Chapter 38: Power of NEO

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Okay... Two Sacred Beasts with 4000 points each... Not ideal..."

Sheppard: Council president Kagemaru... This doesn't make any sense...

Chazz: Chancellor, what's the meaning of this ?

Sheppard: The president is supposed to be an old man over 100 years old...

Chazz: Doesn't look that old to me...

Atticus: Could it be his son, or something like that ?

Sheppard: What is happening here ?!

Kagemaru: Ehehehehe... I would've liked to finish you right away, but this is the end of my turn it seems.

'If anything, one of them is unable to attack... As to how I'm going to do that... I have an idea...'

"My turn ! I draw ! And the first thing I'll do, is fuse ! Blue-eyes White Dragon ! Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon ! Merge and transform, into the Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon !!"

"Next, I activate an effect from the Graveyard ! The monster I sent there in order to activate Majesty with Eyes of Blue, the Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon ! By banishing it, all my Level 8 and above Dragons gain 1000 Attack !"


"Now go ! Blue-eyes Twin Burst Dragon !! Attack Hamon ! TWIN BURST OF DESTRUCTION !!"

Kagemaru: You fool ! All you'll get is a tie ! Hamon, counterattack ! HEAVEN'S FALLEN THUNDER !!

"I don't think so... You see, Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon cannot be destroyed by battle !"

Kagemaru: What ?!


"And what's more, it can perform two attacks each turn, as long as it's targeting a monster ! TWIN BURST OF DESTRUCTION !! DESTROY URIA !!"


"I saw the Egyptian Gods from up close... Your Sacred beasts won't scare me ! Be it you, the Shadow Riders or Banner, no one will bring them back !"

Kagemaru: Banner ? Don't make me laugh. From the very beginning, he was but another of my pawns. Exactly like you.

"I believe I already shown you what a pawn can do by itself, but your second lesson will have to wait. I end my turn."

Syrus: You did it, Aniki !

Chumley: Two of the Sacred Beasts, down in one attack !

Kagemaru: You're only postponing the inevitable, you can't stop the beasts ! I draw ! And I activate the spell, Sacred Tribute !

Kagemaru: It lets me summon back one of the Sacred Beasts in defense mode ! So resurrect, Hamon !!


Kagemaru: I also activate Uria's effect ! By discarding a trap from my hand, it also comes back ! Uria, Lord of Searing Flames !!

"... Again and again... They keep coming back... And with one more trap..."


Kagemaru: Thanks to Fallen Paradise, I can now add two more cards to my hand ! And I will then activate the spell, Phantasmal Martyrs !

Kagemaru: When Uria or Hamon are on the field, If I discard my entire hand, I can special summon three "Phantasmal Martyr tokens" on the field !

Bastion: And worse, by sending another trap to the grave, Uria's attack rises up even more...


Kagemaru: You will pay for mocking the Sacred beasts... You'll apostate with your life !! I tribute the three tokens to summon the last Sacred beast ! Come forth, the ultimate monster ! RAVIEL, LORD OF PHANTASMS !!

"The third one..."

Zane: Finally, the Three Sacred Beasts are summoned...

Kagemaru: Ehehehe... It fills me... It fills me !

Sheppard: of course.. He's becoming younger and younger by absorbing the life force of duel monsters !

Crowler: That's crazy...

Kagemaru: once I break you in the Shadow game, and gain you power of control over the spirits, I'll let the Sacred Beasts run free, and absorb the life force of every single Duel Monster, granting me eternal life !

Chazz: In other words, if he loses...

Zane: It would mean the end of Duel Monster ?

"... Honestly, I think I pity you more than anything... Seriously, if Seto was here, he'd berate you on how you rely so blindly on some worthless magic crap instead of your own strength... And you'd rather have an eternity of solitude than live the life that was given to you ? That's quite sad."

Kagemaru: I don't need your pity ! I only need to crush anyone that dares stand in my way !

"Trust me. Eternity tends to get really boring, especially towards the end."

Kagemaru: Then try to defeat me if you can. But now, it's my turn. Uria ! Attack the Blue-eyes Twin Burst Dragon ! HYPER BLAZE !!


"It cannot be destroyed in battle !"

Kagemaru: I know, but the same can't be said about your life points.


Kagemaru: I'll say it again. For you to triumph over the three sacred Beasts, is nothing short of impossible !!

"That's not for you to decide ! My turn !!"


"... What ?"

???: Mokuba... Mokuba...

"It's you... Which one are you, Banner or Amnael ?"

Pharaoh: Miaaaw ! Miaaaw ! 'Praah ! Will you stay in place, you delicious treat !'

Banner: It doesn't matter. The card from the Emerald tablet, you have to use it now !

"You mean this one... ?"

Banner: Yes. Only the ultimate Alchemist can use this card to its full potential. Imagine any card in your deck. This card will give form to your imagination, and grant you three miracles. I know you can use it-


Pharaoh: Meaow.

'... ... Well wasn't this a weird thing to happen... Any card I want, really...'

Kagemaru: is accepting your defeat really taking you so long, I wonder ?

"You wish. It's my turn ! From my hand, I activate the spell, De-fusion !! And use it to bring back both Blue-eyes that were used to summon the Twin !"

Kagemaru: Raviel's effect activates ! When you summon a monster, I get to add a Wicked Token on my field ! And you just summoned two monsters !!

Chazz: What is he thinking ?! His Twin Dragon was his only chance to stand against the Sacred beasts ! Is he throwing ?!

Alexis: No.. It's just not him to act without thinking first... We have to see what he plan on doing !

"... ... I hate this. They say a truly great duelist can will any card he wants from his deck to his hand... Using this subterfuge is just proof I am far from being on their level... But it'll do for now..."


"So it really works like that... Very well ! Magna Surge !!"

"This lets me special summon a Level 8 Magna monster directly from my hand ! So I choose the Berserkion I added to it when we began ! And its effect will activate ! By removing 3 Magnet warriors from my Graveyard, I can destroy 3 cards on your side of the field ! Fallen Paradise, Raviel and Hamon, they all go down ! ELECTROMAGNETIC STRIKE !!"


Kagemaru: N- No !


"The second card... Blue-Eyes disguise !"

"By equipping it to a Level 8 Monster, this monster's name becomes 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' ! And so will Berserkion !"

Chumley: That makes Three Blue-Eyes !!

Atticus: You think he's gonna...


"The third card... I activate ULTIMATE FUSION !!"

"This lets me shuffle the fusion material monsters needed for a fusion back to my deck... And destroy a card on your field for each Blue-Eyes ! And just in case, all three are Blue-Eyes, and all three are going back ! Say Goodbye to Uria and both wicked tokens !"


Kagemaru: No... IMPOSSIBLE !!

"You said it yourself !! The odds were impossible ! You wanted to control the gods, so let me give you, THE BEAST THAT MADE THE GODS SHIVER IN FEAR !! APPEAR, NEO BLUE-EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON !!"

Syrus: He did it ! Aniki did it !!

Zane: The odds have turned, from an impossible victory to this... Truly remarkable...

"The three miracles have been used now... So its true power will be revealed ! Sabatier, the Philosopher's stone !!"

"Every Alchemist makes its own philosopher stone... And this will be mine ! When equipped to a fusion monster, that monster gains attack equal to all its materials' !!"

*4500→ 13500*

Kagemaru: 13500 ?!

"And it's not all ! If Neo Blue-Eyes is the only card I control, it can attack two more times if I discard fusion Blue-Eyes from my deck ! You wanted my spirit and blood, Kagemaru ! THEN TAKE IT ALL !! NEO-SHOT, ULTIMATE BURST STREAM !!



Kagemaru: I... Impossible... The Three Sacred Beasts... Defeated ?!

*1000→ 0*


Sheppard: ... Kagemaru !

Syrus: This...

Kagemaru: Huhuhu... yes... This is my true appearance...

Kagemaru: I wanted to be young once more... Especially after seeing you young ones... I wanted to get it back, no matter the cost.

"Hey, gramps..."

Kagemaru: Without the power of the Sacred beasts, I can't even stand up on my own...

"Gramps. If there's one thing I've been taught all my life, is that you're only so strong as how you see yourself to be. If you don't even believe that you're still strong, how can you hope to walk on your own ?"

Kagemaru: ... What ?

"Stop trying to rely on others for everything, and use your own strength for things."

Kagemaru: me... With my own strength

"Without the Sacred Beasts"

Kagemaru: This... Hnnngh...

Kagemaru: I... I got up ! Maybe... Maybe dueling you let me have some of my passion and life energy back !

"You didn't get it back, it was always there. You just needed a little push, like that !"


Kagemaru: Gnnnnnngaaaaaah...

"Ah... Uhhhh... ... ..."

Alexis: I hope he'll be alright...

Atticus: I heard that breaking a bone at this age can be quite the hurdle to deal with...

Chazz: Hmph. After everything he put us through, he deserves at least that much.

"Yeah... To be honest, that was half-intended on my part. And as for this..."


"... Yeah, it's better this way, isn't it, Banner ? After all, i'm nowhere close to what i'm aiming for."

Zane: Even after this ? I think you proved your strength more than enough already.

"You don't get it. It's always been like this. My big brother doing all the work, and me watching from the side... This duel was no exception. I don't mind him helping me, but I want to stand up on my own too, from now on. So I guess... I'll just put his cards back in that small box for now. After all, they're the goal I'm aiming to surpass."

Sheppard: Put them back... 'This time, I'll personally make sure that they aren't stolen once more...'

Chumley: So the threat of the Three Sacred Beasts is really over this time ?

Alexis: Yes.

Crowler: All that's left are the final exams next week.

"... ... ... The what now ? Dammit, I was so focused on saving the world I forgot to save my year !"

Crowler: That'll teach you. Don't expect any favor treatment just because of your name, you're still the same insufferable slacker.

Chazz: Honestly, I don't think he'd ever forgive you if you treated him better because of that.

"Syrus, you're coming with me ! It's cramming time !"

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