Chapter 1: An unknown deck

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Okay, so. First things first.

1. You may notice some very slight and barely noticeable differences in terms of plot.

2. You may have to expect one or two custom-made cards, made by none other than yours truly.

3. In order to make this, I have watched both the Dubbed and Subbed versions of the show, just so I could include both the comedy and seriousness.

4. I have no idea how far I'll go with this. Season one is pretty much guaranteed to be completed. Season two also have a good chance. But Season 3 and onward, not so sure.

5. Of course Pharaoh the Cat will be voiced by Atem.

Your POV:

Agent: Well sir, I believe everything is in order. You may now proceed inside to pass the practical part of the exam.

"Thank you. I've been waiting months to finally have that chance... ... ... ..."

Agent: Applicant 68, Mr.L/n ? What are you looking at ?

"Hm ? Oh, I'm sorry, it's just... For a second, I though there was something in those bushes over there... Must be my imagination."

Agent: Please enter, we are about to close the exam admissions.

"Oh, right."

Duel Academy entrance exam, practical test:

Examiner: *Once again, all applicants who have already passed the entrance exam, please proceed to registration. For those who have failed, better luck next year.*

???: *Phew*

"Why the long face ?"

???: E- Eh ?!

"I just saw you ending your duel. You did good."

???: Thanks... I guess... I just get so nervous when there's a crowd watching me... Judging me... All these eyes on me...

"Yeeeaahhh... Look. Right now, all that matter is that you won, so you're officially enrolled at Duel Academy. Try seeing the half-full glass."

???: But I'm half-empty myself... I'm Syrus, by the way. Syrus Truesdale.

"L/n. Y/n L/n. And, I suppose you could easily guess it, but i'm also here to take the exam."

Syrus: Then you must be in the last ones to go, there's only a few duels remaining.

"Really ? Speaking of, who is dueling right now..."


Examiner: Alright, new guy. Multiple choices ! You've got two monsters staring you down. Do you, A, throw, B, beg for mercy, or C, run home to mama ?

Posh: I'll go with D, I win the duel !

Examiner: A trap ?!

Posh: Exactly. You see, with Ring of Destruction, I can destroy any face-up monster on the field, and we both take damage equal to that monster's attack points.


Posh: *3200-→1300*

Examiner: *1900-→0*

Examiner: Clever move, applicant. Welcome to the academy.

Posh: Thank you, o wise proctor.

Blue: Wow... That guy's pretty good, don't you think Chazz ?

Blue: So it looks like the rumors were true, there is a genius among the applicants this years. Huh Chazz ?

Chazz: This means nothing. These exam duels are too easy. If anything, all they do is sort out the trash from the rest. After all, Duel Academy doesn't need a second king, one is plenty enough already. And they'll learn it the hard way. The "Chazz Princeton way".

"Wow. Now isn't that a skillful duelist we've got there."

Syrus: That's Bastion Misawa. He scored the highest on the written exam out of all the applicants.

"Really ? And these exams are already fairly tough. With him around, competition's gonna be rough."

Cyrus: You don't say... I just barely passed.

"But you passed. It's all that matter."

Examiner: Looks like we have a pretty good crop this year. I don't think there's any need to deliberate about that Bastion Misawa.

Examiner: Indeed. He gets a passing grade.

???: Good. Then maybe we are done with this ? I don't need more trash to sully the floors of the academy.

Agent: Um, excuse me. It would seem there is one last duel. Applicant number 68.

???: 68 ? I don't have time to waste with that kind of riff-raff, especially if they got here so late. Tell them to come back next year.

Examiner: But they got here in time, shouldn't we let them take the exam, Dr.Crowler ? It's only one duel after all.

Crowler: No problema !! No ! No ! No !

*Beep beep beep beep beep*

Crowler: Hello ? And who may it be ?

Phone: It's Sheppard.

Crowler: Ohhh, Chancellor Sheppard.

Phone: Just calling to make sure everything is going smoothly, Crowler. Wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last year, when you cut about a third of our applicant for the most unbelievable reasons. Just get sure everyone gets a fair shot.

Crowler: Absolutely... ... Ridicolo. Pardon me, gentlemen, I'll handle that case in person.

Examiner: W- Wait, Dr.Crowler ! What exam deck shall we use ?

Crowler: Just leave that matter to me.

Bastion: Mh.

"You know, I can tell a good duelist when I see one. And judging by what I saw, you're definitely the cream of the top around here, Misawa."

Bastion: Oh. Thank you.

"I mean it. You're easily among the best duelists around here."

Bastion: Really ? Then what about-

*Applicant N°68, Y/n L/n, please present yourself to exam field 4.*

"Ah ? Looks like it's my turn to shine."

Bastion: Hey. If I'm among the top, then where are you ?

"Me ? Well, why don't you watch and find out ?"

Cyrus: Wow... If only I could be as confident... I'm jealous...

Bastion: Well, he's going to need more than some bravado. Look who he's up against.

Crowler: Buongiorno !

"O- Oh, umm... Y/n L/n, applicant 68."

Crowler: Well, signore L/n, I am Dr. Vegan Crowler. Department chair of technique here at Duel Academy.

"Department chair ? To think you took the time to duel me in person, I'm honored."

Crowler: Hmph. At least you have some manners. Duel vest, On !

"Ooooh. it's been a while since I've seen one of these. They have it at the academy ?"

Crowler: Of course. You may even get one for yourself if your performances are exemplary. 'That's, of course, if you manage to get into the Academy, and considering I'm using my real deck instead of those exam ones...'

"Well, I guess I gotta earn it then !"

Both: DUEL !!


Crowler: I will do you a favor and let you start.

"Thank you professor. Umm... And as a start, I'm gonna summon Giant Rat, in defense mode !"

"Then I will put one card face-down and finish my turn. Professor..."

Crowler: Yes, yes, very good. Don't tell me what to do. 'After all, I'm gonna call all shots. I'll be sending that brat home in no time.' All right, I think I'll start nice and easy. I choose to play the spell card, Confiscation !

Crowler: So now, by paying 1000 Life Points, I get to look at your hand, and pick one card to send it to the Graveyard !

"Heh. Sorry to disappoint you, but I can't have you peeking at my hand. I activate a trap ! Magic Jammer !"

"It lets me negate one of your spells by discarding one card from my hand to the Graveyard."

Crowler: Hm. You know, the result would've been the same, and I would've lost some life points.

"I know, But I'd rather have the card I want in there, rather than the one you want."

Crowler: Whatever. You'll regret not saving that card for later. I put two cards face down, and last but not least, I'll play Heavy Storm !

Crowler: This spell destroys all other spell and trap cards on the field !

"What ? But, you had two trap cards yourself ? Why would you destroy them ?!"

Crowler: You'll see soon enough.

Cyrus: Uhh... Could somebody explain what's going on ?

Bastion: The two trap cards that Dr.Crowler had on the field are called "Statue of the Wicked". It's a special trap that creates a Vicious Token when destroyed. That's why he played Heavy Storm.

Blue: A card that strong couldn't be in one of the exam decks... Dr.Crowler's using his own deck !

Blue: then this is over. No applicant could beat the deck of an expert like Dr.Crowler. Don't you think, Chazz ?

Chazz: I think I'm gonna enjoy seeing Crowler mop the floor with our little friend down there. I simply wish he'd treat all the second-rate applicants the same way.

Blonde: Well, I'm sorry for him, but it looks like he already got on Crowler's bad side...

Stern: This could be interesting to watch... Thanks to that, we could have the occasion to see the legendary card Crowler has in his deck.

Crowler: Alright, my turn isn't over just yet !

"I'll bite. What more do you have in store for me this time, Professor ?"

Crowler: You'll see. I sacrifice my two wicked tokens in order to summon... ANCIENT GEAR GOLEM !!


Blonde: There it is ! The legendary rare card !

Stern: And I think we're about to find out what makes it legendary.

Crowler: Speechless, are you ? Well, I don't blame you for that.

"Well, I was taken aback by it, that's a fact... I never expected to run into something like that here..."

Stern: I never though a single applicant could make Crowler go that serious. But with that card out, he can't lose.

Blonde: You should give him some credit. He's being stared down by a legendary monster, yet he's keeping his composure. But really, that's quite unfair. I think I just heard the Academy doors slamming in his face...

Crowler: Hohohoho ! Here I come ! Mechanized Melee !!


"GH- !!"

Cyrus: Crowler's Golem has 3000 ATK points, his opponent didn't stand a chance ! This is bad...

Bastion: This is even worse than you think. When the Ancient Gear Golem attacks a monster in defense mode whose defense points are lower than Golem's attack points... the difference is dealt as piercing damage.

Cyrus: But then... he can't even play defensive ?!


"Gh... So it became clear to me... You're going at me personally, aren't you ?"

Crowler: What's the matter ? To be accepted into our Academy, you need to at least be able to win like that.

"Thanks for the advice. Then you won't mind if I take this duel up a notch, right ? From my Graveyard, I activate Giant Rat's special ability !"

Crowler: What ?!

"You made a mistake in destroying my monster. You see, when Giant rat is destroyed by battle, I get to summon an Earth-attribute monster with less than 1500 attack directly from my deck !"

Crowler: Less than 1500 ? What good would that do to you ?

"Simple. The good of protecting me, that's what ! I special summon the Millenium Shield !!"

Cyrus: But... It doesn't have a single attack point... Why would he do that ?

Bastion: No, it's a clever play... Dr.Crowler can't attack anymore, so he'll be able to switch it in defense mode next turn. And with 3000 defense points...

Cyrus: It can withstand the Golem's assaults !

Crowler: Hmph. You think you're being clever, aren't you ? Very well, I end my turn.

"Too kind of you. My turn ! And first... I will activate the spell Silent Doom !"

"It lets me summon a normal monster from my Graveyard in defense mode !"

Crowler: Too bad, the only monster that's in there is your stupid Giant rat.

"First of, don't insult my monsters, look at what they did. Second, I wouldn't be so sure of that. After all, they're right where I want them to be."

Crowler: Ah ?!

"By sending one card to the Graveyard, I activate Magic Jammer and negate your spell !"

Crowler: So that's what...

"Correct. And since you seem to appreciate my Millenium shield, why not just add another one ! Come on out ! Then I'll switch the first one to defense mode, and end my turn."

Stern: Rather impressive. For an applicant to hold his own against Crowler like that...

Blonde: See ? I told you, you should give him some credit.

Bastion: Normally you'd need to make a sacrifice to summon the Millenium shield, as it is a level 5 monster, but he managed to summon two of them without any. Your friend knows what he's doing.

Cyrus: To be honest, I just met him...

Crowler: Well, I suppose I will let you off easy for now. I pass my turn.

"Then, it's my turn. Draw ! And First I'll activate Pot of Greed ! It lets me draw two cards from my deck !"

"Now we can really kick things up. I'll activate the Spell card Shield and Sword !"

"It takes all face-up monsters on the field, and switch their original attack and defense !"

Crowler: Oh, go all you want with that ! My golem won't lose a single attack point that way !

"I know that. However... That will transform my shield into quite the mighty spear, don't you think professor ?"


Bastion: Impressive. And since this is the Shield he summoned thanks to his Giant Rat, he can attack with it. But at best, all he'll get is a tie...

"Who said I was done ? Next, I tribute one of my Millenium Shields to summon the Enraged Muka Muka, in attack mode !!"

Crowler: And here I though you were about to summon something strong.

"Don't look down on him like that. Sure, he may come off as weak, but... His special ability sure isn't ! You see, for every card I have in my hand, Enraged Muka Muka gains 400 ATK and DEF points !! And right now, I have three ! So..."


"And because I summoned it after activating Shield and Sword, it is not affected !"

Crowler: Pfu... Pfahahahahaha !! You think this is enough ?! I'll admit, your creature became rather powerful, but it's still not enough !

"Really ? Well, if giving more power to my monster is not enough, I guess I'll take some from yours ! I activate the spell card Riryoku !"

Crowler: Haha... Ha... ?

"Let's keep things short, shall we ? With Riryoku, I can take half the attack of one monster, and add it to another one. So I'll take your golem..."


"And while it depletes my monster a bit, since I have one less card in my hand, the benefits..."


"Surpass the risks by a large margin."

Crowler: *Gulp* W- Wait ! That means... !

"Now, Muka Muka ! Attack the Ancient Gear Golem !! Evolutive Pincer !!"


Crowler: NO !! That was my strongest monster !!


"And it's about to get worse ! Now that you're defenseless, my Millenium Shield can attack you directly ! Go, and finish this !! DEFENSE CRUSH !!"




"Well. Looks like I passed, professor. I'll be waiting for your classes at the academy."

Crowler: Mamma Mia... That not possible... I can't have been beaten by that kind of delinquent...

Chazz: I... I can't believe it... That Crowler was beaten by that...

Blonde: Well, that was interesting, wasn't it ?

Cyrus: Yaaaaaaay !! He did it !!

Bastion: 'Looks like you too are among the best after all. This year will be something to remember for sure...'

"Alright ! Next stop... Duel Academy !!"

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