Chapter 14: Shut up Mokuba

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Yugimitri: Kaiba... I never thought we would have a rematch after so long.

"I never let go of something like that, Yugi. I'll have my revenge, no matter how long it takes ! Blue-eyes white dragon, attack !! WHITE LIGHTNING ATTACK !!"



Yugimitri: No ! Dark Magician !!

"It's a shame I can't attack again, because of that Dark Door... But this will do for now. Make your next pathetic move, Yugi."

Yugimitri: With the heart of the cards by my side, I will not lose !

Bastion: he may say that, but... Without the Egyptian God cards, Dark Magician was the strongest card in Yugi's deck. And now he's gone.

Syrus: Hear that, Aniki ?! You got that in the bag !

Yugimitri: Heh... Sorry, but I couldn't help but overhear what they were saying... You should know it's not about the cards, it's about what you do with them. And this deck and I, we fit perfectly ! Always have, always will

Yugimitri: And I'll show that to you, again ! I summon Kuriboh, and activate the spell card, Multiply !!

(Wait, wrong Kuriboh...)

Yugimitri: Bringing back memories, Kaiba ? This is what checkmated you during Duelist Kingdom. With Multiply, I can tribute my kuriboh, in order to summon as many Kuriboh tokens as I can ! 4 in total !

"is that all ? Yugi, you disappoint me. It's my turn ! Blue -Eyes, Destroy Berfomet ! White lightning attack !!"


"'I need to find a way to get rid of his spell card... Or else I'll never see the end of it...' I place a card face-down, and end my turn."

Yugimitri: Then I'll go ! Draw ! And I play the spell card, Card of sanctity !

"It forces us to draw until we both have six cards in our hand. And I drew the monster Watapon ! You see, when Watapon is added to my hand by a way of spell, trap or monster effect, I can summon it to the field ! But still, he won't be out for long, because now, i'm going to sacrifice him, and bring out... Dark Magician Girl !!

"So when the Dark Magician fall, you send a little girl in his place ? Yugi, what are you thinking here ?"

Yugimitri: Don't let looks deceive you, Kaiba, she has beauty and brawn. For each Dark magician in my graveyard, she gains 300 ATK points !

"What kind of jokes is that ?! She can't stand up to my Blue-eyes with that measly boost you gave her !"

Yugimitri: Not yet, and not on her own, that is... I play the spell card, Alliance of Lost Magic !! And equip it to Dark Magician Girl !

Yugimitri: For every spellcaster in either graveyard, it gives her 200 attack and defense points !

"Trance and Aqua madoor... Dark magician and Mystical Elf... But that makes... !!"


Yugimitri: I've defeated your Blue-Eyes before, Kaiba, and I'll do it again !! Dark Magician Girl ! DARK BURNING ATTACK !!



"My Blue-Eyes !!"

Yugimitri: Is no more. Kaiba, this duel nears its end !

"... You think I'd go down that easily ? I activate a trap ! Ray of Hope !!"

"It lets me take two light-attribute monsters in my graveyard and shuffle them back into my deck ! So do the math, and realize that with one less spellcaster, she can no longer stand a chance when Blue-Eyes will come back !"

Yugimitri: Very well, I end my turn. If you hope you can draw your Blue-eyes back, Kaiba, then do so.

"I don't need to hope. I just need to know. I draw ! And I play the spell, Summoner's art !"

"It lets me add directly a level 5 or higher normal monster from my deck to my hand ! So lets not keep the suspense up and welcome back the Blue-Eyes white Dragon !"

Yugimitri: Even so, you can't summon it !

"I don't need to. I just need to show it to you. You see it ? I have it. And now that I do, I can special summon the Blue Eyes Alternative White Dragon !!"

Yugimitri: Ah !

Syrus: "Alternative" ? Where does that come from ?

Bastion: I have no idea... It looks like these cards were developed in secret by Kaibacorp and Industrial Illusion... I've never seen anything like this...

"You said this duel was near done, Yugi, well this is but the beginning of the end for you ! I activate Alternative Blue-Eyes special ability ! To destroy any monster you control ! Dark Magician Girl, why don't you join Dark Magician, in the graveyard !!"


"Of course, Alternative can't attack if I activate this effect, but it matters not. You claim you're the King of Games ? Time to show you you're nothing but the King of Lames, Yugi !"

Bastion: Simply remarkable. Dimitri is dueling just like Yugi, and yet he's being pushed back. This is like a reenactment of the golden age when he battled Kaiba for real.

Chumley: I mean, he is dueling a Kaiba...

Bastion: That's right, we'll need an explanation after that.

Syrus: Go, Aniki ! He's all yours, you got it !

Yugimitri: You have nothing, my deck is prepared for all contingency !! My turn ! I play Monster Reborn, to bring back Dark Magician to the field !

"Again with him ? You don't know when to quit, do you ?"

Yugimitri: Not as long as I believe in the heart of the Cards. Because I play Dedication Through Light and Darkness !

Yugimitri: With it, I can tribute Dark Magician, to summon a monster even more powerful ! Appear, Dark magician of Chaos !!

"What good will it do ? It still doesn't stand a chance."

Yugimitri: It not a problem. I now activate Dark magician of Chaos' effect ! It lets me take a spell card from my graveyard and add it to my hand. But it won't be there for long. Because I activate it ! Thousand Knives ! Destroy the Alternative Blue-Eyes White Dragon !!

Bastion: If this hits, he'll be defenseless ! Wide open for a direct attack !

Syrus: Aniki !!


"URG... !"

Yugimitri: Now, Dark Magician of Chaos !! Direct attack- !

"Not so fast, Yugi !!"

Yugimitri: ... Gooooooo... Daaaaark Magiciiiaaaaaannnn... Direeeeeeect... Attaaaaaaaaack...

"I meant to hold on a second and you know it. From my hand, I activate Deep-Eyes white dragon's effect !"

"Now that you've done it and destroyed my blue-eyes, I can special summon it directly from my hand ! Not only that, but you take 600 points of damage for every dragon with a different name in my Graveyard ! there's three of them, that's 1800 points !"

Yugimitri: Huh ?! AAAAAAAAAGH !!


"And finally, I can take one dragon in my Graveyard, and give its attack and defense points to my Deep-Eyes. And I choose My alternative Blue-Eyes ! Looks like your magician of chaos isn't making it through."


Yugimitri: Kaiba. Time and time again, you push me to my limits as a duelist. And I am grateful to you for that. But it doesn't mean I will lose this duel ! Next turn, I shall end this !

"Keep babbling, see if I care. My turn ! I have nothing to summon anyway, so let's get down to it ! Deep-Eyes, destroy the Dark Magician of Chaos ! Deep Lightning Blast !"


Yugimitri: UGH- !


"And don't think I don't know where he's going ! Being banished, you can't bring him back anymore ! I end my turn."

Yugimitri: His fall won't be in vain. And it looks like... The Heart of the Cards has served me again ! I remove one light monster, and one dark monster from my graveyard !

"Removing ? What are you trying to summon there ? Unless..."

Syrus: Unless ? What is he talking about ?

Chumley: I mean, there's no way he can summon something like that, right ?

Bastion: You're wrong, there is a way... There are two monsters that can be summoned like this... Two rare cards of such power, duelists have scoured the world over to add them to their collection. The first one is Chaos Emperor dragon: Envoy of the end. A card so very powerful, is has been outlawed in official Duel Monsters tournaments.

Bastion: The second has power comparable to the chaos emperor, but has never been forbidden on account of its scarcity. In fact, some say not a single one still exists !

Yugimitri: Oh ? Well they're wrong, because I have one right here ! BLACK LUSTER SOLDIER: ENVOY OF THE BEGINNING !!

"So you really do possess that card, Yugi... It wasn't just some rumor."

Yugimitri: I'm afraid not. This card has been part of my deck for a long time. But I only take him out for... "Special occasions". Like now !

Syrus: Wait, they have the same attack points ! If Dimitri attacks, it'll just be a draw !

Yugimitri: yes, it would've been. Safe for this ! I play the spell, Kishido spirit !

Yugimitri: Now my monsters can't be destroyed by a draw ! Black Luster Soldier ! Luster Blade attack !!



Bastion: That's it ! he's defenseless ! Next turn will be a direct hit !

Yugimitri: Next turn ? Why wait next turn ? When Black Luster Soldier's ability lets him attack a second time when he destroys a monster !! Luster Blade attack !

Syrus: But he doesn't have any monsters left to protect him !

Bastion: This one will hurt...



"Haa... Haa... Okay, definitely felt that one..."

Yugimitri: It's over, Kaiba. Next turn, I'll wipe the rest of your life points, regardless of what monster you summon !

"... Bet. I draw ! ... You were so kind showing me the envoy of the beginning... And it'll meet its end at the same time as you ! That was your last pathetic card, Yugi ! I play the ritual spell, Chaos form !!

Yugimitri: Ah ?!

"You said it yourself, it's about what you do with the cards ! And now, I banish the Alternative Blue-eyes from my graveyard, which, might I add, is still treated as a Blue-Eyes, all to summon... THE BLUE-EYES CHAOS DRAGON !!

Yugimitri: No !!

"Yes !! CHAOS DRAGON, ATTACK !! Activate your special ability and bring me back my title as King of Games !"

Yugimitri: You fool, Black Luster Soldier can't be destroyed by a draw !

"It won't be a draw ! Because I used a Blue-Eyes to summon it, Chaos Dragon can change the battle position of all your monsters, and make their points go all the way down to 0 ! And don't you know it has piercing damage as well ?!"

Yugimitri: I- Impossible ! Did the Heart of the cards betray me ?!

"It can never be on your side, when you're using a deck you stole ! Drop the act Dimitri, and drop it all ! Blue-Eyes Chaos dragon, attack ! BURST STREAM OF DESTRUCTION !!"



"Heed this, Dimitri. Theft will never get you anywhere. You've got to earn it. Now give it back."

Yugimitri: I... I've been beaten... Even with my...

Dimitri: With Yugi's legendary cards... What's wrong with me ?! Why can't I ever win ?!

???: The answer to that is obvious.

Dimitri: You... You're Zane...

Syrus: Big brother ?

"Uhhh... and Alexis too ? Why are you guys here ?"

Zane: Why else ? To see the deck. But it was gone.

Alexis: We snuck into the exhibit hall and saw how the display case was broken into. We figured the thief couldn't have gone far, so we decided to take a look around.

Zane: Which led us here. We found you a while ago, but didn't want to interrupt the duel.

Bastion: How kind of you.

"... ... ... How much... Did you see, exactly ?"

Zane: Don't worry, we won't say anything about "That". You probably have your reasons, after all. But you know, your match attracted quite a bit of attention.

Crowd: *Cheering*

Yellow: Man... For a newbie, he ain't half-bad... You think he tutors ?

Dimitri: ... What now... ?

Zane: Well, kid, the punishment for stealing has always been crystal clear. Straight-up expulsion. But... Still, since I think pretty much everyone here enjoyed seeing Yugi's deck in a duel rather than a display case, I doubt anyone would turn you in.

Crowd: Yeah, that was awesome !! It's like we were back in Battle city or the Duelist Kingdom ! That was straight-up Kaiba VS Yugi there !

Dimitri: What difference does it makes ? I lost...

"Yugi's deck lost, not you. You can try to copy someone's deck as much as you want, but in the end, it's still someone else's deck. I know it may sound rich coming from me, but you've got to make your own deck, and learn every nook and cranny there is about it. That's the only way for you to get better. So please, just put that deck where it belongs now."

Dimitri: Yeah... Okay...

"Well... All's well that ends well, it seems."

Chumley: yeah, as well as things can be around this crazy place.

"Hey, it's owned by my big brother, there is a standard you have to get used to."

Chumley: And about that, you're really lucky the other students only arrived after the first blue-eyes was gone. So you could justify everything like you were just acting as Kaiba since Dimitri was going full Yugi mode.

"Yeah... Really just dodged a bullet there..."

Syrus: Anikiiiii !! It's Dimitri ! He's at it again !!

"... Again... ?"

"Okay Dimitri, one time was funny, but two is just too much, so drop the act now."

Mokumitri: Who's that Dimitri ? I'm Mokuba Kaiba, Seto Kaiba's little brother ! Now if you want past me, you'll have to beat my dragons !

"SHUT UP MOKUBA !! ... ... Wow, so that's what it feels like..."

Syrus: Um, about Dimitri... ?

"Bah, let him be, he'll get tired of it sooner or later."

Syrus: ... Aniki, why did you hide your name when you entered the academy ? If they knew you were a Kaiba, everyone would bow to you here...

"That's the point... I'd be put in Obelisk Blue right away, and things would've been easy... And I don't want any of that."

Syrus: Why ?

"I got 68 out of like 120 at the entrance exam. If I'm to get in Obelisk Blue or anywhere else, I want it to be by my own skills and efforts, not my brother's name. So I decided to take another, for as long as I study here."

Syrus: ... Why did you even come here ?

"There is a man... That I must surpass. Well, I want to kick my brother's ass to show him I'm not that shrimp anymore. But I'm not really aiming on becoming the next King of Games. I don't want to be the best, I want to make the best deck possible, and that Blue-eyes deck... Let's just say it was my best work before I got into the Academy. But it's not my deck, it's a variation of my brother's."

"So until I graduate with honors and show him just who the superior Kaiba with the superior deck is... It's the name I'll go by."

Syrus: How did you even find it ?

"One question at a time, Syrus. One at a time..."

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