Chapter 28: Fulljamas Duelist Brotherhood

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Chazz: Gah ! I can't take it anymore ! The Chazz shouldn't live like a Slifer Red ! With something so small, my furniture, my paintings, and even art pieces... there's not enough space for them ! I used to be an Obelisk Blue ! Jacuzzi tub, turndown service ! Almost two months in and this place still isn't livable !

Ojama: Hey boss, you look stressed. Just look at all this pressure building up !

Chazz: You ! If you wanna be helpful, get lost !! And if you want some fresh air...


Chazz: Finally, some peace and quiet... But now that I think about it, it's his fault if i'm reduced to this...

"Whose fault exactly ?"

Chazz: GAH !! Wh- What's your problem ?! Ever heard about knocking ?

Syrus: Um... We did, but... Your door's all the way over there...


Chazz: Not. Funny.

"So, Chazz, still talking to yourself ? You know it's not a healthy way to deal with your lack of social interaction, right ? By the way, Chancellor Sheppard wanted to have a word with you.

Chazz: Sheppard ? What for ?

"Oh, you know, just the fate of Duel Academy. The usual."

Sheppard: I've been waiting for you, Chazz. I have some urgent news for you. You too Y/n.

Chazz: Finally, did my new bed arrive ?

"Don't tell me there's another Shadow Rider already..."

Banner: No, it's another kind of incident...

Chazz: Then what is it ?

Sheppard: Someone has suddenly put an offer to buy this school. Turns out the fate of Duel Academy will be decided in a duel between the buyer and one of our students.

"Hold on hold on... When the hell did Seto agree to this ?"

Sheppard: Well, our landlord is someone... Particular... It seems the buyer decided of the conditions for this duel directly with him.

Seto: You heard me right. It's not about the money, it's about the cards. I will only sell you my academy if you prove your worth as a duelist, and beat one of my students in battle !

Banner: Or so he said. It comes down to one duel.

"Typical. I don't see any reason to decline the offer."

Sheppard: It will not be you. The student representing us, has already been decided.

"You mean... Chazz ?"

Banner: For some reason, they asked for him specifically. And I believe this is them calling.

Sheppard: On screen.

"Wait... the ones trying to buy us... Are the Princeton group ?!"

Chazz: Brothers ! What's the meaning of this ?!

Slade: Like you know it, our goal is to rule over the political world, economical world, and card games world ! To establish the Princeton Empire !

Chazz: But i'm already...

Jagger: Who would waste time with a slacker like you ? We decided to make this academy our own and climb our way to the peak of the card games world ! You will duel against our eldest brother for the fate of this school.

Chazz: Me against Slade ?!

"Oh, oh, accept ! These guys don't even know what they're talking about ! I want to see them flail around and being humiliated in front of everyone !"

Slade: Hahahaha ! Of course we'll use a handicap. These are the rare cards Chazz refused to use against you. But I will put them to good use this time. On the meantime, Chazz, you will only be able to use cards with 500 or less attack points !

Chazz: What ?!

Syrus: that's unfair ! Are you expecting him to accept ?!

Slade: It's not a proposition anymore. These conditions...

Seto: very well. It's normal for novice duelists...

Slade: Have already been accepted by your landlord !

"... ... ... Seto... "

Slade: This duel will take place in three days. We're waiting it patiently. Hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!


Chazz: ... Now that this is done, I'm going back to my dorm. And don't you come try to help me. This is my duel.

Students: Yeah, i'm sure of it. All of this is a plan from the Princeton.

Student: So Chazz expects to lose ?

Student: I mean, if this place become property of the Princeton group, it also become Chazz's, right ?

"Glad to see faith is running amok. Chazz has already renounced and been renounced by his brothers. And it's out of spite they're doing that."

Chazz: I told you to get lost already. I don't need your help.

Bastion: Now's not the time for squabble. We heard everything.

Alexis: if we can do anything, say it.

Chazz: I don't need to.

Zane: Don't be so stubborn. Losing the duel is one thing, but not being able to play is another. With no cards with less then 500 points...

Chazz: My deck is a powerful deck ! The only corresponding card... is this one.


"... Why didn't you say so earlier ? With the stock I have, I could build you one-"

Chazz: Don't you mock me ! Winning with a bunch of cards you gave me would be even worse than losing !

Banner: if you don't want that, I may have a solution... It's only a rumor but, on this island... There would be a place where you can get a bunch of weak cards. Somewhere deep in the forest, there is an old, dry well that no one approaches. It's something you mustn't do, but I heard that in the past, students of the Academy used to throw away their weak cards down there. However... Those approaching the well nowadays are rumored to be cursed by the countless card spirits cast aside through the years.

Chazz: I don't care ! Even if I'm cursed, I need these cards !! I have to fight for this Academy, after all !

Chazz: And why the hell are you still following me around for ?!

"Like you'll know what cards to put in that weak deck of yours. You need an expert for that. Who knows, what if you get jumped by spirits or something ?"

Chazz: yeah, right. Just like Banner said, it's probably just a rumor anyway- HAH ?!

Chazz: ... Or not.

"... And now I wish I could see them..."

Chazz: You're not missing much. Maybe the three-four constantly passing through you, though.

"Not feeling anything."

Chazz: of course, these are weak spirits. They can't do a thing to you.

"Well well well, looks like we found the well, very well."

Chazz: Another word and i'm leaving you down there. Climb down.

"... Oh, that's... Quite accurate to the rumor... A graveyard of thrown away cards..."

Chazz: A mountain you mean. See anything ?

"Huuuh... I spot some interesting stuff..."

???: Hey, In case you knuckleheads didn't notice, this is private property !

???: Yeah, you tell them !

Black: Numbskulls like you ditched us here, so we don't wantcha here

Chazz: These two... Are a few cards short of a deck.

"Hm ? Found anything ?"

Chazz: No, they found us.

Black: Hey ! Who're you calling short ?! Try anything funny and we'll deal with you !

Green: Yeaaaahh... ! We'll deal with you !

Chazz: just go ahead. You don't even have attack points, so how can you do that ?

Black: Nothing !

Green: Nothing at all !!


Chazz: Give it a rest ! I'm sorry, okay ?!

Black: We're really good for nothing ?! We can't even scare some guys like them !!

Yellow: What's the racket ?!

Black: Huh ?! Is that...

Green: Yeaaaah... !

Yellow: Black ?! Green ?! Is that you ?!

Both: Our long lost brother, Ojama Yellow !!

Yellow: My brothers !!

Back: Welcome back !!

"... I have a feeling something is happening..."

Chazz: Something repulsive. I'm leaving.

"Leaving ?! What about the cards ?"

Chazz: What about them.

Yellow: Quick ! Beg him ! He can take you out of here !

Green: Really ?!

Black: Then we'll beg ! Please, even if you leave everyone here...

Green: Please at least take us out !

"What's going on ?"

Chazz: I told you to not bother...

Ojamas: please, get us out of here ! We're begging you !!

Monsters: get us out !! Get us out ! Get us out of heeeeeere !!

Chazz: ... ... ... Fine. Whoever wants to, can come with me. But there's one condition !

Yellow: Let me guess... Lots of hugs !!

Ojamas: Hugs coming up, Boss !!

Monsters: Finally, freedom ! FREEDOM !!

Speaker: Ladies and Gentlemen ! Today's match determines the fate of Duel Academy ! Slade Princeton VS Chazz Princeton ! Now, are you ready to duel ?!

Slade: I see you stepped up with the handicap. I really thought you'd run away. Let me congratulate you for that bravery, Chazz.

Chazz: before we go at it, I've got something to say. The handicap was that all my monsters have 500 attack points or less, but... Right now, all my monsters have 0 attack point !

Sheppard: What did he say ?!

Syrus: Could it be... Do Chazz really plan to lose this ?

"No... We just figured out it would've been too unfair for his opponent otherwise."

Chazz: this is the handicap I chose.

Slade: Kh... Sounds fun. Come at me, Chazz !

Both: DUEL !!


Chazz: My turn ! I draw ! I summon Soul Tiger, in defense mode !

Alexis: if his cards all have 0 attack points, they'll be in defense mode...

"No attack points isn't that big of an issue. After all, it's not about the cards, it's about what you do with them.

Chazz: I end my turn.

Slade: hehehe... My turn ! I activate the spell, polymerization ! I'll fuse the Lord of D with the Divine dragon Ragnarok to create... King Dragun !!

Slade: I activate the effect of King Dragun ! Once a turn, I can special summon a dragon from my hand to the field ! Come forth, Luster Dragon Number 2 !!

Syrus: two monsters with 2400 attack ?!

Slade: Go, King Dragun ! Attack Soul Tiger with Twilight burn !!


Slade: And now, Luster Dragon Number 2 ! Emerald Flames !!



Slade: Turn end.

Chazz: My turn ! I'll set a monster face-down. I end my turn.

Slade: My turn... I summon Luster dragon, in attack mode ! And with the special effect of king Dragun, I special summon Hyozanryu !!

Slade: I will be nice, and finish this match right here, so you don't have to suffer. Attack, king Dragun !!


Slade: heh... Huh ?! What's that ?!

Chazz: When the Unhappy Maiden is sent to the graveyard after a battle, the battle phase for this turn stops immediately.

Slade: Gh... You wee probably expecting something like that, but how long do you think you can hold on like that ?!

Chazz: ... My turn ! Draw ! I summon Spirit of the breeze in defense mode !

Chazz: Then, I activate the continuous spell, The Dark Door ! With this card, only one monster can attack each battle phase !

Slade: Nice try, but it's just a matter of time before I bust that door down ! And now... King Dragun, attack ! Twilight Burn !


Chazz: My turn ! I play Catnipped Kitty ! I end my turn.

Slade: My turn ! Hehehe... It seems victory will be mine next turn. Attack ! King Dragun !!


Slade: I set one card face-down, and end my turn.

Alexis: This face-down, without a doubt...

"Will send the dark Door packing..."

Chazz: My turn ! Draw !

Slade: I activate my face-down ! Dust Tornado ! It wil destroy your spell !!


Jagger: Well, I think this is over. This academy...

Slade: Will belong to the Princeton group !

Chazz: My turn ! I activate the spell, painful choice !

Chazz: I know you're a little slow, so allow me to use small words. I pick five cards from my deck, then you choose one to add to my hand, while the rest goes to the grave. So, what are you waiting for ?

Slade: How scary. Five weak cards from one weak deck, whatever will I do ? i'll pick the one card that isn't a monster, Thunder crash !

Chazz: Thank you, I was hoping you'd pick that one ! But more about that later. Now I play Enchanting Fitting room !


Chazz: I pay 800 points, and get to look at 4 cards, and, if any of them are level 3 or lower normal monsters, I can summon them ! Obviously, Pot of Greed isn't a monster, but the three Ojama brothers sure are !

Slade: You are kidding. Don't tell me you are pinning saving your whole academy on these three twerps ?

Chazz: Sure am ! And I won't let you make fun of these guys !

Ojamas: B- Boss !

Chazz: Sure, they have no attack points, they smell bad, look funny and nobody likes them because they never shut up, but they taught me something !

Green: That you should eat dessert first ?

Black: That flies taste great ?

Yellow: That bathing is optional ?

Chazz: That good bros support each other !

Slade: So you're saying I'm not a good brother, huh. After all, only a loser would rely on more losers !

Chazz: then I'll show you the power of a loser ! With this spell card ! Go, you three !

Ojamas: Right on, boss ! Yellow ! Black ! Green ! Combine ! OJAMA DELTA HURRICANE !!


Slade: What ? What happened ? they're all gone !

Chazz: Thanks to a little something called brotherhood. When all three Ojama brothers are on the field, Ojama Delta Hurricane destroys all cards on my opponent's side of the field.

Ojamas: Look who's the loser now ! Time to take him on !

Chazz: Oh yeah ! And with this ! Thunder Crash !

Yellow: Huh ? Guys, what does Thunder Crash do ?

Green: Don't ask me, I left my reading monocle in the well.

Black; It says "Destroy all monsters on your side of the field, and inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent for each destroyed monster"...

Yellow: Did he say destroy ?

Ojamas: ... ... IT MEANS US !!

Chazz: Sorry guys, have to. See you around ! Go, thunder Crash !


Slade: GAAAAAAAH !! That doesn't mean a thing ! Your deck's still full of weaklings ! And mine's filled of rare monsters just raring to tear you apart ! We're just back to the beginning !

Chazz: i'm not so sure. After all, I haven't done any normal summoning this turn. All this time, I've been waiting for the moment I'd have enough monsters in my graveyard for this. I summon Chaos Necromancer !!

Chazz: Sure he starts out weak, but he gains 300 attack points for each monster that's in my graveyard. So with 11 monsters, his attack becomes 3300 ! How's that for weak ? Chaos necromancer ! Necro puppet show !!



Chazz: You go Bye-Bye !!

Syrus: he did it ! Chazz saved the school !!

"Can't believe you guys doubted that !"

Chazz: Wait ! You know the cheer ! Chazz ! It ! Up !!


Jagger: You imbecile ! How could you loose this ?!

Slade: Relax Jagger. It's only one duel.

Jagger: Only one duel ?! Just listen to them ! This one duel has turned Chazz into a hero ! And a major headache for us !

"... So... Next time you want to buy us out... Try bringing in better cards, and a bigger handicap. Otherwise it won't be a fair fight."

Seto: of course he won. Did you really think I would sell my Academy to those two ? They have a lot to learn about world domination. Also, tell then that next time they threaten to "Destroy" someone, make sure that someone isn't my little brother. It won't end well for them.

Chazz: ... ... ... QUIET !! Get out of here ! Now ! I didn't sign up for this !

Yellow: Come on boss, these guys just want to be your friends. Now let's go get some pizza. I call extra anchovies~ !

Chazz: Kh- I don't want anchovies ! And I don't want any friend !Or any roommate !! Or pets ! Or... Or whatever it is you guys are !

Yellow: In that case, just call us family ! Yeaaaaaahh !!

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