Chapter 4: Mega Ultra Chickened

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Captain: Attention all units. I know it's been a long journey, even taking on attack subs. It seemed like the whole word tried to infiltrate our defenses. But, it's about to all pay off. We're about to reach our final objective, and with the payload safe. So full steam ahead, men. Today's the day Duel Academy gets their brand new rare cards !


Syrus: Please, I beg of you, O Slifer. Depending on how well I fare in this exam, I can be promoted from Slifer Red to Ra Yellow... That would be... My monster reborn !

Syrus: Please, save the poor little Syrus from the graveyard ! I'm begging you !


Syrus: GAAAAH !! Oh, that's just the alarm clock...

"Zzzzzz... Yes, Chazz... Polish my shoes... Like that... Rzzzzzzzz... Hum ?"

Syrus: Ah, Aniki ! Finally awake. You know today's the exam, right ?

"Hmmmmngnnnnnnn... For sure I remem... Syrus, what's that on your head ?"

Syrus: Uhhh... Just... Trying to get Slifer's help, that's all...

"If you were going to spend the night awake anyway, don't you think actually studying for the exam would've been more productive ? Well, if that helps you feel better after all, I'm gonna go ahead and warm up my seat. See you there."

Syrus: Phew... Aniki's raring to go, just as usual...

Chumley: Syrus, you're way too naive. You should've just let him sleep. Just think about it, the field part of today's exam makes you compete against students of your own dorm. And frankly speaking, I'd rather not have to go against the guy who beat Dr.Crowler.

Syrus: Y- You mean... Right now, Aniki's my enemy ?

Chumley: Bingo. Out of all the Slifer Red, he's arguably the closest to get into Ra Yellow. If you just let him sleep through the exam, it'd be an advantage for both of us. You understand ?

Syrus: I understand why you were held back two years ! Wait for me, aniki !!

"Gotta hurry, gotta hurry, 'till everything gets blurry~, gotta hurry, gotta hurry, 'till everything gets..."

'... ... If I stop here, I'll probably be late... But if I don't stop, I'll just feel bad for the rest of the day...'

Lady: Ghhhhhh...

" 'Gah ! Damn morality sense, why must you screw me like that !' Need some help ?!"

Lady: T- Thank you ! But won't you be late ? I thought there was supposed to be an exam today !

"I can manage being 10 minutes late to an exam, but I don't wish anyone having to deal with a broken back. Let me help with that."

lady: Thank you young man... I'll be sure to repay you !

Banner: 45 minutes left to finish

Syrus: Rzzzzz... Aniki... Aniki, I'm sorry... Aniki...

"See ? That's why I told you to go to sleep. What's the point of praying to Slifer all night if you're gonna sleep through the exam ?"

Syrus: A- Aniki ! Where were you ?! I was so worried when I didn't see you here, even after you went ahead...

"Let's just say something required my attention..."

Chazz: Would you shut up, you good-for-nothing Slifer ! If you're not here to pass the exam, then get out !

"So why are you still there then ? And just for your information, I don't think the answer to any questions here is 'Chazz it up'."

Chazz: Grrrrgh... 'Question 3, erase...'

Banner: If you still wish to pass the exam, perhaps you could take a copy first ?

"O- Oh, yes... Um, right away, sir..."

Alexis: 'I hope he knows what he's doing... he missed almost half of the written test already...'

Crowler: Hehehehe... That drop-out will fail the written test, without a doubt ! So all that's left is the field test... Boy, am I waiting this !

Banner: ... ... ... The written test is now over. The field test will take place in the gymnasium at 14. So please walk, do not run, and get in line for today's new rare cards.

Students: They're here ?!

Banner: Oh dear...


Blues: Chazz, we've got to hurry !! the new rare cards are here !

Chazz: So go fetch.

Bastion: ... Are you two okay ?

"I... I don't recall there being an alert for a magnitude 8 earthquake... What just happened ?"

Syrus: Zzzzzzzzz... HAAAAH !! Oh... Seriously, why did I even make the effort of studying if I'd just sleep through the test anyways... ?

"Relax. Remember the field test counts for more than the written one. But coming back to what I said... Where is everyone ?"

Bastion: They're at the cards shack. They just received new rare cards during lunch period after all.

Syrus: H- Huh ?! New rare cards ?!

Bastion: Everyone's hoping to get their hands on some of them to improve their decks for the field spell this afternoon.

Syrus: What about you, Misawa ?

Bastion: I'm plenty confident in my deck. I don't need any new cards.

Syrus: W- What should we do, Aniki ?!

"Hmmm... We should go get lunch."

Syrus: ... What ?

"If everyone's at the cards shack right now, then no one's at the cafeteria, meaning we'd have the whole place for ourselves. And I don't know if you remember, I didn't exactly have time for breakfast this morning."

Students: Open ! Open ! Give us the rare cards !

Military escort: Hup hup hup huph hup hup hup hup !!

Students: Cards ! Cards ! Cards ! Cards !

Captain: Oh, would you be looking... For these ? Come and get'em !

Students: Finally, the rare cards are...


Students: NOT HERE ?! Hey, what's the meaning of this ?!

Shopkeep: Sorry, but... This person right here already bought out the entire stock... You know the rules, first come, first served...

Mysterious-individual-that-is-definitely-not-Crowler: And since I was the first, I took the liberty of taking them all.

Students: What ?! You're keeping them all for yourself ?! You demon !!

Syrus: Hurry, aniki, hurry !

"Syrus, I was about to take a second dessert, can't that wait ?"

Syrus: No ! If we don't hurry, they won't have any more rare cards for us ! Hurry !

"Well, um... I think you're in for quite the delusion."

Syrus: What ? Where's everyone ? Oh no, that means... Are all the rare cards already gone ?!

"let's ask then. Excuse me, miss, huh... Wasn't there supposed to be an arrival of rare cards ?"

Shopkeep: You're too late, just like everyone else. To be fair, we ran out before we could even put them out.

"Wow... Was it that frenzy ?"

Shopkeep: You have no idea... They were almost tearing at each other...

Syrus: What do we do ?! If we can't reinforce our decks for the field test, then...

"Calm down. It's never good to raise your tension like that. If it's new cards you need, you just gotta ask me. My stocks would be enough to open a shop of my own, remember ?"

Syrus: You'd help me ? Even though we are enemies right now ?

"Enemies... ? Whatever, we've still got time, let's get down to business."

???: Wait right there !

"Oh ? You're... That lady with the truck ! You work here too ?"

Lady: Oh no, I don't work here, I own here. Pretty cool, huh ?

"That has to be the best line I've ever heard."

Dorothy: The name's Dorothy by the way. I think you were looking for rare cards ?

"Yeah, but... There was a ransack, or so I heard..."

Syrus: Um... Aniki, how do you two know each other ?

"A truck is really heavy to push, too much for one person at least."

Syrus: Oh, okay... But that doesn't change our problem...

Dorothy: Well, I did say I'd repay you for the help, so if there's anything you need.

"Actually... You know what, there might be something..."

Syrus: Heh ?

Blues: And so this guy just comes in and bought all the cards ! We couldn't even get a single one for you, Chazz ! How are we gonna do for the field test ?!

Chazz: Calm down. You don't need to worry like that, just for a new card or a stupid monthly test. There isn't a single person in Obelisk Blue who could beat me, anyways.

???: But what if you opponent is a certain Slifer Red, hm ?

Chazz: ... What ?

???: Can you really beat that drop-out Y/n with that deck of yours ?

Blue: That's the sticky-fingers who took all the new rare cards !!

???: cards ? What cards ? Oh you mean these cards ?

Blues: Who even are you ?! And why did you buy all these cards ?!

???: Gnihihihi... Still no idea, signore Princeton ? About... Who I really am ?!

Chazz: You're that guy who lost to Y/n, Dr.Crowler !

Crowler: GH !! A drop-out like that Slifer must be crushed by the elites like you before it's too late ! That's why I'm here for you ! You will duel against him in the field test !

Chazz: Even though there's nothing I'd like more, we're not in the same dorm. They won't let me be his opponent !

Crowler: Oh, don't you worry about such trivial details and leave them to me. We're gonna remind that drop-out that we, the elites, are the real "rare ones" around these parts. MUAhahahahahaha !!

"Against... Chazz ?! You're pitching me against an Obelisk out of the blue ?!"

Crowler: Well, since you fared so well in the entrance exam, I thought it wouldn't have been a fair match to put you against another Slifer Red. That's why we estimated Signore Chazz here would be much more adequate for you. Of course, given the amped up difficulty, if you win, you will be promoted to Ra Yellow immediately. So what do you think of it ?

"I think you've got something against me. But, as a matter of fact, I wanted to set thing down with him for a while, so what better timing ? I'm down for this."

Chazz: Oh, I'll bring you down alright, you drop-out...

Syrus: Wow... I knew he was something else, but that...

Bastion: If he wins, he'll be in the same dorm as me... He just got here, and yet...

Chazz: What's wrong, you're not gonna chicken out like you did last time ?

"This time I've got an audience to watch what i'm about to do to you. And it won't be pretty, believe me."

Both: DUEL !!


"I start ! Draw !! And now... I summon Aqua Madoor, in defense mode !

"Then, it's two face-down and the end of my turn."

Chazz: heh. I see you've changed your deck, haven't you ? But regardless, it's still as weak as I remember ! Let me show you what real power is about ! Draw !! 'And with the rare cards Dr.Crowler gave me...'

Chazz: I activate a spell ! Meet Magical Mallet !

Chazz: Now, by shuffling that card, along with any other cards from my hand to my deck, I get to re-draw the same number of cards ! And now...

Syrus: Heh ?! he's gonna replace his entire hand ?!

Bastion: If you can get rid of any cards you don't want in your hand and replace them... It's way easier to get the cards you want.

Chazz: And that's not the best part ! Since Magical Mallet also gets back into my deck, if I draw it once again... I get to use it a second time ! And speaking of ! Magical Mallet ! But this time, I'll only return and draw two cards ! And now ! I summon V-Tiger Jet !

Chazz: And there's a lot more where that came from ! Check out the magic of Frontline Base !

Chazz: With that, I can special summon any level 4 or lower union monster from my hand once a turn ! And I choose... W Wing Catapult !

Chazz: Gentlemen, start your engines ! And merge ! To form VW Tiger Catapult !

"Anything else ?"

Chazz: As a matter of fact, yes ! Its special ability ! By discarding a card, I get to pick which mode I want one of your monster in ! And I think your Aqua Madoor is more suited for attack mode ! So stand up !

Syrus: But it only has 1200 attack points !

Chazz: Hehehe. Here I come ! VW Tiger Catapult, fire !! Heat-seeker blitz !!



Crowler: Bravo ! Signore Chazz certainly mastered the new techniques he added to his deck !

Chazz: I put two cards face down and end my turn.

"Alright, that was very interesting and clarifying, thank you very much. But now, playtime's over ! I draw ! And I summon The Tricky, in attack mode !"

Chazz: hey, you can't do that ! that's a level 5 monster !

"Trust me I know. But thanks to its special ability, I get to special summon it from my hand by discarding one card. i'm sure you're curious which one it was, but don't worry, you'll see it ! I activate one of my face-down ! Call of the haunted !"

Chazz: What ?!

"Just in case you were wondering, the card I sent to the GY was a monster. And now he's coming back ! Trance the Magic Swordsman !!"

Syrus: Amazing !

Bastion: You tell me. He just went from defenseless to having two monsters able to stand against Chazz. What a feat.

"I think your little catapult's having a malfunction ! Let me help with disassembling it ! Go, Trance ! Arcane Slash !"

Chazz: I don't think so ! My trap activates ! Negate Attack !

Chazz: So not only do I call off your attack, I also end your battle phase !

"Fine. I end my turn."

Chazz: Ready for round two ? Draw ! And I activate Pot of Greed ! Next, I'll summon X-head cannon !

Chazz: He's ready to destroy you, and thanks to Frontline base, so is Z Metal tank !

"This is taking a turn I don't like..."

Syrus: X and Z... That means the only one left is...

Chazz: I reveal my Face-down ! Call of the Haunted !! And with it I'll call back the monster I sent to the graveyard to activate VW's effect ! Y Dragon Head !!

Syrus: That's it, that's Y !

Bastion: He has it !

Chazz: And now, I combine X Y and Z to create... XYZ Dragon cannon !!

Bastion: Now the tables have turned again ! Trance can't stand up to that monster !

Chazz: But wait, there's more ! Well, less, actually. They do say that two is better than one, but I have to disagree ! Not when I use both my monsters in order to summon... The almighty V to Z Dragon Catapult Cannon !!

Chazz: Now I bet your weak monsters are shaking, aren't they ? Or at least they would, if they were still here !


"What ?! Trance ! What'd you do ?!"

Chazz: Oh, me ? Nothing. That would be V to Z's special ability. Once a turn, he can banish any card you control. And if you think that's impressive, wait until it attacks ! Which it will do right now ! Go ! Destroy his Tricky ! Zap it off the face of the planet !


"Ghhh... i'm not so sure about that one Chazzy ! I activate my second face-down ! Enchanted Javelin !"

"With this, when one of your monster attacks, I gain Life points equal to their attack ! So in short..."


"I just gained 2000 with this."

Chazz: Like that'll help you ! I end my turn !

"... Draw."

Chazz: Not sounding so confident anymore, are you ? Did you finally realize just how you don't belong here ?!

"No, I'm just ready to put an end to this farce. Something I could've done turn 1 but I wanted... To let everyone see you falling from your pedestal, Chazz ! I activate the Spell Acid Rain !"

Crowler: How'd he get that ?!

Syrus: Wait... That's not a rare card, is it... ?

Bastion: It's not... But it's way too specific to just put it in your deck carelessly... He had to know what he was going up against ! But how did he know ?!

Syrus: Know... AH !

"Actually... You know what, there might be something..."

Dorothy: What is it ?

"With every new shipment you get here, there should be a list of the cards it contains, right ? If possible, could I have a quick look at it ?"

Dorothy: Just you wait, I'm getting it right now.

Syrus: Um, aniki... Why are you asking for a list... You won't be using the cards...

"Yep. But I have a feeling I'll still see them very soon. There's a saying that goes 'Know your enemy, know yourself, and war will be short', and I intend to take advantage of that."

Syrus: So that's why...

Chazz: Gh... Why'd you have that in your deck ?!

"Let's just say, a good deed never goes unrewarded. And speaking of going, the next step for your big dragon is the Graveyard !!"


Chazz: My V to Z !

"Oh shush now, you'll see him again soon. Although you won't like it ! I play Monster Reborn !"

Chazz: N- No way !

"Yes way ! And since it let's me take a monster from either Graveyards, why not help myself to yours ?! V to Z Dragon Catapult Cannon, you're mine now !"

"And the icing on top ! The last card in my hand, I summon the Illusory Gentleman in attack mode ! And now, I attack !! WIPE THAT CLOWN DOWN !!"



Chazz: Urg... Gh...

"Advice for next time, Chazz. When you want to pick on someone, make sure your deck isn't already on full display."

Chazz: H- How... How ?! How could something like this happen ?!

Syrus: You... You did it ! You really did it, Aniki !!

Crowler: ... So many rare cards, and he still lost...

Sheppard: Well, looks like the rumors about that kid beating you were true after all, Dr.Crowler.

Crowler: GH ! Please excuse me !

"And that's one thing off my to-do list. If you want a rematch, just ask. As long as it's not sometime we're not allowed to duel."

Chazz: Oh... I will...

Sheppard: Heh. *That was quite the spectacle you showed us, Y/n L/n. I can't remember the last time a Slifer dueled an Obelisk, and managed to emerge on top. Your inspiring courage against overwhelming odds, makes you more than worthy to being promoted to Ra Yellow ! Good job !*

Bastion: ...' You're wrong. He didn't emerge on top... he was on top for the entire duel. He put Chazz right where he wanted, when he wanted... To think we'll be in the same dorm from now on, it's almost terrifying.'

Syrus: Amazing ! You're the best, Aniki !!

Bastion: Congratulations, and welcome to Ra Yellow !

Chumley: That's weird... It's just not possible for a Slifer to get promoted to Ra Yellow so quickly...

Syrus: Maybe, but... Aniki already left, right after he got his new uniform... I miss him already...

"You miss who exactly?"

Syrus: It's... Sometimes, it's almost as if I can still hear his voice... *Sniffle*

"Syrus... You're a desperate case, I hope you know that."

Syrus: ... ... H- Huh... ? HUH ?! A- ANIKI ?! What are you doing here ?!

"Are you asking me why I entered my own room ?"

Syrus: Bu- Bu- But you were promoted ! Ta Yellow and all ! And you've got your new uniform !

"Yes, I'd say, yellow really does look quite good on me. But as far as I'm concerned, even as a Ra Yellow, I still live here !"

Syrus: WHAT ?!

"I've talked about it with Chancellor Sheppard, and even though I officially got transferred, there's no obligation for me to physically switch dorms. What I wear on my shoulders doesn't matter, what matters is where my heart belongs ! And my heart... Belongs in this old, worn-out outhouse !"

Syrus: ANIKIIIIIIIIIII !! WAAAAAAAAAHHHH !! I'm so happy, Aniki !! To think we can still be together !! So please, just let me cry for today !!

"Wow, hey, calm down will ya !"

Syrus: I'll follow you forever, aniki !! Waaaaaah !!

"This uniform is brand-new you know ?! Follow me all you want, just get off right now !"


"Well, if you gained anything from praying to Slifer, it's a burning passionate heart, that's for sure !"

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