Chapter 23: Grave buster

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Chief: Gh...

"I end my turn with that."

Chief: Then... I activate Pot of Greed ! Next... I summon Gravekeeper assailant, in attack mode !

"You're gonna have to do better than that."

Chief: Then maybe this will suffice. You will regret setting foot on these sacred grounds ! I activate the field spell Necrovalley !

Chief: As long as this card is on the field, all Gravekeeper monsters gain 500 attack and defense points ! Now... Gravekeeper assailant ! Attack the Magic Hole Golem !

"Him ? It's 2000 on 2000, nothing will happen !"

Chief: When Necrovalley's out, the assailant can change the batte position of one of your monsters. That golem may have enough defense, but I think its lacking in attack. Assassin's blade !!


"URK- !!


Chief: With that, I end my turn.

"I see... I wasn't expecting that. My turn ! To draw, and to put an end to this ! All pieces are in place, after all. I activate Dark Factory of mass production, to get back both Alpha and Gamme from my graveyard-"


"Hey, what was that ?!"

Chief: Hmph. In the Necrovalley, the act of pillaging tombs is unvorgivable. As long as it is on the field, card effects that would move a card from the Graveyard to anywhere, other than itself, are disabled ! Cards also can't be banished either !

Alexis: So the cards in his graveyard... he can't get them back !

Chumley/Syrus: What ?!

Banner: It's hopeless ! Even when you look at their life points, the Gravekeeper has the upper hand ! And look at the field !

"... Kh. I better pull something down my sleeve, or we'll all done for."

Chief: Indeed. You are all destined to eternal sleep in these coffins.

"Not if I have anything to say about it. I activate the spell Terraforming !"

"Letting me add a field spell directly to my hand. I sure hope your monster don't mind bombarding, 'cause here comes the Catapult terrain !!"


"Now, I know it can't get rid of your valley. But it sure will help for what's to come ! I sacrifice Doki Doki to summon Millenium Golem ! And now I attack ! Millenium Golem, Crumbling might !"

Chief: Fool. Because of Necrovalley, they have the same attack. Now you are the one making mistakes.

"Better double-check on that. Because thanks to Catapult terrain, I can send a rock from my deck to the graveyard, so your assailant is the one only one biting it ! Go !"


Chief: Gh- !

"And that was only the appetizers ! Beta, Sentry soldier, the main course just arrived ! Attack !"



Chief: Haah... Haah... Haah...

"And for dessert, I'll put one card face-down. So, how does it feels, getting a taste of your own medicine ?"

Chief: You... Are proving yourself to be some of a challenge. But that will not be enough ! I activate the spell card, Double summon ! And next... Necrovalley Throne !

Chief: With it, I can add a gravekeeper monster from my deck to my hand. So I'll now summon Gravekeeper's Headman !

Chief: Now, with his effect, I can summon another gravekeeper from my graveyard, without having to worry about Necrovalley. And I choose Gravekeeper assailant !

"Anything else ?"

Chief: As a matter of fact, yes, there is something else. Because I played Double Summon, I can make another normal summon. And I'll use it to sacrifice Gravekeeper's headman in order to summon none other than myself, Gravekeeper's chief !

Chief: And as long as I'm on the field, my graveyard is not affected by Necrovalley, and speaking of, I also get to summon a gravekeeper from my graveyard ! And I choose, Gravekeeper Spear soldier ! Now behold ! The power of the shadow Games ! I attack your Millenium Golem !

"Shadow games, huh. For once, I can say i'm pretty experienced with these, even thought it's my second time partaking in one. So I know what to do ! I activate my face-down, falling rocks ! With this, once a turn, I can negate an attack in exchange for a rock monster ! Thank you for your services, sentry soldier.

Chief: Fool. So you block one attack, but still, I have another ! Gravekeeper's spear soldier !

"Catapult Terrain ! In exchange of a rock, my monster isn't destroyed !"


Chief: Again with that. Gravekeeper's Assailant !



Chief: Eroding away at your defense, do you still have hope here ?

"... A pharaoh once taught me... That a great duelist can will the card he needs to draw into his hand. A duelist that believes in his cards, and I believe in mine ! My turn !!"

"... ... Looks like someone else is getting buried today."

Chief: What ?

"You, your monsters, and that Necrovalley, I'll blow them all away. Giant Trunade, go !!"


Chief: No ! What have you done ?!

"I'm bringing things back as they should be ! Starting by getting rid of every spell and trap card on the field ! Including that Necrovalley !"

Chief: Ha !!

"Next, I summon Delta te Magnet warrior, and activate its effect, letting me put another delta in the graveyard ! And now, the magic happens."

"By putting Delta in the GY, I can banish three of my magnet warriors already there, and special summon Valkyrion, the Magna Warrior !!"

Chief: I- Impossible !

"See if for yourself !! VALKYRION ! ALNICO STRIKE !!"




Assailant: Chief !!

"Are you okay ? I know this was a Shadow Game, but I hope I didn't go too hard on him."

"Whoa there, easy."

Chief: Stop. He lives. He was an impressive opponent.

"That was a tight win. I really fells like it could've ended both ways."

Chief: D... Did you enjoy that shadow game ?!

"A pharaoh acquaintance of mine showed me that as long as you really believe in your deck, you have nothing to fear from these. That's what I did."

Chief: A pharaoh, you say... Hehehe, that would certainly explain a few things. Only one single person managed to pass that trial before you. For having overcome your challenge, I bequeath over you this mystic medallion. It is yours now.

"Thank you. Is it safe to assume the other half is..."

Chief: Indeed. The other half is in possession of the other duelist to have passed the trial. The next time you will have to fight in a Shadow Game, I have no doubt this medallion will be able to help you.


Syrus: Ah ! Too bright !!

Chumley: W- We're saved ?!

Pharaoh: 'Mpraah. I haven't been this upset since someone sprinkled me with a small amount of water ! Praaah, I say !'

Syrus: Aniki !You did it, aniki !

Banner: I didn't expect anything less from one of my students.

"... Hm. Well, it's the second time I had to pull someone out of a coffin, so let's stop going to places like this for a while, okay ?"

Alexis: Yes... Speaking of, how do we get back home from here ?

Chief: The three lights of the sky will become one. Before the curtain of light falls, you have to get to the royal tomb's gate.

Guards: You won't go anywhere ! All who pillage the royal family's tomb must face the judgement !

Guards: the judgement ! The judgement ! The judgement !

Chief: Stop that ! They passed the trial written in the law, and won ! They are free to go !

Guards: the judgement ! The judgement !!


"... So it was you, huh ?"

Assailant: i'm sorry for selling you out earlier, but I couldn't ignore the orders of the chief.

"hey, it's chill."

Syrus: Aniki ! When did you become friend with a pretty girl like her ?

"You really think now's a good time for this, Syrus ?"

Assailant: When you return to your word, please give a message to the owner of the other half of that medallion. Tell him Yasmin's still in the other world, and I haven't forgotten about him. And that one day, I believe we will meet again.

"Noted. Guess that otherworldly guy is somewhat of a ladies' man, huh."

Guards: Gh... the judgement !

Yasmin: Don't take another step ! They overcame the sacred ritual ! Or did you forget we are the keepers of the graves, not the makers ? I will have no mercy for anyone laying a finger on them !

Guards: ... ... ...

Yasmin: Now, while you have the chance.

"The gate of the royal tomb... Better start running then !"

Syrus: The lights in the sky ! they're almost as one already !

"We're almost at the gate ! Watch out for that veil, everyone !"

Alexis: That's it ! The same light !

"Brace yourselves ! We're going back !"

"Urg... I swear... Trans-dimensional portals may be my least favorite method of transportation... ... Ah ! Giant ruined rocks !! Wait, ruined... ?"

Syrus: A... Aniki... What happened... ?

"Well, I would like to guess it was an hallucination, but... Something tells me it was not... And I have a very strange feeling that something else is coming..."

Syrus: Like what ?

"... ... Plot..."

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