Chapter 25: Red VS Blue

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Both: DUEL !!


Nightshroud: I'll start. And I'll summon Troop dragon, in defense mode !

Nightshroud: I'll also set a card face-down, and end my turn.

"No time to joke around here, my turn ! I summon Luster dragon, in attack mode ! I'll also put a card face-down, and activate the spell, Summoner's art, letting me take a level 5 or higher normal monster and ad it to my hand ! Next, I'll attack ! Destroy that troop Dragon !


Nightshroud: Gh- Troop Dragon's effect activates ! When its destroyed, I can summon another troop dragon from my deck !

"The troops make an army. I end my turn."

Nightshroud: I activate my face down, Call of the Haunted, to special summon a monster from my graveyard in attack mode ! To summon back the first Troop Dragon ! Next, I will tribute my two Troop Dragons... To summon the Red-Eyes Black Dragon, in attack mode !!

Alexis: Red-Eyes...

"Black Dragon... ?!"

Nightshroud: Now, Red Eyes ! Attack Luster Dragon ! INFERNO FIRE BLAST !!



"... ... ... ..."

Nightshroud: So, does it hurts ? I told you it wasn't your life at stake here, but your soul ! That's why I will reduce your life to ashes !! This is a Shadow Game !!

"... That's it ? You're done parading like that ? All you third-rate villains with fourth-rate motives... I'm sick of it ! So let me show you who the superior Dragon is ! From my hand, I activate the spell card, Ancient rules, letting me summon a level 5 or higher normal monster form my hand ! So welcome with me, the unparalleled engine of destruction ! APPEAR, BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON !!"


Nightshroud: B- Blue Eyes... That's impossible !!

"Then see for yourself ! Blue Eyes, attack his Red Eyes ! BURST STREAM OF DESTRUCTION !!


Nightshroud: GAAAAAAAAHH !!


Nightshroud: Haa... Haa... Haa...

"And to end my turn, I'm gonna set a monster. So, am I reducing your life to ashes yet ?"

Nightshroud: Gh... yes... This pain stealing the life from me will become a blood sacrifice for the dragons... Sending it on to another level ! Savor it ! The roaring of the Black Dragon ! The heat of this Magma ! I activate the spell card, Silent Doom ! Bringing back the Red-eyes Black Dragon in defense mode !

"Buying time, it's all you can do !

Nightshroud: i'm not buying time, i'm buying your soul ! I activate the spell, Inferno Fire Blast !



Nightshroud: Nice card, huh ? It's just as powerful as my red-eyes' attack. The only difference is, it hits your life points directly !

"... Lukewarm. You're gonna have to do better than that."

Nightshroud: That's good, because i'm not through with you yet, Key keeper ! I summon Attachment Dragon !

Nightshroud: Now, this card is equipped onto one of the monsters my opponent controls, and changes its battle position ! Blue-Eyes, bow down !

Nightshroud: I end my turn. And perhaps I should remind you, the longer you take, the more the barrier protecting your two friends down there thins down ! So make your move, and make it fast !

"... I don't need you to tell me what to do. I draw ! And I reveal my face-down monster, Kaiser seahorse ! And I'll immediately tribute it, in order to summon... The Blue-eyes Solid Dragon !"

Nightshroud: You can't summon a level 8 monster with just one tribute !

"Guess that mask also blocks your vision, huh ? When I'm tribute summoning a light-attribute monster, Kaiser seahorse counts as two tributes !"

"You wanted pain ? Then welcome to the ouch, motherfucker ! Solid dragon, attack ! Teach that second-rate dragon how unwelcome he is on this field !!"


Nightshroud: My red-eyes...

"So this is the shadow riders, huh ? I'd like to meet the schmuck who recruited you, give him a piece of my mind. I put a card face-down and end it."

Nightshroud: Kh... In a shadow game, what happens in the middle doesn't matter. All that counts, is who stays up in the end ! And for that...

Nightshroud: ... ... I can hear them... My dragons, whispering from beyond the grave... They hunger for covering the Earth in their flames once more !

Nightshroud: I will now call forth the ultimate dragon, able to accomplish these desires ! I summon The Black Stone of legend !

"... I'll bite. What does it do ?"

Nightshroud: By itself, nothing. But by activating its effect and tributing it, I can special summon any Red-eyes monsters directly from my deck. Like the Red-eyes black Dragon ! But I'm not done yet... The evolution of my Red-Eyes will soon attain its final form ! I sacrifice the Red-Eyes Black Dragon ! Show yourself, RED EYES DARKNESS DRAGON !!

Nightshroud: Now, the molten ashes of my fallen dragons boil up from their fiery grave ! A blaze with new life, each granting my Darkness Dragon 300 additional attack points !


Nightshroud: It's over ! Your spirit key, your friends, your soul... With Darkness dragon's attack, they're all mine ! So go, Infernal dark Fire, and this !

"... Thou dare to raise your hand against the ruler of all dragons... You shalt pay the price dearly. I activate my face-down, Majesty with Eyes of Blue !"

"With this, I can send a blue-eyes monster from my deck to the graveyard, and forbid any monster on the field from attacking ! So as long as this card stays on the field, Darkness dragon is as good as useless !"

Nightshroud: Hmph.

Zane: ... Hmm. There's something amiss... A Shadow Rider...This key's telling me, one's close...

Bastion: Hah... the spirit gate key... It's shaking !

Ojama: Hmm hm hmm hm...

Chazz: Stop dancing !

Ojama: Sorry boss, just trying to keep rhythm with that spirit key !

Chazz: ... Actually, what is that trembling ?

Banner: ... ... ...

Pharaoh: 'Praah. I know I asked for an upgrade to my kitty litter box, but this is just ridiculous. i'm not gonna poop in a volcano ! Take me back to my boring old kitty litter box ! Prah !'

Sheppard: What were you thinking, Sheppard ? Getting your students involved in a battle with such stakes ?! But then... What other choice did you have... After all, if the shadow riders get a hold of those three sacred beast cards, they'll be destroyed, no matter what... We all will...

"So, where was I ? I believe it was my turn, right ? In that case... I draw ! And I activate Pot of Greed ! Next... It's time for some friends to come back from the grave ! I activate the spell, Blue Eyes rebirth !"

"Thanks to that, as long as I control a blue eyes white dragon, I can special summon another blue eyes monster from my grave ! So come on out Blue-eyes alternative White Dragon !"

Nightshroud: None of them can stand a chance against Red Eyes darkness dragon ! You know what I call that ? A waste of time ! And time, in case you forgot, is very much the essence of the Shadow Game ! Well, at least for your friends who are about to be deep-fried, it is !

Syrus: Don't you listen to him, Aniki ! Just focus on winning this duel !

Chumley: B- But hurry up, please !

"Yeah... It's starting to feel mighty hot in here..."

Nightshroud: Well, it's your move. If you have any strength to make it.

Alexis: Gh... Enough ! This duel is over !

Nightshroud: Says who ?

Alexis: Says me and this. I have a spirit gate key too. Let my friend go, and I'll let you duel me for it, and have my soul either way.

Nightshroud: ... ... 'I know you...'

Alexis: You can't lose ! So just let them go and deal with me !

"Alexis... While I appreciate the fact you're concerned about me, this has to be the dumbest deal I've ever heard of. Don't you worry, this turn will be the last. I already won this duel."

Alexis: ... He's delusional...

Nightshroud: Hahahahahaha !! And how do you plan to accomplish that, exactly?

"Ask and you shall receive ! First, I activate Alternate Blue eyes' special ability, letting me destroy one of your monsters !"


Nightshroud: HAH ?! Darkness Dragon !!

"Huhuhu... And for my next and last move... I have a cheeky little monsters that'll help become my brother's equal... All thank to Mystical Sheep number 1."

Nightshroud: A... Sheep... Are you joking with me, how is that gonna help you win ?!

"Not by itself... But its effect is quite exactly what I was lacking here."

Alexis: Mystical Sheep number 1... It can be used in a fusion summoning, by replacing one of the materials needed...

"Exactly. So, right here... You can consider I have three Blue Eyes White Dragons."

Nightshroud: Three... You're not gonna !

"Oh, I'm gonna, and even better ! I activate the spell Polymerization !! So by tributing the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the Blue-eyes alternative white dragon, whose name becomes blue eyes white dragon on the field, and the Mystical Sheep, I can now summon..."

"... Brother... You insisted I take your Blue Eyes with me here... So please, watch me ! I SUMMON THE BLUE EYES ALTERNATIVE ULTIMATE DRAGON !!"

Nightshroud: Ah... AHHHHHHHHHHH !!





"Phew... Okay, that's that... But... Syrus and Chumley, are they safe ? Are they alright ?"

Alexis: Y/n ! A- Ahhhhhh !!


Chumley: Uhh... What happened ?

Syrus: We're alive... We're alive !

Alexis: He... He did it... Y/n did it... But... Where is he ?

"... ... Gh... Hah ! Haah... I change my mind... Trans-dimensional portals are now my second least favorite transportation mean... Lava streams just take the cake... Good think I'm a Kaiba, or else this might've actually hurt me."

Syrus: A- Aniki ?! Are you okay ?

"Don't worry about me, my ego cushioned my fall. You should probably worry about that guy over there. At the very least, we'll be safe from Nightshroud now."

???: ... A... Alexis...

Alexis: Huh ?

Alexis: I... It can't be... !!

Bastion: Guys ! Hold on, we're coming !

Chazz: What happened ?!

"One of the Shadow Riders happened, that's what. And then I showed him that only a dork -and probably a furry too- would use the Red-eyes Black Dragon."

Zane: ... So I take it that's him over there. The Shadow Rider... Alexis ?

Alexis: It... It's him, Zane... It's him... I- I don't understand how, but, it's him ! I... I thought I'd lost him but, he's back... he's finally back !

Zane: What are you talking about ?! Who's back ?

Alexis: Look at his face ! It's my brother...

Zane: ... Atticus... ?!

Alexis: It wasn't him before... But that card took away whatever darkness was holding him... He's back now !

"Hehehe... Glad to help... H- Hey, that's weird... I can't really feel anything from my waist down, for some reason..."

Zane: ... if this is how you end up after you win a shadow game... Just think what it's like when you lose... The sun might be coming out now, but night will fall again soon... And when it does, we must be ready...

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