Chapter 22: Banner sus

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Syrus: Huuh... That's the last time I mix chili sauce with ice cream... Or listen to any of Chumley's culinary advice, for that matter... Now, toilet... No, not here... ?

???: I believe it's time we put this to the test.

Banner: But if he ends up in a tomb, his talent will be...

Syrus: 'Tomb ?'

???: That will only mean his strength wasn't enough. We would just have to put them all to a deep sleep then.

Syrus: 'A deep sleep ?! What was... What are they talking about ?!'

Pharaoh: Meow. 'Praah. Syrus, get your own toilet, I already called dibs on Professor Banner's room.'

Your POV:

Banner: ... So, as you can see, we can learn a great deal about dueling from alchemy. For just as you might combine two monsters into another, you can combine two compounds to create something equally impressive.

Pharaoh: 'Praah. Professor banner, you could be combining my furry belly with cuddles to make a happy kitty !'

"... ... Or just make a bomb out of them... Most of the time it results in something like that..."

Banner: Or... Equally devastating, yes... Oh, I almost forgot, before everyone go, I have planned a little field trip to the ruins at the North of Academy island. I would like the participation of anyone interested !

"... Geological and historical trip ?"

Banner: That's right ! Don't be late.

Banner: Ah, I'm glad to see everyone could come !

"You can drop the copium, there's only four of us. But to be honest, most of the rest are either recovering from chemical burns at this point... or just don't know about the trip, since they didn't bother coming to class."

Syrus: I mean, it's not like professor Banner could've forced us to join...

Chumley: But these ruins interest me... Since they're kinda close to the volcano, you usually can't go near them.

"Well... Slifer reds are kinda obligated to join... But it's pretty unusual to see an Obelisk Blue here."

Alexis: These ruins have many rumors surrounding them. Some even say they were linked with Shadow games.

"... Careful not to be kidnapped and put in a coffin this time... Do these ruins have a name, though ?"

Banner: yes, they are called "The grave of the ancient" as it seemed to be a mortuary site.

Syrus: 'Grave ? Tomb ?!' A- Aniki, there's something worrying me !


Syrus: Last night... I heard Professor Banner talking about something like being buried alive in some tombs and be put to sleep...

"... Syrus, you know like me Chumley's cooking gives you nightmares. Want me to remind you the time you thought there were crocodiles in the bathroom ?"

Syrus: I know, but...

Banner: Okay everyone, let's go !

Syrus: ... I have a bad feeling about this...

Chumley: Are we almost there ? My feet hurt.

Chumley: can we take a bathroom break or something ?

Chumley: Are we there yet ? I'm hungry !

"Chumley ? Correct me if I'm wrong, we are currently climbing some hill, right ?"

Chumley: yes, and I don't like climbing.

"... And right now, the only thing keeping you from tumbling all the way down is the fact i'm holding you, right ?"

Chumley: Uhhhh...

"And I'm getting tired of your constant complaint, so please, zip it."

Chumley: *Glups*

Banner: Look ! We're finally here ! The entrance to the ancient ruins. isn't it amazing ?

Syrus: They look... Rather ruined...

Alexis: that's why they're ruins, Syrus...

"Ah ! Giant rocks !"

Banner: It's beautiful ! You can still make out the faded remains of the Arkulus ! Oh, and the Festigium ! No doubt inspired by a monopyth of Sakura.

(I have no idea what it means, or even if I got them right.)

Syrus: He sure is enthusiast about all of this.

Chumley: Everyone else is exhausted by the trip here...

"Well, I believe now would be a good time to 'Replenish' ourselves, don't you think ?"

Banner: I don't see why not. And then, we'll hit a few cenotapes, some koryatites, a couple sarcophagus... or it is sarcophagi ?

"Well, I prefer them as I prefer my stomach. Full of good stuff."

Banner: Yes, very good stuff. After all, as a teacher, I have a special lunch made by Miss Dorothy.

"... Is your entire backpack just for your lunch ? Maybe I should consider staying here after I graduate..."

Alexis: ... Teaching, huh...

"Won't you share ?"

Banner: I'm your teacher ! I need a big meal to, uh... Teach you all ! Hm-hm-hmm.. My lunch... Hah ?!

Banner: ... You were supposed to stay at home, not hitch a ride and eat my lunch !!


Banner: Maybe... You could share your lunch with me ?

"...SoRRy. We'RE yoUr stUDenTs. WE nEEd These tO leArN."

Pharaoh: ... Mrowr... 'Praah. Keep dawdling while the real main character jump-starts the plot.'


Syrus: W- What's happening ?!

"Don't look down... Look up !! What is that ?!

Banner: Is anyone else... Seeing in triplicate ?

Alexis: ... It's beautiful...

Chumley: I never saw any natural phenomenon like that !

"... I don't think it's any natural... And something's telling me we should probably leg it !"


Banner: Lightning ! Quick, children, head for cover ! We'll find shelter in that sepulcher !"

Chumley: The what ?!

Banner: The thing with the holes in it !

"You want us to hide in the plot ?!"

Banner: Stop making jokes and hide !

'Wait... This light... Why does it feels like I already seen something like that... Huh ?!'


"Hmgn... No, Chumley... You can't put chili sauce on more chili sauce... That's not how it works... Huh ?"

"Ah ! More giant rocks ! Although... These ones look different... Did someone un-ruin these ruins while I was out ?"

???: You ! This is sacred ground, you must leave immediately ! You are in very grave danger.

"... Three suns, a pyramid and gravekeeper themed people... Yep, not Duel Academy anymore... Who are you ?"

Woman: Gh- Do you want to be captured by the gravekeeper soldiers, like the rest of them ?!

"The rest ? Captured ? What happened to them ?"

Woman: This is the sacred tomb of the royal family. Those who enter this place without permission are buried alive.

"Buried alive ?! Where are they ?!"

Woman: ... If you seek to save them, you'll only meet the same fate as them. But if it's what you wish, I'll guide you to where they are held. On the meantime, wait here.

"No way. i'm coming too."

Woman: This place is immense. If you just loiter around aimlessly, you'll get captured by the guards.

'... What the hell is this place... Worst field trip of my life.'

Banner: Heeeeeeelp !!

"Speaking of. That was professor banner's voice ! What in the name of..."

"So she wasn't kidding... there has to be a way to- GUH ?!"

Guard: Get down !

"Hey, watch out where you put that spear ! I can't get down like that ! Hah ?!"

"That bitch... ... So, um... Can I help you in any way, sir... Do you even understand what I say... ?"

Chief: I do. There has been some people from your world who came to this one in the past.

"I- In that case, discussion are easy, just let us go and we'll leave this place as fast as possible to never come back. Please ?"

Chief: It is not possible. You will all be executed as tomb pillagers, and buried alive in stone sarcophagus.

"Pillagers ?! Look, we got here against our will !"

Chief: It is the law. However, one person escaped that execution in the past. For that, you need to participate to the ritual trials, and win against me.

"And what might these 'trials' made of ?"

"... Whatever, card games seem to be the universal constant even between dimensions. I accept the trial ! And if I win, you'll let us go back to our world."

Chief: I suppose I should praise your courage. But shall you lose, I shall extract your organs still warm, and transform you into a mummy for all eternity.

"I know a thing or two on that matter, and the prospect of you taking my brain through my nose is far from ideal."

Banner: I beg of you, do your best ! We're all rooting for you ! Very, VERY much so !

Syrus: Aniki !!

Pharaoh: 'Praah. This is by far the most confusing and complicated litter box I've ever seen. But you can bet i'm gonna use it !'

"... Duel !"

Chief: Let the ritual begin !


Chief: I go first. I place a card face-down in defense mode, thus ending my turn.

"You really take this seriously, don't you ?"

Chief: Didn't I tell you ? Some people already came to this world.

"And we'll be the ones leaving. Let's see... I think I brought the best deck for enjoying some giant rocks. I summon Gamma the magnet warrior, in defense mode ! Then I'll put two cards face-down, and that's it."

Chief: My turn. I summon Gravekeepers Spear Soldier in attack mode !

Chief: I hope you you that those two face-down are good, because your monster is about to be outmatched. Watch and learn ! I flip summon Gravekeepers Guard !

Chief: Thanks to its flip effect, I can send a monster on the field back to the hand ! And the monster I choose, is that Magnet Warrior !

"Better double-check ! I reveal my face-down, Magnet Force !"

"For the rest of this turn, all rock and machine monsters are immune to your monsters' effects ! Better luck next time."

Chief: I end my turn.

"Very well. But since this seems to be a Shadow Game, better be prepared for the pain... My turn ! I activate the spell card, Inequivalent exchange !"

"It has a pretty simple effect. By tributing a normal monster from my field, I can add two normal monsters of the same level to my hand ! So I'll discard Gamma, and bring out both Alpha and Beta to my hand ! And now... the fun begins. I summon Doki Doki, in defense mode ! Then, I'll activate it's effect twice. First time, I'll discard Alpha from my hand to summon Beta the magnet warrior. And second time, I'll discard my Sentry soldier of stone, to bring out Magic Hole Golem !"

Chumley: he just went from no monsters to 3 !

Alexis: And that's bound to increase. Thanks to his soldier...

"Now that I only have rocks on play, I can activate sentry soldier's effect and bring it back from the grave ! Now, Beta ! Sentry soldier ! Attack !"



"I barely scrapped the surface, but the real hurt is coming. I end my turn."

Syrus: Great, Aniki ! Way to play !

Alexis: If he wants to save us, it's the only way to play for him... Because this time, even the slightest mistake from him could doom us all... So all we can do is trust him, and hope he knows what he's doing..."

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