Chapter 12: Ligma balls

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Fontaine: Alright class, get your game on ! Tennis game, that is !

Syrus: Uhhhh... Hah !!

"... First baseball, and now Tennis ? Could someone please explain to me what's going on here ?!"

Mindy: You don't like tennis ?

"The problem is not Tennis itself, but the fact we have tennis classes in this very particular school. What's the point ?"

Mindy: Everything ! Taking turns, thinking on your feet, and the harder you play... Hah ! The better you do !

"You're not making any sense !"

Mindy: Come on, just try to enjoy it.

"I'm trying, but you know how terrible my eye-hand coordination is... Whatever, here goes !! HAH !!"


"Hah ! Now how's that ?"

Mindy: You were right... Look where you're aiming !!

"Huh... Alexis !! Duck !"

Alexis: H- Where ?

Crowler: That's Dr Crowler- Huh ? GYAAAAAAAAAH !!

"... What... Just happened there ?"

Alexis: I'd like the answer to that, too. But anyway, thank you.

Jasmine: Alexis ! That ball almost creamed you, are you okay ?

???: Yeah, would you like me to carry you to the nurse ?

Mindy/Jasmine: Awwwwwww...

Alexis: That's okay, thanks.

???: ... Oh ? 'That's Alexis Rhodes...'

Alexis: Hum.. Do you need me to carry you to the nurse ?

???: Huh ? Ahahahaha, no I'm good. It's just... I know you from Obelisk Blue, I've seen you around. Not that I've ever had the pleasure of talking to you. L- Let alone t- t- touch you... A- Anyways, back to my match, ahahahaha. What was the score again, Love to something, I think.

"... ... I am growing more and more confused at all of this..."

Syrus: Um... I think you have other problems right now, Aniki...

"Like what ?"

Crowler: ゴゴゴゴ

"Oh, right... That one, perhaps..."

"Look, how many times do I have to tell it was an accident !"

Crowler: An accident, really ?! Then how do you explain every time I'm around you, I get something smacking me in the face ?! Irritante !

'... Maybe that's a power... Maybe any ball I hit get redirected into Crowler's eyeball... Food for thought.'


Fontaine: You know Dr Crowler, I saw the incident, and technically he wasn't even the one who hit you with that ball, if you don't mind me saying.

Crowler: Well I do mind, because he was the one who started it ! I saw the whole thing with my own two eyes ! Well, one eye..

"Well, now you can get your other contact remade, so why are you spouting at me like that..."

Crowler: Hm ? What was that ? Care to repeat that you sludge ?

"You should know by now I suck at these sports. If you don't want this to happen anymore, don't force me to play, it's as simple as that."

Crowler: oh, I see. Well in that case, your punishment is obvious, isn't it ? You will play tennis, under the strict tutoring of our team's captain. he'll whip you in shape in no time, until he judges you to be "good" at it.

"... You know that will take days, right ?"

Crowler: And you will feel sorry by the end of it.

Jasmine: Alexis.

Mindy: We found out who that hot tennis guy is for you.

Alexis: What are you talking about, Mindy ? I didn't ask you to find out who he was...

Jasmine: Yeah, yeah...

Mindy: Anyway, he's a total catch !

Jasmine: Now try to stay calm. His name is Harrington Rosewood, as in "Rosewood's sporting goods" and they've got stores everywhere, and he's the heir ! Plus, he's a third-year Obelisk blue !

Alexis: That's... Great...

Mindy: Great ? An older guy who's rich and a hottie ? That's not great, Alexis, that's boyfriend material, so go on and get him !

Alexis: Girls, I'm just not looking for a boyfriend right now...

Syrus: Oh man oh man oh man oh man ! Where's the lousy tennis team ?!

Mindy: ... What's with super spaz over there ?

Jasmine: Don't know, don't care, didn't ask, + ratio.

Syrus: Alexis ! Do you know where the tennis team meets ?

Alexis: Out on the court, Syrus, what on Earth is wrong ?

Syrus: What's wrong ? EVERYTHING's wrong !

Jasmine: Uhhh... care to be more specific there ?

Mindy: No questions, he'll only come back.

Syrus: I- It's the most unfair thing ever ! Dr Crowler's letting the tennis captain boss Aniki around as punishment for hitting him with that ball !

Jasmine: how's that the most unfair thing ever ?

Syrus: 'Cause the captain's the guy who really hit Crowler !!

Mindy: ... Who's the captain ?

Harrington: Service !!

"Gh- !"


"Gah... Huff... Huff... Huff... We... Look, we've been at this for... Almost an hour straight... Can't we take a break now... This isn't tennis anymore, it's torture ! I'm feeling myself desiccating from the inside !"

Harrington: Come on, no pain, no gain ! You gotta hustle to make that muscle ! You need to sweat to become a threat ! If you don't pick up the pace, you won't win the race !

"F- Fine, fine ! If it's gonna stop from making anymore sport-related rhymes, then I'm up ! But I beg of you, no more of these..."

Harrington: Hey, there's no letter "I" in "Team" ! Why, that's the very first rule in tennis !

"We're not on the same team, and we're playing singles !"

Harrington: Moving on, it's time we start working on your forehand and backhand ! I think a thousand strokes will help you make tennis more your racket.

"Hey, I've been getting better ! Now I can effectively dodge the ball instead of taking it to the face !"

Harrington: Well it's time I start smashing some sense into ya ! Get it, get it ?

Syrus: ... I get it... This guy's nuts. These cliché, these crazy practicing...

Jasmine: You know... He is a bit obsessive...

Mindy: Let him obsess over me !

"Somebody help me !! This is not practice, it's plain bullying ! Hazing ! i'm being picked on !"

Harrington: You're not supposed to run away from the ball ! We're only at ten !

Mindy: Huh ? Hey Alexis.

Harrington: Alexis ? H- hey there ! Sorry I'm sweating so much, I've just been kicking this guy's... Huh ?

Alexis: Y/n, you won't believe what I just heard.

"Please tell me you saw Crowler slipping on a banana peel... At that point it's the only thing that'll make me feel better..."

Alexis: That's not it... he's been going rough on you, hasn't he ?

"Rough doesn't start describing it... he's been dismantling me so hard i'm starting to feel like an Ikea furniture... I mean, we haven't even been introduced and the guy just started smashing me in the face with his balls."

Harrington: Oh, we haven't ? I'm Harrington Rosewood, captain of the tennis team.

"Harrington... That sound like a name a male lead in a Shojo manga would have."

Harrington: I get that a lot.

Mindy: Amina amina amina amina amina amina amina amina !

Harrington: I also get that a lot.

"Okay, but... if it wasn't about Crowler messing up, what did you want to tell me ?"

Alexis: I was on my way here when I ran into Professor Banner. He told me someone spotted Chazz !

"... Okay... That's it ? Why did you feel the need to tell me that ?"

Alexis: I mean, since Chazz went missing...

"That again ? We've been over that point already."

Chazz: Stinkin' Duel Academy. You demote me ? You laugh at me ? Well that's it, I've had it. You won't have me to kick around anymore.

Syrus: Akiki ! That's awful ! Chazz... Chazz is gone !

"... Okay. And that's awful why ?"

Syrus: Um, I don't know... Because he's your big duel rival... ?

"Syrus. Please have a look around. We're in a school designed specifically to teach how to play duel monsters. Technically, everyone here is my rival."

Blue: hey, you know ? I saw Chazz packing his stuff up last night.

Blue: know why ? 'Cause he lost to that Ra.. Bastion, wasn't it ? And that Slifer too.

Blue: yeah, if he can't beat the Ketchup and Mustard teams, good riddance.

"Please, like any of you could've done any better than him."

Syrus: Aniki... I know Chazz has been a pain in the past, but what if he's some trouble and need our help ?

"... First off, I don't think he'd ever want us to help him. Second, Syrus, he's not lost. He just left the Academy. Don't tell me you wanted to go look for him or something ?"

Alexis: Then I suppose we thought the same thing. Chazz is an Obelisk blue, and we take care of our own.

"... Okay, I don't think any of you got the memo. Chazz isn't lost. He just took a boat and went off the island. He went home, and that's it."

Syrus: But why would he left ?

"haven't you heard ? He was expelled. i'm sure he tried playing it like 'This place doesn't deserve me' and all, but the truth is, after what he did before his duel with Bastion, he got kicked out of the school."

"And then I dueled a monkey named Wheeler, funniest shit I've ever done."

Alexis: It's just... I thought you'd prefer to hear about Chazz's shenanigans, that's all...

"I mean... It's not like I care about him or anything... So where was he spotted ? Was he alright ? Is he still at sea?"

Harrington: Grrrrrrrr... A bench-warming loaf like him talking to a girl like Alexis ?! No way ! Time to run some interference ! HEY !! Time out ! You can't talk to a first-round pick like Alexis ! I mean, you can't even return a boggy wop with some top spin, so stay away from my little Obelisk pixie !

Syrus: Obelisk pixie... I wonder what that would look like...

Syrus: ... Ooon second thought, no I don't.

"Syrus, I hope you included Slifer the Sky Dragonfly, and the Winged Bumble-bird of Ra."

Syrus: You just had to put these images in my head Aniki...

Harrington: Listen here, i'm warning ya, just step away from the beautiful girl ! You're way out of your league ! Do not make me go athletic on you !

"... I'm gonna go apathetic on you. So, about Chazz..."

Harrington: Don't ignore me like that !! Who even are you to Alexis, huh ?!

"Um... At first she tried blackmailing me... But then we got better, I think."

Harrington: Oh yeah ? You got "Better" ?! This little huddle is over ! Now get in place, we're going-

Jasmine: he ran away the moment you pronounced the word "Over".

Harrington: WHAT ?!

"I'm free !! i'm free !!"

Harrington: Gh- Get back here you slacker !!

"You'll never catch me alive !!"

Harrington: Stay in place ! We're gonna have a duel ! Winner gets to be Alexis' fiancé !

Alexis: Wow, fiancé ? Slow down.

"i'm gonna speed up, if you don't mind !"

Mindy: I just love weddings !

Jasmine: I'm not so sure about arranged ones... Especially when both parties are running away...

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