Chapter 26: Fuckmothering Vampire

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

???: Fufufu...

"... ... Uh..."

Syrus: Something wrong, Aniki ?

"Maybe... I just felt a shiver down my spine... Like something terrible's about to happen..."

Fontaine: Unless you somehow gained premonition powers, the directives are for you to stay in bed for the time being.

"I know, it's just... Everyone's on the edge. How is Atticus doing ?"

Fontaine: i'm afraid he hasn't woken up yet... But don't worry. he's not in danger anymore.

???: Go, my minions !

???: Find me my preys, so that I succeed where Nightshroud has failed !

Students: Hey, did you hear the rumors ? If you go to the lake, you'll see this beautiful lady. But she has like, fangs and stuff !

Student: What, you mean she's a vampire ?

Student: i'm serious ! There was a lady vampire !

Chazz: V- Vampire ?! Are you kidding me ?!

Sheppard: i'm afraid not. The school has been filled with such rumors recently.

Banner: Oh my...

Crowler: Please ! It's a practical joke ! Something like this cannot exist !

Bastion: It wasn't a joke that put Y/n in the hospital... And if these rumors are linked to the shadow games...

Zane: Our next opponent might already be on the island.

Sheppard: Everyone, please stay vigilant until the very end. Be on the lookout for anything strange.

Chazz: Not really a fan of having to wait for the enemy to come... Let's see this vampire girl try and get the drop on the Chazz.

Bat: ... ... ...

Crowler: A vampire ? What's next, a boogeyman ? I don't believe in these shadow games nonsense ! Who would believe something so ridiculous ? Not me, that's for sure! I don't believe it,i don't believe it... Chocolate pudding...

Bat: ... ... ...

Banner: Stay away ! Stay away, evil spirits ! I know you're out there ! I have a huge horror movie collection, I know all your weak spots ! I'm ready for you !!

Pharaoh: 'Praaah ! Oooh, you get all worked up over a vampire, but when I tell you there's a werewolf prowling around the island, you just ignore me and pet me on the butt ! Doesn't matter that it turns out to be the janitor's dog, you should be taking me seriously ! Meow !'

"Be on the lookout for anything strange, huh... Could someone define what counts as 'Strange' around here ? Like, does activating an ancient artifact transporting you in a parallel dimension with three suns and populated by gravekeepers cards counts as strange ?"

Alexis: You seem to be pretty energetic here.

"I still can't really walk around, so I have to make do in term of energy with the rest... And I'm fuming. The next shadow rider might be getting ready to fight as we speak, and I've got no shot at taking them on..."

Alexis: You already took on the first all by yourself. You can let the next one to us.

Lady: My precious. Tell me, what did you learn ?

Bat: ... ... ...

Lady: ... Ah, so this is our opposition... Fufufu, I see them, all their strategies... Victory will be mine.

Lady: Oh... I found it... My toy.

Chazz: Good news, chancellor. I've searched the entire campus, and there's no trace of any-

Chumley: VAMPIREEEE !! I saw her ! She's at the lake !

"Khh... Gh !"

Fontaine: I told you to stay in bed !

"And I'm telling you i'm not playing sick while something like that is happening ! I don't care if I'm not dueling them, but I must be here ! Someone get me a pair of crutches, or I swear I'll crawl !"

Bastion: I believe she's been expecting us.

Crowler: At least it's the red carpet treatment.

Zane: Crimson. How fitting.

Chazz: What now ?

"Isn't it obvious ? She's inviting us, so it would be rude not to oblige."

Bastion: Are you sure you should be here ?

"Don't you think we have better things to worry about at the moment ? Let's get going.

Chumley: Why are we going to this place instead of running away from it ? Or walking away... ?

Banner: Th- This place is scary...

Syrus: Then why did you come along ?

???: Ah, right on time. Looking for me ? Then allow me to welcome you all.

"I was under the impression you were the one looking for us."

Camula: True. Then you may duel me, Camula, vampire mistress of the shadow riders !

Chazz: Enough chatter, I'll take you on !

Bastion: Step back. I will defeat her.

Camula: I have no time to lose with children like you.

Bastion: Who is she calling a child ?

Chazz: hey, don't look at me like that.

Camula: The one I want. Is. You~. Are you ready darling ?

Zane: Very well.

Syrus: Big brother...

Camula: I suppose you already know the rules. As a shadow game, the loser also loses their soul. But shall I win, I will get your spirit key, as well as your soul to keep right here with me.

Both: DUEL !!


Camula: I like to lead. I summon Vampire lady in defense mode !

Camula: And I'll lay one card face-down. That's all.

Zane: Really ? Shame. I activate the spell card, Power Bond !

Camula: Power Bond ?

Zane: It allows me to fuse machine-type monsters. And I have the perfect three in mind ! I fuse the three Cyber Dragons in my hand ! Appear, CYBER END DRAGON !!

"He's already summoned his ultimate monster ? he's not pulling any punches now, is he..."

Crowler: Of course ! As expected of Zane, he'll make quick work of that shadow rider.

Syrus: 'Big brother... he always respects his opponent and try to play an enjoyable duel... But something's different here... He's really pissed of...'

Camula: But I suppose Power bond implies quite the risk by using it. Do you really want to be this aggressive ?

Chumley: She's right... At the end of the turn, Zane will take 4000 points of damage, the original attack of the Cyber end dragon...

Zane: Thanks to Power Bond, the attack of Cyber end dragon doubles, reaching 8000 ! You don't need to worry about my end phase. Cyber end Dragon, attack Vampire lady !! ETERNAL EVOLUTION BURST !!

Camula: I activate my trap card ! Red Ghost moon !!

Camula: Now, by discarding a zombie monster, this card adds the attack points of your monster to my life points, as well as ending this battle phase ! Fufufu... Now, 8000 points are added to the 400 I had, for a grand total of 12000 !

Zane: I activate the quick-play spell, De-fusion ! It cancels the fusion of a monster on the field, and brings back its components !

Bastion: And since it lost its target, the effect of red ghost moon is also canceled.

Camula: What ?! My points !

"Not only that, but the side effect of Power bond as well..."

Syrus: He dodged them all in an instant !

Zane: I play a card face-down, and end my turn.

Camula: Fu... I'm shivering ! I knew you were my type !

Zane: Sorry, but I've got other tastes.

Camula: How frigid of you. But that's why I want you for myself. It's my turn... I draw ! I tribute Vampire Lady to summon Vampire Lord !

Camula: Now, I remove Vampire Lord from play, in order to special summon Vampire Genesis !!

Camula: Kaizer Zane. I admire your strategy of using De-fusion. But I was prepared to such a thing ! This will not change the fact you just lost your ace !

Zane: ... Hm.

Camula: Kh- I don't like this... Vampire Genesis, attack ! HELL'S VICIOUS BLOOD !!

Zane: You underestimated me if you think I only have the Cyber-end dragon in my deck. I activate my face-down, Attack reflector unit !

Camula: What ?

Zane: Attack reflector unit will make cyber dragon evolve, into cyber barrier dragon !

Zane: And when Cyber barrier dragon is in attack mode, it cancels the first attack of your monsters each turn ! Thanks to this effect, the attack of Vampire Genesis is canceled !

Camula: Kh... Not cute at all !

Zane: it's my turn. I activate Pot of Greed, letting me draw to cards from my deck. Next I activate the quick-play spell, Photon generator Unit !

Zane: I tribute my two cyber dragons, in order to summon Cyber Laser Dragon !

Zane: Cyber laser Dragon can destroy any monster whose attack or defense is higher than his attack once per turn

Camula: A monster stronger than itself... Vampire Genesis' attack is 3000... Higher than Cyber laser dragon...

Zane: Laser dragon, let loose ! Blue lightning flash !


Zane: And now attack directly ! Evolution laser shot !!



Zane: Next, I attack directly with Cyber Barrier dragon ! Evolution barrier shot !!



"The Kaiser really is something else !"

Crowler: of course. he's the duelist who beat you, after all


Syrus: Exactly. Up until now, my brother has never lost a single time, and I admire him !

Zane: I put a card face-down, and end my turn.

Camula: Darling... It would seem my excessive affection turned into hate ! You see... It's about to become even uglier. I activate the spell card Illusion gate !

"Illusion gate... Why did I never hear of that before ?"

Camula: Illusion gate... Firstly, this card destroys all monster on my opponent's side of the field !


Camula: But the best has yet to come.

Camula: You see, this card can summon one monster that has been used during this duel, ignoring all conditions.

Zane: What ?

Camula: Exactly. This includes your Cyber end dragon, that you only used once.

Zane: I- Impossible ! A card that not only destroys all my monsters, but also allows a special summoning without restrictions ?!

Camula: of course, the price to pay is high. The cost to activate this card, is my own soul. If I lose this duel, my soul will be sacrificed to the Sacred beasts.

"So this card allows you to cheat by betting your own soul and life ?"

Camula: Precisely. Although... As long as a soul is offered, the Sacred beasts aren't picky on whose it is. So... if I were to ask your little brother to join us and take my place...

Zane: Huh ?! Syrus, run !!

Camula: Too late ! I sacrifice this child's soul, to summon the Cyber End Dragon !!

Zane: Gh... Syrus !

Camula: please, do destroy this Cyber-end dragon. If you do, this child's soul that was used to summon it, will be incapable of returning to this world. Is this what you want ?

Zane: ... 'My last face down is call of the haunted... With it I could bring back Cyber Barrier dragon, and push back against this attack... But if I make it past this turn, and use this chance to win... Syrus will... The price for this victory will be Syrus' soul !'

Bastion: ... The Kaiser can't do a thing...

"Kh... First Nightshroud taking hostages and now this ?! Are the Shadow riders renowned to be a bunch of cowards hiding behind dark magic ?!"

Camula: Fu... yell all you want. Just hearing about playing fair is making me sick. Now, darling, if you think you can do something, go ahead ! If you don't care about what will happen to your little brother's soul, go for it !

Syrus: ... Brother... Win, big brother... You are the Kaiser, the one that I look up to, the one I want to be like one day... That's why you mustn't lose over something so insignificant...

Zane: ... ...

Syrus: Everything's fine... No matter what happens, I know it wasn't your fault. I mean... If someone like me said that I was your little brother, it would make you uneasy, and I would be hopeless... I am hopeless... No matter how hard someone like me tries, it's always hopeless... It would be a mistake if you lost because of someone like me, Zane ! Isn't it ?!

Zane: ... 'You learned well how to duel. Compared to what happened before, you really grew up. You should have more self-confidence. Please, do your best from now on, Syrus...'

Zane: ... ... ...


Camula: Cyber end Dragon, attack him directly !!


Bastion: Kaiser !!



Syrus: Zane !!

Camula: Fufu...

"Tell me i'm dreaming..."

Camula: I will take the key and the puppet. Don't you worry about him, I will take care of him as a treasure part of my collection. Fufufu... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Syrus: Just like that... he's gone...

"... I'm through with that. These stakes aren't anything i'm not used to... But underhanded tactics like that, you are the scum of the Earth !! I don't care if I'm in no shape to duel, but one way or another, Camula, you will curse my name as you fall down to hell !! Hear that ?! Your next duel, WILL ALSO BE YOUR LAST !!"

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