Chapter 21: Level VS Level

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Chazz: Me and...

"Through the years, I've come to learn how a big brother is supposed to act. It's time to realize it as well ! My turn !"

"... I activate my Pot of Greed ! Letting me draw two more cards ! And the first one I'll use is my field spell..."


Chazz: Wh- What is that ?!


"And now seems like a really good time... For me to Level things up ! I summon Silent Magician LV 4 !"

Syrus: LV ?! Him too ?!

Zane: I didn't think he'd take it that far... To the point of fighting fire with fire...

Bastion: And what fire it is... They say the Silent Magician series has been used by Yugi Muto himself back in the day...

Foster: Sheppard, you didn't tell me you gave your representative something like that !

Sheppard: I... Never gave him that...

Chazz: So you summoned a little twerp, good job !

"Don't judge them by their size, you know like me they can grow. And speaking of... I activate the effect of pitch-black power stone ! To transfer one of its spell counters onto Silent Magician ! Raising its attack by 500 !"

Chazz: How adorable, he's trying to power up !

"Trying ? Just wait and see ! I activate the Spell card, Spell power grasp !"

"You say I try to power up ? It's do or do not, there is no try ! And what it does is letting me add a counter to any card on my side ! Say, for example... Silent Magician ?"


"It also lets me search another spell power grasp in my deck and add it to my hand. And finally, the Citadel of Endymion comes into play ! Adding another counter on itself for every activated spell card."

Zane: ... He might've already won at this point...

Syrus: How ?

Zane: Attacking with Defender will make it even stronger... And next turn, his Silent Magician will become powerful enough to wipe out the rest of Chazz's life points.

Chazz: So you really think you have a shot at this ?!

"See for yourself ! Defender, destroy that Armed Dragon ! Magical barrier crush !! And with Power of the Guardians, its power rises even more !"


"Now go !!"

Chazz: Go Bye-Bye, maybe ! I activate my face-down, Dimensional Prison !!

Chazz: So I can't destroy your monsters ? Big deal ! This trap targets the attacking monster, and banishes it immediately ! So your Defender goes BYE-BYE !


Chazz: Now try to keep your Power of the Guardians without that monster !

"Gh- ! I don't need to keep it. Citadel of Endymion lets me keep the spell counters by transferring them to it ! You're only buying yourself time !"

Chazz: My turn ! I draw !

"Silent Magician's effect activates ! Every time you draw a card, it adds a counter on top of it !"


"Careful now, Chazz. Trust me, you don't want it to have five counters on it."

Chazz: Because you think I'll let it ? I activate the spell card, Forbidden Chalice !

Chazz: You want to know what it does ? It targets one of your monsters and negates its effects for the rest of this turn ! So even though its attack is raised by 400 points, you'll lose 1500 !


Chazz: So now, just try and stop my attack ! Armed Dragon LV 5 !! INFERNO ROAR !!

"GH- !!"



Slade: He's finally acting like a Princeton !

Jagger: That's true. I just hope he doesn't win too fast.

Slade: Huh ?

Jagger: Hey, the longer he trashes this kid, the more we make in commercial revenue.

"Just... Like before, Citadel of Endymion lets me keep the counters... And adds one because you played a spell. That makes... Ten Counters in total."

Chazz: It won't matter, 'cause I'm about to take this duel to the next level ! The highest level !! It's time to upgrade my Armed Dragon LV 5 to LV 7 !!

Chazz: Now, won't you join me, Y/n, in welcoming... The ultimate, and the all-powerful... ARMED DRAGON LV 7 !!


Jagger: That's strange. That monster wasn't in the suitcase I gave Chazz !

Slade: What ?!

Foster: hehehehehe... Hmhmmm~.

Sheppard: Grrr... Y/n ! We're with you ! Come on, everyone, Y/n it up !!

"Please stop that, it's crawling under my skin..."

Chazz: That's right, tell him how it really goes !!


Chazz: ... Oh, what's wrong ? You're not so talkative anymore. You don't have anything to say, Y/n ?

"... That I pity you a bit, maybe ? Now that you went so far, just for that..."

Chazz: Gh... And that's why I can't stand you. So carefree, only thinking about having fun... Just look at these piercing gazes ! That glare holding the dreams and ambitions of the Princeton family on my shoulders ! So that my brothers can be proud of me, and to prove my worth, no matter what... I WILL DEFEAT YOU !!

"And that's what's wrong with you guys. But I'll tell you more about this after I wipe that giant dragon off the field ! I draw !"

Chazz: Oh yeah ? And how do you plan to do that, you Duel Academy stooge ? You have no monsters out !

"I don't need monsters right now. First I activate my second power spell grasp, adding two more spell counters, one from it, and from my citadel's effect, as well as a third Power spell grasp to my hand. Next... I activate the spell card Mega Ton Magical Cannon !!"

"Wanna know how I'll send your dragon packing ? Simple. By removing 10 spell counters from my side of the field, I can fire that cannon, and wipe out your entire field, Chazz !!"

Chazz: You what ?!


Chazz: No ! Armed Dragon !!

"And thanks to my citadel, I now have four counters remaining... For now at least."

Chazz: What now ?! Beside, you only have three counters !

"We'll see about that. But now It's time for yet another spell ! Spell Summon !"

"With this, I can remove any number of spell counters from my field, and special summon any spellcaster with a level equal to the number I removed ! So if I remove 4..."

Chazz: You don't have 4 !

"Try recounting ! Because you activated LV 5's ability to summon LV 7, Mythical Bestiamorph granted me an additional counter ! So by removing 4, I can special Summon Thic- Uh, I mean, Silent Magician from my deck !"

"And cherry on top, they gain 500 attack for every card in my hand ! Even if I only have one, but that's beside the point ! Direct attack ! Silent Burning !!"

Chazz: Aah... AHHHHHHHHHHHH !!


Sheppard: Ahah ! The prize is so mine ! After all, looks like your boy is down for the count ! So-rry !

"Chancellor, I swear if you keep acting like a toddler I'll throw this match on purpose just to spite you !!"

Sheppard: *Glups*.


Slade: Jagger... What does Chazz thinks he's doing ? We've given him the best cards in the world and he won't use them !

Chazz: Gh... It's... My turn...

"So you keep pushing forward, that's good. Now the question would be, who or what are you fighting for ?"

Chazz: What's that ?!

"It's funny. I've come to realize we're closer than we'd like to believe... And yet there's so much separating us."

Chazz: Close ?!

Ojama: Oh, don't you worry boss. No matter what he says, he can't be closer to you than me.

Chazz: Get lost ! If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you, you got that ?!

Ojama: I get it boss... Sorry...

"You... You sure you're okay Chazz ?"

Chazz: Leave me alone ! Between you and him, I don't know which one I want out of my life the most... I draw ! And to start over... I summon another Armed Dragon LV 3 !

"... Starting to panic, are we ? Is this the pressure of the crowd... or two pair of eyes in particular ?"

Chazz: Kh... 'Don't look at me like that, brothers...'

Jagger: You're the slacker of our family !

Slade: You better not lose this match, Chazz !

Chazz: My brothers... I won't disappoint ! I play the spell, Level Up !!

Chazz: That lets me tribute my LV 3 Armed dragon, and upgrade it all the way to LV 7 !!


Producer: That's it baby ! The whole world's watching you shine !

Chazz: Now you'll tell me just how you think you understand me, when I'm through with you ! I activate Armed Dragon LV 7's ability ! So if I discard a monster, I can destroy all monster with lower or equal attack points ! So if it's a monster with 1500 points...

Syrus: The Silent Magician... Aniki !

Slade: This should be good.



Syrus: Aniki !

Alexis: He's defenseless !

Foster: The price is mine !!



Chazz: ... Heh... Hehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Finally !! I finally put that slacker in his place !!

Chumley: He lost... He really lost...

Zane: Don't be so sure... In a sense... I think that even as a duelist, he managed to level up...

Syrus: Huh ?


"You know, Chazz. I was glad I could fight you again. This was a great match."

Chazz: Huh ?! Wait, how can... What ?!"


Chazz: But... My attack... I got you ! Your life points, why are they the same ?!

"You should worry about yourself. I'm not sure your dragon is doing too good over there."

Chazz: Hah ?!



Chazz: What ?!

"You panicked, and acted recklessly. All because of the pressure those two who call themselves your brothers put on you. If only..."

Chazz: if only what ?! What did you do ?!

"Me ? Nothing. But your monster... You see, when Silent Magician is destroyed, I can summon any monster from my deck, listing 'Silent Magician', regarding of summoning conditions. So the one I chose... Was my Silent Magician, LV 8 !!"

Chazz: Level 8 ?!

"But I'm glad, really. I could finally have that rematch against you, Chazz."

Chazz: You're saying that as if you weren't dueling me.

"i was dueling Chazz Princeton. But that's not the one I wanted, the one I want to duel is Chazz himself, not some puppet forcibly thrown on the scene by those two over there."

Chazz: Grrr... Don't insult them !

"Really ? It's a great thing you're standing up for them, but tell me. When was the last time they did the same for you ? Have they ever treated you as something else than a pawn for their plan ? Have the ever stopped to ask you what you wanted for yourself ?"

Chazz: I... Gh... You...

"When it come to having an older brother that cares for you, I know my subject, and that's why things go both ways between us. Who knows, maybe one day I'll tell you all the times he risked his life for me. And that's also why I'm here, to repay him for all of that."

Chazz: What's the difference ?!

"The difference is, they never had your interest in mind. I'm pretty sure it was always about the company, and the Princeton name. that's why I'm glad to see you've started to stand up for yourself. It's a lesson we all need to learn."

Chazz: ... ... I end my turn...

"So now it's time. Silent Magician LV 8. Direct attack."

Producer: Th- that's bad ! Chazz is about to lose ! Cut the transmission !! Cut it !!



Chazz: ... ... ...

"It was about time the new Chazz finally left the old Chazz completely behind, don't you think ?"

Chazz: ... You drop-out... Don't think I'll let this slide... You still owe me a rematch, you got that ?!

"Whenever and wherever you want ! But please, no cameras. They make me nervous."

Slade: Chazz, what the hell was that ?! Didn't you get what you had to do here ?!

Jager: You've disgraced the Princeton name ! What did you even do with the cards we gave you ?!

Slade: Why didn't you use them ?! If you had, your deck would've been stronger !

Chazz: Brothers... I wanted to win with my own deck.

Jager: You little, that's why you're the failure of the family !

"Let him go."

Jagger: Huh ?

"Chazz might have lost the duel against me today, but he for sure won against the two of you ! And with you two breathing down his neck, him throwing his all into that battle is already worth more than a victory !"

Slade: Do you have any idea who we are ? We could have you crushed, kid !

"Do you have any idea how little I care ? If for you, Chazz is only worth the amount of money he can get you, then you aren't fit to call yourselves his brothers !"

Slade: How dare you... Chazz lost that duel ! The results are what they are !

Crowler: '... I see, I see... Results are important... But something feels wrong...'

Jagger: For us, results are important... Results are everything ! Victories are everything ! Just how much do you think we spend for this duel ?! And that slacker just ruined everything !!

"... You say victories are everything ? Then good news for you. By fighting on his own terms, Chazz clearly won over you two !"

Crowler: 'That's right ! Precisely ! Italia-nicely ! Oh, that wasn't for me...'

Jagger: Kh !

"If you guys think duels are all about victories and defeats, then I've got news for you. You will never, ever climb to the top of the duelist world."

Chazz: Shut up... Please. Don't... Don't make me look even more pathetic...

"Pathetic ? You got it wrong. I don't think anyone here thinks of you as pathetic. Just take a look around !"

Chazz: Huh ?

Crowd: Chazz... CHAZZ IT UP !! CHAZZ IT UP !! CHAZZ IT UP !!

Jagger: Hrngh. We don't have time for this garbage ! You disappointed us, Chazz !

Chazz: 'Brothers...'

"So... The time has come, right ? Please, just don't forget who believes in you."

Chazz: ... No. I'm not going back to North Academy. I have one last thing to settle here.

Ex-Czar: Something to do ?!

Chazz: I give you back the title of Czar. I mean, if chancellor Sheppard is okay with that...

Sheppard: You were one of out top duelists, Chazz. There's no problem.

Foster: But if that's the case, i'm just gonna take back what I gave y-

Crowler: Well, well, well ! Since we got time before the departure, I think it's time to present the prize ! And to present that prize, who else, than... Miss Duel Academy herself !!

"Miss... Duel Academy ?"

Syrus: We have someone like that ?

Crowler: This is~...

"M- Miss Dorothy ?! When was the last time this contest happened ?!"

Crowler: Would the winning chancellor please approach the stage ?

Sheppard: Hm-hm-hmm-hm-hmm~.

"... I fought... For THAT ?! THAT'S why I poured my heart out ?!"

Foster: WAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAA !! Chazz ! Become stronger !! Become stronger for the next year, please !! BOOOHOOOOOO !! WAIT FOR ME, I'LL BE BACK NEXT YEAR MY LADY !!

Chazz: ... That's a chick ?

Crowd: Until next year !!

Foster: Ah... Shoot ! I forgot to take back the Armed Dragon cards...

Sheppard: until next time Foster ! Don't worry, I'll take good care of her for you~ !


Czar: the chancellor might be crying, but...

North: Th- Those are many tears !! CHAZZ IT UP !! CHAZZ IT UP !! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR, CHAZZ !!

Sheppard: ... Well, there is one thing, Chazz.

Chazz: What is it ?

Sheppard: Banner ?

Banner: Since you basically skipped school for three months, we can't put you back in Obelisk Blue. You'll have to start as a Slifer Red, where assiduity... Isn't really a factor.

Chazz: What ?! Me as a Slifer Red ?! Being in the same dorm as these guys ?!

Syrus: we're gonna be door-mates !

Chazz: Dream at night !

"Glad to see we're gonna stick together, roomie !"

Chazz: "ROOMIE" ?! I changed my mind !! Turn the sub around !!

"So, why don't we give him the Slifer cheer, huh ?"

Chazz: Stop that !

Crowd: S ! L ! I ! F ! E !



Chazz: Gah ! That stinks... My new family's already dysfunctional...

"But that one cares for you, doesn't it ?"


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