Chapter 15: Irony Maiden

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Banner: If I could please have everyone's attention ? Eyes forward, students. Chumley, stop chewing with your mouth open ! Good.

Pharaoh: Praaah. 'There is a 50% chance that what you are eating right now is one of my hair balls.'

Banner: Now, please join me in welcoming our new transfer student, Blair Flannigan.

Blair: ... ... ...

Chumley: I had to stop chewing for a transfer student ?

"Maybe now you realize you eat too fast for your own good."

Syrus: Oh man... He's smaller than me, dresses goofier than me... My sidekick gig is up...

"Don't say that... But hey, it's quite rare to have a new head around these parts, so let's just hope he feels at home."

Banner: But this isn't Blair home. At least not for long.

"... Are you pointing out the obvious or..."

Banner: No, you don't understand. It's school policy that all transfer students out at Slifer, but Blair scored nearly perfect on all his entrance exams. So with his high marks, he'll be moved to Ra Yellow within a few days.

"Oh. I mean, I had no idea... Well, when that happens, he can take my room in the Yellow dorm, I never used it anyways."

Banner: It's a good thing your brought up the room subject. Because there is not place anywhere else, I think it would be best for Blair to move on with you, don't you think ?

"I, uh... No room anywhere ?"

Banner: None whatsoever.

"Uhhh... No choice then, I guess..."

Banner: Then it's decided. Blair, you can stay with Y/n during your time with us. Go on, why don't you say hello to your new roommates ?

Blair: ... ... Hello.

Sheppard: Settle down, people. Attention, please. Chumley, stop chewing with your mouth open ! Good. Now, the big match-up against our rival school, North Academy is coming up. Last year, Zane, our student rep, wooped 'em good. And this year, I want to win the school duel again.

'... ... Why does it feels like he has a personal issue with this ?'

Syrus: Hey, Blair. Did you know Zane is my big brother ?

Blair: ... Really ?

Syrus: Yeah he's pretty cool, but my mom says I got the looks.

Sheppard: Now, we still haven't decided on who's gonna represent us this year. So, if you keep hitting those books and dueling hard, you may be the one who gets the honor !


Syrus: You hear that Aniki ? Maybe it could be you ! Or even me !

"That sure is a nice prospect... But let's face it, it'll probably be Zane again."

Blair: Yeah... because he's amazing...

"... Hey. Enough with the fanboying here please."

"Amazing, amazing... Yeah, just because he's the best duelist here, and he's a third-year, and he's all that, and... Grmbl."

Syrus: he did beat you in a duel, Aniki.

"I know, I know... Maybe next year, who knows. Huh... ?"

Chumley: Is that... Blair ? What's he doing here ?

Syrus: more importantly, why does he looks like he doesn't want to be seen ?

"... The only thing in that direction... Hm."

Syrus: Aniki ?

"... Whatever, it probably doesn't concern us. I think we have better priorities right now. You guys go on ahead, I just need to grab something from the card shack first."

"I knew they received these new card sleeves today. Now all that's left is-"


"Awawawawawa !! Th- That... Wasn't that Blair ? Without his hat ?"

Zane: Haa... Haa... Where did they go ?

"Zane ? Now that's an unusual sight. What brought you here ?"

Zane: More like who brought me here... Did you see someone pass by running ?

"I think... Didn't really have time to really look, but..."

Zane: Where did they go ? Someone snuck into my dorm room, and ran away leaving this behind.

"... They went that way."

'A hair clip... Long flowing hair... All these comments about Zane... I think I need some explanations from Blair...'

Blair: ... 'You won't go anywhere...'

Alexis: Wow. A cold wet dock in the middle of the night. You sure haven't forgotten how to show a girl a good time.

Zane: Lex... I almost caught the new transfer student snooping in my room today.

Alexis: Blair ? What on Earth would they be doing in your room ?

Zane: I don't know... But I found this.

Alexis: ... Uh, that's a girl's hair clip...

"Okay Blair. I've agreed to come all this way so no one else would hear this conversation. Now you have a hefty amount of explanation to do."

Blair: ... Listen. The fact that I'm a girl has to stay a secret.

"That's the point. Why did you hide the fact you were one when you enrolled here ? Like, I'm not even making fun of you, I genuinely don't understand. Out of all things, why would you hide the fact you're a girl ?

Blair: Gh... You don't need to know ! Nobody does !

"Then maybe you can tell me why you were sneaking into Zane's dorm room then ? I'm pretty sure they have cameras there, so it's only a matter of time before the faculty learns of that."

Blair: You... You'd tell them ?!

"I don't really care about you being a girl. You hiding it from other people is kind of a you problem after all. But trespassing into someone else's room, and pretty much breaking in too is another story... So unless you give me a good reason not to tell anyone-"

Blair: Th- Then duel me !

"... ... ... What ?"

Blair: I said duel me ! And if you win... I- I'll let you tell them that I'm a girl...

"... I said a good reason, not a bet. And I already told you, the fact you're a girl in disguise can stay a secret. I'm talking about your reasons and motives here."

"... But... they do say that one's true nature can be revealed through a duel... How about this ? I'm not planning on spilling the beans, but if I win, you should tell me why you did all that, okay ?"

Blair: Th- Then... If I win, I... I get to tell them your secret !!

"My... Tough luck with that, as far as I know, they do too."

Blair: Gh... Stop talking and duel me !

"Fine... Fine... I swear, kids these days. Ready ?"

Chumley: Well, we found them.

Syrus: But what are they talking about down there ?

Chumley: Don't know, but it looks like it's pretty serious...

Syrus: I knew this would happen... Aniki found a new guy to hang around with...

Zane: That's not it, Syrus. Because Blair's not a guy, she's really a girl. Obelisk security cameras showed her in our dorm.

Alexis: But what they didn't show us is why she went through all this trouble.

Syrus: really? I wonder how Aniki plans to sort this all out...

Both: DUEL !!


Blair: All right, get ready... To fall in love ! I summon Maiden in Love !

Syrus: She's cute !

Chumley: Hrmmm...

"A maiden, huh... I got exactly who I need for that. Illusory gentleman, go ! Attack !"

Syrus: Aww... My poor helpless maiden...

Chumley: Hey, who said she's yours ?

Alexis: How about we let the monsters do the fighting, okay guys ?


Blair: Hngh ! You may have broken her heart, but she lives to love another day ! You see, as long as she stays in attack mode, her special ability keeps her from being destroyed !

"Okay... That's... Wait, what is that... ?"

Gentleman: Milady, I am so terribly sorry... Are you alright ?

Maiden: Maybe... Maybe not...

"... Okay, maybe bringing out a gentleman against a maiden wasn't the smartest, in hindsight of... Whatever this is..."

Syrus: It looks like we have some competition...

"I'll put one card face down and end my turn... Can't really get any worse."

Blair: Fufu. Actually, it can. Maiden in Love has another ability. Any monster that attacks her gets a Maiden Counter !

"Maiden... Counter ? What'd it do ?"

Blair: You'll find out. Well, moving on... Alright, I attach the spell card Cupid's kiss to my maiden !

Blair: And now, I'll have her attack !! Go !

"Attack ?! My gentleman has over three times her attack points ! Why ?!"

Blair: You'll see...

Maiden: Mr. Gentleman, where are you~ ? Come out to play with me, pleaaase~ ? Hah !

Gentleman: M- Milady !

Maiden: *S- Sniff* How could you do this... I thought... You're so mean !

Gentleman: My lady... Please accept my apologies...

Maiden: ... Okay... *Mwah*

"... I had no idea the duel technology had gone so far lately..."

Maiden: Now, how about doing me a little favor ?

Gentleman: Anything. I am a gentleman after all.

Maiden: Good. See him ? Take him down !

Gentleman: Consider it done ! Hraaahh !!

"What ?! Now you're using my monsters against me ?! What kind of crap is that ?!"

Syrus: She can use me anytime.


Blair: Sorry, but when Maiden takes damage from a monster that's been marked with a maiden counter, the equip spell cupid's kiss automatically activates. Sure it costs me some points, but it's about to cost you a lot more. Now Gentleman, show to whom your loyalty belongs to !

"Are you so sure ? I pride myself in always having something up my sleeve, and this is no exception ! I activates my face-down, Shadow spell !"

"I don't really like using it on my own monster, but it is what it is. Now he's immobilized, and his attack is reduced by 700 points.


Maiden: Ah ! Mr.Gentleman !

Gentleman: Do not worry about me, milady !

Blair: Fine. Then I'll just place two cards face-down and end my turn.

'Now let's see... The gentleman is out of commission for now... But if I attack her maiden, she'll just use the same tricks again...'

"Alright, time to take the gloves off. I send one card to the graveyard to special summon The Tricky in attack mode ! Then I play the spell card, Mage power !"

Blair: Ah ?!

"If I can't prevent my monsters from falling for your Maiden, I just have to beat you before that ! And with mage power, I raise the Tricky's power by 500 points for every spell and trap I control !"


"Now eat this ! Tricky, attack and finish this !"

Blair: Just you wait ! I activate my own face-down ! Defense Maiden !!

Gentleman: H- Huh ?! Milady, what are you doing ?! You need to run away !

Blair: See ? It redirects your attack towards Maiden in Love instead of your Gentleman !

Syrus: But what's the point ? His attack points are still too high !

Blair: Don't think so ! Because I activate my other face-down, enchanted Javelin ! So I gain life points equal to your monster's attack !


Blair: And you know what that means~ !


Gentleman: No ! Milady !! You... Shame on you, how dare you attack a defenseless maiden like such ! If I wasn't in chains like that, I'd show you !

Tricky: I... I'm unforgivable ! Please, my love... I beg you ! I'd do anything ! Anything !

Maiden: Anything... ? Well, nothing comes to mind right now... But I'm sure I'll think of something later~.

Tricky: Ahh ! Just say the word, and I'm at your disposal ! My darling...

"Okay, this is just weird."

Blair: And it's about to get worse, now that he's been marked with a maiden counter too.

Syrus: I want one. Where can I find a Maiden Counter ?

Chumley: yeah, me too. I want one too !

"You guys up there are being way too distracting !!"

Alexis: And maybe remember it's just a card you're looking at, guys... ?

Zane: Try remember who you're talking to. When Sy and I were growing up, he used to claim he was going steady with the Dark Magician Girl.

Alexis: Is that so... ? She broke your heart, Sy ? Or did you just decide to see other monsters ?

"In that matter, my brother is a prime example of faithfulness... I put one card face down and end it here. Oh, and let's not forget Mage Power as well."


'Even if I think I'll regret it very soon...'

Blair: All right, here I go ! I activate the equip spell card, Happy marriage !

Blair: Now, Maiden in Love gains as many attack point as the Gentleman original attack points. That is if he says "I do" of course !

Gentleman: If even in chains, my heart could serve you, milady, then it would be my pleasure.

Maiden: Hurray !


Blair: Now, let's have her pay a visit to your Tricky ! Attack !

Tricky: H- Huh ?

Gentleman: Catch her !

Tricky: Oh ! My darling, I didn't expect you to arrive so suddenly. Is there anything I can do for you ?

Blair: Gh- !


Tricky: Command me, my love ! What is your wish ?

Maiden: I wish... That you'd beat that mean boy over there !

Tricky: With Pleasure !!

"Do they really hate me that much- GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH !!"


Blair: Sorry, but you'll never be able to beat me. I'm dueling for love~.

"... To think you'd go this far just to get closer to Zane... Closer... Ohhhhhhhhh..."

Zane: Dueling for love ? Doesn't she mean dueling with love ?

Alexis: Don't tell me you haven't put the pieces together yet ? i'm sure everyone else did. She puts on a disguise, tricks her way into this school, breaks into your room...

Syrus: Ohh... She's in love !

Alexis: Big time. And she's in love with you, Zane.

Blair: So, what will you do now ?

"... I'm done with all of this. i'm out."

Blair: H- Hey ! We aren't done ! Get back here !

"No, I'm mean this is done. This duel's over. I activate my last face-down, ring of destruction, and equip it to your Maiden.

Blair: H- Huh ?!

"It destroys the target, and deal damage equal to the destroyed monster's attack to both players. In other words..."


Gentleman: NO ! MILADY !!

Tricky: DARLING !!




"This is a draw. No one loses, and no one wins."

Blair: So... I don't have to tell anyone...

"I think I've learned what I wanted already. But yeah, no one needs to spill the beans now. Besides, I'm pretty sure he also got the answer."

Alexis: Sure did.

Zane: Huh ?

Blair: Ah... A- a- a- ahhh... Z- Zane, you're here...

Alexis: Love is on her mind, Zane.

Blair: Well then... I guess you know... i'm the one who snuck in your dorm room... I've been in love with you ever since I met you.

Zane: At nationals.

Blair: Yeah, that's right ! We met right after you won the championship match. It was then I made a pledge... That I would do anything to be with you...

'Awww, that's sweet...'

Blair: I remember you said that if I trained really really hard, I could get into Duel Academy like you ! So I did ! And now that I'm here... We can get married !

Alexis: Blair, sweety... Love doesn't work like that. You can't sneak your way into somebody's heart.

Blair: Huh ?

"This is why you disguised yourself as a boy, didn't you ? Because if you entered as a girl, you would've been put in the girls' dorm, away from Zane. But... A relationship entirely built on tricks and lies... is it really what you want ? Just like your maiden..."

Alexis: She ended up alone, and in tears. You can't use spells and disguises to find your soulmate, Blair. You have to be honest and upfront with them.

Blair: ... Yeah, then what about him ?! He isn't upfront with you at all !

Alexis: ... What ?

"Uhhh... Zane, some help ?"

Zane: Blair. As flattered as I am by your affection, right now I am only in love with one thing, dueling.

Blair: Dueling... ?

Zane: I'm sorry, but it's time for you to go home.

"... I thought she looked a bit too young to be enrolled here..."

Zane: Indeed. She's only 13.

"...To think I barely managed to get away with a draw against a junior high student..."

Blair: Hehehe. I only have a year and a half before I graduate, if it makes you feel better *Bleh*.

"Don't pour oil on the fire, you..."

Zane: You say you "Barely managed a draw" But you weren't exactly going all out, were you ?

"Can't hide from the kaiser, I guess. I just don't like to fight pointless duels."

Blair: Goodbye !! I'll be back as soon as I finish junior high !

"Hear that Zane ? Your soulmate is coming back for you."

Zane: Oh, please. I'll be long gone by that time.

"True, true. Let's just hope that 'Kid's crush' of hers will dissipate by then."

Zane: Honestly... I wouldn't be so sure.

"Huh ?"

Blair: Goodbye Y/n, my sweet prince ! I love youuu !!

"... ... ... What ? isn't she supposed to... You know, Zane ?"

Alexis: You said it yourself, one's true nature is seen through a duel. And apparently, her true nature fell head over heels for you.

Zane: ... Good luck.


Syrus: ... hey Chumley, wanna get some new cards ?

Chumley: Yeah, I've got one in mind...

Alexis: Just do me a favor fellas, and stay away from the girls in my deck.

Syrus: ... Alexis ? Why do you sound... Almost angry all of a sudden ? Is it about Blair ?

Alexis: Walk and don't ask questions.

Blair: I'll see you soon ! Write me everyday ! I love you Y/n sweety !!

"... And I have no face-downs for that kind of things... The one domain my big brother couldn't train me in... Ahhhhhhhh..."

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