Chapter 6: BIRD UP

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

'Make it count, make it count... If we go by numbers, things aren't looking good here.'

"But I ain't out just yet ! Draw ! First I activate the spell card, Unexpected Dai !"

"It lets me summon a level 4 or lower monster from my deck if I have none on the field ! And I choose my Faith bird ! Attack mode !"

"But he won't stay there for long. I activate the spell card Polymerization !! To fuse my Faith bird with the skull red bird in my hand, to create Crimson Sunbird !!"

"And to put the icing on top, I summon Sonic bird, in attack mode !"

"Its effect activates, it lets me take a ritual spell from my deck and add it to my hand ! Next, we'll battle !"

Titan: Don't forget my Infernaqueen ! With its effect, my terror king rises to 3000 attack points !

"And that would be your last mistake ! i'm not aiming at the king ! You need to take down the queen first ! Go, Sonic bird !! Sonic screech !"


Titan: GH-


"Worst has yet to come... Now that your queen is no more, your terror king's points go back to what it was before ! Making it a perfect target for my Sunbird ! Go ! Roast him good !"



Syrus: So it works both ways... When he loses life points his own body starts to disappear...

Chumley: yeah, his left leg's not looking too good.

Syrus: left leg ? Don't you mean arm ?

"Look who doesn't have any monsters now !"

Titan: No monsters, Look closer... From my hand, I activate the effect of Desrook Archfiend, bringing back my terror king from the grave once more !

"Again with him... I end my turn."

Titan: Then I'll start with your extermination ! Terror King, attack his Sonic bird ! Locust storm barrage !




"Gh... Hng... Haah..."

Titan: Hm. Your life's hanging by a thread now. And very soon, you shall dive into an abyss of even darker shadows. But for now, I'll just put one card face-down.

"Dammit... Not... Yet... I've got... One last trick..."

Titan: And what might it be ? Please, go ahead and struggle all you want.

"THIS !!"


Chumley: D- Did he just smash his head onto the floor ?! What has gotten into him ?!

Syrus: Aniki ?!

"Phew... Don't shout like that, Syrus, I can hear you all right. Even clearer than before, in fact !"

Syrus: B- But, your forehead... it's bleeding...

"I know, right ? Nothing like a concussion to get the blood flowing... And clearing out your mind. Also, I have to thank you for giving me the solution to that."

Syrus: Heh ? Solution ?

"Earlier, you said you and Chumley were seeing different things, right ? About which parts of us were disappearing. And speaking of, it's his leg, right ? Not his arm."

Syrus: N- No, it's his arm !

"I'm positive, Syrus. Just look closer. it's his leg. Look closer and you'll see it."

Syrus: Closer... Ah ! It just disappeared ! His leg's gone now !

"That's what I thought... Sorry, Titan, was it ? Your little parlor tricks will not work anymore !"

Titan: P- Parlor tricks ?! How dare you ! And how come you still have the energy to fight ?!

"You'll see, but now, it's my turn ! Draw ! And I activate the spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon !!"

"With it, I can destroy any spell or trap card on the field ! And I choose, your Pandemonium !"


Titan: You little... Take a good look at this !

"Yeah, no. I think I'll pass on that. I told you, your hypnosis will not work anymore."

Titan: Hah ?!

Syrus: Hypnosis... ? We were hypnotized ?!

"I think it'd fit better to call it 'Power of suggestion' but that's about it. The only reason we saw these things happen was because we believed they were happening. that's how strong a placebo effect can be. And it's the same when I made you see them the other way around, you believed so hard that what I was saying was true that you saw it happen. Your mind sure like to play tricks on you, don't you think ?"

Chumley: So then, all that talk about Shadow games...

"We came here already believing they were real. Some light shows and smoke machines were all it took to make it 'real'. But it was all as fake as that so-called Millenium item you claim to have !"

Titan: What a load of bullshit ! This is real ! This Shadow game is real !

"Then, surely you can tell us how many of these millenium items there are, and which one's dangling from your pocket, hm ?"

Titan: The number of Millenium items ? O- Of course ! There is... Seven of them. And this one, is the one and only Millenium Puzzle !


Chumley: He's right...

Titan: So ? Is that enough for you ? i'm a real shadow duelist !!

"Yeah, that's enough... You just exposed yourself !!"

Titan: What ?!

"I'm pretty sure you'd be incapable to tell us where you got that item, or even who had it before you, could you ?"

Titan: H- Huuuh...

"Well let me instruct you on the matter ! The Millenium Puzzle was property of none other than Yugi Muto himself ! It was the King of Games' !

Titan: Hah ?!

Syrus: Th- The King of Games ?!

"And moreover, all the Millenium items were sealed years ago, so the chances of yours being genuine are absolutely zilch ! So why don't you drop the act and admit you're faking all of this ?"

Titan: Gh... Since my tricks aren't working anymore, there's no need to continue this duel any further.

"I agree. Besides, just scaring some kids is a clear misuse of your talent."

Titan: T- Talent ?

"Yeah. No kidding, I was genuinely believing I was in a shadow duel all this time. With something like that, you'd make quite the hit if you went pro. Can you imagine ? 'Titan, the Shadow duelist', competing in the pro leagues ? People would pay quite a lot to see something like that."

Titan: You... You really think so...

"I just have a few calls to make, and your next duel will be in a stadium, in front of thousands of fans-"

"H- hey... I know I said your tricks were impressive... But there's no need to go this far now !"

Titan: This... This isn't my doing...


"Hey, I said cut it out already !! WAAAAAAAAAAAHH !!"

Syrus: ANIKI !!

"Okay, what the hell ? Where are we ?!"

Titan: I... I have no idea ! This isn't one of my tricks ! I can't do something like this ! Hah ?!

Titan: G- get away from me !! Aaaaah ! Help me ! Please, help me !!

"Wh- What the hell is going on here ?! What's happening ?!"

Titan?: Haaaaah... Y/n... L/n... Why don't we continue our duel... ? With a real shadow game this time...

"Again with that Shadow Game crap ?! You even admitted yourself you were using tricks !"

Titan?: As soon as a Shadow Game began, running away is not an option...

"Gh... I don't get what's happening here... But if a duel is the solution, then I won't back down now ! It's still my turn ! Crimson sunbird, attack terror king !



"I don't care how much I have to chip away at you, if that's what I need to do to get out of here ! I end my turn."

Titan?: Chip away ? The only thing chipped away here is your soul. I draw. And I activate my face-down ! Call of the Archfiend !

Titan?: Now, if I discard a fiend from my hand...

"Let me guess... Terror king again ?

Titan?: Not quite. True, the Terror King will return... But he will be swiftly replaced ! I sacrifice him to summon Skull Archfiend of Lightning !!

Titan?: Skull Archfiend, attack that bird ! Blast stream of fury !!




"Well... if anyone had doubts, now I'm really on my last leg... can't really get any worse than that..."

Creatures: *Blurch*

"Oh, right. These things... Get off me !"

Titan?: You can't blame them. They're famished, as it's been quite a long time since all these students were taken here. they're craving for a fresh and lively soul.

"Is that so ? Sorry, but i'm not on the menu ! My turn ! And I activate... My Pot of Greed ! And I will not explain in great details what it does ! It-"

"Now that this is clear for everyone, let's continue. I activate the spell card Dark Factory of Mass production ! It lets me take two normal monsters in my GY and add them to my hand !"

"And now... This is the card that will decide this entire duel ! I activate the Ritual spell Shinobird's calling ! All thanks to my Sonic bird for putting it in my hand !"

"Now, by sending back to the GY these 2 level 4 monsters, I get to ritual summon Shinobaron Peacock, in attack mode ! And the best has yet to come !"

Titan?: What ?!

"When Shinobaron Peacock is ritual summoned I can take up to three monsters you control, and send them back to your hand !"

Titan?: Not if My skull archfiend has anything to say about it ! If this roulette lands on a 1, 3 or 6, your card is directly destroyed instead ! Are you really willing to take the chance ?

"This is a dice I'm just dying to roll."

Titan?: Then let's see !

Titan?: T- Two ?!

"Would you look at that. Luck finally switched side, and so did victory ! Now that you're defenseless... Shinobaron Peacock ! Attack him directly and end this ! NOW !!



"Phew... That one felt way too close... Are you okay ?"

"T- Titan ?!"

Titan: Wh- What's happening ?! Are you telling me Shadow Games are real ?! I- Impossible ! Please... tell my kids... I love them... !

"GH... This..."




Syrus: A- Aniki ! Are you okay ?!

"I... I'm... Where... What happened ?!"

Syrus: well... I didn't really understand either, but... You two got trapped in that weird ball thing and... It started shrinking at some point, and when it disappeared, you were unconscious on the floor screaming your lungs out...

"What... That guy... Alexis... Gh..."

Chumley: Are you talking about that Shadow Duelist ? There was no sign of him...

Syrus: As for Alexis, she's over there. She seems okay, but she somehow fell asleep... What happened in there ?

"What happened... ..."

Titan: Get away from me ! Help me ! Please help me !

Titan: Please tell my kids, I love them !!


"URG- !!"

Syrus: A- Aniki ?! Are you... Are you okay... ?

"Gah... Is... Is the sight of a guy throwing up his entire dinner the definition of 'Okay' to you, Syrus... Wake up Alexis, I don't care how, and let's get the fuck out of here... I never want to talk or even hear about this place ever again..."

Syrus: O- Okay...

Crowler: Fufufufu... That Y/n drop-out must be in pieces right now... Come out shadow duelist, I want to hear every last detail ! Every shuddering of his jaw... Hm ?

Crowler: "Receipt for Mr. Vegan Crowler"... well, if I keep this with me, I suppose I won't have to pay him... Arrabiato...

Alexis: Hm... Hngn... Huh ?

Syrus: Ah, Alexis ! You're finally awake ! What a relief !

Alexis: W- What... ? Why are you all here ?

Syrus: We're sorry you had to live something like that, but don't worry. The one who attacked you ran away.

Alexis: ran... Away... ? So, it's you...

Syrus: To be honest Aniki's the one who really did all the work. But really, I wonder where that guy went...

"It's not real... Shadow games are not real... I did not see a man get devoured in front of me... I did not escape deadly shadow creatures by the skin of my teeth... None of that is real... None of that, nothing... No..."

Chumley: he's been like that for some time, I'm starting to get worried...

Syrus: Aniki, Alexis' awake now !

"Not real... Nothing... No... Huh ? A- Alexis ! Thank god... What happened to you anyway ?"

Alexis: What happened... ? Are you for real ?

Syrus: You're the one who saved her ! Don't you remember dueling that Shadow duelist ?

"Duel... ? I had a duel ? Really ? Well, nevermind that, We found this on the way. I think it's yours or something."

Alexis: It's... My brother ! There's no mistake, that's him !

"I mean, after all these rumors about students disappearing, I thought a little help would be welcome."

Chumley: A little help ? You dueled the reason they went missing !

"Heh... ? I did ? Sorry, things are a little foggy... I remember going in this building, and then... I remember getting out. I think that's it. We saw the murals, then found this picture... Huuuh... Where was Alexis again ?"

Syrus: What is that ?!

Alexis: ... Dissociative amnesia...

Syrus: What ?

Alexis: I've heard of such a condition... After an extremely traumatizing experience, one would completely block and shut off all memories regarding that event...

Chumley: Was it that terrible ?

"I... Don't know... ?"

Alexis: 'To think he did all that... For me...'

"... Oh ? Oh crap, the sun's getting up ! We should really get going before they realize we weren't in bed tonight !"

Syrus: R- Right ! Bye, Alexis !

Chumley: Do we really have to run ?

"Also, if anyone asks, we were never there, okay ?"

Alexis: 'But you were, and you saved me... Thank you, Y/n...' 

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