Chapter 30: Electrochoc

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bastion: Ahhh... Ahhhhhh ! Haaaaaaaaaaaa !!

Alexis: ... You think it will be okay for him ?

Chazz: Tanya said she'd make him her husband... I don't think she'll kill him.

"Even though... The fact I can't tell if these screams are from pain or not worries me..."

Banner: What a a terrifying woman... !


Syrus: A- Aniki ! What's this ?

Chumley: The Coliseum's gate is opening !

"Bastion ?! Hey, speak to me ! Say something ! Bastion !"

Bastion: uh... ... ... ...

"Are you okay ?!"

Bastion: Y... Yes...

Chazz: What happened in here ?

Banner: What did this woman do to you ?

Bastion: I was... Practically useless...

Tanya: This is over.


Tanya: I'm done. Get out.

Bastion: Ah ?!

Tanya: A husband like you could never satisfy me.

Bastion: .... T... Tanya dear...

Bastion: None of my decks could ever beat her... She's strong, brave, and proud ! I could never attain her level...

"... That's it, we lost him. Can someone slap him for me ?"

Bastion: ... ... ... ... ... ... Tanya... ... ...

"So, for how long has he been like this ?"

Chumley: About two hours...

Syrus: Huh ?! He's pouring strawberry jam on his rice omelet ! And now he's drinking Worcestershire sauce !

Chazz: And even worse, he's hanging out in the Slifer red dorm... What is he doing here ?

"So do you, and we're not questioning it. Hey ! Bastion ! H- Hey, stop, this is tabasco sauce !! Stop drinking it !!"

Chazz: It's no use, he's completely out of it.

Alexis: Seeing him, out of everyone, loses their cool...

Bastion: ... ... ... ...

Tanya: Then you'll have to work hard too, Bastion dear ! Please, activate the face-down of your heart !

Bastion: Sh- She's cute...

Bastion: GH- ! Tanya dear...

"Man... This is worse than I thought... That whole thing took quite the toll on him."

Bastion: What's the matter ? Why did you call me so suddenly ?

"How about a duel ? It's been a while."

Bastion: N- No... I can't.

"Are you scared ?"

Bastion: Me, scared ? ... That's not it. I... I don't understand them anymore...

Chazz: Women ?

Bastion: Don't be ridiculous ! Duels ! That woman, Tanya... She was a Shadow Rider... yet she fought an honorable duel, without any underhanded trick... She beat me fair and square. All I can think about now, is how much I respect her... I want to see her again ! I want to cross decks with her again !

'One letter off and that would be very weird...'

Zane: is this something we can only feel with people we've already dueled ?

Bastion: Yes... But with my level, I can't duel at a level that would satisfy Tanya... I'm so frustrated... And pathetic...

Chazz: is this woman really that fantastic ?

"... At that point, there's only one solution... isn't it, Bastion dear ?"

Tanya: DOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !! Are there no strong men around here ?! A man strong enough to set my heart ablaze and quicken my pulse !! NGAAAAHH !!

Tanya: I can't take it... I'm leaving !

*Bam bam bam*

Bastion: Y/n ! It's me ! Bastion !! Wake up !

"Bastion dear... it's the middle of the night, right now. I know you want to see Tanya again, but can't you wait until morning at least ?"

Bastion: That's not it ! I can feel it ! Tanya's fighting spirit !

"You what... ?"

Bastion: Where are you, Tanya ?!

Syrus: Aniki !

Alexis: is it true Tanya appeared ?!


Bastion: That's her ! She's coming !

Tiger: GROOOOOO !!

Tanya: Well, i'm impressed you could feel it. My furious need to duel !

"That, and the four bodies we found on our way here;.. Could perhaps not assault people in the middle of the night ?"

Bastion: T... Tanya...

"Bastion dear, you're not helping anything."

Tanya: Hm... You're quite good-looking as well... Even if you have a naive side.

"... Could've lived without that one, thank you..."

Tanya: Fufu... You seem the stubborn type. Very well, I will duel you.

"Fine. But if you start calling me pet names, i'm out of here !"

Tanya: As you already know, I have two decks, and I'll let you decide on your fate. Will you die gloriously ? Or will you continue to live, feeling the shame of defeat ?

"Neither. I firmly intend to win, and live gloriously !"

Tanya: I like that spirit.

Both: Duel !


"... I just realized, but this duel has a chance of being really humiliating for Bastion... Face my upgraded deck ! I summon Gamma, The electromagnet warrior, in defense mode !"

Syrus: he's using the same kind of deck as Bastion !

Chazz: I don't know if that was intentional...

"Gamma's effect activates ! When he's summoned, I can bring out another magnet warrior from my hand ! Alpha the magnet warrior, in defense mode ! Then I lay one card face down and end it."

Tanya: My turn ! I summon Amazoness paladin in attack mode ! This card gains 100 Attack points for every Amazoness card on the field ! Then I activate a spell from my hand! Amazoness Charm !

Tanya: It changes one of your defense position monster into attack position, and give it a boost of 200 points !

Crowler: Why bother so much to raise the attack points of your opponent ?

Bastion: Tanya is that kind of person...

Tanya: There's nothing more pitiful than dueling someone weak.

"I know a few who quite enjoy trampling on the weak."

Tanya: Hmf. I activate my field spell, Amazoness Arena !

Tanya: When it's activated, we both get 600 life points back !


Chazz: Very nice of her to give him more life points, but what's up with that cage ?

Tanya: Fufufu... The Amazoness arena is a sacred ground, where you can demonstrate the bond you share with your monsters, by putting your soul on the line !

"Again with my soul ?!"

Tanya: You'll see soon enough. Amazoness Paladin ! Attack Gamma ! Dance of the sacred blade !!



Tanya: What ?! Were did your monster go ?!

"That's the secondary effect. I can send an electromagnet warrior to the grave at any point, and replace it with a level 4 magnet warrior from my deck. And I choose, Gamma the Magnet warrior ! And since our monsters have the same points now..."


"Nothing happens."

Tanya: Kh... The effect of Amazoness arena activates ! After a battle between two monsters, we can both pay 100 life points to inflict 100 damage on our opponent !

"So in other hands... You're telling me to run hands with you..."

Tanya: I don't like leaving all the fighting to the monsters. But it's your choice to participate or not.

"I'm not chickening out at that point !"


Syrus: Aniki !

Chumley: It's a brawl ! It's like a real brawl at this point !


Tanya: Heh. You certainly can pack a punch ! I set one card and enf my turn.

Chazz: Hey, what's that kind of woman ?!

Bastion: That's Tanya dear...

"My turn ! I draw ! I activate the spell card, Magnet Amplificator !"

"So with two of these on my field, their attacks are raised by 600 points each ! And now, we fight once more ! Gamma ! Attack Amazoness Paladin, and show her the way paladout !!"



"I'm not done ! Alpha ! DIRECT ATTACK !!"

Tanya: NGH- !


Tanya: ... ... Huhuhu... That's how a duel should be...

Banner: That's bad ! I think he made her furious !

Bastion: No, Tanya dear is extatic.

"Let's not forget about that cage !"



Tanya: My turn ! I draw ! I set two cards face down... And summon Amazoness Swordswoman, in attack position ! It's time to battle... Amazoness Swordswoman, Attack Gamma the magnet warrior !



"Kh... You just left yourself wide open. Next turn, i'll finish you off !"

Tanya: I don't think so. I activate my face-down, Pride of Tribe ! Now I can replace Amazoness swordswoman with another one ! And now, Amazoness arena activates !

Alexis: Again with that !

Syrus: Aniki, hold on !



"Heh. This is starting to get interesting."

Tanya: I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.

"My turn ! Draw ! I summon Beta, the electromagnet warrior !"

"It's effect activates ! Letting me add another magnet warrior to my hand ! In that case, Alpha. And now, I attack ! Thanks to Magnet Amplificator, all my magnets have their attack raised by 900 at that point !"

Tanya: For now. I activate the trap Dust tornado ! Letting me destroy your spell ! And next... Amazoness Archers !!

"Oh no !"

Tanya: You should be familiar with it. If I have an Amazoness monster on the field, and my opponent declares an attack... It reduces the attack points of all your monsters by 600 !

"No choice then. Alpha ! Go for it !"



"Kh. And now, Amazoness Arena !"

Alexis: You're doing that voluntarily ?!

Tanya: Come at me !!



Tanya: Good... Very good...

Banner: What's happening ?!

Alexis: That Tanya... It's like she was enjoying getting hurt in a battle...

Bastion: She does... In heart and soul.

Tanya: It's not over yet. The effect of Amazoness Archers forces all your monsters to attack !

"Fine by me ! Gamma ! Beta ! Go !! And with Amazoness activating both times, to boot !!"





Syrus: Again ?!

"I... I'm the stubborn type... Like you said. I put two cards face down, and end my turn."

Tanya: My turn ! I draw ! I summon Amazoness Tiger, in attack mode ! And don't forget, its attack points are raised by 400 for each Amazoness monster I control.

Crowler: Those damn Amazons... Their solidarity is really uneven, yes ?

Alexis: Now's not the time for these comments !

Tanya: Go, Amazoness Swordswoman ! Attack him directly !

"I activate a trap ! Pinpoint guard !"

"With that, when one of your monsters declares an attack, I can take a monster in my graveyard and summon it in defense mode ! So I choose Beta the electromagnet warrior !"


"And since beta was summoned, I can add a magnet warrior to my hand. In that case, another Gamma !"

Zane: That's smart. Beta's defense is equal to her offense, so even with her special effects, neither will take damage.

"Not with monsters, but with our fists."

Zane: Amazoness arena, again ?!



Chumley: That looked painful...

Syrus: Aniki ! What are you thinking about ?!

Tanya: This battle is not over ! I attack Beta with Amazoness Tiger !

"Tough luck ! A monster special summoned by Pinpoint guard can't be destroyed for the rest of the tune !"

Tanya: Heh.

Chazz: Why does she seem happy about that ?!

Alexis: She's completely obsessed by the Amazoness Arena...



Chazz: is she planning for a war of attrition ?

Zane: No...

Tanya: from my hand, I activate the quick-play spell, Amazoness trainer !

Chumley: That's bad !

Zane: With that spell, Amazoness Tiger gains even more attack, and can battle once more...

banner: And since its attack is already higher than Beta's defense...

Crowler: he will take the rest as piercing damage...

"if you want to attack, do it !!"

Tanya: Glad you're ready for it. I wanted to show you the mercy of the amazons by ending it quickly. Go ! Amazoness Tiger !!

Syrus: Aniki !!

"Second Face-down, go ! I activate Waboku !!"

"With this, I don't take any battle damage for the rest of this turn ! But that doesn't mean nothing else will happen !"

Tanya: I don't think I ever had that much fun during a duel...

"I'm getting pumped up too ! Amazoness Arena !!"



Chazz: What is he doing ? With only 300 points left, he's still playing with that Arena ?

Alexis: I hope he knows what he's doing... Tanya still has that Amazoness swordswoman, inflicting all battle damage to her opponent... And with Amazoness Tiger... Be it a weak monster or a strong monster...

Tanya: Just so you know, surrendering won't be allowing in this duel. No mercy will be allowed either.

"Then, you better get ready ! I draw ! I summon Gamma, the electromagnet warrior, and use its effect to special summon Alpha, the electromagnet warrior !"

"Alpha's effect activates ! Letting me add a level 8 Magna Monster to my hand ! And now... I'll summon it !"

Tanya: What ?!

"From my field... I banish Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, the electromagnet warriors, to summon the ace... BERSERKION, THE ELECTROMAGNA WARRIOR !!"

"Now, Berserkion, attack Amazoness Tiger ! ELECTRO RUSH !!"


Tanya: NGH !!


"Now... There's but one way to end this ! Amazoness Arena, go !!"

Tania: Kh... Come !!

Alexis: Why ? Tanya already...

Bastion: Tanya... Like she said, surrendering is not allowed in this duel, and so is mercy. This is how live a true warrior. With their fists.



Banner: Incredible...

Crowler: A violent crossing of fists.

Zane: Could it be the reason why he was so insistent on using Amazoness arena's effect ? Because he had planned that outcome ?

"Well... It hurts everywhere. But for some reason, it's not uncomfortable."

Tanya: Same. Until today, I searched a man strong enough for my race. And it seems I finally found him here. The ultimate duelist.



"... Tanya ?"

Syrus: A tiger ?!

Bastion: T- Tanya, you are...

'Tanya': Thank you, for this magnificent duel.

Bastion: ... ... Did I fall in love... With a tiger... ?

Chazz: No, she was a good woman, and a good person.

"... Congratulations, Bastion. You're a furry now."

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