Chapter 39: Recklessness

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Things are gonna be a bit more lonely without him around, won't they..."

Syrus: You're gonna miss Chumley too, right, Aniki ?

"... It's a bit more complicated than that... Chumley just graduated a bit ahead of us, that's all. And since he managed to follow his dream path... All we can do is hope everything goes well for him from now on. That the sun will keep on rising for him, above the Ayers Rock..."

Syrus: Aniki... ...

"And besides, if I'm being honest..."

*Number 1: Zane Truesdale. 1000 Points.*

Crowler: As expected of our Signore Zane Truesdale ! Perfect scores in every subject ! As such, for this year's graduation match, you will pass as a role model for every other students

Zane: Yes.

Crowler: Furthermore, you have the opportunity to choose your opponent among all the students.

Zane: ... ...

Zane: ... 'There's only one person I'm interested in, to see what they're capable of,,,'

"I have a feeling I'll get a lot of other things to worry about quite soon."

Syrus: Aniki, you're just dramatizing like always.

Zane: i'm afraid he might be right this time.

Syrus: H- HEEEEH ?! Z- Z- Zane ?!

Zane: Hm. In all my three years at this Academy, this is my first time entering the Red dorm. I get why you'd want to stay here, it really has that homely feeling to it.

Syrus: I- is that supposed to be a compliment... ?

"... So, what brings you here ? I doubt you went all the way here just to inspect how we decorate our dorm, did you ?"

Zane: ... For my graduation match, I was hoping to count on your distinctive dueling style.

"... So it's that, huh ?"

Syrus: B- Big brother, you don't mean that...

Zane: Let us meet on the field...

Syrus: Big brother...

Zane: ... Your door creaks a little, I'll talk to the headmaster about that.

"... ... ... Well, here's another face I'll miss next year."

Syrus: Aniki, now's not the time to think about that ! You just got chosen as his opponent for his graduation match ! My big brother designated you as his opponent, for his very last duel at this Academy !!

"... Mh. I told you I'd have other things to worry about."

Syrus: In fact, you might be the only opponent Zane would consider for this... It's just an intuition, but it seems he knew what your answer would be... That's why he chose you, i'm sure of it.

Syrus: Aniki, I know it may sounds weird coming from me, but... But please, consider this duel like your body and soul were at stake ! Please !

"... You mean... Like for half the duels I played this entire year ? Syrus, you know I always give it my all in these."

Alexis: Did you hear ? Mokuba... Well, Y/n will by Zane's opponent.

Bastion: Yes. An Obelisk Blue of Zane's level picking a Ra Yellow is an unprecedented choice. But a full-blown battle between him and the Kaiser should be something to behold for sure.

Chazz: Gh... Damn it ! Why is it him ?!

Atticus: I have the answer !

Atticus: Traditionalist, individualist, calculative, intuitive... As duelists, these two resemble each other in many aspects, yet they're polar opposites...

Alexis: They dueled once, and it didn't exactly end well for him... But how much did he grow since then ?

Zane: i'm certain the Kaiser is curious about this as well...

Chazz: Seriously, why him ?!

'... I know I did promise myself I'd defeat him in this Academy... But am I really ready for that ? The first time, my deck was far from complete, it was more like a bunch of cards thrown together... And I barely even made him uncover his strategies... This will be my second and last chance at this...'

Zane: Ruminating, I see.


Zane: ... Let's do it like usual.

Syrus: Gh... It's almost time, isn't it ?

Alexis: Yes.

Atticus: In a sense, their cards make it the duel of the year.

Bastion: Intel give the Kaiser as favorite, at 8 against 2.

Alexis: That's... Oddly precise...

Chazz: ... 'Why did the Kaiser leave me aside to duel him ?'

Crowd: Here they come !!

Zane: ... ... ...

"... ... ..."

Syrus: Aniki's expression... It's different from usually...

Alexis: He looks so ... Stern.

Bastion: And well-passably irritated too...

Atticus: But will it be at his advantage or disadvantage ?

"... Kaiser... It's finally time for you to fall from your throne."

Zane: ... You'd be surprised at how many said that to me.


Crowler: Signori and Signore ! We will now begin the important graduation duel ! Are both duelists ready ?!

Zane: Yes.

"For months now."

Both: DUEL !!


"I hope you don't mind, but I feel like offering you the first swing at this."

Zane: Very well. 'Why doesn't he want to go first... ? I suppose he did his homework since last time.'

" 'Sorry Zane, i'm not letting you take out your Cyber dragon that easily.' Let's begin this."

Zane: My turn. I draw ! I activate the spell card, Polymerization !

"Right off the bat ?!"

Zane: i'm sure you're more than familiar with fusions now, aren't you ? I send 3 Cyber Dragons to the Grave, I order to summon, the Cyber-End Dragon !

Bastion: In the very first turn ?

Syrus: Big brother...

Sheppard: Ohhhh...

Crowler: Splendido ! Bravo !

Zane: So, what will you do now ?

"Fitting of the kaiser, you don't do things half-assed. But if you think that's enough to scare me, you're 100% wrong."

Zane: Hm. I also activate my spell, Different Dimension Capsule, from my hand. I select a card from my deck and remove it from play. Then in two turns, this ward will come back to my hand.

'... The capsule, heh... Did he put Power Bond in it, like last time ? But why would he do it, if the Cyber end is already out... Unless...'

Zane: I put one card face down, and end my turn. Is something the matter ? It's your turn.

"... None. If I don't know what's in that Capsule of yours, I'll just have to prepare for the worst. I draw ! And I activate Pot of Greed, letting me draw two more cards !"

"Now, Zane. You did me the honor of going all out right from the beginning. So i'll reciprocate. You'll be the first one to face my complete deck !"

Zane: Complete ?

"And it starts right now ! From my hand, I discard Alpha, Beta and Gamma the Magnet Warriors, in order to summon Valkyrion, the Magna warrior !!"

Syrus: Aniki's also bringing out the big guns on the first turn !

Alexis: But will it be enough...

"From the Field, I activate Valkyrion's effect ! By sacrificing it, I can summon back the three magnets that compose it ! Alpha, beta and Gamma ! Next... I'll use three spell cards."

Zane: really ?

"Try taking things a bit more seriously ! The first one ! Magnet reverse !"

"This lets me take a rock or machine type monster in my graveyard, and special summon it ! So Valkyrion returns !"

Atticus: So not only did he get his strongest card out already, he also put in some support... But still, none of them can stand up to the Cyber-end dragon...

"The second card ! Magnetic Polarization !"

"With this, all of my monsters are now treated as 'Magnet Warriors' ! And the third. Magnetic Alliance !"

"I'll spare you the details, but with this, the more Magnet warriors I have on my field, the better ! With two, all my Magnets gain 500 points, including Valkyrion !"





Bastion: There it is. Now the Cyber-end dragon has found its match... Even as a tie...

"i'm not so sure... Three Magnets makes all of them deal piercing damage, but four makes them indestructible by battle !"

Zane: Huh ?

Syrus: Aniki !

Alexis: that's not good for Zane... if the Cyber-end is destroyed, he'll be defenseless !

"Here it comes, Zane ! Valkyrion, attack the Cyber-end Dragon !! ALNICO STRIKE !!"

Zane: I activate my face-down, De-Fusion !

"That doesn't change Valyrion's attack ! And with more than 3 magnets, it will deal piercing damage ! Valyrion ! Beta !!"




"Cut in half ! So, how's that for a taste ?"

Syrus: he really is being merciless... That's unlike him..."

Alexis: But you can't deny it's effective. Not only did he force the Cyber-end dragon to leave the field, he reduced Zane's life points to half...

Chazz: ... Hm.

Crowler: Eliminating the Cyber End Dragon and inflicting that much damage ?!

Sheppard: It looks like he really did his homework concerning the Kaiser...

Crowler: He did homework... ?

"I need to see it, Zane ! Show me the place i'm aiming for ! I end my turn."

Zane: My turn. I draw. I And now, the card I removed from play with my capsule, returns to my hand.

"Hey, hold on. It hasn't even been two turns yet ! Or... Is it not Power Bond ?"

Zane: It wasn't. It looks to me like you overthought this one. The card that returns to my hand is, Card from a Different Dimension !

Zane: When it comes back to my hand that way, we both draw two cards.


Chazz: I see... In order to summon the Cyber-end Dragon once more, he needs at least 4 cards. And if he wants to make another fusion with Power Bond and De-fusion, his hand will be reduced to 0.

bastion: The Kaiser took precautions and played around even that...

Alexis: Impressive...

Atticus: That's why we call him Kaiser ! Alexis, it's not too late, you know.

Alexis: For what exactly ?

Syrus: My big brother is incredible...

Zane: Now, I'll use the spell, Mystical Space Typhoon !

"Gh... Not this one..."

Zane: With it, I'll destroy your Magnetic Polarization !


".. And now I have one less magnet warrior on the field.."

Zane: meaning that they all lose their battle invulnerability. Now, I will activate Monster Reborn, bringing back my third Cyber Dragon ! And then, i'll attack ! First, Alpha and Gamma ! Go ! EVOLUTION BURST !!




Atticus: Now he only has one magnet warrior left... Meaning all effects from magnetic Alliance don't apply anymore !

Zane: the third Cyber Dragon ! Destroy Beta ! EVOLUTION BURST !



"Urk... "

Zane: I set a card face down, and end my turn.

Alexis: he's still holding out against Zane... And he still has Valkyrion on his field.

Bastion: I have no doubt the Kaiser already has a plan for that, and he also has his three cyber dragons on the field. If Y/n doesn't do something this turn, things could get really bad for him...

Syrus: ... Then he'll have to play like he usually does...

Alexis: What do you mean ?

Syrus: He's not acting like himself. He's always light-hearted, taking duels as a game, but this... It's no different than when he was dueling these Shadow Riders.

Alexis: Syrus...

"... Kh... 'I'm on the verge of finally entering *his* world, so if you think I'll lay down, you're mistaken !' I draw ! I activate the effect of Valkyrion once again ! Bringing back the three Magnet Warriors from the grave ! Letting the effects of Magnetic Alliance activate too ! But for now, i'll put these three into defense mode."

Zane: So you won't attack ?

"Why would I ? When I can use this instead. I activate the spell card, Raigeki ! It destroys all monsters on your side of the field !"


"And with this, I end my turn."

Bastion: ... I don't get it... Why didn't he attack right there ? Zane was wide open !

Chazz: I don't know... Maybe he was expecting something...

"... 'Trust me, I've seen enough Magic cylinders and Mirror Forces to be wary of these...' So, did you like this, Kaiser ?"

Zane: Hm. Idiot

"I... You... What ?"

Zane: By destroying my monsters, you allowed me to activate the trap card, return Soul.

Zane: It lets me take up to three monsters that were destroyed this turn, and send them back to my deck.

'Back to the deck... What is he planning this time... ?'

Zane: Are you done already ?

"kh... Like I said, my turn ends..."

Chazz: Pretty big miscalculation from him...

Bastion: He just let victory slip by him, and judging by the Kaiser's expression, it might have been his only chance...

Alexis: But he still sent back all his Cyber dragons to his deck... Why would Zane do that ?

Atticus: He must have something planned for this turn. After all, when it comes to strategy, Zane is leagues above the rest.

Chazz: ... That moron...

Syrus: Aniki... You're not yourself...

Zane: Right now... I'm regretting choosing you as my opponent. Haven't you realized it yet ?

"Realized what ?"

Zane: Your idiocy.

"Don't screw with me ! I still got you against the wall ! My blood has never been pumping so fiercely before !"

Zane: I don't think there's anything worse than duel where you don't put your soul.

"Not putting my soul in it ?! Then what do you call the last five minutes ?!"

Syrus: ... I think i'm starting to see what my big brother is talking about... Aniki...

Zane: My turn. I draw. I activate my equip spell, Future Fusion !

Zane: This is no ordinary fusion. With this, I can fuse cards that aren't even in my hands. I send three Cyber-dragons from my deck to my Graveyard, to special summon the Cyber-end Dragon !


Zane: Unfortunately, a monster summoned using Future Fusion cannot attack on the turn its summoned. I end my turn.

"Again and again... My turn ! I draw ! I activate my field spell, Catapult Terrain ! I'll also lay don a face-down. That's all."

Zane: Enough struggling already, you're just embarrassing yourself.

"You'll be embarrassed when I stomp on that glorified tin can once more !!"

Zane: After all that, you still don't get it ?

"Get what ?! Get to the point, dammit !"

Zane: It looks like nothing that I say would reach you at this point. It's my turn. And I will end this once and for all this turn ! I activate De-fusion ! I'm sending back a fusion monster my extra deck, and summoning three cyber dragons to the field ! Next... I activate Power Bond !!

"Urk ! That... !"

Zane: Here it comes, like you wanted. I special summon, the Cyber End Dragon !!

Atticus: Zane is serious on that one... I'd even say he's kinda pissed...

Zane: Since you did your homework on me, I take it you haven't forgotten that one ? A monster summoned with power Bond has its attack points doubled !

"Kh... Power Bond-enforced Cyber-end..."

Zane: It really is a shame that I will leave the school on a duel like this... Attack !!"

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