Chapter 18: Belowski the Woke

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Crowler: Arg... Choco-pudding ! Choco-a-la-mode ! To think that from every single student it had to be him ! Has it been decided yet ? Was the decision already taken ? Non non non non ! I've got one last resort !

Crowler: Yi, ér, San, Suu... Wait no, that's Chinese... I'm coming in, sorry ! Grazie...

Crowler: W- W- W- What ?! Ah ! Why ?! Not the head, not my head !! Get off ! I just have to open that and- GAH !!

Crowler: Not the head I said !! Why, you AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH- !!


Crowler: Look I'm not a thief trying to steal your eggs ! Stop... Oh for god's sake ! The Yolk's over, get off me ! You lot belong in a bucket !

Crowler: Phew... It's true after all, can't make the mother of all omelettes while fretting over every egg. And now it's time to break that Y/n... For good.

Crowler: Y/n... Because of you, I have no choice, but to open this Pandora's box once again. But in the end... No matter how bad things can get, all that's left is hope... Hope is always the last thing left in the Pandora's Box... Are you there, Belowski ? It's your old friend, Dr.Crowler !

Your POV:

"Grmmblgrllmn... This is just hair-pulling... Rocks... Spellcasters... Winged beasts... Damn it, I can't decide which one I need to go with ! Or maybe I should make up a brand new deck for the occasion..."

Bastion: You should use my water dragon for the occasion ! It would be a fine addition to your deck.

Alexis: That dragon's a total washout, you need something strong, like Etoile Cyber.

Chumley: How about Des Koala ?

Syrus: If you want, you can use my Power Bond, Aniki...

"I don't need new cards, I need to think !"

Bastion: Hey, there's no need to be rude, we're only trying to help. After all you've been selected as the representative for the school duel, this is huge !

Alexis: And if you don't win, it's going to be a huge disappointment.

"Lay off the pressure already ! I'm having a hard enough time trying to tinker with my deck to the best of my abilities, I don't need you guys on top of this !"

Bastion: That's the spirit. Fight that duel to the best of your abilities. And for that... You're gonna need my Water Dragon !

Syrus: Or Power Bond !

Alexis: Or Etoile Cyber...

Chumley: Des Koala all the way !

"Boohoohoohooooooo... That's it ! I'm out of here !!"

Syrus: Ah ! he's running away !

Bastion: Wait ! Use my Water Dragon !

Alexis: And why not Etoile Cyber ?!

Bastion: He went that way !

Syrus: Take my Power Bond, Aniki !

Bastion: Come on, Y/n ! I wanna help you be alone !

Alexis: You can't be alone all by yourself !

'Yes I can, and I will ! Maybe that was a little harsh, they just wanted to help... Speaking of... of course ! If there's one person who can help me, it's...'

"Haah... Haah... Zane !!"

Zane: Hm ? Well would you look at you ? What happened for you to be so out of breath like that ?

"Haah... had to lose some people first... But that's not what I want to talk about now, you're the only one who can help !"

Zane: You want me to tell you about the school duel, isn't it ?

"I want to... How did you... ?"

Zane: There really isn't anything else you could ask me at the moment. And while I applaud your strategic mind, I'm afraid I can't help.

"What ? Why ?!"

Zane: Because unlike your duel with Chazz, here your opponent really doesn't know what you're gonna throw, and it's not like they've been given a bunch of rare cards specifically to beat you. So it wouldn't be fair if I told you.

"I... Yeah, I guess... But if didn't ask, I would've regretted it. Guess I'll just have to fumble around the school archives for the records then."

Zane: Even if you do... I'm sorry to say it, but you might need to level up a bit for that duel.

"Level... Up... ?"

Syrus: Anikiiiiiiii ! Where are you ?!

"Oop. Well, thank you anyways, but I need to go byye !!"

'I need to Level Up... What did he mean ? He put an emphasis on that specific part, so it can't just be a way of telling me to get better...'

"Haah... Haah... Finally, a place where I can be alone... A place where-"

???: Suuup'.

"Huuuuh... No offense, but I came all the way here in hope of being alone... Why are you here on the roof ?"

???: Because the weather's nice ! The sun is warm, the clouds are fluffy...

"Who even are you..."

Belowski: Just a dude with a deck... Call me Belowski. You ever noticed how clouds look like Duel Monsters if you look really close ?

"... You talking about that Weather series or..."

Belowski: Duuude, you gotta stop being so down-to-Earth all the time... Hey, how about we duel ?

"Didn't you just said you came up here for the weather ? Besides, blue vs yellow doesn't seem super fair in my book... It's either crush or be crushed..."

Belowski The Woke AF: Red, yellow, blue, who cares ? Those are just symbols the men uses to try and propagate social division. See ? This is just like a conspiracy of the politico-industrial complex to permeate so-called free market and-

"Y- You can stop there. Seriously, please stop..."

Belowski: All right, alright...

Syrus: Aniki ! I knew you'd be here !

"... And how did you... ?"

Syrus: You always come here when you want to be left alone. Speaking of... Who's that ?

"Uhh... I don't really know... He was there when I got here..."

Belowski: Heeey, you still haven't answered me. You wanna play ?

"Hmm. I kinda need to blow off some steam and take off the pressure, so let's take it easy."

Belowski: Cool.

Crowler: 'Nfufufu. Waiting here was a great idea ! Once Signore Belowski uses his special skills, you won't be able to compete in the school duel ! Or anywhere else, ever ! Good thing I pulled my protective armor out of the closet, otherwise I'd end up in the same state they're about to fall into !'

"Okay. DUEL !!"

Belowski: Yeah, let's go man...


Belowski: I'll start by summoning Mokey Mokey, in defense Modey Modey.

Mokey Mokey: Mokey Mokey.

'... Why did it has to be this one ? I hate that monster with a burning passion, WHY DID MY BROTHER MAKE THIS APRIL FOOL'S JOKE A REALITY JUST TO SPITE ME ?!'

Bastion: ... Goodness me. That's not a monster, that's a marshmallow ! He looks like nothing can bother him...

Alexis: He's so cute ! Like a big fluffy pillow !

Syrus: It's warming up my heart !

Chumley: Now that you mention it... I feel pretty tired...

Belowski: Alright, so I guess I'll just toss a couple and chill now.

"Okay, my turn then. I activate the spell card Unexpected Dai, bringing forth a normal monster from my deck, being Beta, the Magnet warrior. Next I'll normal summon Delta the magnet warrior, and use its effect to send Gamma to the grave. And finally, I'll activate Silent Doom to bring back Gamma to the field in Defense mode. So how do you think of that for a first turn ?"

Belowski: Hahaha ! That was great ! Those monsters look totally righteous !

"... Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for, but nevermind that... Delta, attack his Mokey Mokey, would you."

Belowski: That will not stand, man. I activate the trap, Human Wave tactics.

Belowski: Now wrap your mind around this one, for each level 2 or lower normal monster you destroy, I can summon another from my deck at the end of the turn. It's about the balance, man, the Yin and the Yang.

"... Um, okay... Delta's still attacking, though."


"And now Beta can attack you directly."

Belowski: Dude... Ogh- !


"That's about it for now."

Belowski: Woow, that was very un-chill, dude.

"Really ? I think I'm being pretty chill right now..."

Belowski: if you say so... But Now I can summon Happy lover thanks to Human-wave tactics.

Belowski: And since Happy Lover likes to share the love, I'll bring back his buddy Mokey Mokey in attack Modey Modey.

Bastion: He has such a calming presence.

Alexis: Maybe I should add one in my deck too !

Syrus: He's sure to make you happy !

Belowski: Next, I activate the spell card Mokey Mokey Smackdown, and attack your Delta with Happy Lover !

"You... You sure about that ?"

Belowski: certain. Go, Happy Lover ! Happy Burning !



Mokey Mokey: Mokey ?! MOKEEEEEY !!

"W- Wow, now he needs to chill out..."

All: He's cute even like that !

Bastion: I want that Mokey Mokey...

Alexis: Yeah, he's the best !

Belowski: he sure is. And since you destroyed Happy Lover, the effect of Mokey Mokey Smackdown activates, raising the attack of all my Mokeys to 3000.

Bastion: 3000, huh ?

Alexis: That Mokey Mokey is awesome !

Syrus: He's so cool !

"Alright, Time out ! Time right out ! What is going on with you guys ? I'll admit the little guy is fun to watch, but why are you all gushing all over him ?"

Bastion: You have to ask ? Because he's Mokey Mokey, of course !

"Gh-... ..."

Belowski: Hey, are you okay ? You know, I kinda want to attack your Beta with Mokey Mokey...

"Huh ? Oh, right, go ahead... Wait what ?"

Belowski: Go for it, Mokey Mokey ! Mokey Mokey Waves !



All: Mokey Mokey ! Mokey Mokey !

"Alright, but seriously. What happened to you lot ?"

Belowski: They're feeling the Moke.

"The... Do I really want to know what that even is ?"

Belowski: The Moke's all about harmony, man. And there's more where that came from, because I'm playing Mistik Wok. And just like a sizzling plate of tofu, it refills my energy ! But balance, dude, so I gain as many life points as the attack points of the monster I sacrificed.

Belowski: So I'll sacrifice Mokey Mokey, and that's three grant of life points.


Belowski: And since Happy lover is gone, Human-wave tactics restores balance into my universe. I just gotta choose which balance. And I'm thinking Haniwa's just my type of zen.

"Haniwa ?"

Belowski: Yeah, that's Haniwa.

"... This entire duel is weird..."

Bastion: Hey, Y/n ! You gotta chill out, man. You don't have to go all out.

"Huh ?"

Alexis: You're surrounded by this negative energy, dude. Don't you know fighting isn't the solution ? Just make peace.

"Huh ?!"

Syrus: Like Mokey Mokey ! Sing our mantra man.

All: Mokey Mokey !

"HUH ?!"

Crowler: Nfufufu ! It finally begun ! The terrifying powers of Signore Belowski !'

"You guys... Hey, is that your doing ?"

Belowski: I just freed their minds, man.

All: Mokey Mokey !

Crowler: 'Mokekenoke !' Ahahaha ! Are you surprised ?

"Oh, Dr. Crowler... If it's just you, I guess I don't have to worry."

Crowler: Gah ! Why, you little... Doesn't matter. Soon, you won't worry about anything ! This is the demotivating duel style of Belowski !


All: Mokey Mokey !

Crowler: That's right. 3 years ago, Signore Belowski was the number one of Duel Academy. He could figure out his opponents' strategies, as well as their face-down cards. He was an ingenious duelist.

"... You're telling me this guy was the previous Kaiser ?"

Crowler: However, one day, the dueling style of Signore Belowski radically changed. All the duelists that faced him lost their motivation, left the Academy and got off the island.

All: Mokey Mokey...

"... O... Kay..."

Belowski: I don't really know why, but after playing Mokey Mokey in a duel, they all end up like that.

Crowler: We realized the nature of Signore Belowsky's powers, and for the good of the academy and the duelists, we had to isolate him somewhere. In short, we built a dorm just for him.

"... You just locked him away."

Crowler: No, no, no, Carolina ! Don't insinuate it's a jail, it's a paradise !

Crowler: An extra-extravagant installation exclusively for Signore Belowski's enjoyment.

'... So that's what my brother meant when he said they built a "Mokuba room" on the island...'

Belowski: It's all good, man. I just chill and then every time there's a student Dr.C wants me to take care of, I get to come out. Plus, I get plenty of time to hang with my monster crew and spin our wheels and stuff. And dude... We have some deep talks too. We're totally unraveling the universe. You should join us !

"Yeah... I'll politely decline. I'm plenty happy as I am here."

Belowski: Hey, that's chill.

"Okay, since it's my turn... I'll summon Doki Doki, in attack Mody mody... Oh gosh, i'm also being affected here."

Belowski: Hey man, that's alright.

"Yeah, so I think I'll activate it's effect... Discard one level 4 to bring out another Beta from my deck. And now to attack. Delta, you take care of his Haniwa, Beta and Doki Doki attack directly."


Belowski: Huh ? WAAAHAH !


"And I think that's about it."

Belowski: In that case, I use the effect of Human-wave Tactic to bring out another Happy lover from my deck.

Crowler: H- Hey, just wait a minute ! Why is that drop-out still motivated by this duel ?! Why's he still standing ?! Why isn't he becoming like these ones ? Why ?!

"Yeah, don't worry about this. It's just my third coffee of the day kicking in."

Belowski: Third of the- Dude, it's like, 9AM.

"I know, this school duel's getting me riled up."

Belowski: You have an issue, man. I use my Pot...

"I knew it..."

Belowski: Of Greed...

"... Oh, nevermind. Proceed."

Belowski: Alright, I got Dark Factory of mass production ! It may sound totalitarian, but it lets me bring back two normal monsters from my grave to my hand. And with three Mokey Mokey now in my hand, I can fuse them together to form...

Belowski: Mokey Mokey King !

Belowski: Now checkout his Kingly way ! Attack his Doki Doki !



Belowski: That was nice, man. But the circle of life must continue. From one comes many, dude, and the King's special effect brings all three Mokey Mokey back on the field.

"Just great... Starting to feel a bit... *Yaaaawn* Worn off over there..."

Belowski: And now Happy Lover ! Attack Delta with Happy burning !

"Magnet rebound ! Now !"



Belowski: Now the effect of Mokey Mokey Smackdown activates, and bring them all to 3000 attack points.


Belowski: Mokey Mokey 1, go get his Beta. Mokey Mokey Dos, you're onto Delta.

"... ... ... *Yaaawn*"




Crowler: GAH !!


Belowski: Oh... Looks like I won, man.

"Yeah... You did. Congrats."

Crowler: Fu... Fufufufu ! that's it ! This drop-out is getting demotivated ! Completely... Rr... Rzzzzz...

"But, really... It's the first my caffeine level went down that fast... You gotta tell me how you do that."

Belowski: Hey man, that's cool. Glad to help you chill out for a bit.

"Yeah... All that stuff about the school duel got me way too stressed. For a second, I forgot that it's supposed to be a game. Besides, you can't go correctly if you're feeling under the weather."

Belowski: That's the spirit... Okay, G'night...

All: Rzzzzzzzz...

"... Yeah, a nap's looking mighty good right about now... Mgmnn... Rzzz..."

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