Chapter 24: Brother issues

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

???: Our enemies have been tested... Our allies are in place. The moment has finally come. You all made a pact to assist me recover the cards of destiny. Which one of you will lead us to battle ?

???: I will.

???: Nightshroud... So be it.

Definitely-not-Alexis'-lost-brother: I will not fail. Academy island's prize will be ours.

Sheppard: ... So, it begins... the fight... The war...

Your POV:


Syrus: How... Can you be so well-rested... *Yawnnnn* Even sleeping through the storm of last night, Aniki ?

"Storm ? You know, I've been used to sleep with things like heavy machinery or even jet engines. A storm isn't that bad in comparison. You should also try ear-plus, these do wonders !"

Banner: Well, Y/n, it's goo that you slept well, because Chancellor Sheppard wants to have a word with you, it would seem.

"A word with me ?"

Chumley: You didn't do anything bad, right Aniki ?


"So the thing is, you wait until an Obelisk Blue arrive, then you tug on that rope to make them fall in the net. After that, I've picked treacle to be the best thing to throw at them."

Beauregard: I see, I see...

"... Not that I can remember, no..."

Syrus: It's the chancellor's office... Don't tell me you're gonna get expelled...

Chazz: Hahaha, guess this is farewell then ! It was nice knowing you, dork !

Banner: You've been invited too, Chazz.

Chazz: I wha ?!

"*Aggressively T-posing over Chazz*"

Banner: And two others as well. You, Bastion, and you, Alexis.

"... Aight... This really sounds like a whole load of trouble..."

"Why are we all called to his office at the same time is beyond me..."

Banner: Who knows ? To be frank, I've been called as well.

Pharaoh: Praaah. 'I find this very degrading ! Not because of the way you're holding me, but because I was supposed to be teaching these kids alchemy, and you didn't let me ! Let me go back there and teach those kids a thing or two about alchemy ! They need to know what happens when you combine a hair ball with another hairball ! You get a really big hairball ! Praaah !'

Crowler: Oh, my, look at this distinguished group. So, you all have been convoked by the chancellor ? Tiramisu ! Which one of these is not like the others~ ?

"It's Zane, because he's the only one I haven't beaten yet."

Chazz: He was talking about you, dork.

"The... Sacred Beasts cards ?"

Sheppard: Yes, three of them. And due to their immense power and colossal might, they have been sealed on this island since ancient times.

"... Is the academy that old ?"

Chazz: Let him finish !

Sheppard: Originally, Duel Academy was built on the site these cards were sealed away, deep underground beneath us as we speak.

Sheppard: According to ancient legends, shall they see the light of day once more, terrible things will happen. Buildings will crumble, light will fade, souls will fall, our world will be no more !

Bastion: No more...

"... I take it destroying these cards is not possible... I say we put them in a block of concrete and dump them somewhere in the ocean."

Crowler: haven't you been listening ?!

Sheppard: Sadly, it's not that simple. Their mere presence outside of their sealing tomb would be enough to spread the shadows over our world. And that's what those who are challenging us aim for.

Zane: Who are "Those" exactly ?

Sheppard: Seven... seven duelists known as the Shadow Riders, who covet these cards. And I'm afraid one of them is already here... he arrived in the thick of last night's storm.

Bastion: Naturally...

Alexis: But, how do they plan to break the seal ?

Sheppard: The Sacred beast cards are sealed in the ruins beneath this academy, protected by seven stone pillars know as the Seven Spirit Gates. And these gates all require a key to open them. Seven keys, one for each of you to guard.

Bastion: Wait... if we hold the keys, won't that make us targets for these Shadow riders ?

Sheppard: It's true. With these keys, the shadow riders will seek you out.

Chazz: Seek us out ? You mean take us out.

Sheppard: Only in a duel.

Bastion: A duel ?!

Pharaoh: Praaah ! 'There are a large number of people in this room right now, and none of them are scratching this one particular part of my head !'

"... Man, am I glad everything gets caused and resolved with a card game around these parts."

Sheppard: Indeed. Fortunately for us, the keys can't just be stolen, an ancient edict commands the keys must be won in a duel. This is why i'm asking you, the best duelists of this school. Well, five best, really, but I needed seven, so...

Crowler: I am certain he's speaking about you.

"Yeah, not so sure myself. How many shadow games have you won ?"

Crowler: Gh- How many PhD's did you get ?

"None. How many Y/ns did you beat ?"

Sheppard: of course, if any of you doesn't feel they're up to it, or like backing out, I won't blame you. After all, these shadow riders play for keeps. So, who feels like saving the world ?

"... The fate of the entire world depending on an evil organization trying to their hands on three legendary cards... that brings me back. Count me in."

Zane: Heh. I too accept.

Bastion: Hm. It would be my honor.

Alexis: I don't want you boys having all the fun.

Chazz: Hrmgn...

Crowler: Well, well, well. Chancellor, you shouldn't scare them like that. After all, if they want to challenge and beat those who are at the Academy, we should just think that they're coming to steal them.

Sheppard: Well, I suppose it's the idea for now...

Banner: In that case, me too. Let's see.

Pharaoh: 'Praah. Let me have the magical item ! I bet it's got catnip in it ! And if it does not then I will be very upset about that. Prah !'

"So they'll be coming at us for these... My point of putting them in concrete and dumping them in the ocean still stands."

Zane: You really think no one before ever thought of doing that ?

"Would it be surprising ? Common logic isn't something you find often these days..."

Shepard: Everyone, thank you. From now on, the fight began. Be ready to duel for the keys at any point, so please, be on guard.

"And, that's about the gist of it."

Syrus: That's amazing, aniki !

Chumley: But, these sacred beast cards... I'd like to see them one day...

"You shouldn't wish for something you're not ready to deal with. In any case... if one of these guys is already on the island, I should get ready to welcome them with open arms. So go hit the hay."

Alexis: 'If what Chancellor Sheppard said is true, then the shadow riders will go for those they think are easy to beat...Meaning they'll start with those living in the red dorm...'


"Who goes there ! Identify yourself... Oh, Alexis. What gives ? Why are you walking around alone at night when you're already a target ?"

Alexis: I was just worried. Given the building, I thought they might target you guys first...

"Well, let them. I'll be waiting for them."

Alexis: ... You just can't sleep as well, can you ?

"I'll admit, I'm a bit on edge. All of that reminds me of the Battle City tournament, all these years back... Where my brother won the bronze medal at his own tournament... Good times."

Alexis: ... You really like your brother, don't you ? You even took some of his cards with you here...

"These are the one he insisted I take with me. And... I suppose it's a just return of things, since I got him his very first blue-eyes..."

Alexis: Really ?

"Not in the literal sense... When we were little, he was being worked to the bone by our adoptive father, since he was expected to inherit the Kaibacorp... So one day, I tried drawing cards, and one of them was the Blue-eyes... I think I unintentionally started his whole obsession about it, now that I think about that..."

"He's been here for me all the time... The number of instances he had to risk his life simply because my stupid ass couldn't figure out how to not be kidnapped 5 times a week is astronomical... So I'm going to repay him, in the only way he'll ever accept."

Alexis: ... Which is...

"Graduating as the absolute best of the very Academy he owns, and beating his ass in a duel, that's how ! It's the only way for me to remind him that I too, wields the name of Kaiba ! ... So i'm just here, constantly shuffling these blue-eyes to distract me..."

Alexis: ... Always there for your brother... And I couldn't even be with him when it mattered the most...

???: Then how about you join him... In the shadows ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!


"Again with the teleporting veil of light ?! This is becoming old !!"

Alexis: What's happening ?!

???: The first duel is happening !

Alexis: Where are we... ?

"Well, I'd like to say this is just a dream, but... I'm afraid this is more of a nightmare..."

???: It's neither.

"So you come... And faster than I'd expect you."

Nightshrhodes: Well, at the very least, you pick up the pace quick. I am Nightshroud, one of the seven Shadow riders. And also the one to take that key from around your neck !

"Honestly, if I were you guys, I would've picked an easier target to begin with... Like Banner, or Crowler."

Nightshroud: I did not choose you. It did. The light of this medallion guided me to you.

"Medallion... Right, Yasmin is still waiting for you on the other side, and she hopes that one day you will meet again."

Alexis: You think now's the time ?

"Hey, I was told to deliver the message."

Nightshroud: Well if you got the other half, the Chief must be getting sloppy ! But if you think you'll beat me as easily as you beat him, you'll have another thing coming. I'll take that key, through a Shadow Game ! And that duel has already begun !

"Already, you say..."

Syrus: Aniki !!

"What in the name of- hey, they have nothing to do with all of this !"

Nightshroud: Don't worry, they're safe... For now. The light cage holding them will weaken as time passes. If you make things slow, they'll both be taking a nice, midnight dip in that magma. It's just to ensure your cooperation, and that you fight me with everything you've got !

Nightshroud: Furthermore... Whoever should happen to lose this duel... Will have his soul sealed inside that card ! Our souls... No, our very lives are at stake, and we have no other choice than to do battle in this duel !

Alexis: Wait, is... Is he serious ?!

"Absolutely. Well, that would only be like the third time for me. But... Something about this might be a first for me... First time going into a duel with the firm intention to leave nothing of my opponent."

Nightshroud: Hahahaha ! Well, better make your decision, and quick. Time is already ticking down for your friends down there.

"... Nightshroud, is it ? You'll soon learn to loathe this day, when you invoked the wrath of one wielding the name of Kaiba..."

Both: DUEL !!

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