Chapter 9: Paradox-al

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Crowler: 'Just look at them ! Pathetic Slifers littering the campus like vermin ! Why is Duel Academy, who's only supposed to teach the best of the best, accepting these drop-outs ?! And this drop-out...' He's made a fool of me FOR LONG ENOUGH !!

Crowler: .... Fufufufu... But finally, the time has come. Get ready, you miserable drop-out.

Chazz: Dr.Crowler.

Crowler: Huh ? What do you want, signore Princeton ?

Chazz: Let me go against Y/n and his teammate during the tag-team duel.

Crowler: You ?

Chazz: This time, I want to dispose of him personally.

Crowler: This will not be necessary ! I already invited the world's best duelists, specialized in tag-team duels ! Moreover, all of this doesn't concern you. You should worry about yourself, because if you keep falling behind like that, you'll end up retrograded as a Ra Yellow.

Chazz: Hah ?! Gh...

Chumley: ... So, it's finally today... ?

"Yep. I must say, I've been looking forward to it. Haven't you ?"

Syrus: Yeah...

Chumley: But they said you'd be expelled if you were to lose... Will you really be able to appreciate that duel ?

"Chumley, high stakes doesn't make it any less of a great duel. In fact, it's often the opposite. All of the greatest duels always had high stakes for the parties involved."

Chumley: Maybe that's where your strength come from...

Syrus: ...' This time, I will do it. Like a real duelist, like my big brother's little brother, and...'

"And how many times do I need to tell you I don't want any other partner ?!"

Syrus: 'For my Aniki who called me his "Partner", I'll make an honorable duel !' Aniki, we'll win, right ?!

"... Now that's definitely the spirit that will make us win. You went quite the long way with that."

Chumley: I'll be cheering on you from the side. I believe in you, you'll come back.

"That's a promise then."

Syrus: We're going !

Announcer: The tag-duel will begin in just a few moments. And remember, these aren't test conditions, this is a sudden-expulsion match !

Crowd: *Chatter*

Bastion: ... The time has finally come.

Alexis: The tag-team duel... Y/n said he's never done one before...

Bastion: You're... Alexis Rhodes, of Obelisk Blue, right ?

Alexis: It seems you're one of their acquaintances as well. All of this... It's my fault if it's happening... And I should've been the one dueling with Y/n, not Syrus... But even so, I'm not worried.

"Well... call me blood, 'cause I'm really getting pumped right now."

Syrus: We're really gonna duel while this crowd watches... ?

"Hey, don't start getting stage fright now, Syrus. Just focus on the cards in your hands, and what's happening on the field."

Chazz: KH ! Y/n... I wanted to destroy him with my own hands...

"... Even Chumley made it in time, it'd seem."

Syrus: 'And not only him...'

Zane: 'Syrus... Show me with this duel that you deserve to be called a duelist.'

Syrus: 'Big brother... Watch carefully,'

Crowler: With this, the Tag-team duel will finally begin !

Sheppard: So, will they have to face a teacher, or an Obelisk blue student ? Don't tell me you're gonna make it personal matter once again ?

Crowler: N- No... We're doing this duel to see if we need to punish them for violating the school's rules. And their opponents... Are up to this task.

Sheppard: Hm- Hm, very well.

Crowler: And in order to punish you two... Hmhm, parmesan cheese... I invited two legendary duelists !!

"What ?! These are..."

Crowler: Let me introduce you to our guest team duel ! The Paradox Brothers !!

Para (Orange): Salutations, you fools.

Dox (Green): Hope you're ready to duel.

"... Oh, these guys..."

Syrus: I've never heard of them... Maybe this tag-team-duel won't be so hard...

Crowler: Perhaps. After all, they haven't dueled in ages, and their last opponent was a child. I believe he went by the name of... Yugi something ?

Syrus: The King of Games ?!

"Wait, they haven't dueled since that ? Since Pegasus organized the duelist Kingdom tournament ? Where did you find these guys, Duel Retirement Home ? I mean, I understand them... Getting clapped by Joey Wheeler must be bad for your ego..."

Para: It's bad enough that you had to remind us of that past...

Dox: I really want to stick my foot up your ass.

Alexis: I've heard of them... The two of them used their perfect combinations to give trouble to even the King of Games...

Bastion: They have no chance against opponents of that caliber...

Chazz: Hehehe... That's good... You will suffer a soul-crushing defeat in front of everyone here, Y/n...

Para: Enough with the pleasantries.

Dox: And now on with the duel.

Para: We didn't come here to talk.

Dox: We came... To destroy you !

Crowler: Ufufufu... You're scared... Your really scared...

Sheppard: Crowler. Don't you think this is a bit much ?

Crowler: But, headmaster, these are opponents of their caliber ! Plus, they are bad examples for the other students.

Sheppard: Interesting. I'll let that in your hands then. Not to mention, he seems rather into it.

"... God, these guys make painful memories resurface... But hey, if Wheeler could beat them, I don't see why we couldn't."

Para: We haven't met before, have we ?

Dox: But if you keep bringing that up, we will not be friendly.

Crowler: Mh... Well, whatever... Both teams, get ready on your sides of the field !

"... Remember to breathe, Syrus. And also that I'm really relying on you for that one."

Syrus: Hehe...

Crowler: So, you are not allowed to share any advice with your partner. But also, your partner's field is yours as well. Understood ? Each team will be sharing 8000 Life points ! With that...

All: DUEL !!


Syrus: It's my turn ! Draw ! I summon Gyroid, in attack mode !

Para: You must be joking ! I'm surprised this thing even has an attack mode ! This, on the other hand... Jirai Gumo !

"Gh- Spider ! M- My turn. I summon Doki Doki, in defense mode !"

"I know it looks weak, but just wait ! With it I can send a rock monster from my hand to the GY, and directly summon another rock from my deck with the same level ! So by sending a level 3 away... I can bring out Magic Hole Golem, in defense mode !"

"And that's not all. The monster I sent away was my Sentry soldier of stone. And since I only have rock monsters on my field, that means I can directly bring him back ! Defense mode, you too !"

"I also set a face-down, and that's it for now."

Dox: The best defense you fool, is a strong offense ! Kaiser Seahorse, attack mode !

Syrus: 'No one can attack during the first turn... This battle will start at the next turn !'

Dox: I now play a spell card from my hand. Tribute Doll !

Dox: To activate it, I must sacrifice a monster from our side of the field, good thing my brother is so generous with his. Farewell, Jirai Gumo !


Dox: Now, I am allowed to bring out a level 7 monster this turn ! And I choose to summon, Kazejin !!

'... Yup, they're going for it alright... Now it's just about bringing out enough defense to hold on...'

Bastion: He used his partner's monster to summon another one even more powerful...

Alexis: Such a combination on the first turn... Very impressive.

Para: Do you actually think you know anything of this game ?

Dox: You're losers, you're jokes, in other words you're lame.

Para: And if they think this is starting to get grueling

Dox: Wait 'till I draw and give them a true schooling ! I play Dark Designator !

Dox: This powerful spell card allow me to call out any monster that I can think of. And if it's anywhere in my brother's deck, it's added immediately to his hand. Now, let me see here... Sanga of the Thunder !

Para: Hahaha, what do you know... It's right here, ready to tear them asunder.

"... And here comes the second piece already... But don't expect us to hide and cower !"

Para: Hm. The duel just started.

Dox: And yet it is almost done !

Both: For your demise, has already begun !

Syrus: I- Impossible... To think he'd summon such a powerful monster on his first turn, so easily... Aniki ?

"Don't let it get to your head. Remember we specifically attuned our decks for that kind of situation. We're here to win this."

Syrus: Y- Yeah ! That's right ! 'Aniki put his trust in me for this duel. And also... I'll show my big brother what I am capable of now !' It's my turn ! I draw ! And I summon Steamroid, in attack mode ! Next, I activate the spell card Polymerization from my hand, fusing Steamroid and Gyroid to form... Steam Gyroid !

Syrus: There's something I didn't forget ! When you sacrificed Jirai Gumo, you let your brother's side of the field completely defenseless !

"Uh, Syrus, i'm not sure that's..."

Syrus: Go, Steam Gyroid ! Attack him directly !

Para: An attack ?!

Syrus: Got that right !

Para: Hn. If you please, brother.

Dox: It'd be my pleasure indeed, brother ! Kazejin ! Defend with Squall Barricade !

Dox: Our monster's special ability, do you like ?

Para: It reduces your damage to 0, without even a fight !

"Heh... Sorry, but I think you're in for quite a fright ! I activate my face-down ! Magnet Force !"

Para: A trap ?!

"Thanks to that, all rock and machine monsters become immune to other monsters' effects ! So I think your little barricade just went down the drain !

Para: Ah ?! GAAAAAH !!


"First blood ! Syrus, it's good to go when you see an opening, but please pay attention to the entire field. You almost goofed."

Crowler: Gh... Do these two really think they can win against the Paradox brothers ?!

Syrus: Alright then. I place one card face-down and end my turn.

Dox: Brother ! Gnn... For what you just did, you will pay the price !

Para: Gh... Games have ended, this is not cat and mice ! I draw ! And I play Monster Reborn ! Bringing back the frightful Jirai Gumo ! I then activate a spell card, Tribute Doll !

Syrus; Heh, again ?!

Para: Yes again, and again ! I will use it to sacrifice Jirai, so that I can summon yet another level 7 monster ! Suijin !!

Para: And I am not done yet ! Mind if I borrow a monster, brother ?

Dox: Please, that's why it's there.

Para: I sacrifice Kaiser Seahorse !

Dox: And in case you didn't know, when you are summoning a light-attribute monster, Kaiser Seahorse's sacrifice counts as two instead of one. Which mean we can now bring out Sanga of the Thunder !!

bastion: What a combo...

Alexis: No, that's not all...

"... ... Kazejin... Suijin... Sanga of the thunder... When all three pieces are here, what follows gets even more dire..."

Para: You couldn't have said it better ! Now it's time for them to come together ! Prepare yourselves ! I sacrifice Suijin, Kazejin, and Sanga of the Thunder, so that I can now summon the ultimate monster ! Gate Guardian !!

Syrus: Gate... Guardian... ?! He's huge !

Para: Just wait until you see his attack ! Go !Destroy Steam Gyroid ! Tidal surge attack !!




Bastion: Their decks were specifically made for tag-team duels... That was to be expected.

Alexis: And since they're brothers, they are completely in sync with each other.

Para: I know, it hurts.

Dox: And the bad news is, it only gets worse.

Syrus: ... Steam Gyroid was destroyed, just like that...

Crowler: Fufufufufu. 'That's good, that's very good. The rule for tag-team duels is to concentrate your attacks on the weakest link. That Y/n is rather tough, but poor little Syrus would be the weakest link in a plate of sausages !'

Syrus: ... 'I knew all I would do is just drag Aniki down...'

"Well, isn't that quite the powerhouse staring us down... making me want to see it crumble."

Para: We'll see about that. I place one face-down and end my turn.

"Then it's mine ! I draw ! And first, I'll sacrifice my sentinel soldier of stone to summon Millenium Golem to the field !"

"Next I'll activate the effect of magic hole golem ! With it, I can cut the attack points of one of my monsters in half. But in exchange, that monster can attack you directly ! So i'll cut down Millenium golem..."


"But you'll get toasted !"

Para: Our life points !

"Go Millenium Golem! Direct attack !"



"And finally, let's not forget about My sentry. I only have rock monsters, so I can bring him back from the grave !"

Dox: Grrr... A lucky move.

"hey, luck's part of this, don't ya know ? I end my turn with a face-down."

Syrus: 'Aniki... You're incredible. So I must... I must...'

Dox: It's my draw now. And i'm activating the equip spell Fairy Meteor crush ! And i'm equipping it to gate Guardian !

Dox: Now when the guardian attacks a monster in defense mode, the difference between his attack points, and your monster's defense points are dealt, straight to your life points !

Syrus: I won't let you do that ! I will be useful to Aniki ! I activate my face-down ! Mystical Space Typhoon ! It destroys one spell or trap card, so i'm gonna use it on your Fairy Meteor crush !

Para: Right into my trap ! I activate judgement of Anubis !

Para: Foolish boy. This lets me stop your spell, simply by discarding one card. Your typhoon has just been downgraded to a cool summer breeze; Observe. But wait, that's not all it does ! Anubis also destroys one of your creatures !

Dox: And then its attack points are dealt back to you ! Pretty cool special feature.


"GUH- !!"


Dox: I know it feels like we have your backs to the wall. But in fact the wall's right in front of you ! I play Defense wall to end my turn !

Dox: It's called Defense wall ! And as long as its on the field in defense mode, all the monsters you have can only attack him !

Bastion: Gate Guardian on the offense, and Defense wall on the defense... Their strategy has no weak points...

Alexis: It's clear they know everything about tag-team duels... In comparison...

Dox: It's your turn, what are you waiting for ?

Syrus: M- My turn... I draw... And I summon Cycroid in defense mode... That's all... 'I'm sorry Aniki, I'm only causing you problems...'

Para: You summon a bike ?! Well it is for a major flat ! Gate Guardian, Tidal surge attack !!

"Not so fast ! I'll let you taste this brand new face-down of mine ! Falling Rocks !

"So I'll send my Sentry soldier of stone to the GY, and negate your attack ! Better luck next time I guess."

Bastion: Very clever. Even if he sends away his soldier, he can just brings him back next turn.

Alexis: And with the effect of Magic hole golem, he can keep dealing damage to the opponents by attacking directly. That's... An infinite burn combo !

Para: You little... Now you are making us mad !

Dox: You want to play ? Well, things will only get bad !

"Really ? Man, I sure am glad ! But now it's my turn, and soon you two will be sad !"

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