Chapter 20: CHAZZ IT UP !!

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Foster: STUDENTS OF NORTH ACADEMY !! I PRESENT TO YOU... OUR SCHOOL'S NEW TOP DUELIST !! And I present to him... North Academy's top dueling cards ! With them, you... WILL TRIUMPH !! You... Will CHAZZ IT UP !!



Your POV:

"No doubt, it's finally done... I've completed it, at last."

Syrus: Aniki ! Aniki, where are you ?! Everyone's already there !!

"By 'There' you mean..."

Syrus: They're at the docks ! The representatives from North Academy will arrive any minute now !

"Huh ?! Already ?! Damn it, I got too absorbed again ! Let's go !"

Syrus: Were you able to finish it at least ?

"You bet. I took your brother's advice to heart. They won't win, no matter who it is !"

"Haah... Haah... S... Sorry, I didn't expect..."

Sheppard: It's fine, it's fine, I know what you were up to.

Crowler: They're here.

Sheppard: Foster ! It's been far too long, how have you been ?

Foster: I've been well. Ever since I got over the defeat you handed us in last year's school duel.

Sheppard: Oh, it was a close match.

Foster: Not really. But I have a feeling this year will. Now I must ask, is Miss Dorothy doing well ?

Sheppard: Of course. Without her, there would be no school duel after all. To a spirited duel ! Now, I believe you already know about our representative ?

"I've been looking forward to this for days now."

Foster: Ah, you must be Y/n. I've heard quite a lot about you.

"Lot of good things, I hope."

Foster: Most certainly. Now, i'm sure you want to meet your opponent.

"You read my thoughts. So, where is he ?"

???: Right here, slacker.

"Wow, you're... Chazz's long lost twin brother !"

Chazz: Gh- ! I'm Chazz ! The real one !! And I'll wipe the floor with you in that school duel !

"Hey look, it's me ! Hi me !"

Chazz: ... You aren't real. And the real one is here, so the joke is dead ! Now go away !

"Fine, fine, geez..."

"You... You sure you okay ? Sure you didn't freeze a bit up there at North Academy ? When did you even go to North Academy ?"

Chazz: When I stopped getting the respect I deserved here !

"You mean that time you cheated in a duel against Bastion, and still lost ? You went as far as complete that '40 cards in the wild' trial for that revenge ?"

Ex-Czar: It's payback time. You won't give him respect so he'll take it ! he'll Chazz you up.

Chazz: Big time.

Foster: ... So, what do you think of our representative ?

"That you guys must be desperate."

Foster: Huh ?

"You got humiliated by Zane so bad you went as far as enroll an expelled student from Duel Academy. Not to mention said drop-out, with a deck of random cards he found lying around was able to best all of your top duelists... man, I can see now why you never win these school duels..."

Sheppard: ... So, Foster, what do you think of our representative ?

Foster: He... He knows where to aim for it to hurt... Gurf...

Jagger: Hi Chazz.

Slade: What's going on little brother ? Mind if we drop in ?

Chazz: Slade ! Jagger ! Why are you here ?

Jagger: Why else ? To celebrate your big dueling victory !

Slade: You are going to win, right Chazz ?

Producer: That's it, beautiful ! Just act natural.

Cameraman: Alright, a little more to the right... Okay, we're all set here with Camera 2 !

Sheppard: Um... What's going on here ?

Producer: "What's going on ?" I think you mean when you're going on, and the answer is Prime time, baby ! This school duel's gonna be broadcast world-wide !

"W- W- World-wide ?! Huuuh... Don't worry, I'm making good use of what you gave me..."

Chazz: You set it up, didn't you ? This whole broadcast.

Jagger: Well of course we did. The whole world needs to see you on your way to become Duel Monster's best, it's all part of the plan.

Chazz: yeah, yeah...

Slade: Look. World Domination is ours for the taking if we all do our part, Chazz !

Jagger: And we have, now it's your turn bro. To conquer the world of Duel Monsters, to be the best !

Slade: And to not give up. Did you really think you could get away from your duties ? Get away from us by dropping-out of Duel Academy ?!

Chazz: I... Ah...

Slade: Don't deny it ! You have always been the slacker of this family !

Jagger: It doesn't matter, the point is, you can still turn it around Chazz. You can still show that we're supreme !

Slade: That's right, and the dueling cards in this briefcase are gonna help you do just that. They're the most expensive out there so you have no excuses to lose.

Jagger: Don't let us down, Chazz. Don't let the Princeton name down ! It's all on you !

Slade: Now go ! And win !

"Prime time on TV... So of course my brother will be watching... And judging... If I screw up, or screw the rules... In the end-"

Chazz: It's not worth it ! It's useless ! Useless... Shit...

'Chazz... Having an emotional breakdown... ? What's going on ?'

Chazz: Win ! Win ! You can't be the slacker of the family ! I have to win, win, and win again !! I must win ! Tomorrow, the day after... Then the next, the next and the next again ! i'm gonna win, and win, and win again !

Chazz: Gh... No one understands that burden... All they keep saying is "Win and win !" ! they always tell me I have to win !

'No one does... I think I do understand a little bit... This duel isn't just between us, or even between our schools, is it Chazz ?'

Chazz: Win... Win... Win... !!


Producer: That's it everyone, lots of energy ! Remember, the whole world's watching this live ! Now let's cheer these duelists on !

North: GO !! CHAZZ IT UP !! CHAZZ IT UP !!

Foster: Same bet as usual, right Sheppard ? You do remember ?

Sheppard: Absolutely. After all, old friend, it's what makes this all worthwhile.

Syrus: Alright Aniki, here we go, the match against your dueling rival, your archnemesis ! It should be fine, after all you already beat Chazz before.

"Something tells me things will be a bit different today. I just learned... That as much as a prick and an asshole Chazz is, we have more in common that I imagined... And regardless of which one of us loses here, the consequences would be about the same..."

Sheppard: Attention students ! Welcome to the school duel !

Foster: And now, let this year's competition...


Sheppard: Dr.Crowler, introduce the duelists !

Crowler: I- I can't believe this ! To think I'd be broadcast to the whole world like that... V- Very well...' The school duel between Duel Academy and North Academy is about to begin !! These are two duelists I know personally ! And personally, I adore them ! First, from Duel Academy... Y/n L/n !!

Syrus: Go, aniki ! Don't lose !

Crowler: And his opponent, from North Academy...

Chazz: Get off the stage, I'll introduce myself, you Kappa.

Crowler: Kappa ?! I'm not a Kappa ! This hairstyle was made by a master stylist-huh ?

Crowler: When did that happen ? This is rather delicate... GAH !!

"... Are you okay down there ?"

Chazz: ... Listen up, all of you !! Do you all remember me ?! Those in this Academy, who were rejoiced by my departure ! Those here, who said I got what I deserved !!

"Yeah, and I was one of them."

Chazz: Then you better listen, and listen well ! As the Phoenix, I resurrected and came back from the depths of Hell ! And I'm here to- !

North: CHAZZ IT UP !!

Chazz: that's right, say it again !


Syrus: Wow... He's really popular...


Chazz: You got that right !! Alright, go time ! Let's see what you got !

"Only one of us can go up. And no one's getting to Chazz things up on my watch !"

Chazz: Big words for someone going down !

Both: DUEL !!



Chazz: Ask and you shall receive ! For my first move, i'm going to summon a monster with some fight ! Rise, masked Dragon !

Chazz: I'll also put down a face-down, and that'll do for now.

"Alright... I'll call. I summon Defender, the Magical Knight, in attack mode !!"

"Second, I equip him with the spell card, Power of the guardians !"

"Then I'll place two face-down, and attack your masked dragon ! Magical barrier crush ! And one cheeky little thing, is that thanks to Power of the Guardians, I can now place a spell counter on it, raising Defender's attack and defense by 500 !"



Syrus: He's taken the lead !

Chazz: Nuh-huh, he's taken the bait ! I activate my masked Dragon's special ability ! You see, when he's destroyed by battle, I can summon a dragon with 1500 or lower attack points from my deck ! And I have just the one ! Go ahead and see for yourself ! Come out, Armed Dragon LV3 !!

Syrus: Uh, "Level" ?

Alexis: yeah, and three's the lowest. If Chazz plays it right, the dragon will get a lot bigger.

Bastion: It's an extremely rare card, only mentioned in legends... I wonder where Chazz got his hands on something like that.

Sheppard: I- Isn't that one of the cards that was transmitted to North Academy ?! Foster, you didn't...

Foster: I did what I had to do. I told you Sheppard, I want that prize... And I'm going to get it.

Sheppard: How dare you ?! The prize will be all mine this year again ! Y/n, don't lose ! You can't lose !! Come on ! Y/n it up !

"Uhhh... It kinda loses all its charm like that... Really, I have to admit, Chazz it up's one hell of a catchphrase. And also, why does it feels like they're two toddlers fighting over a toy..."

Chazz: Flattery won't get you anywhere with the new Chazz. Now sit back and watch how much damage it can dish out.

"Yeah... I probably need to level up my game too. But I'll end it here for now."

Chazz: Good, now I can start ending you ! You see, during my Standby phase, Armed Dragon's effect activates. So by sending one card to the graveyard, and sacrificing its Level 3 form, I can summon Armed Dragon LV 5 directly to the field ! Like you said, it's Level up ! Armed Dragon LV 5, rise !!

"Not quite now, Chazz ! I activate my face-down ! Mythical Bestiamorph !!"

"Now every time you activate a monster's effect, I get to add one spell counter to that card ! But please, do go ahead."

Chazz: You won't be this cocky once i'm through with you ! Armed Dragon LV 5 !!

Bastion: Be careful ! By leveling up, its effect became even stronger !

"... So, small dragon turned to big dragon. What now ?"

Chazz: You'll see. My Armed dragon level 5 is about to crush you !

"Yeah, I'd like to see how."

Chazz: His special ability, that's how ! You see, by discarding a monster to the grave, I can destroy a monster of yours with fewer or equal attack points ! So, if I discard my... *Inhale* My Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon...

Syrus: Then Defender will be gone too !

Zane: Don't be so sure of it...

Chazz: Go ! Armed Dragon LV5 ! Shrapnel Blast !!

"Not so sure about that one, Chazz ! I activate my second face-down, Pitch-Black Power Stone !"

"It won't do anything by itself for now, but what it grants me is three spell counters ! And I'll make good use of them."

Chazz: You can do that when your monster's gone !

"No one's leaving. Because I activate the effect of the Power of the Guardians ! Now I can remove a spell counter from my side of the field, and my monster won't be destroyed ! How's that ? And did I forget to mention ? Since you activated a monster's effect, I get to add a spell counter onto Mythical Bestiamorph now !"

Syrus: .. A spell counter for a spell counter...

Zane: He really likes putting his opponent through these loops, it would seem.

Chazz: ... You... You're just as annoying as ever ! But that was only his special ability ! Time for him to attack ! INFERNO ROAR !!

"I activate Defender's special ability ! By removing the spell counter on it, it's not destroyed !"


"I must say... If that's all that Chazz has to offer, I'm worried of what might've happened if it wasn't you."

Chazz: You think you've got the right to school me ?!

"Trust me, Chazz. When it comes to being lost in some egocentrically rich asshole prick's shadow, I know no master, and am second to no one."

Chazz: You... What ?

"This duel ain't between us two, Chazz. Right now, it's between you... And those two sitting in the stands."

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