Chapter 3: Replacement

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Alexis: Duel monster cards can be grouped into normal monster cards, fusion monster cards, ritual monster cards, effect monster cards, trap cards, and spell cards. Trap cards can be divided into normal traps, counter traps, and continuous traps. Spells cards can be separated into normal spells, continuous spells, quick-play spells, equip spells, ritual spells and field spells.

Crowler: Bellissimo ! That was way too simple for one of my Obelisk Blue, wasn't it, Signorina Rhodes ?

Alexis: Thank you, Dr.Crowler.

Crowler: So now... Signore Truesdale !

Syrus: Y- Yes ?!

Crowler: Explain to the class what a "Field Spell" is, please.

Syrus: A... A f- f- field... Spell... Are, uh... Well... Um, they...

Blue: Even a kid in grade school would know the answer you Slifer slacker !

'And YOU are about to turn from Blue to Purple if you don't shut up this instant !!'

Crowler: Haa... Very well, you can sit back down. To think even the basics would be too harsh for you... I keep overestimating you Slifer Red, it would seem...

Blues: Hahahahahahahahaha !

Syrus: I- I knew the answer, it's just... When there's a crowd, I...

"Wow... Impressive display of pedagogy right there, Dr.Crowler."

Crowler: What ?!

"I mean, purposely trying to bring down your students and making them the laughing stock of the class ? Very professional. And then some wonder why the passing rate here is so low, but if even teacher encourage the students to getting picked on, that explains a lot. Are you sure you didn't find your teaching license out of an Easter egg or something ?"

Crowler: GGGHHHHHH !!

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a teacher, and a "Dr" at that, supposed to try and bring everyone up ? To help them give the better of themselves ?"

Syrus: Aniki...

Crowler: GRRRRR 'Mamma Mia ! That's it, this drop-out is going down ! I will not tolerate him in my school for another second !!'

Banner: So, as some of you students know, I am professor Lyman Banner. I specialize in some of the lesser known tactics and strategies in the world of Duel Monsters, some that a few might even consider to be... Unnatural... Duel Alchemy for example...

'Is it possible to learn that power... To know what exactly alchemy and dueling have in common...'

Syrus: Aniki... Thank you for earlier...

"Hum ? Oh, that. Don't sweat it. I really can't stand Crowler, and by the looks of it, the feeling is mutual."

Banner: Mr.Truesdale ?

Syrus: Y- Yes !

Banner: Could you do me a favor and take Pharaoh on your lap please ?

Syrus: Huh... Pharaoh ?

Banner: Unless you don't mind being his scratching post.


Pharaoh: Meow 'Ah, yes, human. I quite enjoy the texture of your trousers. Now pick me up and pet me on the butt ! Praaah, praah...'

Syrus: O- Oh...

Crowler: Hrnnghrrrrghnghrr... How dare that drop-out embarrass me like such... If he thinks things will stay as they are, he's sorely mistaken !

Crowler: Mmmmwha ! This should do. The big kiss-off ! Hahahaha !

Crowler: Steady, now. Where could that drop-out's locker be... Ah, here they are !

Crowler: Nfufufu... Hehehehe... Uh ?

Syrus: I'm late I'm late I'm late ! The class' about to start ! Oh ? These are... Aniki, this is my locker, you know... Stop putting your stuff in there... W- Wait, is that ?! Did someone... Write me a letter... ?

*From the first time I saw you, I've been in love with you... I will wait for you tonight behind the girls' dorm. Alexis Rodes.*

Syrus: A- A- Alexis ?! Did I really... Just receive a love letter from Alexis... This sure is a lot nicer than what my mom usually sends me...

Alexis: Syruuuuuus~ !

Syrus: Aleeeeeexis~ !

Alexis: I love you Syrus... Syrus... Syrus...

"Syrus... Syrus... Earth to Syrus..."

Syrus: Yes... Me too...

"Well, we've lost him. Syrus ? Anyone there, buddy ?"

Syrus: I love you too, Alexis !!

"Whoa ! Calm down, and keep your hands to yourself, will ya ?"

Syrus: A- Ah ? Aniki ?! W- What are you doing here ?

"Forgot something in my locker. What are you doing here ?"

Syrus: H- Huuuuh... F- First off, it doesn't concern you. Second, this is my locker ! Yours' 96, not 69 !

"What ? And I was wondering why these shoes weren't my size... Hey, what's that ?"

Syrus: N- Nothing !

"Nothing, huh ? And you were transcended and muttering to yourself 'I love you' over nothing ?"

Syrus: N- No, that... That's... P- Promise you won't laugh, please...

"I laughed to Chazz missing a step earlier, nothing that you can say will top that."

Syrus: I.. I... I received a love letter from Alexis !!

"... ... ... ... ..."

Syrus: A- Aniki ?! I knew this was a bad idea...

"H- Hold on, let me process this... Alexis sent you a love letter ?"

Syrus: Yes... She's telling me to meet her behind the girl's dorm tonight.

"... Not even a week in and you already captured a maiden's heart... *Sob* I'm so proud of you..."

Syrus: You think I should go ?

"Go, run, fly, to wherever the wings of love may take you !"

"*Phew* Feels good to let it go. Syrus, if you want to take a shower, now's the time. there's no one-"

Chumley: Syrus left already. And he was in a real good mood too.

"... Ah, right. Well, there's no need to wait for him. You can just go to bed already."

Chumley: You know where he is ? Where'd he go ?

"Listen, Chumley. I may be no Flame Wingman, but I can be Syrus' Wingman."

Chumley: ... What does that even mean ?

Syrus: Alexis ! I'm coming, my love !!

Ninja-Crowler: Nyohoho ! This is right behind the girls' dorm ! This drop-out will just waltz here without expecting anything ! And if I manage to take pictures as evidence... He'll be convicted as a peeping pervert and be expelled ! Adios ! No, wait, that's Spanish... Ciao !

Blue: Seriously, your body is making me jealous, Alexis...

Alexis: Please stop staring, it's embarrassing...

Blue: But it looks like your chest got bigger again, doesn't it ?

Alexis: H- Hey, Mindy, where do you think you're touching ?!

Jasmine: Regardless, it doesn't look like any of the boys that join this year are any good. Especially that "Y/n" or whatever. Can you believe how he talked back to Dr.Crowler ? Talk about a disrespectful dropout, who's only here because he lucked out the exam. Don't you think ?

Alexis: I don't really pay attention to him.

Jasmine: Alexis ?

Mindy: Don't you think that Bastion Misawa from Ra yellow is more her type ?

Ninja-Crowler: O sole mio, O sole mio, O sole mio, O... ?

*Frsh frsh*

Ninja-Crowler: 'Ahah ! So he really threw himself right into my trap !'

Syrus: It should be around Here...


Girl: Huh ? Who's there ?!

Ninja-Crowler: O- OH, no !!

Girls: Pervert ! It's a pervert !! Pervert !!

Ninja-Crowler: N- No !! if this is revealed, I'll be the expelled one !! *SPLASH*

Syrus: What is- ?! Ow, owowowow !

Jasmine: You've got nowhere to run now, you perv.

Syrus: A- Ah ?!

Jasmine: Wait a second... Are you saying you received a love letter from Alexis ?!

Syrus: Yes ! isn't that right ? Tell them !

Mindy: What a joke/ You really think Alexis, the queen of Obelisk Blue, would write a love letter to a Slifer Red like you ?

Syrus: i'm not lying ! It was in my locker and it said "Meet me behind the girls' dorm" ! Here, look !

Alexis: ... ... Syrus, whoever wrote that can't even spell my name correctly.

Mindy: Looks like somebody pulled quite the joke on you.

Syrus: What ? But then, who...

jasmine: ... Hey, looking again... this is addressed to Y/n L/n...

Syrus: What ?! Impossible... ! Ha... ...

Jasmine: I can't believe you got fooled by this fake love letter and came here... It wasn't even destined to you on top of that.

Syrus: ... So even for a fake love letter, no one would acknowledge me...

Jasmine: You're reaping what you sow. Let's report that to the academy.

Mindy: Right. Peeping in the bath is the worst thing to do.

Syrus: I already told you I wasn't peeping !

Miss Fontaine: Girls, what is happening here ?

Alexis: Ah ! Mindy, jasmine...

Fontaine: Did something happen ?

Syrus: Gh... You girls are heavy...

Jasmine: I beg your pardon ?!

Mindy: Pipe down.

Alexis: Nothing, nothing at all. Sorry if we were too loud.

Fontaine: well, you should all go back to your rooms and sleep.

Jasmine: ... ... So what now, Alexis ?

Alexis: I have a plan... Someone tried to bring Y/n here to brand him as a pervert... I'd say we use Syrus here as bait, to see if it was really just luck in the entrance exam...

"So if I put this one face-down... And activate this... That'd make about..."

*Beeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeep*

"Haaa... I swear, if it's Chazz again, i'm gonna..."


*We have your roommate Syrus. If you want to see him again, come to the girls' dorm now. Alone.*


"Syrus... What happened... ?"

Chumley: H- Hey, where are you going ?!

"No time to explain !! Hold on tight Syrus, I'm coming !!"

Chumley: ... Where did he find that wooden sword... ?

Jasmine: ... You really think he's gonna show up ? We should see him on the lake by now.

Alexis: Be patient. I know he'll come.

Mindy: You think ? That drop-out probably chickened out the moment he saw- *ZBUNK*

Jasmine: MINDY ?!

"Syrus ! i'm here for you !! Quick, we need to... Wait, why is it you guys ? What's happening here ?"

Syrus: Aniki !!

Jasmine: Mindy !! Answer me, Mindy !!

"Huuuuuuuh... Alexis, Syrus... I... Tied up already ? Wow, you're taking things fast, aren't you ?"

Alexis: This will be hard to explain...

Mindy: You PSYCHO !!

"Psycho ?! How rich, coming from a bunch of kidnappers !"

Mindy: You knocked me out with a wooden sword ! What's wrong with you !!

"OH, I'm ever so sorry, could you imagine ?! An anonymous call in the middle of the night saying they have your best friend hostage ?! Excuse me for reacting !"

Alexis: Keep it down, both of you. The thing is, we found Syrus trespassing here.

"Trespassing ? And you say that after you wrote him a love letter ? You have a weird sense of humor."

Syrus: See ?! I told you about the letter !

Jasmine: he was peeping into the girls' bath !

"Syrus ? Peeping ? Are you sure you're not the one who hit her head or something ? Do you even know who you're talking about ?"

Mindy: And now that you're here, you're trespassing too.

Alexis: That's right. And unless you beat me in a duel, you two will be expelled for that. So, what are you saying ?

"... So let me get this straight. Your big idea was 'Let's take this guy who obviously didn't do anything wrong and was tricked into being here, and use him to trick another guy, so we can blackmail them both into doing what we want, or else they'll be expelled despite doing nothing wrong'. Man, are you sure this is Duel Academy and not D*ckmove Academy ?"

Alexis: Will you duel me or not ?!

"if I don't, we're screwed anyways. Not like you're leaving me much of a choice. You're on."

Alexis: Perfect.

Ninja-Crowler; This is starting to get interesting...

Alexis: Here I come !

"I'm waiting !!"

Both: DUEL !!


Syrus: Aniki...

Alexis: I start ! Draw !! Etoile Cyber, rise !

Alexis: I also play one card face-down, and end my turn.

"My turn. Time to show you what happens when you mess with me ! Draw !"

Alexis: 'Naive... I've already seen your deck. I know what you can do.'

"First... i'm gonna put one card face-down. And next... I summon the Illusory Gentleman, in attack mode !!"

Alexis: 'A- A spellcaster monster ?! Why ? Why didn't he play his giant rat ?!'

"You look surprised. What, you were expecting something else ?"

Alexis: Kh. What deck is this ?! It's not the same one !

"You really are naive. Why do you think I enrolled in this school in the first place ?"

Syrus: But where did he... Ah !

"Hey Syrus, could you open the door ? My arms are kinda busy at the moment..."

Syrus: W- Whoah ! Aniki, what's with that giant box ?!

"Phew... School supplies, what else ? All that I need to pass these three years. Now keep that door open please, I've got two more to move in."

Syrus: What even is that... Huh ?! Cards ?! All of this... It's full of cards !

Syrus: So that's why...

"Experimentation, improvisation, putting all my skills to the test. This is what this school is about for me. Until I make the strongest possible deck !"

Alexis: A brand new deck... So that no one can plan around you...

"There's no such thing as a perfect deck. My final goal is to get as close as possible. But enough talking ! Illusory gentleman ! Attack ! Destroy that Etoile Cyber !"

Alexis: 'Is he ignoring my face-down ?' I activate my trap ! Doble Passe !

Alexis: Ghhhhhhh !!


"So you saved your monster. What next ?"

Alexis: Don't sound so confident. Doble Passe changes your attack into a direst attack, but in return... My monster can now attack you directly as well !

"What ?!"

Alexis: Oh, and my Etoile Cyber ? When she attacks directly, she gains 500 ATK !

*1200-→ 1700*

"Not good... GAAH !!"


Syrus: A- Aniki !

"Gh... Setting that trap, without any consideration for her life points... I'll have to take her seriously now."

Alexis: What's the matter ? Already out of breath ?

"i'm just getting warmed-up !"

Alexis: Then you won't mind if I go all-out. I draw ! And I summon Blade Skater !

Alexis: Next, I activate the spell card Polymerization !! Fusing Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater to create... Cyber Blader !!

Alexis: Now, Cyber Blader, attack his Illusory gentleman ! Whirlwind rage !

"... Heh. Now look who's attacking recklessly ! I activate my face-down ! Magic Cylinder !!"

Alexis: What ?!

"You gave us that lecture earlier, so I'm sure you know what it does, but just in case. When your monster attacks, not only does it negate the attack, but you're the one taking the damage instead !"

Alexis: What ?! AGHHHHHHHHH !!


Jasmine: A- Alexis ! How dare you ?!

"How dare I what ? Fight back ? Were you expecting me to go easy on her or something ?"

Mindy: Grrrr ! Turn him to Dust, Alexis ! Show him why you're one of the top duelists here !

Syrus: Don't lose, Aniki ! Give it your all !

Jasmine: Hmph. You've got some nerves ! You wanna try swimming in the lake naked ?!

Syrus: that's sexual harassment !

Mindy: Shut it you peeping pervert !

Syrus: I didn't peep !!

"Just keep it down, I beg of you... I draw ! ... And first, I'll switch my Gentleman into defense mode. Next... I activate the Field spell, Yami !"

"It gives all my spellcasters a bonus of 200 points in attack and defense. Next I'll put one card face down and call it a turn."

Alexis: Finally. My turn ! And now... Playtime's over ! I play Fusion Weapon !

Alexis: By equipping it to my Cyber Blader, she gains 1500 attack and defense points !



"3600, huh..."

Alexis: Don't think you'll be able to hide ! I play the spell Stop Defense !

"What ?!"

Alexis: It forces your monster into attack mode ! Now, Cyber Blader !! Attack !! Whirlwind rage !!




Alexis: Now we're tied, thanks to your field spell.

Jasmine: Heh. Looks like you got a bit too confident after beating Dr.Crowler. After all, that a Slifer wants to duel an Obelisk, the outcome is easy to foresee.

Mindy: Sorry to break it to you, but you're not as good as they say.

Syrus: Gh... I don't care about what happens to me, since I didn't do anything wrong, but... I can't just let you badmouth Aniki, who went through all this trouble just to help me !! Don't lose ! Aniki !

"Don't worry, Syrus. Do I look like I'm getting desperate now ?"

Alexis: 'No monsters, and he's against my Cyber Blader... Where is that confidence coming from ?' I end my turn now.

"Good. So now it's time to put an end to this ! Draw ! First... I activate my face-down ! Call of the haunted !"

"I'll use it to bring back my Illusory gentleman from my Graveyard ! But he won't stay there for long ! I tribute him in order to summon... Trance the magic swordsman !!"


Alexis: So what ? That might've been enough before I played Fusion weapon, but now he's far outclassed. Plus, My Cyber Blader's special effect makes her indestructible in battle as long as you only have one monster.

"I know that. And that's why I equip Trance with a spell card called... Mage Power !!"

"It gives my monster a bonus of 500 ATK and DEF points... For every spell or card trap I control ! So let's do a head count, shall we ?"

"First, there's the mage power itself... then my Call of the haunted, who stayed on the field. And finally, My Yami ! That makes three ! So 1500 points !"

Alexis: What ?!


"Now would be a good time, Syrus. What does a Field spell does ?"

Syrus: Field Spell... Spell cards that give the entire field an effect as long as they stay on the field...

"Correct ! And now... Your Blader might be invincible, but your life points are exposed ! Go, Trance ! Dice her good !! Arcane slash !!"



"And I believe that's about it."

Syrus: You did it !!

"So. I believe we had a deal, right ?"

Alexis: And I'll respect it. You two are free to go, and we won't report this to the academy.

Jasmine: Don't get too cocky ! You won just because you got lucky, that's all !

Alexis: Enough. Luck and skill are two sides of the same coin. He beats me fair and square, and that's the end of it.

"But now... I think I'm starting to see what it means to wear all that blue. Well, until next time."

Alexis: ... 'I have a feeling... This will be really interesting.'

Ninja-Crowler: Hm. Lucky brat. He escaped this time, but I swear I'll find a way to expel him ! ... Right after I find some dry clothes...

Will there be a love interest ? What will you do about romance ? What is the pairing ? Hey, is Alexis the love interest ? Does Y/n have any love interest ? What about the love interest- *BUNK*

Sorry. I momentarily turned into a very annoying reader.

Yes, you know I'm talking about you.

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