Chapter 32: Overkill

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Pharaoh: ... Who has disturbed my slumber ?

???: The Legendary Pharaoh known as the God of duelists... The time has come to fulfill your oath to the Shadows...

Pharaoh: ... Ready the ship !

Servants: Yes, Lord !

Your POV:

Banner: You all know Yugi Muto.

Students: Ohhhhhhhhhh...

Banner: And Seto Kaiba.

Students: Ahhhhhhhhhh...

Banner: And some of you may even remember Joey Wheeler.

"Nyeh ?"

Banner: That one, yes. Like you all know these first two are legends, the very best duelists of their generation.

'And I will be their Next Generation.'

Banner: But in fact, their existed more legendary duelists of their caliber, back in Ancient Egypt.

Syrus: Ancient Egypt... ?

"Well, they kinda invented Duel Monster, using giant stone tablets instead of cards"

Banner: Among them, one was known as the "God of duelists" and was said to be undefeated his entire life. His name was Abidos the Third.

"... An undefeated Pharaoh, you say ? ... What I wouldn't give to get my own chance at dueling him..."

Chazz: Hmph. Even if I'm sure he'd reduce his opponent's life points to 0 in just his first turn.

"Don't worry, I'll be here to sweep your remains. And avenge you."

Chazz: Gh... I was talking about you.. You !

"Hahahaha !"

Syrus: Seriously, why me too ? Why did I have to stay behind for cleanup ?

"Blame the one who Chazzed it up too much in class."

Chazz: It was your fault !

Syrus: ... Woe is me...


"Seriously, again ?! What now ?!"

Chazz: Zane and Alexis ?!

"The latter is not surprising. Also, ARE THESE MUMMIES ?!"

Syrus: Big Brother !!

Zane: Syrus ! Don't come any closer !!


"And now they're after us... I'm getting tired of living in an horror movie !"

Mummy: Those who bear the keys...

Chazz: the keys... Are they with the Shadow Riders ?

"Ugh... Not again..."

"... ... Umgn..."

Zane: Awake ?

"Grmbl... yes... Okay, who sucked us through a magic portal this time ?! ... You too, Professor Banner ?"

Banner: I was just about to have dinner... When these mummies caught me and dragged me here... !

Zane: So most of the key holders are reunited here...

"... ... If I were a betting guy... I'd say this one gives orders around here..."

Banner: E- EEEEEK !!

Syrus: P- Professor Banner !

Chazz: Leave him. He wouldn't be of help to us anyway.

"... Okay, I think all of that deserves quite the explanation ! Who are you, over there ?!"

Pharaoh: ... I am named Abidos the Third. A member of the Shadow Riders.

"... of course, again with that crap..."

Chazz: Abidos ? The one said to be undefeated ?

Alexis: The legendary...

Abidos: I will take the four keys in your possession... And also the fifth one still on the island.

Alexis: Must we battle the duelist considered as a God... ?

Zane: Does he intend getting all the remaining keys at once ?

Chazz: The enemy must be getting impatient.

Abidos: I am offering you the opportunity to leave your keys here and run away. What will you do ?

"... ... ... ... ... ..."

Syrus: Aniki... ?

"... The undefeated Pharaoh... The most legendary duelist to ever walk this Earth, all for me to battle... No way in hell i'm passing over this opportunity. You got yourself a challenge !"

Servants: Such impertinence ! Addressing the Pharaoh in such a manner...

Abidos: It does not matter.

Zane: Remember ! It's a Shadow Game !

Alexis: And you're facing a God...

"Don't worry... I've witnessed enough 'Gods' in my life. Now, Pharaoh... Show me that legendary strength !

Abidos: ... You don't seem to even feel fear...

"My adrenaline is pumping way too much to bother about that. Let's do this !"

Both: DUEL !!


Abidos: I'll start. I draw... And I summon Pharaonic protector, in defense mode

"A... A level 2 normal monster... ? Right off the bat ?"

Syrus: No defense points ?!

Abidos: I place one card face-down, and end my turn.

"'He must have something really big planned, to be this confident about that twig protecting him...' Very well, my turn ! I draw !"

Abidos: I activate the First Sarcophagus !

"I knew it was a trap... But I've never seen this before... First... There's more of them, right ?"

Abidos: Exactly. During your next End Phases, I will place the second and third sarcophagi on the field. And when the three of them are assembled... The cursed Gate will open, letting the darkness and despair envelop you.

"... At the end of my second turn from here on, huh ? Then that just means I have to beat you before that !"

Abidos: Absurd...

"Here I go ! I summon Beta, the Electromagnet warrior, in attack mode ! And us it's effect to add Alpha the Electromagnet to my Hand !" next, I play a spell ! Magnet Induction !"

"It lets me summon a magnet warrior monster from my deck, as long as I have one on my field ! So Gamma the Electromagnet warrior, come out to play !"

Syrus: he's going right for it !

"Gamma's effect activates ! It lets me summon another Magnet warrior from my hand ! And since I just added Alpha to my hand, On he goes ! Alpha, the Electromagnet warrior ! And finally, Alpha's effect lets me add a Level 8 Magna Warrior to my hand !"

Zane: All out right from the beginning.. he's really trying to not let these Sarcophagi pile up...

Syrus: Go, Aniki !

"And now... i'll attack !"

Syrus: Wh- What ? Why wouldn't he summon his boss monster ?

Chazz: Because that would slow him down.

Syrus: Huh ?

Alexis: With one strong monster, he wouldn't put any damage in to his opponent. But with three weaker monster, even if one attack is intercepted, the other two will connect.

"Now go ! Never thought I'd say that, but Gamma ! Destroy his monster !"


Abidos: Ugh- !

"Alpha ! Beta ! Put the nails in his Sarcophagus ! DIRECT ATTACK !!"

Abidos: GH- HAAAAAAA !!


Syrus: He did it ! Aniki got the first hit in !

Chazz: How did that idiot get the first hit on a God ?

"That's about it for now. Looks like i'll be able to finish you before the sarcophagi all get here."

Abidos: Gh... the effect of the First Sarcophagus activates ! Leading to the activation of the Second sarcophagus !

Abidos: When the last one will activate, it will mark your end.

Alexis: Only one left...

Banner: I'm scared ! I'm scared !

Abidos: It's my turn. I draw. I activate the spell, Pot of Greed ! And another spell, Tribute to the Doomed !

Abidos: Now, I discard one card, in order to destroy your Alpha !

"Alpha's quick effect activates ! Before he's destroyed, I can send him to the Grave, and summon a level 4 magnet warrior in its place ! So alpha get out, and Delta comes in ! And its effect activates, letting me send another magnet to the Grave."

Abidos: Kh ! Very well... I summon Pharaoh's servant, in attack mode !

'Again with weak monster... What's with that ? I can't make any sense of that strategy !'

Abidos: Pharaoh's servant ! Attack Gamma !

"Is he really going in blind... Can't help it, I have to go all out ! Gamma's quick effect activates ! Replacing it with its magnet counterpart ! Gamma the Magnet Warrior, in attack mode !"

Abidos: N- No !!


Abidos: HAAAAAHH !!


"... ... That's the legendary Pharaoh, the God of duelists... ? Gonna say, i'm a bit... Underwhelmed. Come on, where are all your unbeatable stratagems, the god-tier and god cards, the heart of the cards... Where's all that ?"

Abidos: Gh... What... Are you blabbering about now... ?

"What am- Look, buddy, I'm here to duel the Pharaoh. And, no offense, but you don't really play the part... So could you please start getting serious so I can enjoy this ?"

Abidos: Kh... I am Abidos the Third ! The undefeated one, the God of duelists ! You will regret your impertinence ! I place one card face-down and end my turn.

"... Looks like my only chance to see a bit of challenge out of this... Is to let him play with his Sarcophagi... if you're done, then I activate Beta's quick effect, replacing it with it's magnetic counterpart once again."

"Then it's my turn ! Draw ! Hrgnn... Do I take the chance... Or do I play it safe..."

Abidos: What are you on about again ?

".. ... Okay, screw it ! i'm not letting you do that ! I activate Mystical Space Typhoon ! It lets me destroy any spell or trap on the field, and I'll use it to destroy your first Sarcophagus !"

Abidos: What ?! I activate my trap, magic jammer ! By discarding a card, I can negate your spell, and destroy it !


"See ? That's more like it already."

Abidos: You... You tried destroying my Sarcophagus ?

Syrus: Oh, that's too bad...

Alexis: I don't know... He's a legendary duelist, considered as a God, so I was wondering what kind of duel he'd show us, but...

"... Very well, I'll let you play. I put my monsters in Defense mode and that'll be it."

Syrus: Heeeeh ?! Aniki, you could end it right here and now, why are you dragging this on ?!

Zane: he wants to see what happens when all three sarcophagi are here... But I also think he wants answers.

Syrus: Answers ?

"... You okay there ?"

Abidos: You... Wretched... What did you plan on doing ?!

"What, you mean... Playing the game ?"

Abidos: You are the very first one to try and destroy my sarcophagi...

"... That's what about anyone would do... You should know that, as the... Pharaoh..."

Abidos: ... Anyone would do that ?

"Are... Are you really a bad guy here to hunt us down ? 'Cause right now... For a 'God of duelist' you're a rather big letdown..."

Syrus: His tactics and deck are nothing out of the ordinary... It's barely better than a starter deck...

Chazz: To be pushed around by him like that... Looks like the requirements for that nickname were pretty permissive back in the day.

"... ... heh. I get it now. You're not him... You never were... I just got my hopes up for nothing..."

Abidos: Your hopes ?

"Say... have you ever heard the name 'Atem' before ?"

Abidos: H- How do you know the name of my glorious ancestor ?!

"... Figured... I thought I could finally get a chance at that... At the only one who ever bested my brother... But now it's gone, just like a cloud I'd try to catch with my hands... All of this was for naught."

Syrus: Still, for a "God of Duelists", he's not that much.

"Heh. Whoever gave that title really doesn't know what they do."

Abidos: ... ... ... ...

Abidos: I attack you directly, with Sinister Snake !

Abidos: I attack with the Embodiment of Apophis !

Abidos: Go, Hercules Beetle !

Servants: Well... It seems we truly can't compete with you, Pharaoh. The world shall never know another duelist of your caliber, Lord Abidos !

Abidos: ... Hm.

Servants: 'It's hard to lose on purpose without awakening any doubts in the Pharaoh...'

Abidos: Everything seemed so empty to me... Did... Did they all let me win on purpose ?

"... ... ... They what ?"

Syrus: A- Aniki...

Abidos: I guess it's true... No one has ever dueled me seriously...

"... You're telling me... that not only did I get my hopes up for nothing about fighting the invincible Pharaoh... The one who came in his place has his whole reputation as the 'God of Duelists' built on a throne of lies ?!"

Abidos: H- Huh... ?

"... I don't even know against who I'm fuming right now... Your servant for feeding these lies to you, or you for accepting that and believing it yourself !! Well guess what, I'll grant you your parting gift ! A serious duel, when I'll crush you like you deserve, you fraud !!"

Syrus: A- Aniki !

Chazz: That's it, he snapped.

"My turn isn't done ! So I'll banish my three Electromagnet warriors from my graveyard, to summon BERSERKION, THE ELECTROMAGNA WARRIOR !!"

Abidos: Hah !

"Then I'll finally end my turn ! Your move, Faux Pharaoh !"

Abidos: You... You'll duel me seriously ?

"I'll seriously and royally whoop you into next week ! Now get to it !"

Abidos: ... then come at me ! Don't show me any pity ! Before you end your turn, I activate the Third Sarcophagus !

Alexis: he has the three Sarcophagi cards !

Abidos: And now.. BY sending these three to the Grave... I can special summon the Spirit of the Pharaoh, in attack mode !

"... A disappointment, just like the rest ! You're telling you took this long just to summon a 2500 points beatstick ?!"

Abidos: You dare to mock the soul of a Pharaoh ?! When I can special summon Spirit of the Pharaoh, I can special up to four normal zombie monster from my grave, which are level 2 or lower !

"You think that's gonna scare me ?! As you are now, A breeze will end you !"

Abidos: You think ! I draw !! I activate the spell, Thousand Energy !

Abidos: It raises the attack of every level 2 monster on my field by 1000 !

Syrus: Aniki !

Chazz: Big deal. His monsters are in defense mode, and even that boost can't let them pass Berserkion.

Abidos: That's what you think... That's why I'll equip Spirit of the Pharaoh with this ! Pharaoh Scepter !

Abidios: It raises Spirit of the Pharaoh's attack by 300 for every monster with "Pharaoh" on his name that's on the field, even if these monsters leave the field ! And with 5 of them...


Zane: 4000 points ?!

Abidos: Now go ! Destroy his monsters !




Abidos: And now, Spirit of the Pharaoh ! Attack Berserkion !!



Abidos: One last shot ! Direct attack !

"... ... I don't think so."

Abidos: H- Huh ?

"You just sent both Delta and Berserkion to the grave... meaning I can now activate their effects ! First, Delta ! When it's sent to the grave, I can banish three other Magnet Warriors from my grave, and special summon from my deck... VALKYRION, THE MAGNA WARRIOR !!"

Abidos: HUH ?!

"But that's not all ! Berserkion has been sent to the Grave too, so now, I can bring back the three Electromagnet Warriors I banished to bring him out, and special summon them ! Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, come on out !"

"All of their effects activate ! Gamma lets me summon another Magnet from my hand ! Delta come out once again ! Beta Let's me add another magnet to my hand ! Gamma's there ! And Alpha give me another Magna monster ! You guessed it, it's Berserkion !"

Abidos: Kh... Fine ! I'll attack a monster-

"I'M NOT DONE ! Delta's effect activates ! So I send another magnet to my Graveyard ! And while i'm at it... I activate My electromagnets quick effects ! So I can send all three of them to the GY, and summon their Magnetic counterparts straight from my deck ! Alpha, beta, and Gamma, the Magnet Warriors, all in defense mode !"

Abidos: Hurk...

"You told me not to show any mercy ? That's what I'm doing ! So sit back, and let this next Generation of duelists school you !"

Abidos: ... ... What's the point in attacking anymore.

Syrus: Aniki seems... More angry than usual...

Zane: he is. This time, he's dueling with rage instead of willpower. The difference is subtle.

Syrus: he must really be angry about that whole "Fluke" thing...

Zane: Not only that... But I think he sees himself in Abidos. If people here knew about him being a Kaiba, things would get easy for him... Too easy. They would bow to him, and let him do whatever he want... Kind of what happened to Abidos.

Chazz: Hey, hold on for a second ?! What's that about him being a Kaiba ?! I never heard of that !!

Alexis: You did run away from the Academy before that, true...

Zane: "Y/n" is just a borrowed name. He's Mokuba Kaiba. Although he's much rather not be called that while here.

Chazz: Haaa... Aaahhh... Agh... ?!

Abidos: I end my battle phase, and activate the spell card Soul Guide from my hand. It lets me tribute a monster, and get life points equivalent to that monster's attack, as well as adding another copy to my hand.


Abidos: And since this is the end of my turn, the monsters affected with Thousand Energy will now be destroyed. I end my turn !

Syrus: Aniki...

"... I sure hope that dueling someone seriously for once was worth it, because it's about to stop ! I draw ! ... I tribute Alpha, beta, and Gamma the magnet warriors, to summon VALKYRION, THE MAGNA WARRIOR !!"

"Next, I'll banish the three electromagnets from my Grave, to once again summon Berserkion to my field !"

Abidos: Why bother. The Spirit of the Pharaoh stays stronger, even after his servants have departed ! His reign shall not fall !

"Let's put that to test ! I activate Berserkion's special ability !"

Abidos: What ?!

"With berserkion on the field, I can banish a Magnet Warrior from my graveyard, and destroy any card on your side of the field ! Your scepter is no more, and so is your reign !


"And to prove that, I will use that effect again ! The spirit of the Pharaoh is going back in the tomb, where he should be !"


Abidos: N- No ! My Pharaoh !

"No one's to blame for that one ! Berserkion ! Valkyrions ! Show that Faux Pharaoh, but real duelist, how we do things in this time ! DIRECT ATTACKS ! ALNICO STRIKE ! ELECTRO RUSH !!


*2100→ -7900*

"And that's about it. You know... Taking apart that disappointment, that was quite a good duel."

Abidos: ... do... Do you know why I became a Shadow Rider... ?

"Let me guess... You wanted to find someone who could finally compete with you, the 'God of Duelists' ?

Abidos: That's right... At least once, I wanted to face someone like you. Now... I am ready to join the Great Beyond.

"... When you get there... Why don't you salute Atem for me ?"

Abidos: I have a better idea... Why wouldn't you come with me ?

"Eh ?"

Servants: HUH ?!

Syrus: Impossible !

Abidos: You can't satisfy yourself by doing that kind of duel only once ! It would be a waste ! So, come with me !

"That sounds easier said than done..."

Syrus: A- Aniki ! No ! No ! No way !

Chazz: Yes ! Bring him with you ! Right now !

Syrus: HEY !

"Huh... About that, could you perhaps wait... A century or so... ? After that, there won't be any problem if you want to duel."

Abidos: A century ? Well, compared to three thousand years, this'll feel like no time at all. Very well.

"... ... ..."

Abidos: ... I'll be waiting !!


Chazz: Well, isn't that great ? Now you know where you'll go after you die.

"I'm looking forward to that... Even though I'd like it as distant as possible. How about you ?"

Chazz: No thanks. Spending an eternity with you is the definition of Hell. And by the way ! Just because you're a Kaiba or something like that, don't expect to order me around ! There's only room for one spoiled rich kid on this island, and that's me !!

"Thank goodness ! I thought you'd become soft after knowing that."

Chazz: Soft ?! I'll show you soft !! I'll tenderize you, just you wait !!

Banner: ... Managing to purify a Shadow rider during a Shadow Game... Not bad at all...

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