Chapter 2: Chazzing it down a notch

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Duel Academy. established on a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. And preparing for the new semester starting in autumn, all students who have passed the entry exam, are currently gathering here.*

Pilot: Attention duelists ! My hair is saying that if you look outside the windows, you'll see your new home away from home. Fasten your seatbelts and set your seats back to an upright position. Next stop, Academy Island.

"It starts now... Our new life as students here."

Syrus: You sure sound excited.

"Syrus. If I could, I'd jump off that heli just to land faster."

Syrus: ... Please don't do that.

Sheppard: Good morning and welcome, my students ! I'm chancellor Sheppard, the headmaster of this academy, and you are the best and brightest young duelists in the world ! Now please, get yourselves settled in at your assigned dorms. I think you'll find them quite comfortable. Depending on how you ranked of course. Oh oh oh !

"Well, it seems like the dorms are divided in three... And by the looks of it, it's Slifer Red for me."

Syrus: Oh, me too ! I'm also in the Slifer Red dorm.

"Slifer Red... Red jackets... Huh. Oh, you're the guy we met at the exam, huh... Bastion ?"

Bastion: That's right. Bastion Misawa.

"Taking the color in consideration, I take it you ended up in another dorm ?"

Bastion: Yes, I'm Ra Yellow. But, what I'm curious about is, why aren't you also in Ra Yellow. You did beat Dr.Crowler after all.

"Beats me. Maybe I didn't perform well enough in the written test, who knows. And I've got the slight conviction Crowler doesn't appreciate me all that much. Bah, regardless of the dorm I'm in, it's not like the color I wear matters when I duel."

Bastion: That's the spirit. And speaking of dorm, yours is that way, just turn right when you exit the Academy. You can't miss it, it's the first building you see when coming to or from the harbor.

Syrus: the harbor ? But the only building that way is...

Syrus: This isn't a dorm... It's like an outhouse with a deck...

"Heh. I think any building that has a 'Deck' works fine for this place."

Syrus: That wasn't funny.

"Heeeeeh... I try. But really, this isn't so bad. A bit of cleaning, maybe some fresh paint, and I'd be more than happy to be here. Why don't we check our rooms ?"

Syrus: It looks like we are in the same room...

"Uh. Kinda small... But, I can work with that. I just hope there'll be enough space for our stuff."

Syrus: Don't you think it's strange ? I mean, we just met at the exam, and now we're already roommates. Who knows, maybe we're tied by fate or something ? Like, maybe you were an ancient Pharaoh, and I was your grand priest ?

"Syrus... As appealing as it sounds, allow me to doubt that. there's just no way I could be the reincarnation of some Pharaoh."

Syrus: But your entrance duel was so cool... You mind if I call you "Pharaoh", Y/n ?

"Uhhhhh... I think I do mind being called that..."

Syrus: What about "Aniki" (Big bro) then ?

"Aye, I can work with that. And speaking of work, there's two or three things I need to put down."

Syrus: Already settling in, huh. But... What are these exactly ? These little boxes...

"These ? Well, they're... Kind of my most treasured possessions, you could say. And it's all thanks to them that I became who I am today."

Syrus: Just three little boxes ? A white one, a black one, and a gold-painted one ? What's even inside them ?

"Syrus. If I ask you right now, what is the most precious card in your deck. The one you'd risk your safety just so you don't lose it. What would you answer ?"

Syrus: So... These are cards ? Awesome ! What kind of cards are they ?

"Hey, calm down, i'm not gonna show them like that. They're reserved for... Very special occasions."

Syrus: Oh, I see...

"Hey, don't feel down. When the time comes, I'm sure You'll get to see them. On the meantime, we've got a lot to do here ! Don't you agree ?"

Syrus: Yes, Aniki !!

???: Would the two of you just pipe down already ?! And don't open these curtains !

"GAH !"

Syrus: O- Oh, sorry... We didn't know there was already someone there...

???: Ah. You two must be new here, huh ?

"AAAAAH !! D- D- Des Koala !!"

???: I'm not a Monster card !! The name's Chumley, and I'm your other roommate ! Now would you stop screaming ?!

"O- Oh... Sorry. Y/n L/n here."

Syrus: And I'm Syrus Truesdale.

Chumley: Hmm. Tell me. Do you have any idea what the red in "Slifer Red" means ?

"Uhhh... The color of the Egyptian God Card... ?"

Chumley: That's correct, but you're not right. It means we're in the "Red Zone".

Syrus: The... "Red Zone" ?

Chumley: You really don't know anything... Students here are divided in three different dorms. From Top to bottom you've got "Obelisk Blue", "Ra Yellow", and finally "Slifer Red". The ones in Obelisk Blue are there mostly because of their money and connections, but those who were top-class since elementary school get here too. The ones who perform extremely well in the entrance exam usually end up in Ra Yellow, or gets transferred there because of their high grades. And then there's Slifer Red...

Syrus: Then ? What about Slifer Red ?

Chumley: It's friendly nicknamed "The garbage dump for drop-outs".

Syrus: I regret asking...

Chumley: You understand now ? Those put here have no chances of getting out. We're the bottom of the barrel here.

"No chance of getting out ? Well, not with that kind of attitude, that's for sure. C'mon Syrus, let Koala McGloom sleep his sorrow away while we visit the school."

Syrus: C- Coming !

Chumley: Haaa... he's not the first, and certainly not the last... he'll soon discover what Duel Academy is really about.

"So we've got the harbor right outside of our dorm... And if we turn left here..."

Syrus: How can you be so peppy after all of that ? You heard him, we're the bottom of the barrel...

"I don't want no life lesson from a guy who spends his days sleeping. And besides, I think that's a good thing."

Syrus: What ?

"Think about it. Obelisk was the God Card Seto Kaiba used, and the Obelisk Blue dorm is full of self-centered rich snobs. Ra Yellow... I really hope isn't full of Marik Ishtars... But Slifer was the card Yugi Muto in person used."

Syrus: So what ?

"Yugi Muto, Syrus. The King of Games himself. That one kid no one saw coming, who battled his way to the top and won. The one who beat Kaiba, Pegasus, Marik. This is the dorm we're in, Syrus. The dorm of sleeping legends."

Syrus: Legends...

"if your starting mindset is 'I give up', then of course you're never gonna progress. You think all those top duelist got where they are by mourning over themselves ?"

Syrus: Aniki... You're right ! Nothing is decided yet ! Go on, me! Fight ! Give it your all !

"Now that's the spirit ! Perhaps a bit too fiery, but we can work on that. But on the meantime, there's a place we ab-so-lu-te-ly have to check out."

Syrus: Which one ?

"Well, the Duel Arena, of course ! I've heard this place got all the latest technologies for dueling, I need to try it out !"

Syrus: H- Hey, wait up !

"Okay, so... According to this map, it should be right around this corner..."

Syrus: Um, do even have the right to be there ?

Syrus: ... Wow...

"Couldn't have said it better... This place is nuts... Just look at the stands, this must be for when the entire academy gets together... What do you say we put this to the test ?"

Syrus: Can we ?

"Why couldn't we ?"

???: Because this is the Obelisk Blue arena. Slifer Red like you have no rights to be here.

Syrus: S- Sorry, we didn't know about that... let's go back to our dorm, Aniki...

"Ummm... Nah. I'm not gonna start the year by letting two self-centered snobs walk all over me. I'm gonna use that arena, whether you guys like it or not."

Blue: hey, I recognize you ! You're that kid who beat up Dr.Crowler at the entrance exam ! Chazz, come check this out !

"... Hi there. Y/n here. And he's... ?"

Blue: You don't know Chazz Princeton ?! He's a first year like us, but he's been number 1 ever since prep school ! He's surely the closest one to be the next King of Games !

"I mean, if that's what he wants. But to be the King of Games, that means he'd have to beat every single opponent there is, right ? And there's already a couple I can't see him beating."

Blue: Pffrr ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! You Slifer dropouts really don't know your place !

Chazz: Shut up. Both of you, pipe down.

Blue; But, Chazz...

Chazz: That kid is already better than you two. He's the one who supposedly beat Dr.Crowler during the entrance exam, even if that was just luck.

"Luck and skill are two sides of the same coin, you know ?"

Chazz: Then why don't you show me ?

"Right here, right now ? A duel with the elite of this school on my first day ? You guys really are pulling out the red carpet just for me."

???: And what are you all doing here exactly ?

Syrus: Wow... She's cute...

Chazz: Oh, Alexis. You see, these two drop-outs seem to ignore how things work here. So I was just about to set them straight. Just a welcome gift to show them how life at the Academy can be.

Alexis: And I'm here to remind you that the welcome dinner is about to start, and you guys just happen to be late.

Chazz: Tch. Let's get going.

Alexis: ... ... i'm sorry about that. You really shouldn't pay them any attention. He's like that with every Slifer he crosses.

"Bah. I already know how to deal with people like that. Problem is, they're even worse than leeches, never letting go until they got what they want..."

Alexis: Leeches, huh... Good one. But you two should get going too. The Slifer welcome dinner is about to start as well.

Syrus: He left the moment you said the word "Dinner".

"Hey Syrus, what are you waiting for ?! I'm hungry ! Oh and, thanks for the advice, huh..."

Alexis: It's Alexis. Alexis Rhodes.

"It's Y/n and Syrus ! i'm sure we'll meet again !"

Syrus: You introduced me too, Aniki ?

Alexis: ... ... Y/n and Syrus, huh ?

Red: This is our fancy welcome dinner ? The other dorms are having a feast ! And just to make matters worse, our headmaster's a cat !

Pharaoh: *Meow* 'How dare you question my authority you knave ?! I shall see that what you find in your bed sheets tonight is but one of my hair balls ! Praaah.'

Banner: Hello, children. I'm professor Banner. I'm the one charged with the alchemy classes at the Academy, it's my pleasure to meet you all. Now, before moving on with the dinner, perhaps each of you could introduce themselves to the rest of the-


"... ... ... ... Sorry... ... ..."

Syrus: Wow... You can shrink until you're even smaller than me ?

"I knew I shouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning... ..."

Banner: Hahahaha ! Well, I suppose we could learn to know each other while eating. i'm looking forward to work with you all !

"I can't remember the last time I was that embarrassed..."

Syrus: But on the bright side, you completely removed the tension.

"Yes, at the cost of my image... But the diner was really good. Chumley ? Some tea, perhaps ?"

Chumley: No thanks. I'm not really in the mood for tea, given our situation.

"Again with that ? How about-"

*Beeeeeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeeep*

"Why is this acting up now... ?"


Chazz: Hey, Dropout. I'll be waiting for you on the field at midnight. And to make things more interesting, we'll play with the "Ante rule", so the winner gets the loser's best card.


"So Alexis was right, he is annoying."

Syrus: D- Don't tell me you're gonna accept ?! She told us not to bother with him !

"... ... ... Hmm..."


Syrus: What are you doing... ?

"Just giving a quick call to campus security, telling to be wary of intrusions around midnight."

Syrus: So you...

"Nope. Not gonna look too hard for trouble already. *Yaaaaawn*, I don't know about you, but I'm dead tired."

Syrus: Uhh... O- Okay...

The next morning:

"Well Syrus, ready for the first classes ?"

Syrus: Yes ! My mood is not gonna give up !

Chazz: YOU !! SLACKER !! DON'T MOVE !!

"Hm ? Oh hey Chozz, how's it going ?"

Chazz: It's Chazz and you know it ! Why weren't you there last night ?!

"last night ? What are you talking about ? You know you can't just roam around at night, security must've told you."

Chazz: What ?! Don't tell me you're the one who called security on me !!

"Bitch I might be. I ain't gonna risk being expelled on the very first day, you know."

Chazz: GH... Heh... Hehehehe ! No matter ! 'Cause now everyone in the school will know you were too cowardly to accept a duel !

"i don't think you want anyone to know."

Chazz: Oh yeah ? And why's that, slacker ?

"Because, how would you know I wasn't in the duel arena at midnight ? Unless of course, you were there yourself, which is very illegal."

Chazz: I... You... What ?!

"So unless you want to openly admit you were trespassing, I'd recommend you keep that mouth shut. This also goes for the two goons who, without a doubt, were with you."

Chazz: Gh... GH... This isn't the last time you hear about me, slacker ! Just you wait !

Blue: C- Chazz, calm down please...

"Okay. i'm waiting... Waiting again."

Chazz: We're out !! I don't want to stay any longer with this loser !!

Syrus: ... Oh boy, will this be okay... ?

Alexis: Well, isn't this impressive. He managed to shut him up on his own. That might be a first.

"Hey Chazz !"

Chazz: WHAT ?!

"... I'm still waiting !"


What is that ? A chapter without a card game in it ? A pwotagwonist refusing a duel ? What devilry is that ?

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