Chapter 5: Shadow Duel

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Alexis: ... ... 'Be at peace, brother... Wherever you may be...'

*And, on the North coast of this island, there is a cave. Deep, deep withing this cave, one can find a mysterious lake, in which the moonlight reflects itself at night, from a hole in the cave's ceiling... And then... When you gaze upon the surface of that lake... A card appears... The one card that your heart desires. And some say, that if you were to try and reach out for it...



Syrus: *GLUBLUBLUBLUB* And then you find yourself stranded deep into the ocean, without a chance to save yourself !

"So curiosity killed the cat, heh ?"

Syrus: Aniki, I just did my best to make up a scary story, you could at least act scared...

"I think Chumley over there is scared enough to count for the two of us. But the worst thing is, something like that could technically exist if you think about it. For a level 4 story, it wasn't half-bad."

Syrus: Thanks... It's your turn...

"yep. Draw ! And... Oh, level 1 ?"

Syrus: Lucky you, it must be easy going with such an easy story...

"And since I'm terrible at making these up, how about I tell you another kind of story ? Would you like to know the legend of the ancient Pharaoh who once dissipated the Darkness ?"

Syrus: Dissipated... The Darkness ? What kind of story is that ?

"A true story. It all started-"

Banner: I'd love to hear it as well. Could you make some room ?


Syrus: P- Professor Banner ! Please don't scare us like that !

Banner: Oh ? You three seem rather sensitive tonight.

Syrus: Well, we're playing a game where you have to tell a scary story equivalent to the level of the monster you just drew.

Banner: Ohhh, that looks fun. May I try it ? So I just draw a card and... The five-headed-dragon ?

"A level 12 monster ?! I just put that in so Chumley could have it... That's gonna be messy... Give us your worst, professor."

Banner: Hahahaha. Well, if you insist... Now that I think about it, are you aware of the abandoned dorm in the north sector of the island ?

"Abandoned dorm ?"

Banner: Yes. Apparently, it was a dorm for the most honored students of the academy long ago, but... One by one, all students from this dorm disappeared.

Syrus: D- Disappeared ? Really... ?

Banner: I heard that they were doing some sort of research concerning "Shadow games" and the Millenium Items there.

Pharaoh: Meow. 'Ah, yes, the good old times. When I was glorified and revered by all ! As it should be ! Praaah.'

Banner: You must've heard of those. They were terrifying duels that were activated through the use of legendary forbidden items.

"Millenium items, huh... But these students... this is just a rumor, right ?"

Banner: Ohohoh ! I'm not quite sure if it's true or not either... After all, it all happened way before I joined the academy. But, remember. Even the craziest legends often come from a bit of truth.

Pharaoh: Meow. 'Like that legend that Joey the Cat ever won his duel against Cat Kaiba ! Except it doesn't have any truth. Praah.'

Banner: I think it should be time to go back to your rooms, now. Have a good night.


Syrus: ... I wonder, is there really a place like that on the island ?

"I think I remember something about a worn-out building somewhere deep in the forest... That could be it... You think we could check it out ?"

Syrus: You're not planning on exploring it, Aniki ?!

"We can just watch things for a distance, Syrus. I'm not getting anywhere close to a place like that, especially if these rumors are true."

Chumley: Hum... Actually, I'd like to check it out, too...

"Well, ain't that a first..."

Crowler: Nfufufufu. Bravo ! The Shadow Game, hm ? I almost forgot about that eventuality. If I use these rumors to make that drop-out disappear, no one will suspect anything ! Ohohoh !

Banner: the philosophy of dueling went through a second renaissance, with the rise of what some historians dub "virtual dueling"...

"Mgnn... Zz... Gh... 'How can it take every single ounce of control for me just to keep myself awake...'..."

Crowler: 'Nfufufu... You don't have to worry about that, soon, you'll e able to sleep aaaaaall you want... But i'm afraid your dreams won't be what you expect... Totocaleiro.'

Crowler: ... So you are the one they call the Shadow duelist, are you ?

Titan: My opponents call me many names, most of them unintelligible between their shrieks of terror. But enough of that, let's talk about my fees. The price is set, regardless of my client's circumstances, and always three times their salary.

Crowler: I... I think this has to do with their circumstances, then... More importantly, are you up for the job ?

Titan: I am a professional. I never turn my back to my clients. Leave it o me, and just prepare the paycheck once I'm done.

Crowler: ... Even when leaving, he never shows his back... What a pro.

"Chumley, I'm amazed you decided to come with us. You're the last I'd expect to ask us out of all things. I mean, listening to you, even going to class is a chore."

Chumley: It's not the fact of going in class that I don't like, it's just... I can't stand classes that are only there to make you better at dueling.

Syrus: You realize this is the point of this school, right ? What else were you expecting to do here ?

Chumley: Hum... i'm sure there are other ways ! These Shadow games, for example...

"Bad example, Chumley."

"A... Rose... ? And it was left here recently, too..."

Syrus: It's scary ! Aniki, we should leave this place now !

"I mean, we got what we came here for... Now we know this abandoned dorm does exist. There's no need to go further than that."

Chumley: You sound way less confident than when we left.

Syrus: Aniki, you... You aren't scared, are you ?

"S- Scared ? Me ? D- Don't start spouting nonsense now, Syrus, as if I'd be scared of some old rumor about disappearing students, and whatever jokes about the shadow games, I thought you knew me better than th-"


"*Unholy screeching*"

Syrus: Huh ? A- Alexis ? What are you doing here ?

Alexis: That's funny; I was about to ask you that very same question. What are you guys doing here ?

"We... We heard the rumors about that abandoned dorm, so..."

Alexis: That's far from the most intelligent thing you could do. Don't you know students around here have a way of disappearing ?

"I mean, that's... Kind of why we came here... But there are just rumors, aren't they ?"

Alexis: They're not. Believe me. This is not a place to wander off. It's even forbidden to go in there. You'll be expelled if they catch you here.

"You mean, like that one time you blackmailed us ? We had no intention of going inside to begin with, just to see how much of that rumor was true. Speaking of, if what you said is true, then what are you doing here ?"

Alexis: I have my reasons ! Look, it's just that... One of the kids that disappeared here... Was my brother.

'Her brother... That rose... I think we shouldn't be sticking our noses in this whole thing... It doesn't concern us.'

Syrus: Aniki... I really thought the stories about that place were fake, but now... After what Alexis told us...

"Yeah... We shouldn't be looking too hard, or else, we'll find nothing but trouble... Let's go back-"


"... ... That wasn't me, I swear."

Syrus: That voice... It sounded like Alexis !

"It did... Syrus, clear that doubt for me... When we got here, the door of the abandoned dorm was closed, right ?"

Syrus: Yeah, it was.. Why ?"


Chumley: It's open... More like it's been kicked open, even...

"So um... It would seem, something attacked Alexis... And that something... Went from, or back to the dorm... *Glups*"

Syrus: W- What do we do, aniki ?!

"... ... L- Let's go... We have to look for her... She could be in danger."

"Wow... Honestly, this isn't what I expected... I thought the place would be a bit more in ruins than that. Still better than the slifer red dorm, that's for sure."

Syrus: Aniki, now's not the time for jokes.

"Hey, i'm doing my best to cope with my terror of being here, okay ?"

Chumley: hey, look at that...

Chumley: Did they really play shadow games here... ?

"It seems like they were quite invested... Those look awfully similar to those 'Millenium items' Professor banner told us about once..."

Syrus: T- This is just some superstition, right ?!

"... Always a bit of truth, remember... And speaking of..."

Alexis: Ummm... H- Huh ?! Where am I ?

Titan: Heh heh heh heh... You will be the one baiting your friends into my trap.

Alexis: W- Who's there ?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!

"Now that was Alexis, without a doubt ! She's close by !"

Syrus: That way ! This...

"Stop... Something's wrong here... Look at the ground, something was draged along here... Something really big and heavy... And that..."

Syrus: This is Alexis' card ! Her Etoile Cyber ! Let's go !

"I told you to stop. All of this feels extremely wrong. We didn't see any traces until now, so why now ? It feels like whoever attacked her wants to lead us somewhere..."

Syrus: But... She's still in danger !

"I know... It'd take too long to call for help... Let's proceed cautiously, now..."

"Alexis !"

???: Hah hah hah hah. This soul already sank deep in the shadows.

"Who's there ! Show yourself !"

???: If you insist... I welcome you, Y/n L/n... To your worst nightmare. My name is Titan... the Shadow duelist.

Syrus: A- Aniki...

"So you're a shadow duelist. Even if that was the case, what are you doing here in the first place ?!"

Titan: The only way for you to get these answers, and your friend back, is to beat me in a shadow game.

Chumley: He... he's not looking at me, is he ?

"Stop dodging the question ! Tell why you're here !"

Titan: There is no need to. Because, when you'll get your first taste of it, kid, you'll understand. That forbidden ground where no one is allowed to set foot. I'm here to punish those who break that rule.

"Break that rule... Are you the reason all these students disappeared ?! You sick bastard !"

Titan: Insults won't get you anywhere, I'm afraid. If you truly want to get out of here alive... I'd advise you to beat me in a shadow game.

"Gh. Syrus, Chumley, get back for a bit. That one... He's mine."

Titan: You better not regret this, kid ! The shadows are craving for some fresh preys !

Both: DUEL !!

Titan: The first move is mine. I draw... And I summon Infernaqueen Archfiend, in attack mode !

"Archfiend, huh... Tough one."

Titan: It's more than just "tough". Now that this card's out, I get to pick one archfiend monster per turn, and raise its attack by 1000 points !


"It's a double-edged sword... Each turn you have to pay life points, or they'll get destroyed."

Titan: No, I don't think I will. Not after I play this. I activate the field spell card, Pandemonium !

Titan: For now, I welcome you to the outskirts of hell. Thanks to Pandemonium, I don't have to pay anything to keep my Archfiends on the field, and I can replace them when they are destroyed outside of battle. But now, it's your turn.

"Such kindness won't go unrewarded. Draw !"

Titan: be careful. If the fate of this girl is any distraction to you, then allow me to put her away from your eyes.

Syrus: Alexis ! You coward !

Titan: Say what you want, this is a Shadow game. Now quite pestering me if you don't want to suffer the same fate as her !

"Enough ! Your business is with me, not them ! And I start by summoning Phantom Gryphon, attack mode !"

Syrus: A winged-beast deck !

Titan: 2000 Atk points ?!

"Surprised ? You should be ! Things are about to get messy here ! Gryphon ! Destroy that Archfiend now !!"


Titan: Gh.


"Next I'll just set two cards face-down. i'm done here."

Titan: Then I'll repay your kindness, in nature. My turn ! And I activate Monster Reborn ! Now, I can take back my Infernaqueen from my GY, and summon it ! But it doesn't stop there. I summon Terror King Archfiend in attack mode !

Titan: I can only summon his majesty when another Archfiend monster is on the field. And with infernaqueen archfiend, his attack points are raised by 1000, making him an even more fiendish force to be reckoned with !


"When I talked about messy, that's not what I had in mind..."

Titan: Terror king archfiend ! Attack his Gryphon ! Locust storm barrage !

"I'm not so sure ! Go, Sakuretsu armor !!"

"Now, the attacking monster will be the one destroyed ! Say goodbye to your king !"

Titan: Are you sure about that ? I'd say it's your trap card that's about to disappear. I activate my terror King Archfiend's ability ! I knew you'd try something like that, so let's see what game fate wants to play with you.

"What is that ?"

Titan: Oh, nothing much... For now. When my Terror king is targeted by a card effect, I get to roll a dice. And if the result is a 2 or a 5, not only is the effect negated, but the card is destroyed. So why don't we use this wheel of fortune instead of a dice ?

Chumley: it's good... the odds are in his favor...

Syrus: Chumley, you flunked math.

Chumley: No, I got a 45 !


Titan: A five. Looks like fate favored my Archfiend ! Now your armor is shattered, and your monster is gone ! Terror King Archfiend ! Finish him !

"You really think... I never put any fail-safe in my deck ? My second face-down activates ! Harpie's feather storm !

"With this, all your monsters' effects are negated for this turn, as long as I control a wind-attribute winged beast, that is... Like my gryphon !"

Syrus: But... Why didn't you activate it earlier then..?

"Look, we all make mistakes, okay ?! That's why we're here at this school, to get better !"

Chumley: ... he looks embarrassed.

"S- Shut up !"

Titan: Hmph. You should've played that earlier. My terror king isn't even bothered by that.

"i'm not aiming for your king... But your queen ! Without her effect, your attack drops back down ! Making this battle a tie !"


"So how do you like this, huh ?!"

Titan: A valiant effort, but far from enough ! From my hand I activate the effect of Desrook archfiend ! By sending it to the Graveyard, I can take the Terror King archfiend you just destroyed, and summon it back to the field !

"What ?!"

Titan: And remember, this is still my Battle phase. Terror king Archfiend, attack him directly !! Locust storm barrage !!



Titan: Infernaqueen Archfiend ! Attack !!

"GAH ! Huuh... Huuh... Huuh..."


Titan: Tired already ? The shadows are growing restless.

Syrus: Aniki ! You can still win this !

"Yeah... I know that... 'I just need to figure out how exactly...'..."

Titan: Hm. All your bravado won't save you here. And certainly not from THIS !

Titan: Now the Shadow Games have truly begun ! You'll come to understand that in this duel, you don't pay with your life points. Your body will begin to fade away, as your soul is dragged to the underworld.

Syrus: Aniki !

"W- Wow ?! Who passed the eraser over me ?! Not funny ! Haaaahh !!"

Titan: You will all feel the heavy dark fog engulfing you. can't you feel it's becoming harder to breathe now ?

Chumley: What's this... Smoke...

Titan: It's the pressure of the Shadow game. Your legs are already stuck in place, so none of you will be able to escape this game alive. Convulse... Suffer... But the time when you'll come to wish for the suffering is looming close. Because the only thing awaiting you if you ever loose a shadow game... Is but eternal darkness.

"You think... I'll play into your hands... ? I know a shadow game requires one of the Millenium Items !"

Titan: Then what do you think of this one ? The legendary Millenium Puzzle is what will drive you to the Shadow realm.

"Puzzle... That's... Impossible..."

Chumley: It looks just like the one on the engraving !

Titan: Well, my turn is over. Make it count, as it very well may be the last turn you'll ever have.

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