Season 1 Final: Passed Torches

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Zane: It really is a shame that I will leave the school on a duel like this... Attack !!

Alexis: he finally raised the Cyber-End dragon's strength with Power Bond...

Bastion: That's perfection !

Chazz: Hmph. Guess this is the end.

Zane: With the effect of Power Bond, Cyber-end dragon's attack go all the way to 8000. Moreover, whenever it attacks a monster in Defense mode, it will inflict piercing damages. No matter how much you struggle, you won't be able to block this attack. This is the end. What a shame our last duel has to end like that.


Zane: ... Battle ! I attack Beta the Magnet Warrior with Cyber-End Dragon ! ETERNAL EVOLUTION BURST !!


Zane: ... This is the end.

"Don't you DARE bury me that fast !"

Zane: Huh ?!


"Sorry Kaiser... But that duel is waaaay too entertaining to let it end so soon. I mean come on, I didn't even show you what that deck is capable of !"

Zane: ... How ?

"... Trap card Waboku. It makes all my monster indestructible by battle, and reduce all battle damage to 0 for the rest of my turn. Like I said, you ain't getting rid of me so easily, Kaiser."

Zane: ... I summon Cyber Kirin, in Attack mode.

Zane/ By sacrificing this card, all damages I should have received until my End are reduced to 0. In other words, this card negates the risk of Power Bond. I end my turn.

Bastion: As expected from the kaiser.

Atticus: That's perfection !

Zane: I was hoping to see something a bit more... Like you.

"Why not stop beating around the bush already ?! This duel is far from over !"

Zane: You really don't get it ? Acting so impulsively, even recklessly, it isn't like you at all.

"Not like me... Who are you to say that ? I accepted this duel to even the score from last time, so show me that world i'm aiming for !"


"Gh... !"

Zane: And you aren't him either, so stop trying to act it out like so !

"... ... ... You know why I joined this school, right ? And you're still telling me that ?"

Zane: Skipping steps won't bring you anything ! Can't you remember the times your brother let his emotions take hold of his judgement ?!

"The times... ..."

Seto: Attack me if you dare, Yugi ! But the shock will send me over the edge, to a certain death !!

"... And it was even for me..."

Zane: You're not trying to be a pale copy of him, isn't that why you threw back that deck to its box ?

"... It is what I did, yes."

Zane: Then why don't you stop that pointless charade and start fighting as yourself ?

"... Hold that thought for a moment."

Alexis: ... Where is he going... ?

Crowler: ... Huh ?

"Hey. Give me that speaker. Subito."

Crowler: H- Huh... ?!

"Hr-hm. The interlude starts now ! You lot have 30 minutes to grab something to eat or use the bathroom, we'll resume after that !!"

Syrus: H- Heeeeeh ?! Aniki ?!

Alexis: Wh- What is he thinking about ?!

Atticus: Hmm, he's a fun one. Tell me, to what point do you like him ?

Alexis: What are you insinuating ?!

Atticus: Oh, nothing.

Bastion: Did all the pressure make him snap ?

Chazz: For someone like him, please define "Snap".

Syrus: No... He's finally back to his senses !

"Heh. Sorry Kaiser. You probably guessed when you saw me out of the dorm, but I didn't exactly get a ton of sleep last night. I just tend to get reeeaal cranky when I'm tired, so I'll just take a power-nap."

Zane: You... What ?

"You heard me. I lay myself face-down and end my turn. Rzzzzzzzzz..."

Chazz: ... Taking a nap in the middle of a duel ?!

Bastion: Unbelievable...

Syrus: That's just like him !

Crowler: W- What ?! he's... Sleeping ?! Interrupting the duel for something like that ?! He... he... Mamma Mia !

Sheppard: Well, Zane doesn't seem to mind in the slightest. So I'll allow it.

Crowler: I don't have a choice anymore...

"*Yaaaaaaaaawn*... Phew. Boy, was that refreshing... Okay, i'm ready to scrap ! Huh ?"

Dorothy: I left you something to snack ! Getting plenty of rest is good, but you still can't function on an empty stomach.

"Ohh, thank you !"

Crowler: And now he's eating ?!

Sheppard: I suppose it's true, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Even the best deck in the world wouldn't fare well if the duelist wasn't at his best in the duel.

Crowler: Is that so... ? I thought the Kaiba blood in his veins would make sure of that...
Sheppard: Well, how can that blood take effect if he's exhausted himself ?

"Alright ! Second Round ! Sorry it took a bit longer than expected, Kaiser."

Zane: Come at me !

"Ask, and you shall receive ! I draw ! I summon Beta the Electromagnet warrior, and activate Magnet Induction ! You know what that means, right ? Say Hello to Berserkion, the Electromagna warrior, in attack mode !! I'll also lay two card face-down, and end my turn."

Zane: Now I recognize you a bit more. My turn ! I summon Cyber Phoenix, in attack mode !

Zane: As long as Cyber Phoenix is on the field, any spell or trap card targeting one of my machine monsters is negated and destroyed !

"I get it... But It doesn't work against Monster effects, does it now ?"

Zane: You won't have to worry about it.

Chazz: As usual, an iron defense...

bastion: What will he try against something like that ?

Atticus: This is becoming interesting.

Alexis: But regardless of the monster Zane attacks, he doesn't have enough Life points to withstand it. Even if the monster isn't destroyed thanks to his field spell...

Atticus: Oh, is it now ?

Zane: I am truly sorry to do that as you were getting back in the game. Cyber-End Dragon ! Attack Berserkion ! ETERNAL EVOLUTION BURST !!

"My trap activates ! Enchanted Javelin !! With this, when one of your monsters attacks, I gain life points equal to its attack points !"

Zane: Cyber Phoenix won't let you target my monster with a trap !

"It doesn't target anything ! It just raises my points ! And with the effect of Catapult terrain, by discarding a Rock monster, Berserkion is safe and sound ! Now, go ! Enchanted javelin !"



Zane: Now that's more like you. A well-thought and planned combo. So i'll respond accordingly. By banishing a card from my hand, I activate Time Fusion !

"Time Fusion... Even though the Cyber-end is already on the field ?"

Zane: I'll lay down a face-down for now... But I think I already told you... the Cyber-End Dragon is invincible !

"We'll see about that next turn. And speaking of, I draw ! And the first thing I'll do, is activate Berserkion's effect ! By banishing a magnet warrior from my grave, I can destroy any card on your field ! Such as... The Cyber Phoenix !"

Zane: the Cyber Phoenix ?!

Chazz: That's it, we lost him...

Bastion: It doesn't make any sense... Why didn't he destroy the Cyber-end Dragon ?! He just let another chance of victory slip by !

Alexis: Maybe... What if he wasn't after that anymore... ?

Chazz: Huh ?

"You were right, Zane. I'm not my brother. Striving for victory out of sheer pride isn't my thing, after all. So I'd rather set for a spectacular defeat rather than a meager victory ! I activate the spell, Magna reunion !!"

"With Berserkion on the field, this lets me add two other Magna monster to my hand ! Being two Valkyrions, in that case. So come on out ! I tribute my three magnet warriors to special summon Valkyrion, the Magna Warrior !!"

Syrus: That's it... Aniki's not trying to win ! He's just trying to push Zane to the wall, so he can leave the school to him without regrets !

Bastion: So this is not a duel anymore...

Atticus: it's the passing of the torch...

Zane: I can finally recognize you in these moves. However, you're not the only one to have down some homework. In your entire deck, there aren't any monster capable of beating the Cyber-end dragon in a fight.

"Not in a fight, yes... But what about Berserkion's ability ? How would you answer to that ?!"

Zane: With this ! My trap activates ! Infinite Impermanence !

Zane: With this, I can target any monster you control, and negate its effects for this turn !

"I was hoping you'd do that before I summon this one."

Zane: Huh ?

"You said none of my monsters can beat yours in a fight. And it is true. None of them could..."

Zane: The implication being ?

"... I keep on evolving, Zane. I improve my skills and my deck constantly. And as such, I finally found a way to surpass your Cyber-End Dragon ! I activate Polymerization !!"

Zane: What ?!

"The time has come... For my magnets to reach their final stage of evolution ! Valkyrion ! Berserkion ! Align your magnetic fields, and merge ! COME FORTH, IMPERION MAGNUM, THE SUPERCONDUCTIVE BATTLEBOT !!

Bastion: He... He did it ! He fused his two strongest monsters into one !

Atticus: But the problem remains... It might've been enough normally, but against the Cyber-end dragon summoned with Power Bond...

"To think a big clunky piece of metal would be so problematic. Well, takes one to beat one ! I activate Metalmorph !

Zane: Huh ?!

"By equipping it to Imperion Magnum, not only does it gain 300 points, but if it attacks, it gains half the attack of its target ! So go ! Destroy the Cyber-end Dragon !! IMPERIAL SUPERCHARGE !!



"The Cyber-End has fallen, Zane !"

Zane: Gh... !


"Your ace is no more. Next turn, you will be finished ! I end my turn by setting one card face-down."

Zane: I told you... the Cyber-End dragon is immortal. My turn ! And the card I removed from my hand, Card from a Different Dimension, returns to me !

"It does not !"


Zane: What ?!

"You expected Imperion to not have any special ability ? Once a turn, it can negate and destroy any card that activate its effect !"

Zane: well, thank you. I was hoping you'd do that ! Because now, the true effect of Time fusion activates ! Because I did it last turn, now, a fusion monster will be born back from the depths of time. Come forth Cyber-End Dragon !!


Alexis: So Zane wants to end this with the Cyber-end Dragon no matter what...

Atticus: Well, that's why he's the Kaiser after all...

bastion: But a monster summoned with Time fusion can't attack the first turn... And next turn, Imperion's ability will be recharged.

Chazz: One turn...

Zane: I'm not done. I activate the spell, Mystical Space Typhoon ! Destroying Metalmorph ! Finally, setting one card face-down and ending my turn.

"My turn ! ... Imperion Magnum, attack ! IMPERIAL SUPERCHARGE ! And activating Catapult Terrain to boot !"

Zane: You're not the only one capable of playing it defensive ! Enchanted Javelin !



Syrus: they both have more points than when they started now...

Alexis: And they both can withstand a direct attack from the other's strongest monster thanks to that...

Atticus: Something tells me we're about to see something else...

"... When the time comes, this card will end it all... I'll set it face-down. So, Zane, how many lives did your Cyber-end live through already ?"

Zane: he'll live through another one. I draw !

"Let's get this over with. Come at me with your absolute strongest, Zane !"

Zane: What ?

"You heard me. I'm gonna give this one clash everything I have, so you better reciprocate if you don't want to leave this with regrets in your heart !! Use your Power Bond !"

Zane: Very well. 'You knew it, don't you ? I can feel my blood boiling in my veins... This might be your greatest talent, that ability to make anyone you face give it their all !' Here I come !

Syrus: My big brother is getting pumped up...

Alexis: it's the first time I see Zane acting like that...

Atticus: And it's pretty refreshing if you ask me. I think I understand why he asked for him as his opponent.

Zane: Hehehe... I just won this duel. I activate Monster reborn !

"Imperion will negate it !"


"Good. Now that this is done, reveal your true combo ! That way I won't be tempted to destroy it !"

Zane: You read my thoughts. I activate Power Bond !! By sending the necessary monster from my hand or Field to the Graveyard, I can fusion summon a Machine Monster !

Chazz: That's impossible ! He shouldn't have the monsters needed to use power Bond !

Bastion: Neither on his field, nor in his hand.

Zane: let me show you... My perfection !! the quick-play spell, Cybernetic Fusion Support !!


Zane: By paying half my life points, I can use the monster in my graveyard as materials for a fusion summon !! Cyber-End Dragon !!

"One last time, heh ?"

Zane: Power Bond doubles its attack ! I also use the spell, Limiter Removal !!

Bastion: He makes it even more powerful ?!

Alexis: That means...

Zane: This card doubles the attack points of every machine monster on my field !


Zane: Battle !!

"... I said this card would end it. Quick-play spell, FINAL MAGNETIC COALESCENCE !!"

"With this, if a LV 10 earth monster I control is attacked, I can banish Magnet and Magna monsters to boost its attack ! Don't you know, Zane ? When it comes to magnets, NUMBER MAKES STRENGTH !! SO I BANISH ALL I HAVE LEFT IN MY DECK !!"


Crowler: 17400 Attack points ?!

Sheppard: that's amazing ! The two of you are something else !

Zane: So even our strategies were similar ? Had you done this a turn earlier, that would be it ! However ! Quick-play spell, Battle fusion !!


"So this is the true power of the kaiser... yes, this is indeed perfection !"

Zane: But that's also all I can do. When you look closely, perfection also means that a person has reached its limits. But you, you keep on growing and evolving... Your potential is infinite !

"Heh. So this is the message from the Kaiser and every graduated student. Don't you dare go lose to someone else before I get there, you hear me ?! There's only one person who has to defeat you, and that's me !"

Zane: ... It's a promise then. ETERNAL EVOLUTION BURST !!



Chazz: I can't see anything !

Bastion: W- Who won ?!

"Losing or winning... That duel was never about such things, was it ?"


Zane: Never has been. I'm entrusting you with the rest, learning student.

"The torch has been passed, pro duelist. Thanks to you, I was finally able to catch a glimpse of that place i'm aiming for... And just how out of reach it still is for me..."

Seto: So in the end, he still lost, huh... Mokuba...

Employee: I'm sorry about that, Kaiba sir...

Seto: What are you still doing here ? Get lost.

Employee: Y- Yes sir !

Seto: ... You're not that wimpy kid you were anymore, are you ? You can keep that Blue-eyes, I think you more than deserved it. Just keep on climbing, however long it takes... I'll be waiting for you, at the top of the Duelist world, Mokuba !!

Biding farewell to the "Kaiser" with an "Imperial charge", and entrusting the "Evolving duelist" with an "Eternal Evolution burst"


Season 2 will happen, don't worry.

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