Chapter 10: Water, fire, air and dirt

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Bastion: It's quite the situation they finds themselves in... Both sides have a seemingly-impenetrable defense, but if things get dragged on like this, they'll be able to wear down the Paradox brothers... Let's just hope they can't take out his trap... or else, they'll be knacked.

Alexis: Now you're talking words I don't even understand, Bastion. Can't you have some more faith in them ? i'm sure they have a plan.

Bastion: I'm certain Y/n has one, at least. It's Syrus i'm worried about. So far, he's walked into every trap, spell and attack the Paradox brothers have played...

Alexis: Come on, please...

Chazz: Hehehehehehe... 'Finally, these drop-outs are will get the beat-down they deserve ! I can't wait 'till they lose and are kicked out of duel Academy ! Especially Y/n... !'

Blue: Hm, Chazz... ? Are you... Alright ?

Chazz: 'That slime... Thinking he can just beat me and leave it at that ?! No way ! My destiny is to be the next King of Games, no way a lucky drop-out like him can just walk all over me !'

"Well, I believe it's my turn, is it not ? I draw ! And I activate sentry soldier's effect, bringing it back from the graveyard, in attack mode ! Next I activate Magic hole golem's effect to attack you directly !"

Dox: GH- !


"Of course it's only half the damage, but given what you two have on the field, I'd say it's a fair price. That's it for now."

Para: Hmph. That Ra Yellow seems pretty confident.

Dox: He believes that in his defense, we can't make a dent.

"You know, I think you'd be much more appreciated if you didn't try to bring down your opponents, especially with rhymes."

Para: Forget about our rhyming.

Dox: Just focus more on your cards play.

Para: For the partner you have.

Both: Slowing you down, that's all he may.

Syrus: ... ...

"Hey, don't let that go to your head. I still need you for what's about to come."

Syrus: But they're right... Besides, don't you already have this in the bag, Aniki ?

"It's a fragile strategy, and it won't be long before they find a way around it. So on the meantime... I need you to take down that Gate Guardian !"

Syrus: What ?!

Para: You must be a fool. When Gate Guardian's in play, he never tires. Soon your situation will just get dire.

Dox: And though I hate to feed the fire, the defense wall we played, you have yet to retire. But it is my turn, so... I'll just place a face-down, no more, no less. Brother, you do the rest.

Para: Excellent decision, I think it's for the best. For I'm pretty sure in the next turn, I'll turn things around in this contest.

Syrus: ... Aniki... You heard that, right ? If they really have something to turn the tables... Maybe if I give up now, they'll let you have a rematch...

"Why would you give up, when we're this close to victory?"

Syrus: Huh ?

"I made this impenetrable wall, it's all so you could be the spear to take them both down. Remember, we've attuned our decks for this very moment."

Syrus: You sure... ?

"Sometimes, all it takes is one card to turn the whole thing around. So plant your feet, grit your teeth, and draw that card. Taking out that Gate Guardian, that's all up to you."

Syrus: Hmmm... All right ! Here goes ! I draw ! A- Aniki !

"See ? I knew I could leave that matter to you. But now..."

Syrus: Yes ! It's time for gate Guardian to get some rest ! I summon Drillroid, in attack mode !

Syrus: And guess what ! When Drillroid fights a monster in defense mode, that monster is automatically destroyed ! So open wide ! Drillroid ! Destroy that Defense wall !!

Dox: Defense Wall ?!



Para: A nice try. But not nice enough.

Dox: Gate Guardian stands, despite your best stuff.

"Because you think that was it ? How adorable. Syrus, show them the end of this farce."

Syrus: With pleasure, and a bit of sass. I activate the spell card Fissure !

Syrus: It destroys the monster you control with the lowest attack ! And since you only have one, well... the choice is easy ! Gate Guardian !


Para: Hah ! Gate Guardian is cooked !

Dox: I can hardly look !

"What did I tell you, Syrus ? You're the keystone to our victory."

Crowd: *Cheering*

Crowler: Noo ! This is supposed to be punishment ! And the crowd's treating them like heroes ! Chancellor Sheppard, tell me you're watching this !

Sheppard: Yes, well done, Crowler ! This match you've set up is promoting teamwork and dueling fortitude ! Fine job !

Bastion: Did you see this ? Please tell me you saw this.

Alexis: i'm sitting right next to you, where else could I look ? But what amaze me even more, is the teamwork they used right now. That's what will take them to victory.

Bastion: let's just hope they can keep it up...

Syrus: Now... I place one card face-down and end my turn. Thanks for the pep-talk, Aniki...

"Hey, you did all the work."

Para: Mind if we join on all the praise, you two ?

Dox: Because, for destroying Gate Guardian, we should really... Thank you.

"What ?"

Para: they say, what doesn't destroy you makes you stronger. And that's true ! After all, we haven't been destroyed, and we're about to become more powerful than ever ! Dark Element !

Para: This spell card can activates whenever Gate Guardian is in the graveyard ! Now, by paying half our life points, we can summon a monster that can't be beat in battle !


Both: Dark Guardian !!

Bastion: Invincible in battle and has those attack points ?!

Syrus: Okay, this is bad...

Para: Not has bad as it's about to ! For that strategy of yours, i'm about to run through ! I activate the spell card, Remove trap !

Para: It destroys any face-up traps on the field ! And these falling rocks have made me quite riled !


Para: And speaking of... that magic hole golem has made a fool of us for the last time ! Dark guardian, send it to the graveyard and their moral you will undermine ! Axe Slash bash !!



Para: You though chipping at our life points was fun ?

Dox: we'll chip away your defense, until it becomes numb !

Crowler: Fufufufufufu ! 'here it comes, the moment I've been waiting for ! The moment these two lose and get expelled ! i'm a genius, a pure genius ! First I lure them deep inside the abandoned dorm, then I arrange this tag-duel punishment, then I hire the world's best tag duelist to ensure they lose and get expelled !' Haaahahahaha !

Sheppard: So, Crowler. Enjoying the boys' punishment a little too much, are we ?

Crowler: Oh, my, no, you misinterpreted. i'm just laughing because i'm happy that the duel's nearly done. After all, our poor students look oh so weary. i'm thrilled their suffering is nearly throuh.

Sheppard: Doesn't look like they're suffering so much to me. If anything, it looks like Y/n just found his second wind.

Crowler: Hah ?!

Syrus: man... Just when I step-up my game, they step-up theirs even more...

"Don't you dare let that throw you down, Syrus. This match is all but close to be over."

Para: I must say, I didn't expect it to go that far.

Dox: I never quite thought they'd be so hard.

Para: I know. We bombard, and bombard. Oh well, at least our precious Dark guardian...

Dox: has kept up his guard.

Para: Quite right brother, he won't be blasted to shards.

Dox: he'll finish them off next turn, and this duel will be ours !

"Can it you two, it's my turn ! And I activates Doki Doki's special ability ! So by discarding a level 4 rock monster from my hand, I can summon another one from my deck ! And I choose... Beta, the Magnet Warrior !

"I'll also put the sentry soldier in defense mode, and finally activate my field spell ! Catapult zone !"

"You thought I was done with the stalling ? Well think again ! This is a battlefield, and you shouldn't be playing with heavy artillery ! Now when you threaten to destroy one of our monsters, I can send a rock-type one from my deck to the graveyard, and keep it safe !"

Para: Again with that ? You never know when to quit !

Dox: We'll throw you to hell, in the darkest pit ! My turn ! And I activate the trap card One-on-One Fight ! Though I'm sure you'd prefer to run and hide, this card forces both our strongest monsters to battle !

Dox: So I hope that your magnet whatever is up for this match !


"Gh- I activate Catapult Zone's effect ! So by sending a monster from my deck to the GY, beta stays in place and unharmed !"

Dox: So you saved your monster ! But it doesn't mean you saved your life points !


Dox: That's all for me.

Para: And next turn I give you my guarantee.

Dox: This duel will be ours, just wait and see.

"... Don't you worry Syrus. All we need is already in play. All we have to do now is put the last piece in the right place."

Syrus: I know... My turn, I draw ! ... I'll put Drillroid in defense mode... That's it.

Para: You call that a turn ? Watch and learn ! Dark Guardian, attack ! Destroy Drillroid with Axe Slash Bash !


Syrus: Gaaah !!

Para: We'll scrape away your monsters, brick by brick if we must !

Dox: But we won't stop, until you finally bite the dust !

"Syrus, you okay ?!"

Syrus: Yes... Don't worry about me, make them regret !

"Don't have to say it twice, my turn ! And I activate... Dark Factory of mass production !"

"It lets me add two normal monsters from my GY to my hand ! And now... You two kept spouting about our teamwork falling... Well, watch the best teamwork there is ! From my field and hand, I tribute Alpha the magnet warrior, Beta the magnet warrior, and Gamma the magnet warrior, to summon the most powerful monster of my deck !"

Para: What ?!


"I know it's lacking a bit in attack, but in defense... It's a wall your dark guardian can't surpass !"

Dox: We'll see about that ! I draw... And there's nothing more I can do. Brother, I leave the rest up to you.

"You won't get a chance. Syrus, do it !"

Syrus: All right ! My turn ! First, I'll sacrifice Cycroid in order to summon UFOroid !

Syrus: next, I activate my face-down, DNA surgery !

Syrus: It lets me choose a type of monster, and as long as this card stays on the field, all monsters become that type ! And I choose... Warrior !!

Dox: But what for ? Our Dark Guardian is already a warrior !

Para: Are you insane ? Or are you trying to slam the door ?

"Oh, it's not for your guardian..."

Syrus: Now watch, as we make him go down the drain ! I activate the spell card, Power Bond !! Aniki, you don't mind me borrowing your ace ?

"As long as you use it to put them back in their place."

Syrus: Then I fuse UFOroid with Valkyrion, in order to create... UFOroid fighter !!

Bastion: So that's why he used DNA surgery... UFOroid fighter can only be fusion summoned with a warrior-type monster... So by changing Valkyrion into one...

Syrus: And it gets better ! His attack points are the sum of both his materials' original attack points ! In short...


"You guys are toasted, beyond all comprehension."

Para: It matters not, so stop your ceaseless prattle !

Dox: You know Dark Guardian can't be destroyed in battle !

Syrus: That's true. But that's also going without Power bond's effect ! It doubles the attack points of the fusion monster it summoned !


Paradox: For a total of over 9000 ?!

"Sure, you monster will not be destroyed... But what about your life points ?"

Syrus: Let's go ! UFO-roid fighter, attack ! Cosmic flux blast !!



Chumley: Haha ! Way to go !!

Bastion: Well well, they won ! I'm getting more impressed every day.

Alexis: i'm just happy that Y/n gets to stay here.

Bastion: Him and Syrus, right ?

Alexis: well, yes, Syrus too. I just said that because... Moving on...

Crowler: I- It can't be ! How did they win ?! that's not fair...

Banner: Why ? But because of your superb teaching of course.

Pharaoh: Meow. 'This taste... is the taste of someone who doesn't like cats ! Praah !'

Crowler: THAT FURBALL JUST LICKED ME !! Does he have rabies ?! Show me its papers !

"... Somehow, I feel like I just did Crowler dirty, and that's just the cherry on top."

Syrus: *Snirf* I'm not gonna cry... the new Syrus doesn't cry...

"Just let it out. After all, some things never change around these parts.

Sheppard: like he fact you two are students here at Duel Academy. You're here to stay !

"Hehe. Well, if anything. I can see how you two posed that much of a threat even to the king of games. It feels like everyone here learned from that duel."

Sheppard: Wouldn't you like to put that statement into a paper ? I'd like a five-page report, to read all about what you learned from dueling the brothers, and how it helped you realize that trespassing into the abandoned dorm was wrong.

"Uhhhhh... 'Feeling dizzy all of a sudden here'..."

Banner: I'll make sure they get it done, Chancellor.

Syrus: 'Big brother... I hope I impressed you today... that I showed that I could be a real duelist if I wanted.'

"Five pages, huh... Do the brothers' lines have to be rhyming, too ? How can I even write about something I don't remember to begin with ?! Well, more importantly... I need to sleep right now."

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