Chapter 29: Bastion's Amazonian Mommy GF

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bastion: Aaaaaah... The Shadow Riders... Ever since that battle against Camula, they've been eerily quiet... But we can be sure they'll strike again soon enough. So it's more than important that I am ready for them !

Bastion: Hm ? I don't remember putting this card in my deck... Was she shuffled in by accident ?

"Zzzzzz... Summon... Grave... Dragon... Rzzzzzzzz... Block... Banish... Zzzz..."

Bastion: 3... 2... 1... Fire !



Chumley: H- hey, what gives !! Hit the snooze button !

Syrus: More like the snooze trigger ! Why so early ?!

"Rzz... Mgmmh... yes, yes, Seto, i'm up... please don't pull out the blue-eyes... Bastion ?"

Bastion: So, are you all up and ready yet ?

Syrus: How could we not... ?

Bastion: Then let's start our morning duel training !

Bastion: One, two, draw ! One, two, draw ! One, two, draw !

"Bastion, while I'm in admiration to your dedication, care to explain how training to dramatically draw cards will help us in these duels ?

Syrus: Why so early... Sometimes he scares me...

Chumley: Huh... hey, is that Thunder Nyan Nyan, Syrus ?

Syrus: Hehe... It's my favorite card... I got her a while back, so I put her in my deck. You could say I have a bit of a card crush on her.

Chumley: Me too... She reminds me of my mother when we were living in the countryside. I put her in my deck as a lucky charm.

Syrus: Ohhh... How about you, Aniki ? Do you have a favorite card ?

"Of course I do. Just look at Valkyrion. Look at that profile, that aerodynamic ! You know he's hand-crafted for battle.

Syrus: I don't think you really understood, Aniki...

Bastion : Hey ! Why are you all blabbering about favorite cards ?! You think you're gonna beat the Shadow Riders while daydreaming about girls ?!

Syrus: Girls ?

Chumley: Syrus and I aren't even fighting them to begin with...

Bastion: if you're making a serious deck, you shouldn't put any loose card in it !

Bastion: Uhhh... Idol cards are for the weak !!

(A/n: In the sub, they say "Idol cards" to refer as "Card crushes" even though it translates more to "Favorite cards".)

Syrus: But a card like these calm your nerves when you're in a tight spot.

Bastion: KAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !! Empty your heads of such mundane thoughts, and you will stay calm when you're in a tight spot.

"Can tell. it's when my brother's on about the Blue-eyes that something about him becomes tight."

Bastion: My point is, eliminate intrusive thoughts. Now, get back to it.

Syrus: Does Bastion not have any interest in girls ?

"He's a samurai. A very posh one, but a samurai nonetheless."

Chumley: I don't think he even understand what we were talking about...

Bastion: Un, deux, draw ! Un, deux, draw ! Un, deux, Draw !

Banner: Hmmm.. What's happening... There's certainly a lot of absence today...

'You mean, even more than usual...'

Pharaoh: 'Praaah. Less students to keep track off means more attention to petting me. Now get to it, Banner ! Prah.'

Bastion: There's definitely something strange in the air...

Girl: Excuse me... I found this in the forest...

Banner: That's... That's the bag of one of my students !

"If they really just wanted to skip class, there was no need to go that far..."

Bastion: I knew it... The Shadow riders must be at work.

Banner: I just hope everyone's alright...

"... ... What in the name of..."

Syrus: When did this come from ?

Bastion: Let's go take a closer look !

"These are..."

Chumley: All the missing students ?!

Banner: Oh my...

Chazz: Hey, hold on a second... Crowler ?!

Crowler: O- Oh... Mamma Mia...

"What are you doing here ?!"

Crowler: Well, you know... A man's work.

Banner: A man's work... My, they must've been running very short on men...


"Uh... N- Nice kitty... ?"


Banner: First a coliseum, then a tiger ?! What's next, A gladiator ?!

"Please don't say that, it could happen !! Professor Crowler, what the hell is happening here ?!"

Crowler: Well, you see, we've all been brought here by that tiger... Though I think she prefer the term Amazon.

Banner: Amazon ?!

???: That's right. And thanks to your friends, I've finally been able to finish.. My glorious arena ! My sincerest thanks to all of you !

"The only thing I understand about this is the relation to no minimal wage..."

???: A job well done. I had no idea Duel Academy students could make such fine laborers. Now, as promised, here's your payment, rare cards. Well deserved, might I add. Until next time.

"Okay, I think all of this deserves some kind of explanation !"

???: I am Tanya. Descendant and chieftain of the proud race of the Amazons ! And also one of the Shadow riders.

"... Why am I not surprised..."

Syrus: Amazons... Wouldn't that be...

Chumley: A race comprised solely of women. I heard that they still existed somewhere in the world, but...

Alexis: So it's true ?

Tanya: In this Coliseum will be held a fight for the seven spirit gates. But... The only one who can face me in battle... Is the manliest out of all of you~.

Alexis: What does that mean ?!

"That it makes sense Crowler became a laborer instead."

Chumley: ... ... Ouch.

Tanya: Those who consider themselves as real men, step forward !

Chazz: It will be me !

Bastion: No, me !

"I am not interested !"

Tanya: Hmmm... Not a bad face among these three, but... You !

Chazz: ... Tsk.

"Somehow, I feel relieved."

Alexis: ... Hmph.

Tanya: tell me, what is your name ?

Bastion: Bastion Misawa !

"Go for it, Bastion ! Become your namesake !"

Syrus: Don't lower your guard !

Chumley: We're counting on you !

Bastion: Right. I've been preparing for this day. No matter what, I will win !

Tanya: I brought two decks myself, so you can decide on your fate. A deck of wisdom, or a deck of courage.

Bastion: Naturally, I will choose the deck of Wisdom ! And for myself, I will pick the deck of tenacity, my earth deck !

Tanya: Very well. I forgot to tell you, but this will not be a Shadow game.

Bastion: What do you mean ?

Tanya: ... I don't need your soul~... I just want you~.

Bastion: Gah ?!

Tanya: In other words... If I win, i'm going back to my village with you as my husband~ !

Bastion: H- Husband ?! This doesn't make any sense ! What if I win ?

Tanya: if it happens, I will become your wife, Bastion dear~ !

Syrus: ... I think I'm a bit jealous of this duel !

Alexis: What is she thinking about ?

Chazz: His... Wife... ?

"Can I be your witness, Bastion ?"

Bastion: Can it ! I have no intention of taking you as my wife ! I will win this duel, no matter what ! Let me deal with that !

Tanya: You will be mine, Bastion dear.

Both: DUEL !!


Tanya: I will start ! I draw ! I summon Amazoness Sword woman in attack mode !

Tanya: I put one card face-down, and end my turn.

Bastion: My trun, I draw ! I summon The magnet warrior sigma plus, in attack mode !

Bastion: I attack ! Magnet warrior, destroy Amazoness swordswoman ! Linear saber !

"That moron !"



Syrus: Why did bastion lose life points here ?!

Tanya: When Amazoness swordswoman fights, all damage is dealt to my opponent instead.

Tanya: next... I activate my face down ! Pride of tribe !

Tanya: With this card, each time an amazoness monster is destroyed, I can summon another from my deck ! So your strategy has turned against you, i'm afraid. But don't be too disappointed, Bastion dear~.

Bastion: Gh- ! I set a card, and end my turn.

Tanya: Kyaaaah ! You're so cool, it's making me shiver~ ! The sorrow of a man...

Syrus: Aniki, do you think this Tanya is the kind of person Bastion would have trouble with ?

"uhhhh, you're asking me something..."

Bastion: I get it, Tanya. That love game is a trick to throw off my rhythm. But my strategy is flawless. I will not be affected by your carnal rays !

"... I feel like it's best not to ask what he meant by that..."

Chumley: Yeah, me too...

Tanya: My turn ! I summon Amazoness blowpiper !

Bastion: I activate a trap ! Magnet force Minus !

Bastion: After this card has been activated, I can equip it to any monster on the field, turning it into a "Negative" monster, with a minus charge !

Tanya: Huh ?

Bastion: If two monsters with the same charge are on the field, they can't fight each other. But if they have opposite charges, then they are forced to fight !

Tanya: Amazoness blowpiper became a negative monster ?

Bastion: And Magnet warrior Sigma plus is a positive monster ! The attraction between positive and negative forces them to do battle.

Tanya: Just like the attraction between you and me~ !

Bastion: Take this seriously !!

Tanya: I activate the spell, Amazoness spellcaster, from my hand !

Tanya: She exchange the original attack point of an Amazoness monster, with a monster on your side of the field ! Now go ! Amazoness Blowpiper !



Tanya: Now, Amazoness, swordwoman, attack him directly ! Beast-hunting sword !!


Tanya: I end my turn.

Bastion: Impossible... Turning my own strategy against me not once, but twice...

Tanya: In the game of love, the woman is always the most skillful.

Bastion: STOP THAT !! What is all that nonsense about husband and wife ?! We are supposed to be enemies, are we not ?! Are we fighting for the destruction of the world or not ?!

Tanya: Who cares about the destruction of the world ? Love is always a hurricane, love is invincible ! Even the seven spirit keys can't open the gate of the heart ! So I will unlock it with my own key !

Bastion: I- I don't understand ! Do you really... Love me that much ?

Tanya: Of course I do~ !

Bastion: Do you love me ?!

Tanya: isn't it obvious ?! Your beautiful face...

bastion: Kh... ! 'She fell in love with my appearance... You're one of these superficial women who only see the exterior... You're no different from Syrus or Chumley with their Idol cards...'

Bastion: No, that's different ! That's totally different !!

Syrus: ... Aniki, what is...

"Don't ask me, I'm just as lost as you are..."

Chazz: Bastion dear seems to be having a hard time dealing with this...

Bastion: STOP CALLING ME LIKE THAT !! 'Falling in love with me for such a reason...' My turn ! I draw ! And I activate Magnet Conductor Plus from my hand !

Bastion: I add a plus monster from my grave to my hand ! Next, I send Magnet warrior Sigma plus, and magnet warrior Omega minus from my hand to the graveyard, to summon Conduction Warrior Linear Magnum Plus minus !

Bastion: The affect of Conduction warrior... Its effect activates ! Half the attack points of a magnetized monster on the field, are added to its own !


Bastion: I attack Amazoness Blowpiper ! RAILGUN MAGNUM !!


Tanya: UNGH- !!


Bastion: Then I put two cards face-down, and end my turn.

Tanya: ... Amazing ! That's my Bastion dear~ ! Such a demonstration of knightly spirit~ ! My turn. I draw ! Tell me, you didn't forget the effect of Amazoness swordswoman, did you ? Even if she lose a fight, the damage are inflicted upon you. So, I attack Conduction warrior linear... I attack your monster !

Bastion: 'Is she unconscious or...' I activate a face-down ! Power off ! It separates my plus minus monster into its base components !

Tanya: What ?!

"That's the spirit, bastion dear !"

Bastion: I told you to not call me that...

Tanya: This battle phase is over. But I summon Amazoness Paladin to the field.

Tanya: She gains 100 attack points for each Amazoness card I have on the field. I'll also set two cards face-down, and end my turn.

Bastion: 'She's not unconscious, she just planned every possibility' Show me your true self !!

Tanya: I already did. I did it all along. After all, I think so hard about you noticing me, and trying so hard to make you love me~...

Bastion: Huh ?

Tanya: Since bastion Dear is a Positive, and Tanya a negative, I must make even more efforts so opposite can attract each others like that... Teehee... So you should work hard too, bastion dear~ !

Bastion: O- Oh... ...

Tanya: Bastion Dear, please activate the face-down of your heart !

Bastion: H... How... How cute... Tanya...

"... I think we're losing him..."

Syrus: You don't think he's starting to get serious about... he's not reacting...

Bastion: My turn ! I draw ! I summon the Magnet warrior Sigma minus in attack mode !

Bastion: Next, I activate my face-down ! 100 000 Gauss !

Bastion: I can activate this card whenever I have a minus and a plus monster on the field ! I can switch one of your monsters into attack position, and lower their attack by 800 !

Tanya: I also activate a face-down ! Dramatic Rescue !

Tanya: By sending back one of my monsters to my hand, I can special summon another one from my hand ! And the card I choose to summon, is Amazoness tiger !

Tanya: This monster's attack is raised by 400 for each Amazoness monster on the field ! And as log as this card is on the field, you cannot attack any other amazoness monster !

Bastion: 'But Omega minus has just as much attack as that tiger. So after they destroy each other, I can attack with the rest of my monsters... And win !' Tanya, let me show you my feelings !! I attack the Amazoness Tiger with the Magnet Warrior Omega Minus ! Love linear saber !!

"Bastion, no !!"

Tanya: So these are your feelings, Bastion dear... I will accept them, body and soul ! I activate my face down, Amazoness archers !

Tanya: Now all your monsters are changed to attack mode, and lose 500 attack points ! Not only that, but they're forced to attack !

Syrus: Bastion's monsters attack points...

"Now they can't square against that Amazoness Tiger..."

Chazz: It's not like him to fall in such an obvious trap...

Banner: ... When you fall in love, the world around you just fades from view...

Pharaoh: Meow.' Praaah. That tiger's looking down right bad.'

Tanya: Amazoness tiger ! This is my answer to Bastion dear ! "I do"... This is the reach of love ! Bite of the Jungle's King !!



Bastion: Tanya... Dear...

"Bastion ! You okay there ? Say something !"

Tiger: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

"H- hey, now, no need to be so aggressive..."


"Nevermind, RUN !!"

Everyone: GAAAAAAAAHH !!

Tanya: Hahahahahaha ! I found myself a husband~ !

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