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Sunburst was looking over her schedule. They had been handed out the day before, and classes would start tomorrow. Starling was on one side of her, Seafoam on the other. Sunburst still felt all fluttery when she was around him, but now that they were friends it toned down a little. Sunburst yawned. It was early morning, just before sunrise. It wasn't surprising the three friends hadn't been able to sleep. It was way too exciting to be at an inter-tribe school for an entire year! So, since their beds were close to each other, they talked quietly all night, only getting two or three hours of sleep. But that was fine with Sunburst. She knew a million things about Seafoam now. Turns out that Tsunami and Riptide are his mom and dad, so him and Starling both got to see their parents. And Aero and Cypress were triplets, but their sister was in a different winglet. And they're parents were Clay and Peril! So it was true. A second generation version of the DoD, with some hybrids. Scorpion was Sunny and Meerkat's daughter, and Flurry's parents weren't anyone important. Not one of the DoD or anything. So Seafoam, Sunburst, and Starling had become good friends overnight. "Come on, let's go outside. This cave is starting to feel a little stuffy." Sunburst suggested. Starling looked up from her scroll. "You go ahead. I'm gonna stay here. I can't turn away! It's all about Skywing flight patterns!" She said. Seafoam nodded. "I'll come." He said, and Sunburst felt her heart stop for a moment. We'll be alone? Oh, I'm in trouble now. She thought, but simply said, "Let's go!" Sunburst and Seafoam made their way quietly across the cave floor. As soon as they were out, they took off down the hall and leapt into the air, Sunburst making it up faster than Seafoam. He shrugged. "I'll come." He said. Sunburst felt her heart stop for a second. We'll be alone? ACK! She thought, but she just smiled and said. "Let's go then." The friends stepped quietly around the sleeping dragons, breaking into a run and leaping into the air as soon as they were out of the cave. Sunburst made it up faster than Seafoam, but he just shrugged. "I'm a Seawing, we swim more than fly." Sunburst nodded. "Wanna go to the top of the mountain?" Seafoam grinned. "Sure." So they flew out into the cold morning air up to the top of the mountain, where they sat. Sunburst took a deep breath, loving the way the air hit her scales, cool and refreshing. Spreading her wings, she let the wind catch, making them billow out in beautiful waves. She closed her eyes, drinking in this peaceful moment. She folded her wings, eyes opening to see Seafoam staring with a far-off look on his face. Sunburst felt the blush. "What?" She asked. Seafoam jerked. "What? Oh, nothing." He said, smiling sheepishly. Sunburst smiled. She looked out on the horizon, spotting what looked like a bright red dot flying towards them. She pointed it out to Seafoam. "What is that?" He asked. Sunburst shrugged. "Dunno. Let's wait until it gets close enough that we can see it." Seafoam nodded. When the dot came into view, Sunburst gasped, spreading her wings and preparing to fly. "What?" Seafoam said, grabbing her tail to stop her from taking off. She shook him away. "That's my little brother!" She said, then jumped into the sky and flew as fast as she could to Firefly. He cried out with happiness when he saw her, but he had flown too far for too long. He was too tired. His wings went limp, and he began to plummet. Sunburst cried out, diving after her brother. She caught him in her talons, pulling up and flapping hard to make it back to the mountain. But Firefly was too heavy, and instead of going up Sunburst began to go down. "Help!" She yelled, and managed to make out a blurry green spot leaping into the sky. "Help." She said weakly. The last thing Sunburst remembered was a green and yellow face telling her it was going to be ok before she blacked out.

Hi guys! So, I know, this one wasn't the best, but I still hope you like it! I gtg, update coming soon. Later!


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