Chapter 16: No sublots allowed

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Movers: Heave-ho, heave-ho, heave-ho...

Dorothy: Yes, please just leave it there. Booster packs go there, starter decks go there. I said here !

*Blub blub blub*

Dorothy: Hm... ... hey, don't stop moving ! Come on, come on.

???: Heh. Infiltration was almost too easy. Duel Academy... Time to dig out the story that will make me my fortune.

Crowler: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND ?! For our big duel with North Academy, our Signore Zane Truesdale MUST represent us, like he did last year !

Sheppard: Zane is our best, but he's a third-year student. North Academy is sending a first-year.

Crowler: But why would they do that ?

Sheppard: No idea. But given the situation, wouldn't it be better if our own representative was a First-year as well ? What do you think, Zane ?

Zane: It's not a problem.

Sheppard: Then it's settled. All we need to do now is decide who this first-year is going to be.

Zane: ... Y/n L/n.

Crowler: HAAA ?!

Sheppard: Hm ?

Banner: It's true that he is one of our most promising students. Don't you think so too, Pharaoh ?

Pharaoh: Meow. 'Don't bring me into this. I hate school politics almost as much as I hate bath time ! Hiss ! Hiss, I say ! I don't like it !'

Crowler: Well, if the cat says so...

Zane: I believe he will offer us quite the interesting duel.

Sheppard: True. I have no doubts he will. Now, unless someones has another suggestion...

Crowler: 'Gh... That's impossible ! For that drop-out to represent our school, there has to be someone else ! Let's see, let's see, let's see...'

Crowler: Ahah ! In that case, I suggest Bastion Misawa !

Sheppard: That gives us two Ra Yellow to choose from...

Crowler: We can have them duel against each other and the winner will become our representative for the duel !

Sheppard: Well, what do you think, Zane ?

Zane: Hmhm.

???: Thank goodness these lockers aren't locked. I gotta blend in... And red's always been my color...

Your POV:

"D- Did I just mishear that ? You want me..."

Banner: Exactly. You will face against Bastion Misawa, and the winner will be participating on our duel against North Academy.

"Is that so..."

Banner: I look forward to an exciting match ! And I think I'm not the only one.

Pharaoh: Praaaah. 'You humans shall seek that I am distracted enough, or you'll come to learn why it is pronounced "Cat-astrophy". Meow.'

Syrus: That's awesome, Aniki ! You've been selected to take part in the school duel !

Chumley: I don't think it ever happened to a first-year student before !

"Well, the only word I'd like to say for that occasion is 'Finally'."

Bastion: Finally, indeed. I've done my fair share of researches since last time, and they're about to conclude.

"You did say you'd create a deck that can best me... I take it you believe you succeeded ?"

Bastion: Don't think of it so lightly. It may not be complete yet, but I will finish it before our duel.

"Aren't I just eager to see it... But if you think you're the only one who can improve on his deck, you're sorely mistaken !"

???: Hmm... hey, fellow duelists, what's shakin' around here ?

Blue: Out of the way, you Slifer slime.

???: Huh ? But wait, I just...

Syrus: Bastion designed a whole deck, just to duel you, aniki...

Chumley: I don't know if you should be honored or scared...

"If it's true, then I'm impressed. After all, creating a perfect counter to an opponent running multiple decks is a near-impossible feat... Huh ?"

???: Yo, how are things ?

Yellow: beat it, Slifer sludge.

???: Wait ! Man, why won't anyone talk to me... ?

Syrus: ... I've never seen that guy around...

"Me neither... Hey, who exactly are you ? Aren't you a bit old to be a student ?"

???: Oh, eh... I got held back a lot... The name's Gerard, by the way...

"Gerard, huh... Doesn't ring a bell... And Slifer Red's a small dorm, we see the same faces all the time. So i'm pretty sure I'd remember someone like you... A head taller than everyone else... And with a beard... And a grown-up's voice..."

Gerard: Y- Yeah, that's just... I- I got transferred here just recently...

"Oh, I see. I guess that explains it then."

Gerard: Yah, sorry for the misunderstanding 'Phew. He almost blew up my cover... Reminds me of that one time I was trying to sneak around Kaibacorp and that small kid spotted me...'


Gerard: GAH !


Gerard: Hey, what are you-

"Yes, am I talking to the security department ? We have an intrusion on campus, someone snuck in and stole a uniform. I joined a picture to the call, please do the necessary. Hallway 14B, yes."

Gerard: Gh- DAMN IT !! Where did you- hah ?!

Security: You are trespassing on Duel Academy property. Follow us peacefully or we'll have to force you. Remember you have the right to stay silent and that everything you say can be held against you.

"... Now, that this is dealt with, let's go back to our dorm."

Syrus: H- How did you know he wasn't a student ?

"I know the guy, he's a just a nosy, scoop-hungry reporter trying to put his nose where it doesn't belong. Caught him trying to infiltrate Kaibacorp a few years back."

Chumley: that was quick, he didn't even get a chance to explain himself.

"... ... I hate subplots involving tertiary characters."

Bastion: I can finally take him on... It's been quite a long time since I've been so stimulated... Countless equations, a myriad of theorems, yet still... the answer keeps evading me... or rather, there are too many possible answers...

Bastion: The first deck he used at the entrance exam, with the enraged Muka Muka as the headliner... His spellcaster deck with Trance the Magic swordsman... His rock-type deck... or maybe he'd even wipe out his blue-eyes, who knows... Even if I can find a way to play around and counter one of his decks... If he uses another one, I'll be cooked... Come on, there has to be some sort of common denominator between them all... Unless...

Bastion: That's it ! It's like the old saying goes, humans are fallible ! Even if it's a different decks, there is a pattern he keeps using ! And with that... Huhuhu... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

"Alright, I'm famished ! Better pile up on that or else I won't be able to perform for the duel Omnomnomnomnom !"

Syrus: Could you please take this a little more seriously, Aniki ? This is Bastion we're talking about !

"Gulp. Oh, I know that. And in fact, the first part of our duel already went off as we were constructing our decks."

Chumley: How ?

"We're trying our best to counter our opponent, so we have to think like we've got several plays ahead. On that virtual chessboard, I kept going until I was playing in 19 dimensions, so let's just hope he hasn't found a way to counter the counter for the counters of his counters that I countered by countering his counters of counters..."

Syrus: ... Let's just go to the duel arena...

Chumley: Yeah...

"But then if I anticipated that he'd anticipate my anticipations of his anticipation..."

Crowler: SIGNORI AND SIGNORA ! All our excuses for the wait !! We are just about to start the duel that will decide of the representative for the School Duel up ahead !! Introducing first, from the Ra dorm... BASTION MISAWA !! And then, also from Ra, some... Kid.

"... ... ... Make abstraction of how much Crowler despise you, Y/n... You'll need to for that one."

Bastion: Indeed you will, but against that seventh deck I built, it might not be enough.

"We'll see about that."

Syrus: Go, Aniki !!

Pharaoh: Meow. 'It's almost as intense as the time that kid Y/n challenged me to catch that red light circle. It couldn't evade me from long ! King of catching laser pointer dots, bitch !'

Crowler: Now, without further ado...

"Let's go !"

Bastion: I'm waiting !

Both: DUEL !!


Bastion: First move ! I summon Carboneddon, in defense mode !

Bastion: That's all, for now.

"You will show me what that seventh deck of yours can do, even if I have to drag the cards out of your deck myself ! I draw ! And I summon Beta, the Magnet warrior, in attack mode !"

Bastion: Whipping out the good old rock deck I see. 'That means I have to make sure he can't manage to bring out Valkyrion...'

"Now Beta, attack !! destroy carboneddon !"


"Next I activate the field spell, Catapult zone, and end my turn."

Bastion: It's just getting started ! My turn ! I summon Oxygeddon, in attack mode, and use it to attack your magnet warrior !

"Yes, well how about no ? I activate the effect of catapult zone ! It lets me send a rock-type monster to the grave to protect my monster from destruction ! Even if I still take the damage."


"You're not putting my magnets to the junkyard just yet."

Bastion: I would expect no less from you. I will then put two cards face-down and end my turn.

"Your funeral. My turn ! And first, I special summon Sentry soldier of stone from my graveyard ! Next I'll put beta in defense mode, and activate the spell card, The Dark Door !"

Bastion: Hey, I remember this one ! Dimitri used it against you !

"That's right, and you should remember what it does then. Only one monster can attack for every battle phase now !"

Bastion: 'Only one monster... And regardless of which one, he can protect himself with his field. Again, an iron wall defense for me to try and break through, huh ?'

Sheppard: These first-years really are something else, professor Banner.

Banner: Yes. Regardless of which one wins this, we can expect a great school duel.

Zane: A rock-solid defense, huh... He really prefers to play the long game.

Alexis: It's brain against brain here, not brain against brawn... They both will pick the tiniest weaknesses in their opponent's plays and will unleash everything.

Crowler: 'Why did I open my big mouth and recommend Bastion Misawa ?! He's getting pushed back, i'm getting humiliated, and worst of all... Y/n's looking better than ever !!'

"Well then, Bastion. I believe it's your turn."

Bastion: You will come to regret it. I draw ! And I play the spell, Sonar summon !!

Bastion: Now by sending one Hydrogeddon to the graveyard, I can bring out another one from my deck ! But he won't stay alone for long, because I play Living Fossil !

Bastion: Now this one lets me take back the hydroggedon I just sent to my graveyard, and summon it to the field ! Have you done you chemistry yet ?

"Two hydroggedon and one oxygeddon, yes. I know where it's going."

Bastion: And it's going good. I activate the spell card Bonding H2O ! So like I'm combining two hydrogens and one oxygen to create water, this allows me to combine my two hydroggedons, and my one oxygeddon, to create... WATER DRAGON !!

Sheppard: That's one impressive monster.

Banner: And one impressive move. All-out attack against wall-like defense, this will be tough.

Crowler: 'I knew it was a good idea for me to nominate Bastion Misawa for this ! he's looking magnificent, I'm looking brilliant, and best of all, that dropout is about to get creamed !

"Well, this doesn't exactly looks good for me."

Bastion: And you don't know just how much it's not ! I activate the spell card, Rogue Wave, and equip it to Water dragon !

Bastion: With this, my monster can attack once for every monster on your side of the field ! So even if you cancel the first attack with your field... The second will hit ! Water dragon ! Tidal surge !!

"Catapult zone activates ! I discard a rock-type monster from my deck !"

Bastion: Then good luck for this one. Water dragon, second attack ! Tidal surge !


"Gh... Not so stupid to target my soldier, eh ?"

Bastion: It's your move now. Be careful not to waste it.

"I'll take you literally ! I summon Gamma, the magnet warrior, in defense mode !"

"Not much else I can do for now..."

Bastion: You will do nothing ! I activate my face-down, Chain Destruction !

"What ?!"

Bastion: Now, I told you I had studied your deck. Chain destruction destroys the monster you just summoned, as well as all monsters with the same name in your hand and deck !

"Wait, you mean... All the Gamma's I have go straight to the graveyard ?!"

Bastion: You said it, your strongest monster is Valkyrion, and it can only be summoned by the three magnet warriors. With one missing, you won't be able to summon it !

Bastion: You wanted to see what my new deck had in store ? Here it is, I hope you like it !

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