Chapter 8: OTK

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"I mean... I did say that, but... How am I supposed to do that... ? The first step would be to challenge him... Dammit, I'm so used to being the one challenged to a duel, I've never actually stopped to understand how you challenge someone !"

"Maybe... I could just ask directly..."

"Hey, I'm looking for-"

Blue: What's a Yellow dropout like you doing here, huh ?! Get lost, loser !

"Huuuh... I just wanted to ask-"

Blue: He's still here ! Get him ! We'll teach you what trespassing on Blue turf gets you !


"... ... Proooobably a bad idea... No choice then... It's paperwork time..."

Alexis: Syrus has a real big brother, and he's here at the academy. Third year in Obelisk Blue, Zane Truesdale. he's been nicknamed the "Kaiser" the Emperor of Duel Academy...

"... If Syrus doesn't get at least a bit more self-confident before our tag-duel... Telling him he's 'Not good enough' to use a card, what bullshit this is... I'll show him..."

Crowler: Hmm ? Muttering to yourself, dropout ? And that's... A duel request form ? Planning a duel, are we ? And against... Huh ?! Gorgonzola !!

"I don't know who this Gorgonzola is, but could you give it back, Dr.Crowler ?"

Crowler: That will not be necessary ! After all, it's a thousand years too soon for you to challenge someone of Zane Truesdale's caliber !

"I challenged your caliber before even I got here, give that back."

Crowler: oh, is that so, huh ?

"... Fine, if you want to play it like that."

Crowler: W- What are you doing ?!

"Filling up another form. I have a pile of these, all of the day free with nothing better to do, and a very stubborn mind. I'll duel Zane, whether you like it or not."

Crowler: GHHHHHHH !!

Zane: You don't deserve to use this card yet. Until you're strong enough to be called a "Duelist", you're forbidden from using this card !

Syrus: ... That's right... I'm not ready to be aniki's partner... ! If I go with him in that tag-duel, then...

Opponent: My voice give me the power to take control of your monster, and attack your partner directly !


Syrus: A- Aniki !! It's all my fault...

"Syrus... How could you..."

Zane: I'll tell you how and why. Because he doesn't belong here.

Syrus: Big brother !

Syrus: That's horrible !

Chumley: Hmmm... I can't take this card after all... Hoh ?

"Hrmgrmblllgrnnllmbl... I can't believe he sat there for two hours straight just to tear down every single form I filled... And that bullshit about them having to be sent three weeks in advance... Well, if that doesn't work, I can always resort to the direct- HAAAAA !! Card rain !!"

Chimley: H- Haaaaaah !!

"... Koala... ? Nah, it's just Chumley. What're you doing all the way out here ? And this... Don't tell me you're finally taking duel more seriously now ?"

Chumley: N- Not really, this is just... Fortune-telling, you could say... But I'll return the question, what are you doing out here ?

"Bah, just needed somewhere empty to unwind a bit. And speaking of empty, any idea where Syrus could be ? I still need to refill his sense of self-esteem."

Chumley: And how do you plan to do that ?

"By dethroning the Kaiser !!"

Chumley: WHAT ?! The Kaiser ?!

Chumley: i'm serious, let go of that... It's not gonna end well...

"Yeah, for him. Listen, it's either I do that, or the tag duel basically becomes a two-on-one, I don't have much of a choice here. That kaiser title will be mine. You said Syrus was just sulking in bed, right ?"

Chumley: Y- Yeah...

"Fine. I'll drag him out by the neck if I have to. Hear that Syrus ?! I swear, if you keep staying in bell all day like that without going to class, you'll turn into Chumley !"

Chumley: H- Hey !

"Alright, get out of... here... ? That's not... This is a fluffed pillow ! Where is Syrus ?! How could I fall for such trickery ?! Curse you, Syrus !"

Chumley: Look, he left a note !

"What does it say ?!"

*I, Syrus Truesdale, am leaving Duel Academy. Don't try to stop me, Aniki. Life is nothing more than a big goodbye*

"He's trying... To run away ?!"

Chumley: ... What do we do now ?

"Are you doing this on purpose ? What do you think is gonna happen now ?! If Syrus thinks i'm just gonna let him go like that, he's sorely mistaken ! Let's go !"

Chumley: What, now ?! But it'll be dinner soon...

"Syrus !! Where are you ?! Show yourself !!"

Chumley: Haa... Haa... Why are we even running around like that ? If he's gonna leave the island, he should be at the docks or something... You don't think he'd be stupid enough to just try and make a raft...

"... ... ... SYRUUUUUUUUUUS !!"

Syrus: ... So long, Duel Academy... This is my only option now...

Zane: ... ... ... Hm ? Alexis. You found anything new ?

Alexis: No... It's the same thing, day after day... And no traces of my brother...

Zane: Be patient. i'm sure one day...

Alexis: I know. That reminds me, I saw your little brother duel the other day.

Zane: So ?

Alexis: I won't make any comments, but now Y/n is hell-bent on dethroning you.

Zane: Y/n... Ah, the one at the entrance exam, right ?

Alexis: Will you accept his challenge ?

Zane: ... ... ... Huh ?

Syrus: A- Aniki !!

Alexis: That's...

Zane: Syrus !

"Gh... I knew I'd find you somewhere around here ! Now put down that oar ! You're coming back with me !!"

Syrus: L- Let go, Aniki ! You don't understand, it's the only way ! I have to leave !

"Hey, stop struggling already ! If you keep this up, we'll both-"


"... And I just washed that uniform..."

Syrus: ARGLUBLUBLUB ! Aniki !! I can't swim !!

"And you were trying to rally the continent on a raft... Syrus, you can stand here... We're in the shallows."

Syrus: GLUBGLUB... Glub ? Ah...

Chumley: Syrus ! Y/n ! Are you guys okay ?!

"Yeah, yeah... What has gotten into you, Syrus ?! Trying to leave the island like that !!"

Syrus: ... Leave me alone, Aniki. You don't have to worry about me... Just find yourself another partner and you won't be expelled...

"And how many times do I need to tell you I don't want any other partner ?!"

Syrus: But you don't stand a chance with me !

Zane: You are pathetic, Syrus.

Syrus: H- Hah ?! Big brother ?! I...

"... ... So that's him... The renowned kaiser..."

Zane: You're trying to run away ? ... Then, that's fine... It's about time anyway.

Syrus: Uuuuuh... *Snif*

"... Okay, time's up ! What kind of big brother are you right here ?! He's telling you he's gotten desperate enough to quit, and all you have to say is 'Go, no one will regret you' ?!"

Zane: None can do anything about this, I guess. That's how things are.


Chumley: H- hey, calm down !

"Let go !! I'll show him what a real big brother is about !! Duel me now you piece of mgmmmm !!"

Syrus: A- Aniki ?!

Zane: ... Duel a first year... ? Very well. It's been a while since I've been slumming.

"Great ! Now you better watch all of this very carefully, Syrus. 'And realize what I've been telling this whole time, while you're at it'..."

Both: DUEL !!


Syrus: What should I do ?! To think all of this is happening because of me... Aniki can try everything, but to win against my big brother...

"My, I've been wanting to dethrone you before you graduated, but to think the occasion would be so soon. You won't mind if I go first, would you ?"

Zane: Not at all.

"Then I'll help myself ! Draw ! And I'll start off slow, by setting a monster face-down... and another face-down. Your move."

Syrus: Huh ? He's playing way more defensive than usual...

Zane: That's all, huh ? Okay. I draw. And I summon Cyber Dragon, in attack mode !

Syrus: Huh ? Hey, you can't do that ! It's a level 5 monster !

"Syrus, just pay attention, okay ? I kinda start to see why he's at the top."

Syrus: What ?

Alexis: You can special summon Cyber dragon without a sacrifice if your opponent has a monster but you don't.

Zane: I then activate the spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon ! Destroying your face-down !

"As it go, might as well try it. I activate my face-down ! Dust Tornado !"

"And I'll use its effect to destroy your Typhoon !"

Zane: What's the point ? It won't negate its effect.

"I know. But thanks to Dust Tornado's effect, I can put down another face down from my hand."

Zane: Hm. And I'm starting to see how you went from Slifer to Ra so fast. But it's only getting started ! Cyber Dragon, attack his monster ! Evolution Burst !!"


Syrus: I knew it... My brother is merciless... Aniki ! Huh ?

"Relax. All is under control. He won't get to me that easily. Not after attacking my Aroma Jar, that is !"

"You see, when this monster is flipped, it gains indestructibility by battle as long as it stays face-up on the field !"

Zane: I see. Then, from my hand, I'll activate the spell, Different Dimension Capsule.

Zane: So now I can choose a card from my deck, and place it in this temporal capsule until my second next turn, when it'll go back to my hand.

"... I already have an idea about which card you sent away..."

Zane: if you say so. I end my turn.

'... That's the Kaiser alright... I'll need to step-up my game in order not to be blown away... Good thing I prepared for this !'

"My turn ! Draw ! ... Perfect. But just one thing, Aroma Jar grants me 500 extra LP for every standby phase."


"Now let's get down to it ! First, I'll activate my field spell, Mountain !"

"It gives all my winged-beast monsters a boost ! And to top that, allow me to introduce you to Hunter Owl, in attack mode ! And let's not forget its special ability ! It gains 500 attack for each of my wind-attribute monsters ! That makes about..."


"Just enough. Hunter Owl, destroy the Cyber Dragon ! Silent hunt !!"



Zane: ... ... ...

"I put another face-down, and end my turn."

Syrus: 'Aniki is incredible too... But...'

Zane: My turn. I draw.

"Don't forget Aroma Jar ! It's effect also applies during your standby phases !"


Zane: I see. Thanks to its special ability, I can directly summon a cyber dragon without tributing. Then from my hand, I activate Monster Reborn ! And with it, I'm bringing back the Cyber Dragon in my Graveyard. But neither will stay here for long... In present form, that is. I'm using Polymerization ! Dragons, unite ! Now, Cyber Twin dragon, emerge !

Chumley: 2800 Attack points ?!

Zane: That's not all. Cyber Twin Dragon can attack twice during the battle phase. Not like it's second attack will be useful here.

Alexis: But even so, one attack will get rid of his best monster...

Syrus: That's the kind of duel of my big brother...

Zane: Now, I use Cyber twin dragon to attack ! Go !!

"... Actually, I think it can't. You see, when I control another wind-attribute monster, Hunter Owl cannot be targeted for an attack ! So if anything, neither of these two attacks will do anything ! You wasted that monster, Zane !"

Zane: if you say so. I end my turn after placing two face-downs.

"Then it's my turn next ! Draw ! And now, it's aroma jar time !"


"Next, I activate a spell from my hand ! De-fusion !!"

"I mean, you should know what it does, considering your deck, but just in case. I take one fusion monster and send it back where it came from, but you can summon its material back from the grave. So say good bye to the twin !"

Zane: You want to continue with the chip damage ?

"Not quite. In face, I wanted to take them all out at once ! From my hand, I special summon Alector, Sovereign of birds !!"

"Now that you have two monsters with the same attribute, I can bring it out directly from my hand ! And while I'm at it, I'll summon Faith Bird, in attack mode !"

Syrus: Wait... Hunter Owl... With four wind monsters, that makes !


Chumley: So if he attacks now... He'll just wipe out Zane's life points !

Alexis: Well, if he's gonna win, he better do it this turn... because on Zane's next turn, he'll get his capsule back...

Syrus: I can't believe it... Big brother...

"Let's start this end, shall we ! Alector, attack !"

Zane: I activate my face-down, Negate Attack ! So now my monsters are safe, and your battle phase is over !

"... Hey, I think you're finally starting to warm-up, are you ? And here I thought you'd be giving me the cold shoulder the entire time."

Zane: I don't remember the last time I had to rely on a trap card to save myself... You're good.

"the feeling's mutual. But if you think that was good, allow me to nail down your coffin ! I play Ring of Magnetism, and equip it to Hunter Owl !"

"Sure it makes it lose some points, but now the only monster you can attack is the equipped one !"

Syrus: ... Why would he do that ? Just do reduce the damage he'd take ?

Alexis: No... Right now, Zane might be in big trouble... With Ring of Magnetism, the only monster he can attack is Hunter owl... But Hunter Owl's effect doesn't let Zane target it with an attack... So in short...

Syrus: Big brother can't attack at all ?!

Alexis: He can't... Unless he finds a way to get rid of it...

"I end my turn. Now... Please let me see what you've been leading me up to, Kaiser."

Zane: ... Since you asked so nicely. I draw.

"For the last time, I think, Aroma Jar activates."


"Now... Do your worst."

Zane: I'm planning to do just that. Fist, since it's my stand-by phase, the card that was in my Different dimension capsule come back to my hand. Y/n. It's just like you said. This duel is over.

"I wouldn't have hoped for better against you. Now, bring him out, would you ?"

Chumley: ... Him ?

Syrus: He know about Big brother's monster ?

Alexis: I suppose it's not too hard to figure out once you see his deck...

Zane: You showed me your best, now allow me to reciprocate ! Take it as a token of respect for you.

Syrus: 'Big brother... he's approving of the duel he's having against Aniki... ?'

'... It looks like Syrus is starting to see it as well. My job here is done.'

Syrus: ... 'I see ! Zane duels while taking in consideration his opponent, and every eventuality. While I... I was mocking my opponent, overestimating my cards... That's what he meant by saying I wasn't a duelist back then...'

Zane: Here I come, Y/n !

"I'm waiting !"

Zane: Since you did me the favor of using De-Fusion, I can directly activate the card that was in my capsule ! Meet my Power Bond !!

Syrus: Power Bond !!

Zane: With this card, I can summon a machine-type fusion monster ! So I fuse the two cyber-dragons on my field, with the one in my hand, to bring out... CYBER END DRAGON !!

Zane: Plus, its attack power is doubled, thanks to Power Bond !


Chumley: 8- 8000 ?! that's very bad ! None of his monsters can take a hit from that !

Alexis: But even so, Zane still can't attack any of his monsters... What does he has planned...

Chumley: Th- That's right ! Hang in there ! At the end of this turn, the other effect of Power Bond will activate, and Zane will lose the attack gained by his monster as Life points ! That's 4000 !

Syrus: '... That risk's not gonna stop him... That's what Zane wanted to teach me ! "To always respect your opponent" !!'

Zane: Now... I activate my face-down ! DNA transplant !! I can now declare an attribute, and every monster on the field becomes of that attribute ! And I choose... Light !

"GH !"

Chumley: Wait, why would he do that ?

Alexis: That's... Hunter owl's effects only work if there are other wind-attribute monsters on the field... Without them, not only can zane attack, but...

"Hunter Owl's points are back to normal... Or even worse, thanks to the ring..."


Zane: Next, I activate the spell "Hey, Trunade !" Returning all the set spells and traps to the hand !

"The set ones, huh... 'So much for my mirror force and Enchanted javelin, I guess...' So now..."

Zane: Exactly ! Cyber End Dragon, attack Hunter Owl ! ETERNAL EVOLUTION BURST !!


"... Heh. Maybe it was a bit too early for me, after all."


"Kaiser... That title is aptly deserved..."

Chumley: Y/n !!

Alexis: He... He lost... ?

Syrus: Aniki !

"Now... That's what I call a duel. Besides, you can't win them all... Unless, of course, you're sitting at the very top. Hear that, Zane ? I sure haven't given up yet ! If you graduate next year, you can be sure I'll dethrone you one day before you do !"

Zane: ... Heh.

Alexis: ... So, Zane ? What do you think of that ?

Zane: ... I think Syrus has a good Aniki.

"... He's a monster... Your big brother really is something else, Syrus."

Syrus: Yep. And my Aniki, too !

"Huuuh... Put up like that, it's kind of weird... Only one thing to do now, right ?"

Syrus: We go back and strengthen our decks ! And this time... I promise I'll use my power Bond.

"You better. Plus, this duel was very rewarding... Now I have a lot of ideas on how to make this work."


Chumley: ... ... If we're getting to work, can we at least make a detour by the cafeteria first ?




"I get what you mean... Then let's go ! Before they close it for the night !

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