day / night , stay safe

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