Chapter 33: Waifu for Laifu

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"To think that not only would Alexis duel a Shadow rider by herself and win... But that also made Atticus come back to his senses."

Syrus: Why does it sounds like you were expecting Alexis to lose ?

"Against the Shadow Riders, defeat is never off the table. Also, after her history of being kidnapped ?"

Syrus: It looks like you're still missing the most important part, Aniki...

Alexis: Big brother... Welcome back...

Atticus: I'm sorry. Because of me, you were so worried...

Alexis: But, big brothers, how did you end in the world of the Shadow Games ?

Atticus: I did not go of my own volition... We had extra-curricular classes in this dorm... Then, one day...

Atticus: I was called to the duel arena in the basement, and right in the middle of a duel test... I was engulfed in the Shadows, like what happened to Titan. That was.. A true nightmare... Forced to constantly train as a shadow duelist..

Alexis: But who sent you to this realm ?!

Atticus: I still don't know, but the one who called me this day, and was opponent during the test... It was Professor Banner.

"Right, that... Sorry, I was too busy having a panic attack because of the dorm."

Syrus: This is a big deal, aniki !

"Not too big, if you can find time to prepare for... What even is this ?"

Syrus: the duel arena for the festival ! How could you forget- GAH !!


"... You okay ?"

Syrus: *Cough cough* Ch- Chumley, this is the duel arena ! Go paint somewhere else.

Chumley: Sorry, sorry...

"So ? How are things progressing on your side ?"

"The famous cosplaying duel tournament of the Slifer Red ?"

Syrus: Chumley, you're an outstanding artist !

Chumley: Oh, I'm really not that good...

"But, don't you think Des Koala and Des Kangaroo aren't that popular ? You should add monsters that are sure to bring in people."

Chumley: Like who ?

Syrus: The Dark Magician Girl, of course ! You should put her in the middle and at the front !

"Syrus... We already discussed about that Card Crush you had on her..."

Syrus: Is that a problem ?!

Chumley: N- No, of course... So the dark Magician Girl...

Syrus: Everyone is still kinda depressed about that whole Banner story, so it's up to us to make sure the festival is a resounding success !

Chumley: You said it.

"Careful not to overdo it. 'And Chumley, do me a favor, add a Blue-eyes somewhere on that poster'."

Chumley: You got it.

???: A cosplay duel ? That sounds fun !

Zane: ... Where could Professor Banner disappear to... ?

Alexis: You don't think he was defeated by a Shadow Rider too ?

"That's unlikely. I'm pretty sure Sheppard would have informed us of something like that..."

Bastion: Indeed. Atticus said it was Banner who sent him to the Shadows, after all.

Zane: But this does not necessarily makes him our enemy...

Chazz: There there, kitty kitty~ ! Kitty kitty ! Come here, I've got a toy for you !

"... ... Chazz, this is stressful for everyone, but now's not the time to get bonkers."

Chazz: idiot, I'm trying to lure out Pharaoh. If we find the cat, banner won't be far.

Syrus: Aniki ! We're done with the preparations !

"Ahh, that's more like it ! Love the glare on that Blue-eyes. And Dark Magician, Dark magician Girl..."

Syrus: Chumley told me that cosplay duel was the tradition for the Slifer red !

"Is it ?"

Atticus: That sounds nice.

"You... Never went ?"

Atticus: I already went to the Ra festival before, but never so low...


Syrus: There's just one problem. No one comes to the Slifer Red festival because there's no girls here !

Bastion: Uhh... There's no girls in Ra Yellow either...

Syrus: That made me think !

Bastion: He's not listening...

Syrus: In these case, we need an attractive beauty. So, Alexis...

Alexis: Eh ? Me ?

Syrus: Please, do this to help the Red dorm !

Alexis: W- Wait a minute, Syrus, stop that... I am an Obelisk Blue after all...

Atticus: Why not ? I'd like to see you in a cosplay too.

Alexis: B- Big brother...

Bastion: Maybe I'll try it out as well.

"Me too. Sounds great."

Chumley: But the dark magician Girl is-

Syrus: I did it ! Her big brother also said it was okay ! I did it !

Alexis: Well, looks like I don't really have a choice...

'Do not laugh. Do not laugh. Whatever you do, DO NOT LAUGH !!'

Syrus: H- HUH ?! Why is Miss Dorothy the one playing the Dark Magician Girl ?!

Chumley: I forgot to tell you, but Miss Dorothy was our Dark Magician Girl last year...

Syrus: You never did say that...

Dorothy: How rude ! The Dark Magician Girl is my specialty ! See ? That costume still fits me perfectly !


Dorothy: Oh ? That's weird ! Last year, it fitted perfectly. Did it shrunk ?

'This is the greatest test of will I ever had... BUT I WILL NOT BREAK !!'

Syrus: Waaaahh !! My precious Dark Magician Girl !

???: Fufu~

Syrus: Uhhh...

Chazz: Here, kitty kitty ! Here, kitty kitty !

Chumley: Wow ! Impressive, Alexis !

"The Harpy lady, in feathers and talons."

Alexis: I feel like i'm being too flashy... But it was the only one my size...

Chumley: That's okay ! It works really well ! Super well okay !

"Chumley, you're starting to lose it..."

Alexis: Speaking of, I wanted to call Mindy and Jasmine...

Alexis: ... But they ran away. Speaking of, what will you choose ?

"Hm, tough choice... But I've got just the one. Behold !"

"Legendary Knight Critias, in the flesh ! My blade shall defeat the seal of Orichalcos, once and for all !"

Alexis: You're getting too in character, this is just cosplay...

Syrus: But hey, it's a festival after all...





Green: Here comes the Chazz !!

Black: Duel Academy number 1 !!

Chazz: The world's number 1 !

Yellow: So manly !

Chazz: of course I am !!

"... Chazz, is that... Dragon Cannon XYZ ?"

Chumley: It's a professional's work !

Chazz: Hmph. I never do things half-heartedly.

Alexis: It suits you well.

Chazz: R- Really, Alexis ? 'Shoot, I should've taken my camera...'

Syrus: ... Chazz, you're all red. What are you thinking about ?

Chazz: Shut it ! Now everyone, why not start the cosplay duels of the Slifer red ?

Yellow: What are they doing... ?

Blue: Cosplay dueling ? Sounds fun !

Chazz: First ! Which brave Duel monster will battle Mo- Y/n L/n Here and now ?!

"Going a little fast there ! The least you could do is open the competition yourself !"

Chazz: Idiot. Do you really think I can duel wearing all that ? Think before you open it.

"Very well. Then, which one of you will is strong enough to measure themselves to my blade ?!"


"Gah !! Not like that, dammit !"

Alexis: Big brother...

Atticus: To think my sister became a charming woman in such a short time. It makes me so happy.

Alexis: Big brother, this photo...

Atticus: I was thinking about distributing it to the members of the Alexis fan club members. And maybe also send it to our parents- Ah ?!

Alexis: Get back here, you ! You won't send that picture to anyone !

Atticus: Gyah, no !


"... ... Well, the quirky siblings just left the scene... "

Chazz: 'He got a picture of Alexis ! Atticus, I am indebted to you now...'

"... Does that mean that I'm not dueling anyone... ? This sucks..."

???: Excuse me ! I'd like to make a duel, too !

"Huh ? Y- You are..."

All: Dark Magician Girl ?!

Syrus: This one's not Miss Dorothy !

Crowd: Hey, it's the Dark Magician Girl ! She's so cute ! She looks just like the real one !

DMG: May I ?

Chazz: Of course. As the president of the executive board of cosplay duels, me, Chazz Princeton, allow it !

"... Please tell me all of that title is self-proclaimed."

Syrus: But who is she ? There are no girls in the Slifer Red dorm...

DMG: Please, try to go easy on me !

Crowler: Hmm, I see a lot of excitement around the Slifer red festival this year...

Bastion: Damn it, my cosplay took so long, and now i'm late...

'Bastion, what in the name of... Are you being serious ?'

Crowler: And who might be his opponent ?

Bastion: ... The Dark Magician Girl ?

Crowler: So pretty ! So cute ! So Grazie !

Chazz: One-two, one-two...

Syrus: ... The Dark Magician Girl is standing on the arena I built... ! It's the best idea I've ever had !

Chazz: Syrus Truesdale ! Go to the first row for the presentations right now !! Don't let the commentary wait !

Syrus: Sorry ! Ladies and gentlemen ! We are here for the moment you've been waiting for !

Chazz: The only moment...

Syrus: we will behold a cosplay duel between the Legendary Knight Critias, Y/n L/n and the Dark Magician Girl !!


Syrus: Live commentary will be provided by none other than the legendary XYZ Dragon Canon !

Chazz: Hi.

Syrus: While I, Syrus Truesdale, will be in charge of the turn-by-turn recap !

Yellow: We don't care ! Start this already !

Syrus: Ohh, it looks like the Duel Monster finally arrived !

Chazz: They were here already, idiot.

Syrus: In the red... yellow... ? Corner, stands the hero coming to save us from the Seal of Orichalcos ! Legendary Knight Critias !!

"Gh... I didn't think this through, I can't duel and hold the sword at the same time..."

Syrus: he seems to have some... Technical difficulties, nothing to worry about. And in the blue corner, how marvelous ! Our idol, The Dark Magician Girl, has arrived !!

Chazz: I told you, she was here from the beginning too.

Syrus: I know, it's just... the flair.

DMG: Thank you so much for cheering on me~ !


Chazz: Gh...

Syrus: Now, both opponents, ready your duel disks !!

"Just so you know, i'm not one to hold back because i'm dueling a cute girl."

DMG: Neither am I~

"... What is that even supposed to mean ?"

Both: DUEL !!


Syrus: I decide who's going first, so go for it, Dark Magician Girl !

"The referee is playing favorites !!"

Crowd: WOOHOOOO !!

Crowler: Gh... Too noisy...

Bastion: So Y/n's presented like the local team.

DMG: My turn ! I draw ! Hehe... I set a monster !

Crowd: Well played, Dark Magician Girl ! You're so cute !

DMG: Thank you all ! I end my turn !

Syrus: Bravo, Dark Magician Girl ! Now on another subject, the turn goes to Critias !!

"I'll try and make exception of the favoritism. I draw ! And I'll summon The Royal magical library, in defense mode !"

Syrus: Alright ! Now, Mr.XYZ Dragon Canon, what do you think of Critias' first move ?

Chazz: He seems to be using the same spellcaster deck he used against me. So i'm pretty sure he's trying to accumulate as many spell counters as possible on his field. If that is right, then his next move should be... the field itself.

"Next, I'll activate my field spell ! The Magical Citadel of Endymion !!"


Syrus: As expected of our Dragon Canon ! Right on the mark !

Chazz: Hahahahaha !!

"Activating the citadel grants one spell counter for my library. And now, another spell card, Spell power grasp !! It adds one counter to my field, plus two for both the citadel and library !"

Syrus: That makes four !

Chazz: And with four counters, he can activate...

"Spell summon ! By removing any number of spell counters from my field, I can summon a spellcaster from my deck ! So I'll remove 4 of them, and summon Silent Magician !

Syrus: Do you think it is now the time to battle ?

Chazz: Of course.

"Silent Magician gains 500 ATK points for each card in my hand, boosting it all the way to 2500 ! Silent Burning !!"

Syrus: Oh ! Dark Magician Girl's monster was no other than Fire Sorcerer !

Chazz: This will be worth it.

DMG: ... i'm sorry, old friend... Come on, everyone, let's hear it ! The flip effect of Fire Sorcerer activates !

Syrus: This is a good move, isn't it, Dragon Canon ?

Chazz: I think. She now randomly picks two cards in her hand, remove them from play, and inflict 800 damage to her opponent.

Syrus: The Dark Magician Girl is just too cute !

Crowd: Go, Dark Magician Girl !!

Syrus: let's go !

DMG: Fire~ !

"Huh ? Gaaaaaaaaahh !!"


"fwaaa, so this is what a steamed bun feels like... No matter, Silent Magician's attack is still going !"


"No more Steamed Critias... I hope."

Crowd: BOOOOOOOOO !! Get out ! You're fighting against a girl, you know that ?! You coward !!

Syrus: What passionate booing directed to Critias !

Bastion: He... he just can't win, can he... ?

Crowler: Certainly not.

Zane: But the Dark Magician Girl is really clever.

DMG: My turn ! Here I go !


DMG: I draw !


DMG: I summon Magician's Valkyria, in attack mode !

Syrus: Good play. As long as this card is in play, Critias can't attack any other spellcaster monster !

Chazz: I'm supposed to do the commentary !

DMG: Next, I activate Dimension Fusion ! I pay 2000 Life points, so both of us can summon as many banished monster as we can on our fields !


"... yeah, I don't think so."

DMG: Huh ?


DMG: W- What ? What happened ?!

"Silent Magician. Once a turn, I can negate the activation of a spell card. And I probably should mention that it will also grant me another two counters from my citadel and library. What do you have to answer to that ?"

DMG: Y- You...

Crowd: BOOOOOOOOO !! You made her cry, you brute ! Get out of here !!


Crowd: *Glups*

"Phew... So where were we ?

DMG: I... Was about to say that you're quite the duelist. But you probably know, a good magician always has more than one trick up her sleeve.

"You're not wearing sleeves."

DMG: Or in that case, more than one exemplary in her deck ! Second Dimension Fusion, go !


"Two more counters, for a total of six now."

Syrus: Even after that counterattack, she didn't flinch ! Is she going to summon Magician's Valkyria and Dark magician Girl ?

DMG: That's right !


Crowler: Bravo ! Dark Magician Girl !

Bastion: I thought only the legendary King of Games Yugi Muto had the Dark Magician Girl in his deck...

Zane: is that so... But even like that, she can't defeat the Silent Magician

DMG: So ? What do you think of that ?

"I think this duel will have a very unlikely conclusion."

Crowd: The hell are you doing ?! What are you, some kind of kid ?! Go easy on her !!

Syrus: Aniki, you're so mean !! If you keep this up, Dark Magician Girl will lose !!

Chazz: he's not showing any mercy, even against a girl. That's about the cruelty I expected from him.

Zane: But it could only be big talk. As long as Magician's Valkyria is on the field, he can't attack any other spellcaster monster.

Bastion: So a valkyria protects the other, and vice-versa.

"Then it's my turn. I draw ! I activate my second spell power grasp ! Adding three counters in total to my field and another power grasp to my hand. And... I think that's it. I'll lay two cards face down and end my turn."

DMG: Hmmm~... What cards could he have set ? I'd better work hard on that.


DMG: Thank you all !

"This is starting to get a bit old..."

Chazz: It looks like Critias is starting to get in an awkward position...

Syrus: Alright, it's now Dark Magician Girl's turn ! let's cheer on her !


DMG: Draw ! Hah ! Everyone, thank you !

DMG: With Magic Formula, I'll be able to raise Dark magician Girl's attack points by 700 ! So i'm now... Going to activate Mystical Space Typhoon, and destroy that face-down !

"I activate said face-down ! Pitch-black Power stone !"


DMG: W- Well, I don't know what that trap was, but it's gone now !

"It doesn't matter. Pitch-black power stone grants me three more spell counters. And now that it's been destroyed, these go to my Citadel. Plus two more because you activated a spell, that makes a grand total of 14 counters."

Syrus: ... I don't get it. Why didn't she activate Magic Formula and attack ?

Chazz: Because she can't. Silent Magician can negate a spell card once a turn. So now, she's trying to force him to waste that so she can attack directly. But it looks like she's running low on options.

Syrus: D- Don't give up ! You can do it, Dark Magician Girl !

Crowd: Don't give up ! Don't give up !!

DMG: Everyone... Thank you so much. I will not give up ! I activate the spell Riryoku !!


Chazz: Looks like he won't get away with it. If he does not negate, he's in trouble.

DMG: So what will you do ?

"... Very well, I'll play. I use Silent Magician to negate that effect, adding two more counters."


DMG: Finally. Now I can activate Magic Formula, and raise Dark Magician Girl's attack by 700 !


DMG: Now, Dark Magician Girl, attack ! Dark Burning attack !

Syrus: Alright ! She's going to win !!

Chazz: ... Naive.

"My second face-down, activates ! Silent burning !"

"Let me break it down for you. During the battle phase, if I control a Silent Magician monster, and have more cards than you, both of us draw until we have six cards."

DMG: More cards than... Ah ! But I emptied my hand going around your negate !

"Tough luck. I sure hope you remember Silent Magician gain 500 points for every card in my hand, right ? So with 6... She goes up to 4000 points !"

DMG: 4000 ?! That's way too much !

"Better call off your attack before it connects then."


DMG: Kyaaaaaaa !!


"Too late~. Maybe I can't attack your monsters, but it's not an issue as long as you're attacking. Also, 18 counters."

Syrus: ... ... ... How dare you ?!


Syrus: Don't give up, Dark Magician Girl ! That meanie still can't get to you !!

Chazz: Don't be so sure of it. With more than ten spell counters on his field, he can activate the Mega Ton Magical Cannon... This duel is wrapped.

Syrus: N- No ! It can't be !

"My turn ! ... I activate the spell, Mega Ton Magical Cannon ! By removing ten spell counters from my side of the field, I can destroy all cards on yours !"

DMG: What ?!


Syrus: D- Defenseless !!

"So I have ten counters left... Next I activate the third Spell power grasp from my hand, as well as Silent Burning from my graveyard ! Adding a total of 5 counters to my field and another silent magician to my hand ! And finally... Magical royal Library comes into play."

DMG: W- What will it do ?

"I can now remove three spell counters from it, and draw one card. But the best part is, I can do it as long as I have spell counters remaining, and even use the counters on my field spell if I want to !"

Syrus: ... Why would he do this, Mr.Dragon Canon ?

Chazz: Silent Magician gets stronger the more cards he has in his hand. And with 15 counters remaining, he'll be able to draw five more cards.

Syrus: Five more ?! But that'll make...


Syrus: 6500 Attack points ?!

Crowd: No ! Dark Magician Girl's going to lose !!

DMG: ... Well done.

"I told you, didn't I ? This duel is about to have a very surprising end. And here it is."

Syrus: Haah ! Quick ! There has to be something we can do ! He's going to win !

Chazz: Hmph. See this ? This is why he's better than you. he's a full-fledged duelist, in body and soul. He'll see this duel to the end and none of us can say anything. No matter the consequences-

"I concede."

Chazz: I'LL KILL HIM !!

DMG: You... What ?

"You heard me. I concede. You won."

DMG: Are... Are you being serious... ?

"Are you kidding me ? These guys are already foaming at the mouth right now. I'm gonna get mauled by a mob if I deal the finishing blow..."

DMG: ... Hehe... It doesn't matter who wins and who loses. This is a festival, where everyone wants to have fun ! Everyone ! Thank you all so much for encouraging me today !


Syrus: ... ... 'C- Could it be that... You are...' ... That was really a good duel too watch, eh, Chazz ? I mean, Mr.XYZ Dragon Canon ?

Chazz: I suppose.

"Phew. Dodged one right there. One little push and I was the villain of the episode."

Alexis: I don't think so. That was a great duel, wasn't it ?

Bastion: i'm sure she thinks the same, too.

Zane: Even if we still don't know who she really is.

"I can't be troubled with that now. This is a festival after all, like she said. I'm gonna have my share of fun, kick some dueling butt in the process, stuff myself and... Probably sleep it off for two days after."

Syrus: 'Dark Magician Girl... She's not here anymore...

Jasmine: Check this out !

Mindy: The Harpy Lady sisters are finally here ! So if you want a picture, better get in line !

Alexis: J- jasmine, stop that !

Syrus: hehe... 'You were the real Dark Magician Girl, weren't you... ? I bet you came here to duel us so everyone would be happy... It was really fun." ... Thank you, Dark Magician Girl...

DMG: I really had fun too. Thank you for this moment.


Syrus: H- heh ? Was that... A dream ? It couldn't be real...

"And what exactly could not be real ?"

Syrus: A- Aniki... It's nothing. For a minute there, it was like the entire world became pink. And I don't care if it was a dream !

"... ... ... It was a nice break between world-ending calamities. And playing the bad guy once in a while isn't so bad."

Alexis: Well, some girls like bad boys. Or so I heard. But speaking of playing, you still owe me a rematch from all that time back.

"Uh ? H- Hey, what are you ?! Put me down this instant !"

Alexis: Nope. You're coming back with me, and you have no say in the matter.

"Stop that !"

Jasmine: Pffrr... Don't you know ? When Harpy Lady finds a prey, she brings it back to the nest first.

"I am not a prey ! I am the Legendary Knight Critias ! No way I could be defeated by Harpy lady ! Stop ! SETO, HELP ME !!"

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