Chapter 19: My Chazz Academia

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Chazz: ... Lousy scrubs... It's all their fault ! Dr.Crowler... Bastion... Y/n...

"Awww, is poor Chazzy getting all gwumpy again ?"

Chazz: SHUT IT !! I'm gonna wipe that ugly grin right off your face !

"... You mean, the same way I wiped the floor with you last time ? How scary."

Chazz: If only I could... Just one more duel... That's all I want !

"Hey man, you know I'm not real. I'm just a voice in your head in the end, you can't challenge me to a duel. You're so obsessed with me you tried talking to yourself, and here I am."

Chazz: WHY, YOU !! Heh... Hehehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Obsesed with you ?! That's the best one I heard ! I'm not obsessed... A little thirsty maybe...

"Well, depending on the context, both can mean the same thing. But I don't swing that way. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if I swing any ways at all."

Chazz: Ghhhhh... Shut... UUUUUP !! Uh- AHHHHHHHH !!


Chazz: 'I'll get you for that, you drop-out !! It's all your fault !!'

'Chaaaaaaz... Chaaaaaaaaz... Chazzzzzzzzzzz... I'm haunting youuu...'

Light: Hey ! Hey booooss ! Rise and shine ! Open at 'em ! Hellooooo ? Come onnn, wake up ! Alright, I guess I'll have to do my wake-up dance... HAH !!


Chazz: Hmgnn... Huh ?

???: Good morning young duelist.

Chazz: Uh ? What's going on ? Or better yet... What are you ?

???: I'm the person that saved your life. And for now, that's all you need to know.

Chazz: Hey, wait a sec... Those are my cards ! Hand them over !

???: Oh certainly, how very rude of me. Here you are. Woopsie.


Chazz: You jerk ! Uh ?

???: Relax. That card more than makes up for it. Consider it a gift from me.

Chazz: present ? What even is this thing ?!

Chazz: That's...

???: Hey, what are you doing ?! You'll regret throwing this card away !

Chazz: ... What ? Just give me a break !

???: I can give you better. In your sleep, you kept saying "I want to get stronger... Get stronger."

Chazz: Talking in my sleep ? Me ?!

???: I believe you also talked about a "Crowler" a "Bastion" and a "Y/n"...

Chazz: ... He was just lucky, that's all.

???: Lucky ? And do you often run away from luck ?

Chazz: Gh- That's it ! No one calls Chazz Princeton a coward !

???: Talk is cheap...

Chazz: That may be, but I'm rich !

???: There are some things money can't buy... Do you really want to get stronger ?

Chazz: Huh ? Of course ! What man wouldn't want more power ?!

???: Are you ready to double your efforts in order to get stronger ?

Chazz: Efforts ? Who do you think I am ?! I am Chazz Princeton ! And you will refer me as "The Chazz" !

???: So you don't want to put in work, but you want to get stronger... You really are something. And yet, I feel in you a power others don't have... I'll sent you in a place you should like. Good luck, young duelist. You'll need it.

Chazz: Ah ?! HAAAAAAAAAAA !!


Chazz: ... Crazy cook... My attorneys will be in touch with you... ! Oh well, at least I'm back in civilization... Kinda. That old fool wants to test me... ? Very well, but you better not underestimate Chazz Princeton !

Chazz: ... Hey, open up !! Anybody in there ?! Hello !!

???: It's useless. This is North Academy. This door will not open unless you have 40 cards with you.

Chazz: North Academy... I lost my deck on the way here.

Gramps: 40 cards in your deck and the door will open. That's how admission works here. But there is a way. They hid cards in the caves and crevices surrounding this academy. You have to gather them, otherwise... You'll end up just like me.

Chazz: ... And what's that ?

Gramps: There are only 39 cards in my deck... I couldn't do better. And I used up all of my strength and will to get them.

Chazz: In other words, you really are at rock-bottom. In that case, old man, sell me your cards.

Gramps: N- No ! They are all that prove my existence ! And you're trying to take them from me ?!

Chazz: Hmph. Doesn't matter, I'll do it myself.

Gramps: Be careful ! The strongest cards are in the most dangerous places !

Chazz: 'Just you wait, all of you... I'll collect all of these cards for my deck... I'll never give up, no matter what !'

Chazz: ... Still here, gramps ?

Gramps: You... You came back ! Did you gather the 40 cards ?!

Chazz: Of course. I battled the killer sharks of the North, climbed the bottomless crevices, fought polar bears as well as giant bats... And I finally got what I wanted !

Gramps: I see, now you'll be able to pass the door ! I'm relieved... Ever since that, I've had regrets... I should've given you my cards ! A young one like you shouldn't become like me... But you managed to come back safe and sound. Now go on. The door will open for you.

Chazz: Gramps... You're going too. I'm gonna give you one of my cards. I collected 41 one of these anyways. But don't get too hopeful, it's just one I don't need...

Gramps: ... Are you really giving it to me ?

Chazz: My hand... I can't let go... Ghhh !


Ojama: You can't give me away... We're pals, chums, best friends ! You know, BFF !

Chazz: Huh ?! We are not !

Gramps: What's going on ?

Chazz: Don't you see it ?!

Gramps: See what ?

Ojama: Hehehe. Oh, boss, you're the only one who can see me. If we're gonna be partners, you need to stop being so uptight !

Chazz: You're not real ! Get lost !

Ojama: Lost ? It's funny you say that, I have two brothers who are lost. We really gotta find them for our deck.

Chazz: Quiet ! ... Nevermind, that was the wrong card. Here, take this one.

Gramps: I'm so grateful, Mr...

Chazz: the name's Chazz Princeton, and don't you forget it. Now you go on ahead, I'm a bit tired.

Gramps: T- Thank you, Mr.Princeton !

Chazz: Shut up ! Hurry up or I take back my card ! ... 'Damn it, now I'm one card short... What to do... ?'

Ojama: We need to look for my brothers !

Chazz: ... ... At least it can't get much worse...

"Oh, just wait until Winter gets here, Chazz. Then it'll get nippy."

Chazz: ... Why do I ask...

Ojama: Gah !! Boss, there's a ghost !!

"Boss ? That's great, Chazz ! You finally made a friend who isn't here for your money or social status !"

Chazz: Gh... ... GET LOST !! Both of you !!

"Hey now, no need to get so angsty right after you did something good."

Chazz: Shut UP !!

"Fine, fine... Don't mind me. But mind the good karma of what you just did."

Chazz: the what ? Huh ?

Chazz: Open the door ! I've got your forty cards right here !


Chazz: ... So this is North Academy... What a dump.

Gramps: GAHHH !!

Chazz: Huh ? Hey, Gramps ! You okay ?

Gramps: Huuh... What happened ?

???: Huhuhu... We were just greeting our newest student, that's all. And now it's your turn. Think you're up to the challenge new guy ? Do ya ?

Chazz: Who are you ?!

Czar: I'm the guy who rules things around here. They call me the Czar. Your friend here just got through our little hazing ritual, the 50 men duel gauntlet.

Chazz: 50 men what's it ?

Czar: Duel gauntlet. Power is everything in this academy. You see, we've got a very strict system here. New guys start by dueling the lower-ranked students, and work their way to the top. The one you lose against determines your rank. And if you manage to defeat all 50 opponents, you'll go against the Czar himself.

Student: This guy lost his very first duel, that's why he's the lowest-ranked of us all. Meaning we can push him around !

Chazz: So I have to win 50 times, and that's it ?

Student: Easier said than done, rookie !

Chazz: The name's Chazz, Chazz Princeton ! And soon, your Czar will fall, and the Princeton will rise !

Chazz: Go, Limiter Removal !! Now Des Scissors, attack ! NANO-POISON !!


Student: GAAAAAAaaaaa...

Chazz: You go bye-bye !

Student: Alright, my turn now !









Ojama: Wow... the boss really is going at it.

"He has the rage to go through all of this. I mean, I exist solely because The Chazz wants a rematch so badly."

Ojama: Ohhhhh...

Students: Dammit... We're the four emperors of this academy ! We're not gonna let you get to the Czar ! Now prepare yourself !

Chazz: Dueling each one of you will take too long. How about I take you all on at once ?

Emperors: You're on ! DUEL !!

Unimportant Character (UC) 1: My turn ! Come on out, Marauding Captain !

UC1: And I'm not done yet ! When this monster is summoned, I can bring out another level 4 or lower warrior monster from my deck. And I'll play another Marauding Captain !

UC2: So will I !

UC3: Me too !

UC4: Same with me !

UC1: Oh and in case you forgot, when there are two or more captains on the field, you can't attack any of them !

UC2: Nah, he didn't forget that. Because he never knew it in the first place. This is our "Marauding captain blockade" !!

UC3: And now you'll suffer from it !

Chazz: Please. The only way you scrubs could make me suffer is if you kept blabbing like you are. I'll place two face-downs, and one Giant Rat in defense mode.

UC4: You think such a weak monster will protect you ?!

Chazz: I know your way of thinking very well... While I was searching my cards, I was reflecting on a lot of things... All possible scenarios despite a limited hand... And the different strategies to maximize their power.

Ojama: So cool, boss ! You're talking about me, aren't you ?

"I'm so glad to see you're taking a page out of my book... I think it's gonna make me tear up a bit..."

Chazz: I'm not ! You two are still as annoying and revolting and nonexistent as ever, got it ?! You're a disgusting little gremlin and I don't like you so quit bugging me !!

UC1: What are you blabbering about now ?! It's my turn ! I activate the Spell card, The Allied Forces !

UC1: It allows all warrior type monsters to gain 200 ATK points for each warrior or spellcaster on our side of the field. Meaning all Marauding Captains now have 2800 Attack points !


UC1: Now go ! Smash that rat !!


UC2: He's defenseless ! Charge in, men !!

Chazz: Sorry, but I play my rat's ability ! It lets me summon an Earth-attribute monster with 1500 attack or less from my deck ! And I choose Gyaku-Gire Panda !

UC3: Look at the big teddy bear, how cuddly !

Chazz: You may not think so after I activate his ability ! For each monster on your field, he gains 500 attack ! Not so cuddly now, is he ?

*800-→ 4800*

"i don't know. If you ask me, now there's more of him to cuddle..."

Chazz: For the last time, shut up !! Next I activate a trap ! Ring of Destruction !! It destroys a monster, and all players take damage equal to that monster's attack points !

UC4: Are you trying to take us down with you ?!

Chazz: not exactly. Because I have, the quick-play spell Ring of Defense !

Chazz: This protects me from all damage my trap would've done to me ! So in short, YOU. GO. BYE. BYE !



Chazz: ... All right granny, out of the rocker. You're next.

Czar: I see you've managed to survive. I should praise you for making it this far. But now you're up against the Czar, and there ain't any way that I get dethroned by someone like you.

Both: DUEL !!

Czar: Me first ! And i'm going to activate... Two copies of Fiend Sanctuary ! Now I get two metal fiend tokens, but like you, they won't stay for long. I sacrifice them to summon Zoa !

Czar: Next I'll play two face-downs and end my turn. Now come taste your defeat !

Chazz: The only thing you'll taste is my boots. My turn ! And... Gah, you again ?!

Okama: Nice to see you too, boss ! Need me to fight a monster for you ? Let's do it... On second thought, nevermind.

Chazz: ... You know, I think I finally found a way to get rid of you. I play Ojama Yellow, in defense mode !

Ojama: No please, anyone but me !!

"is that a way to treat your only friend, Chazz ?"

Chazz: 'Don't acknowledge him, and he'll go away...'

"I'm in your head, you know. I read what you're thinking."

Chazz: Grrrrr... I place two face-down and end my turn.

Czar: Hahahaha ! I know very well your deck only has weak monsters ! My turn ! I activate my trap, Metalmorph ! Next I tribute my Zoa equipped with Metalmorph, in order to summon... Metalzoa !!

Czar: Next, i'm going to activate another trap card, Call of the Haunted, so I can bring back one of my monsters, Zoa !!

"So he's taking quality over quantity, huh... Whatever, these monsters are pretty garbage anyway. Good thing you have everything up, huh Chazz ?"

Chazz: Yeah, this is easy. i'm gonna win.

Czar: Y'know, talking to yourself is pretty crazy. But thinking you're gonna win ? Even crazier ! After all, I already saw you duel 49 times ! I know everything your deck has ! And you have nothing strong enough to beat Zoa !

Chazz: 'Maybe... But I know how to make the best of what I've got .'

Czar: Alright ! Zoa, attack ! CLEAVER STRIKE !!

Ojama: AAAAAH !!


Czar: And now that he's been taken care of, Metalzoa is going to take care of you ! HARDENED GLIMMER STRIKE !

Chazz: NGH- !!

*4000-→ 1000*

Czar: The Prince's place is below the Czar, and that's exactly where I'm gonna send you.

Chazz: ... Don't bet on it. See, I was waiting for you to attack me. So I could play Inferno Tempest !!

Chazz: With this card, when I take 3000 or more points of damage, all monsters in both our decks and GYs are removed from play !

Czar: Why would you do that ?! What are you planning ?!

Chazz: if you know my deck as well as you say you do, then figure it out ! And you'll figure your reign as Czar is coming to an end.

"Oooooooooohh ! You tell him Chazz !"

Czar: What are you talking about ? I have two monsters, and you have none ! Neither out, or in your deck ! My reign isn't ending, it's never been stronger !

Chazz: oh, is that so ? We'll see ! But I think you're about to get royally crowned, and not in a good way ! I play Chaos End !


Czar: What's going on ?!

Chazz: Why, that's the magic of Chaos end ! When 7 or more of my cards are removed from play, this spell destroys all monsters on the field ! And now, I'll play a trap ! Return from the Different Dimension !

Chazz: By paying half my life points, all my monsters that were removed from play are allowed to come back to the field ! Every last one of them ! Now, come on back everyone !

Ojama: hey, thanks boss !

Chazz: I meant everyone except you !

Future Ex-Czar: No, wait ! Stop !!

Chazz: Stop ? I don't think so ! Now give the Czar a king-size clobbering !!



Chazz: You go bye-bye !

???: Well done. It looks like a new Czar is here.

Chazz: Uh ? But you... You're the guy that saved me ?!

???: The name's Foster, i'm the chancellor of North Academy.

Chazz: And now you're the gramps from outside ?!

Foster: Calm down. The reason you're here, is that the card I gave you felt you were drifting here, so I saved you.

Chazz: Stop that nonsense !

Foster: Very well. But now that you are the new Czar, you're also the academy's representative fro the school duel against Duel Academy.

Chazz: the school duel ?

Foster: That's right. Since I told them we were going to send a first-year student, it seems like they also chose a first-year to represent them.

Chazz: From the beginning... You knew I'd beat them all ?

Foster: Didn't I tell you you have a talent others don't have ?

Chazz: ... So who am I up against anyway ?

Foster: Who ? But the one I promised you. That y/n you keep talking about.

Chazz: ... Y/n... It looks like I have another occasion to beat him into the ground ! Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

"... ... Bring it."

Chazz: SHUT UP !!

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