Chapter 13: Silent secret

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... ... ... What a ruckus... Don't tell me it's eggwich day again ? Why is everyone gathered here ?"

Bastion: Hm ? Not quite... It's just some lunch time tussle.

"Oh, a duel. Who's going at it ?"

Bastion: Well, on the left is Dimitri.

"I think I've heard of the guy... So it's a Ra Yellow against... Huh ?"

"Syrus ? You're the one dueling ?"

Syrus: OH, Aniki. Sorry, but could you get back a little ? This is a very high-stake duel.

"Finally standing up for yourself, Syrus? i'm really proud of you. But what kind of stakes could push you so far ?"

Syrus: Hehehe... Check it out !

Syrus: Yugi's deck is going on tour ! And the first stop is Duel Academy ! isn't that the coolest !

"It sure is ! The King of Games' original deck... I forgot it was supposed to be tomorrow. So that's why you're dueling ?"

Dorothy: Exactly ! There's only one ticket to the exhibit left. So since there were two asking for it, it was decided to settle things like everything else is settled here.

"With a duel. Well, have at it then."

Syrus: i'm gonna win this, just you see ! Let's do this !

Dimitri: My turn ! And I play Heavy Storm !

"... Wait, why is he making his voice sound like Dr.Crowler ?"

Bastion: You'll see soon.

Dimitri: And that will destroy all the spell and trap cards on the field ! And now I'll sacrifice the two wicked tokens that were created, and summon forth... The legendary Ancient Gear Golem !!

"Huh ? This is... This is a copy-paste ! Is he seriously using Crowler's deck ?"

Bastion: Hm-hm. This is Dimitri.

Dimitri: Attack ! Mechanized Melee !!

Syrus: Not so fast ! When jetroid's attacked, his special ability activates ! An ability that lets me play a trap ! Like this ! Magic cylinder !! It takes mechanized melee, and put it in reverse !!

Dimitri: T- Time out !! UAAAAAHH !!


Syrus: Yeah ! That's how you duel !

"And that's how you send a golem to the junk. Way to go !"

Syrus: Well, that was easy... I already saw you duel Crowler, and since Dimitri copied his deck, I just had to do what you taught me ! Oh... I almost forgot ! My ticket !

"And as the winner claims his rightfully-owned prize, the loser assumes the 'I-lost-a-duel' position, falling to his hands and knees. Such is life at Duel Academy, where the strong thrive and the weak cower."

Syrus: Uhhh... What are you...

"Don't mind me, what happened last time with that guy in the forest inspired me to see things like a documentary... I may suffer long-term effects from all of this... Like not being able to sit after that tennis guy was done with me."

Syrus: That was rough when he caught you... And that duel giant too... You just beat him and then joined him to bully more Obelisk blue students.

"Shhhh ! No one's supposed to know. Just take your ticket."

Syrus: Oh... Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Aniki... But there was only one ticket left, so...

"Hey, don't fret it. I've got mine already."

Syrus: Huh ?

"Yeah, mine was sent to me long ago already, so don't worry."

Dorothy: Alright everyone, the show's over. So get back to class.

Yellow: Another scummy performance by Dimitri. As a Ra Yellow, he should've destroyed that Slifer. Guess copying a great duelist and being one are two very different things. What a joke. Really, it's a wonder he's still here.

Bastion: ... Well then. I think that's about the worst of it.

Dimitri: Sure ! Until the next time I lose ! Well I've had it !

Dimitri: I don't get it... Doesn't make sense... I watch, and I study... And still I lose !!

Dimitri: Crowler's deck... It was as useless as all the rest ! Kaiba's or Zane's, it doesn't matter who I copy, I always just lose ! What is there left to do ? After all, if copying the greatest duelists in the world won'thelp me win, then what can ?!

Dimitri: ... Of course, that's so obvious ! Becoming the greatest duelist !

Syrus: And then I said "Oh no you don't Dimitry, 'cause I'm putting your mechanized melee back in reverse !" Like that it was cooler, right ?

"Um ? Yeah, yeah, very cool."

Syrus: Aniki, you've been out of it ever since we came back... What happened ?

"What happened ? What's about to happen ? I'm just thinking about tomorrow's exhibit. Yugi's deck, the one he took at Duelist Kingdom and Battle city... The one he had when he battled Kaiba, Pegasus and Melvin... And even without the Egyptian God cards, everything else will be there."

Syrus: Yeah, all the classics...

"It's kinda funny how there were tournaments before the first rulebook was made, when you think about it... You know... Maybe we could scout the terrain a bit before they open ?"

Chumley: You mean, while they set it up ? Hey, that's an idea. Then we'll avoid the rush !

Syrus: Uhh... You mean I dueled for my ticket for nothing ?

"We're not gonna see the whole thing, just a quick glance while we can. Of course we'll be first in line tomorrow as well, so don't throw it out just yet."

Employee: Alright, Mr.Crowler-

Crowler: Dr. Crowler !

Employee: Dr.Crowler... We've finished setting up, here's the key to the exhibit hall and the display case. Thanks again for letting us off early. We'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for the big opening. Have a good night... Uhh, Dr.

Crowler: Yeees, good night, good night, hehehe... And what a good night... After all, how many evenings can one say they are in the presence of greatness ? Of the world's most famous deck. Hm-hmmm-hm... Huh ?

Crowler: That's not there ?!

"Okay, stay close to the wall, we're almost there."

Syrus: Hurry up, Chumley !

"Shhh, not so loud, or else... wait, Bastion ? What are you doing here ?"

bastion: Well, about the same as you, I think... Sneaking quick peek at Yugi's deck ?

"I suppose so-"

Crowler: AAAAAAHH !!

Syrus: Did you hear that ?

Chumley: Sure did, someone's in trouble !

Bastion: let's help !

"Wait... That sounded like Dr.Crowler's voice..."

Bastion: Wait... that is Dr.Crowler ! And the display case !

Chumley: Did you just steal Yugi's deck ?!

Syrus: Why'd you do it, Dr Crowler ?

Crowler: No, wait, I... I know this looks bad, but believe me I didn't steal the deck !!

"then who ? You were the only one, right next to the broken display case..."

Crowler: Then search me ! Please ! Go ahead, go ahead !

"... ... ... On second thoughts, I don't think that Crowler would do that... You have a key to the case, right ?"

Crowler: Y- yes, right here ! That's the key !

"So you wouldn't have to break the glass to take the deck... meaning the real thief..."

Bastion: Is still somewhere out there !

Crowler: Y- yes, good call ! We must find this wrongdoer, this pillager ! And when I say we, I mean you !

"... You sure ? Even if you didn't do it, the deck was still under your responsibility. So if words get out that it was stolen..."

Crowler: Gh... Let's find it quick !!

Dimitri: And it's done ! Now that I have the greatest deck, I'll be the greatest duelist !

Syrus: H- Hey ! Someone stole Yugi's deck ! Know anything ?!

Yugimitri: Stole ? What do you mean, this is my deck ! If you don't believe me, why don't you go ahead and let me show you ? Right here, right now !

Bastion: Dorms are clear...

Chumley: And so are the classrooms.

"Same for the card shack, library and storage room... Where could it be..."


"Well, looks like Syrus just found something ! Did anyone check around the docks yet ?!"

Bastion: That was where Syrus was headed !

Syrus: Uhhhhhhhh...

Yugimitri: Hm. Ah yes, it's good to be the King of Games. Hahahahaha !

"Syrus ! What happened ?!"

Syrus: He... Has it... Yugi's dueling deck... And he beat me with it...

"Gh... Okay, you thief ! Hand over the deck right now, or you're in for a whole world of hurt ! You hear me Dimitri ?!"

Yugimitri: Heh. Dimitri ? I'm afraid that you're mistaken. I'm Yugi ! Dimitri's just some child who would study other people's decks then copy them ! You see, with these cards, i'm not copying the King of Games...I TRULY AM THE KING OF GAMES !!

Yugimitri: And if you want this deck back, You'll have to prove i'm not !

"... So he's that far, heh... But that makes the perfect opportunity. Syrus, you remember these three boxes on my desk ?"

Syrus: Y- Yeah ?

"Could you go and fetch the white one real quick ? I said they were for special occasion, and that definitely is one."

Syrus: O- Okay !

"Alright, Dimitri, Yugi or whatever ! Prepare to give back that deck !"

Yugimitri: So, are you finally ready ?

"You bet, you so-called King of Games ! Time to turn you into the Duke of Dorks ! Let's go !"

Yugimitri: It's time to duel !!


"My move ! And I start by summoning Aqua Madoor, in defense mode ! Then I'll put down a face-down, and end my turn."

Bastion: So he's bringing back his spellcaster deck... Wonder what could be different this time.

"Shhh... Speech is silver, but silence is gold."

Yugimitri: You think this will do ? Very well, I draw ! And I fuse Gazelle, king of Mythical beasts, with Berfomet, to create Chimera, the Flying Mythical beast !!

"This might hurt..."

Yugimitri: Not just might ! Now go, attack ! Pulverizing pounce !!

"Might hurt for you that is ! I activate my face-down ! Shadow spell !"

"It immobilize your chimera, and drops its attack by 700 points !"


Yugimitri: Ah ! Chimera !

Bastion: that's a good start to the duel... But I don't think it'll be enough.

Chumley: Syrus, you dueled the guy. Got any advice on how to beat him ?

Syrus: None. I tried everything but nothing worked... Against Yugi's deck... There's a possibility even Aniki won't be enough...

Bastion: I'm afraid it's more than that... You see, Dimitri is a copycat duelist, so in order to defeat him, you'd need to exploit the failings of whoever he's copying... As you did when you first dueled him. You knew he was copying Crowler's deck, and you knew what its weaknesses were, that's how you won.

Bastion: But the problem is, now he's copying Yugi. A duelist whose weaknesses are not so well known, that is, if he has any... there is no set formula on how to beat the King of Games... So there are no formula on how to beat Dimitri now !

"You had your fun, but now i'm gonna end it ! First I play the spell card, Beacon of Light !!"

"By sending one card to the graveyard, I can now bring a light monster to my hand. Next I summon Luster Dragon, in attack mode !"

"Now, Luster Dragon, attack ! Destroy Chimera !"



Yugimitri: Gh, not bad. But not good enough ! I activate Chimera's special ability ! With Chimera destroyed, I can bring back Berfomet from the graveyard !

"I'll let you have that one, and end my turn with another face-down."

Yugimitri: All right. For my turn, I play one card face down, and activate this ! Monster Reincarnation !

Yugimitri: Now, by discarding one card to the grave, I can take back one monster to my hand. But that doesn't matter, as I'll summon another one. Mystical elf, in defense mode !

"What's the point ? None of these can withstand my luster dragon, you're only buying time. Next turn, they both will be gone !

Yugimitri: Allow me to doubt that. Because I play the spell, The Dark Door !

Yugimitri: With this spell, only one of our monster can attack each turn. So at best, you'll only destroy one of mine. And finally, I put one card face-don to end my turn.

"Alright. My move ! And I'll sacrifice Aqua Madoor, in order to summon Trance, the magic Swordsman ! And if you think you've seen the last of it, you're mistaken !"

"I activate my face-down, Call of the Haunted ! Now, remember that I used Beacon of Light to send one card to the GY ? Well it's coming back ! I give to you Luster Dragon number 2 !"

"Got anything to say to that, 'Yugi' ?"

Yugimitri: As a matter of fact, I do. I activate my trap card, Dark renewal !

Yugimitri: I can activate it when you summon. Now by sacrificing the monster you just summoned, as well as one of my spellcaster monsters, I can bring back another spellcaster from my grave !

"But you don't have any... Unless..."

Yugimitri: Now, by discarding one card to the grave, I can take one monster back to my hand.

"That was when..."

Yugimitri: Now to bring him back. Alright, Luster dragon 2 and Mystical elf! Make some room for the one, the only... My friend, DARK MAGICIAN !!

"Yugi's ace monster..."

Syrus: You think he gives autographs ?

Chumley: I should've brought my camera...

Bastion: 'Well played. I doubt Yugi could've done it better himself. Dimitri's copying him perfectly, and that's not good...'

"They call him ultimate, but as far as I'm concerned, Trance has the advantage in attack points. Maybe you miscalculated a bit, Dimitri. But don't worry, not just anyone can pretend to be King of Games !"

Yugimitri: I am the King of Games. And to prove it to you, I activate my other face-down, Threatening roar !! Now you have to skip your battle phase ! It looks to me like my Dark Magician will live on.

"Mhm. Respite, again, nothing more. I end my turn, Dimitri."

Yugimitri: That's Yugi. And for my turn, I choose to play the spell card, Thousand knives !

Yugimitri: It's true that Dark Magician would lose in a direct confrontation... But that won't happen ! Thousand Knives lets me destroy any of your monsters as long as I have Dark Magician on the field !


Yugimitri: Did you feel that one ? It's just about to get worse, because now Dark magician will attack your luster dragon ! Go, Dark Magician ! DARK MAGIC ATTACK !!


"URGH- !"


"Gh... heh, That was just a scratch... if you think I'd ever give up now."

Yugimitri: That's the spirit, never give up ! Always believe in the Heart of the Cards ! That's what I always say.

"My turn ! Finally, things can truly begin after this nice warm-up."

Syrus: A warm-up ? You mean he wasn't being serious ?

"i'm always serious in these situations. But now... Yugi, if you want to defend your title of King of Games, you gotta do better than that lousy Dark Magician ! I play the spell card Ancient Rules !"

"It lets me summon directly from my hand a level 5 or higher normal monster !"

Yugimitri: Wait... You mean, the monster you got from Beacon of Light... That wasn't Trance ?!

"You should know me better than that, Yugi... I always keep the best for last ! From my hand, I summon the one, only and almighty... THE BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON !!"

Yugimitri: Aaah !!

"This isn't like last times, Yugi... Without the Egyptian God Cards, and without Exodia... You're at my mercy !!"

Syrus: No way ! The Blue eyes White Dragon ?! Where did Aniki get a card that rare ?!

Bastion: No way indeed... It shouldn't be here... This card goes beyond the very concept of rarity !

Syrus: Huh ?

Bastion: The blue eyes... There are only three of them in the entire world ! And all of them are property of Seto Kaiba himself ! It's purely impossible that he got his hands on one of them !

"Yeah, I've got to say... My big brother really insisted that I take one with me here, just in case... Turns out he was right..."

Syrus: Your... Big brother...

Bastion: No way... But then you are...

"Kaiba. More precisely, Mokuba Kaiba. I'm really sorry, but I didn't want you guys to know about this. But enough talk. Yugi ! It's time we settle this score, once and for all !!"

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