Chapter 37: Sacred awakening

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Syrus: What is that ?!

Chumley: What is that ?!

"The result of Chazz's actions, that's what. Seven of them."

Bastion: So these...

"Yep. The Seven Spirit Gates... Just got opened, all at once."

Chazz: W- What ?! The seven spirit keys...

"Why are you surprised ? You stole them, and then you lost a duel."

Chazz: G- gaaaaaahh !!

Alexis: Stop ! Don't go that way !

Chazz: I can't ! It's the keys !

Bastion: They're being absorbed by these strange pillars !

Zane: I think we're about to witness something that should never happen...

"Then let's follow them ! If the gates can be opened, they also can be closed ! So we need to get there before the enemy !"

Sheppard: Everyone !

Crowler: What does all of this mean ?! What in the devil happened ?!

"Well, Chazz's IQ dropped all the way to -150 and he thought it would be a good idea to bring about the apocalypse in exchange for a date. So now we have two minutes to close back the Gates, I think."

Sheppard: ... Wait, who did that ?

Everyone: Chazz did it.

Chazz: Eh ?! O- of course ! The seven gates responded to the strength of my love !

Alexis: To what level can a man be optimistic...

Atticus: Unbelievable...

"Don't think you're off the hook, Mr.Love guru, you're the one who came up with that stupid idea to begin with.

Atticus: .. hehehe...


"Okay, what is it now ?"

"... So if I was a betting guy... I'd say these are probably..."

Chazz: the sacred beasts cards ?!

"... I'm not really fond of these in my pockets, but we until we find a way to reseal them, we have to protect them !"

???: I am afraid I cannot let you get your hands on these cards.

"... is that a cargo fret plane ?"

Chazz: Something dropped from it !


"... ... This is starting to be a little much, even for me..."

Sheppard: What is that thing... A robot... ?

???: Hehehehehehehe...Chancellor Sheppard, did you already forget my voice ?

Sheppard: That voice... Kagemaru ! The president of our administration council !

Crowler: Kagemaru ?

"Administration council ? What about Seto ?"

Sheppard: Seto Kaiba is the owner of this academy, yes... But Kagemaru is its founding father...

Kagemaru: The time has come. Here and now, I will lead the ritual to revive the three Sacred Beasts.

"Because you think we'll let you do ? Dream at night, gramps."

Chazz: I don't get it ! Why did the Seven spirit open on their own ?

Kagemaru: Because this is how they were conceived. I am the one who sealed away the Sacred Beasts here, and trusted Sheppard with the Seven keys.

Crowler: Incredible !

Kagemaru: Your battle against the Shadow Riders was but a tool I used to fill this island with the battle spirit of the duelists.

Chazz: ... Thank god, it's not my fault...

"Oh, no, it's still completely and entirely your fault. And Atticus'."

Kagemaru: Years ago, I acquired the legendary cards, the Sacred beast, said to be able to grant their possessor eternal life, as well as world domination. But I soon realized that to awaken the powers slumbering in these cards, I needed an environment saturated with the battle spirit of strong duelists. And thus I created this academy and raised duelists who could create the perfect conditions, for the rebirth of the Sacred Beasts !

Alexis: Gh- Don't toy with us ! From the very beginning, we were only pawns to you ?!

Syrus: Yeah ! Stop being so selfish !

Chumley: We will make our own paths !

Bastion: I-

Zane: So to stop your ambitions, I will face you myself ! Me, the Kaiser of the Obelisk Blue, Zane Truesdale !

Chazz: No, this duel must be led by the one and only...

"Sole reason all of this is happening, so he's gonna Chazz it down before another apocalypse starts."

Atticus: I will fight him ! The, umm... The blizzard prince of Duel Academy, Atticus Rhodes !

Bastion: H-

Kagemaru: No, not you. Not any of you. My opponent will be you, Mokuba Kaiba.

"Me... Again ?"

Crowler: ... ... ... H- Heh... ?

Kagemaru: Hehehe... Exactly. That duel would be pointless, if it wasn't against you, the one with the strongest untapped spirit force.


"... And if I don't want to ? Because right now, you need me for whatever you're planning to do..."

Kagemaru: Should you refuse the duel, you will all be trapped here, and will sink into the ocean, along with this entire island.

Chazz: the cards !

Kagemaru: Now... Duel me, Mokuba.

Chazz: Well, if he insists, I guess I can leave him take my spot.

"... Chancellor, please pronounce the evacuation order for all everyone on the island. They have to be ready to leave at any point."

Chancellor: You don't mean...

"i'm not exactly sure if I can win this one."

Crowler: ... ... C... Can we start addressing the Elefante in the room ! What's all this about this slacker being Kaiba ?!

Alexis: Starting to realize you were picking on the wrong student, Dr.Crowler ?

Crowler: Uhhh...

Zane: Don't worry, he's not one to hold a grudge about something like that... Probably.

Crowler: ... ... I have made a terrible Errore... C- Chancellor... ?

Sheppard: He requested that when he applied to our academy, for practical reasons.

"Would you mind keeping things like that for later and focus on the fate of the world at stake for the time being... ?"

'... And by the looks of it, someone else wants to help...'

Kagemaru: Now, shall we begin this Shadow Duel ?

"Stop talking about this like it's some sort of rare things. Nowadays, this is just a regular Wednesday for us... Whatever, let's get this over with."

Both: DUEL !!


"Don't mind if I take the lead, do you ? I summon Alpha, the electromagnet warrior, in defense mode ! It's effect let's me add a Berserkion to my hand, which I'll do, and to finish it, I'll set two card face-down. Now, show me those so-called Sacred beasts !"

Kagemaru: My turn, I draw. I set three trap cards face-down.

Chazz: Did this guy ever duel before that ?

Syrus: Why do you ask that ?

Bastion: When you set your cards face-down, you don't tell your opponent whether they're trap or spell cards.

Kagemaru: But, this is the condition to summon the Sacred beasts.

"Condition... ? You mean they're not summoned by tributing other monsters..."

Kagemaru: Mokuba, you have seen the Egyptian Gods fight first-hand. In regard to all you've seen and done, I will show you the sacred beasts as soon as possible. I tribute my three trap cards in order to summon the first beast ! Uria, Lord of the Searing Flames !!


"This is..."

Kagemaru: one of the Three Sacred beasts... Uria, Lord of the Searing Flames !!

'Who designed that thing ? It's just an edgier version of Slifer the sky Dragon... !'

Kagemaru: Uria's effect activates ! Trap destruction !


"M- Magnet force ! How ?!"

Kagemaru: trap cards have no effect against the Sacred beasts. And on top of that, Uria's attack points are the number of continuous traps in my Graveyard, multiplied by a thousand !


Kagemaru: Uria, reduces this little monster to ashes. HYPER BLAZE !!

"Alpha's quick effect activates ! Letting me replace it with a level 4 magnet, Beta the Magnet warrior !"


Kagemaru: With this, I end my turn.

Zane: 3000 attack points right from the beginning... That's a complicated situation...

Syrus: Aniki...

"... Indeed, a very powerful card... But I bet I can do you one better. I draw ! Kagemaru, even if it's true my current deck doesn't stand a chance against the Sacred beasts, it doesn't mean a damn thing ! Because if one deck's not enough, I'll just use both ! From my hand, I reveal the Blue-eyes White Dragon !

Crowler: B- B- BLUE-EYES ?!

Zane: This is not his regular magnet deck... he's gone and combined it with the blue-eyes !

"Revealing the Blue-eyes in my hand let's me special summon the Blue-eyes Alternative Dragon ! And next... Ancient rules ! Thanks to that, I can special summon the Blue-eyes White Dragon straight from my hand !"

Sheppard: Two Blue-eyes ?!

Crowler: B- B- BLUE-EYES !!

Chazz: They both have the same points as Uria !

"And it's about to get much worse ! I Activate Alternative's special effect ! In exchange for its attack this turn, I get to destroy any of your monster ! Uria, join the traps that gave birth to you, In the Grave !!"


"And now, Blue-eyes, direct attack !! BURST STREAM OF DESTRUCTION !!"




Syrus: You did it, Aniki !

Chumley: One of the Three Sacred beast, you took It down !

Kagemaru: ... I see... So you merged two of your decks into one... This is what Banner recognized in you, calling you the ultimate alchemist, and the ultimate duelist... I thought I'd end this quickly, but... Interesting. This will bring another shiver to your defeat.

"Try it. I end my turn."

Kagemaru: if you insist. The power of the three Sacred beast will make you taste true despair. I draw ! I activate the effect of Uria, Lord of the Searing Flames ! By sending a continuous trap card to the Graveyard, Uria rises once more !

Zane: Not good. Sending a trap to the grave to revive Uria means...

Alexis: raising the attack power of the sacred beast !


Kagemaru: Feel it, Mokuba... The power of the three Sacred Beasts. HYPER BLAZE !!

"I don't think so !! I activate my face-down, Majesty with Eyes of Blue ! Now by sending a "Blue-eyes monster from my deck to the Grave, one of your monster can't attack anymore !!"

Kagemaru: Hmph. You're rather stubborn. Very well, if you're so eager to end this, I will oblige. I activate Pot of Greed, letting me draw two more cards. Next... I activate the field spell Fallen Paradise !!

"Fallen... ?"

Kagemaru: As long as this card is on the field, and I control one of the Sacred beasts, I can draw two more cards once per turn. Now, I will set three spell cards on the field.

Syrus: he's announcing the type of card he sets again ?

"Uria was but the start, wasn't it... Go on, bring him out."

Kagemaru: feast your eyes... On the Second Sacred Beast. I tribute three spell cards from my field... Appear ! Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder !!

Zane: He's here ! That's the Second Sacred beast !

'Edgiest Ra, just perfect...'

Kagemaru: With this, I end my turn.

"Hm... My move !"

Chazz: What kind of beasts are these...

Yellow: Boss... Please... Help me, boss...

Chazz: Ojama Yellow ?!

Zane: What is happening ?

Alexis: All the monsters in my deck...

Kagemaru: You're finally starting to notice it, aren't you ? Ever since the Sacred beasts appeared on the field, they started draining the essence and energy of every monster around them.

Zane: It can't be... The sacred beast gain their power by stealing the life energy of other monsters...

Crowler: Mamma Mia...

Bastion: So that's why they were sealed away...

Kagemaru: But my power of control over the three sacred beasts is not complete yet. In order to fully control them, I need the strongest duelist spirit there is... I need you, Mokuba. The Kaiba blood that flows within you is being shaken awake b all the duels you've witnessed in the past... once I've beaten you in this Shadow Game and absorbed that power, the Sacred beasts will finally break free from this barrier, and feast upon every single duel spirit inhabiting this world !

"Devouring the Duel spirits, right from the cards..."

Kagemaru: And then, the three Sacred Beasts will gift me, with eternal life, making a God of this world ! Allow me to give you a glimpse of their real power !

"... Now I get why they were sealed... Something like that should never be allowed to get free..."

Kagemaru: Hehehehe... I don't need that thing anymore... HRRNGGGGHH !!

Kagemaru: Finally, I have them back... My youth ! My body ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Now... Come, Mokuba ! You, your spirit and your blood ! I will absorb all of it in my flesh !

"... Bring it on !!"

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