Angry Dragon, Attack of the Pigeon, and Pushy Knights

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New chapter in.

(M/N) = Male Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

Art is not mine and belongs to their respective creators.


"Now to the next scene!"

Zero simply said as he press play.


"Hey! What are you doing? You scared the pigeons!"

"Why do you guys always have to scare the pigeons away?"

Timmie asked.

"Well..." Lumine scratched the side of her cheek. "For me, it's that no matter how hard I try to stay quiet, or go another way. They take it as a sign to leave."

"Fruity skewers."

Kaeya simply said.

"...One of these days, Karma gonna bite you in the ass, Kaeya."

Amber deadpan.

A young boy shouted in anger as the trio (or would it be quartet with Paimon?) walked by, causing the pigeons to scatter.

"Hey! Why is Paimon not included as part of the group!?"

"Because we're still debating whether you're a friend or really Emergency Food."

Lumine deadpanned.

"Oh, come on!"

"Sorry about that kid." Aether sheepishly rubbed his head, "But don't worry, they'll come back eventually."

"Would they really?"


"...Yeah, but what if one day they won't come back?" The boy, Timmie, said in a dejected voice.

Before any of them could say anything, the child continued,

"Just like daddy."




An awkward silence followed, as nobody knew what to say.

"Uh, then there will be other pigeons to take their place?" (M/N) tried to placate the downcasted boy, "I'm pretty sure they will remember you, because you feed them that they won't leave that easily."

(M/N) lied, knowing that the kid would probably not be able distinguish the pigeons he fed on a daily basis from any other pigeon.

"Well...he tried at least?"

Ganyu offered.

"Well, at least he's not heartless like certain others."

Jean gave her knights a glare.

"How many times have I told not to shoot the pigeons he feeds?"

"Bu-But free food!"

"You are not animals!"

"Yeah!" Amber chimed in, "They'll be back, I mean there's one already back right there!"

She pointed at a pigeon that was staring at them from a short distance.

"...Why does that pigeon scare me?"

Timmie shivered.

...That's a first.

Timmie afraid of the pigeons he feeds?

"See, what did I tell you? They'll be...back...wait a MINUTE."

"Uhm?" Columbina sweatdropped. "What's going on? Why did he suddenly react like that?"

"You'll see."

Ei stifled a smile, not that it did any good.

Causing her counterpart and the others to wonder.

What's about to happen?

(M/N) stopped as they all stared back at the pigeon. It was at this moment that they realized that something was off about this particular avian.

"I don't think I've seen a pigeon like look that before."

Xingqiu said out loud.

"Perhaps an evil spirit?"

Chongyun offered.

For instance, it had a scar on its left eye. And it was just standing there MENACINGLY.

"He's just standing there...MENACINGLY!"

A Sumeru scholar shouted, causing a bit of a jumpscare at that.


(M/N) suddenly, and darkly, said, as he walked in front of the pigeon.


Capitano blinked behind his helmet.

"Why did he take a tone full of malice?"

All of a sudden, Western music could heard as the winds began picking. A tumbleweed rolling from somewhere and disappearing to who knows where as the air grew tense.

"Wait..." Candace blinked. "Where is that music coming from? And where did that tumbleweed go?"

"Questions even we don't know."

Theresa (Arknights) shrugged.

"My money on that Deadpool fella." HI3 Theresa spoke up. "From what little you told us, this sounds like something he would do."




The pigeon suddenly held in its wing a massive sharp knife.



Even Dottore and Pierro were flabbergasted at just happened.

Why was the pigeon holding a knife!?


(M/N) responding in kind by withdrawing his sword. The blade glowing with Hydro energy as the two faced off.

"Is he seriously about to get into a fight with a pigeon?"

One of the 'sages' scoffed incredulously.

For a moment all was silent.



The two ran/flew at each other, their respective weapons clashing against each other.



Could be heard as the bridge trembled against the epic battle between man and food.



"Wha-What the hell was that about!?"

Xinyan shouted.

"Apparently there is some bad blood between the two of them."

Yae Miko giggled.

Though if one looked closer, they could see small beads of sweat going down her face.

Fears growing that there was a pigeon like that back in their world.

(If there was, then she's screwed. Payback from eating the pigeon feathery brethren)








"...SOOOO, welcome to Mondstadt!" Amber broke the silence, trying to erase the weird fight that had just happened. And had caused the bridge to lose large chunks of materials to the watery depths below it.

"No seriously!" Beidou shouted. "What was that all about!?"

"And what happened to the bridge!?"

Amber shouted.

"Lucky for you guys." Kunikuzushi spoke up. "Your friendly neighborhood alchemist had just so happened to be returning to Mondstadt to restock up on supplies. So, he fixed the bridge shortly after they entered the city."

"*Phew*" Jean breathed a sigh of relief. "That's one less thing to worry about."

'...Maybe I should train birds and sick them on Kaeya.'

Diluc thought to himself.

His Brother in arms shivered as he sensed danger directed at him.

"I guess I know what I'm going to do when we get back."

Dottore smiled.


The Harbingers all shouted.

"Aw, why?"


Scaramouche stared at him like he was crazy.

"Did you not see what just happened!? I rather not risk my life for that fowl demon!"

And considering that (M/N) has some kind of bad blood with that pigeon and the fact that it could apparently match him. Scared the crap out of him!

After all, (M/N) took down his counterpart easily!

'Fuck that shit, I choose to live!'

"My Excellency..."


The Tsaritsa deadpanned.

She was not letting an unholy creature like that demonic pigeon into her domain!


Dottore slumped down in defeat.

Mondstadt: The city of Freedom, bards, and wine. Home to Knights of Favonius and the God of Anemo.

"So, this is Mondstadt huh?" Paimon started, "It doesn't really look like the happy, go easy place that people describe it as."

"It looked deader than dead when we first arrived."

Lumine deadpanned.

Causing people to chuckle.

What Paimon said was true. The people certainly looked like they had seen better days.

"Yeah, everyone has been put out recently because of the Stormterror incidents."

"Honestly!" A person from Snezhnaya shouted. "You should have just left the dragon to the Fatui!"

"Considering your guy's reputation and lousy attitudes...I'll pass."

Lumine coolly replied, with many Monstadters agreeing with her.

Amber admitted reluctantly.

"But no need to worry!" She brightened up, "So long as we have Jean everything will be all right."

She said with confidence.

"...Who?" Aether asked, confused as to how a piece of clothing would make everything better.


"It's also a name, you know?"

Jean deadpanned.

"Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius - Jean, defender of Mondstadt."

"With her by our side, even Stormterror will be no match for us." She happily said.

"Talk about putting a person on a pedestal!"

A Snezhnayan diplomat laughed.

"Like you guys are any better?"

Himeko deadpanned, shutting him up.

"You guys seem to put the Fatui on a rather high pedestal from how you guys are acting right now. And judging from the looks of annoyances and hate from those not from Snezhnaya, you seem to think quite fully of yourselves."

"Shut up bitch!"

Mikhail shouted.

"The Fatui is one of the most powerful organizations in the world! And you don't even belong to Teyvat! How would you know!?"

"Because 1) Fatui means idiot as already mentioned." Himeko started. "2) The only ones that seem to be of worth noting are the Harbingers themselves. 3) I can and will kick your asses 7 ways into the future."

"My flames will make sure of that."

Even though she said it in a calm and collected tone. Her words sent shivers down their spines.

Murata was intrigued by her lookalike passive aggressive diplomacy.

(I won't be surprised if they use Himeko base model for the Pyro Archon)

The cocky man sat down, thoroughly cowed by the unfazed woman.

Lyudmila sighed at her partner's idiocy.

'Huh, this person is more impressive than I thought.' Aether thought to himself.

"That was my first thought as well."

Lumine admitted.

(M/N) on the other hand


They didn't know him that long from watching the previous scenes. But they knew that he was definitely not one to hide what he was feeling.

"Snort, HAhahahhaha" He was laughing so hard, he was doubling over. "Oh my Celestia, the sheer arrogance you exude really solidifies my belief that the Favonius Knights really are a bunch of clowns!"

"What does he mean by that?"

Noelle answered in shock.

While other members of the KOF were furious at the man mocking them and Jean.

Varka wondered why he took the opportunity to insult them at every given moment.

Diluc was nodding his head, happy that someone else shared his thoughts about the Knights of Favonius.

...Though a little confused himself on the man

"Wha-What do you mean!?" Amber shouted confused on why he found what she said so funny.

"The fact that you think this Jean person makes any difference really tells me how idiotic this place is."

"Excuse me!?"

Many Monstadters stood up in Jean defense, angered at the man callous dismissal of the Acting Grand Master.

While others were intrigued, wondering why he said that.

(For real, it took the Traveler arriving for the Stormterror threat to be quelled)

"...And how much you people are taking her for granted."


Margaret spoke up for the people of Mondstadt.

"What does he mean by that?"

Guy wondered.

He finished that last part with a serious expression on his face.

"I'm getting the funny feeling from what you said, that this Jean person manages the affairs of the city in place of the Grand Master."

"What's wrong with that?"

Sara from Good Hunter tilted her head in confusion.

"What's wrong with-have you lost your mind!?"

Tighnari shouted.

Startling them.

"You're putting a heavy burden on one person! Do you not realize the mental stress that must be taking a toll on her!? As well as the physical stress!?"

"And something tells me she has to deal with a lot of ridiculous crap that can be solved by the everyday people."

...Here, the people of Mondstadt found the ceiling to be rather interesting.

"You have got to be kidding me."

A Natlan local deadpanned at the suddenly awkward atmosphere.

"Uh..." Amber trailed off; he had a point. Some of the requests that made its way towards Jean desk were seriously stupid. Cat stuck in a tree? Get Jean. Unwanted commissions? Jean will handle them. Fruit is not good? Jean will fetch some more for them.

"...What." Arlecchino deadpanned. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Now I know how we were able to accomplish our mission so easily in Mondstadt."

Jean, Diluc, and several others twitched at that statement.

"As much as I hate to agree with her." Childe groaned. "She has a point."

"Are you secretly trying to kill her by overloading her with such work?"

The Mondstadters uneasily shuffled.

"A good leader knows what they should work on, what can be done later, and what can be delegated to others to do."

Al-Haitham lectured.

"Some of those things can be easily done by the lower ranked knights. Hell! They can be done by even the citizens themselves!"

"Don't be lazy!"

Some of the Mondstadters got offended looks on their faces.

They were not being lazy by letting handle day to day affairs!

"It's not like that that!"

Jean protested.

"It's exactly like that."

Diluc deadpanned.

"Master Diluc!?"

"No, they got a point." Varka sighed. "This is ridiculous, I don't recall doing such inane tasks like that."

Some flinched at the disappointed tone in his voice.

"...Wow." Lumine deadpanned. "And now that 'job' has also fallen to me."

"I should charge you guys an arm and a leg for wasting my time."


...Now that she thinks about it, Jean really needs a vacation.

"Jean." Varka spoke, causing said girl to stand at attention. "When we get out of here, you are to take a break sometime in the near future."

"What!" Jean shouted. "But Grandmaster Varka, I can't! There is so much work that needs to be done!"

She protested.

"No butts!"

Varka shouted.

"Last thing anyone needs is for you to drop dead, understand?"

"I-yes, sir."

Jean begrudgingly complied.

"Also" (M/N) added getting her attention once more, "Even the brightest star eventually loses it shine after repeatedly being seen. One day Jean will be faced with a task that not even she alone can handle."

"But...she's Jean!"

Ellin shouted.

"Your point?"

Zero rhetorically asked.

"She's not invincible, she can die. After all..."

"She's only human."

That sent a chill down their spines.

As the scene continued playing.

"What will happen if that day comes?"

"This is what I have been trying to tell you Jean."

Lisa sighed.

"You need to take a break every once and a while."


Jean grumbled.

(Honestly, with the way she works herself to the bones for the ungrateful/lazy citizens of Mondstadt. She is the Gilgamesh (Caster) of Genshin Impact. Let's hope she doesn't fall asleep, only to wake up dead)


Silence filled the group at that ominous statement.

"What I'm trying to get at, is that don't leave everything to Jean. She is only human after all, she needs your support, not your problems to overcome her daily workload."

"Wise words."

Zhongli nodded.

Ei snorted, ignoring the looks from the other Archons and her counterpart.

'I wonder if you would be agreeing if you knew who he is.'

The thought made her smile.

...Thoroughly creeping the audience out since they didn't know what was going on in her head.

And the Inazumans having never seen their Archon smile before.

Even if this one is a completely different one!

"Got it." She said, "Now before I forget, I have a gift for you Aether."

"Oh?" La Signora rosed an eyebrow. "Why not one for him as well?"

Amber said, "A reward for helping me with the hilichurls earlier."

"Hey! Why doesn't Paimon and (M/N) get one!?" Paimon asked indignantly.

"You didn't even help." A warrior from Fontaine looked at her incredulously. "Why should you get a gift as well?"

"Paimon was moral support!"

"Well, for starters its useless for you." Amber said, "As for (M/N)..."

She trailed off uncertain on how to explain.

"You sure know how to carry grudges."

Shinobu remarked.

"Perks of being friends with some who constantly shouts vengeance."

"Hey!" Eula shouted. "Mark my words: Vengeance will be mine!"

"See what I mean?"

Fortunately, she didn't need to.

"She's pissed at me for making fun of her and the Knights of Favonius."

"Ah." A Fatui Agent spoke up. "That'll do it. Making fun of a person nation does tend to make the locals pissed."

(M/N) explained, not caring for whatever the reward was.

"And he doesn't even care."

Hu Tao shook her head in amusement.

"He's lived for centuries." Nahida said. "He doesn't really care for trivial things like rewards."

"...Wish I had his mindset."

Someone muttered to themselves.

"Yeah" Amber didn't bother denying, knowing he did not care.

"I wonder if there is anything that can faze him?"

Ningguang thought to herself.

"But to make up for you Paimon, I'll treat to a Mondstadt specialy -Sticky Honey Roast!"

"Yay!" Paimon clapped in joy (She's really easy to please if you give her food huh?)

"Anyways, let's go to the city HIGH GROUNDS!"

"...Do you know someone who is reckless and is missing a hand and hates sand?"

Kiana suddenly asked Amber, who started at the question.

"...I don't think so?"

She said confused.


Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker snorted.

Amber shouted,

(Did General Kenobi reincarnate into Genshin as a girl?)


Many people asked.

While the hosts and HI3 group just snickered.

-A little while later-

"Here we are!" Amber shouted, "And here's the present I promised you."

Reaching into somewhere, she pulled a –

"Ta-dah! A wind glider!" Amber shouted proudly.

Lumine mournfully smiled.

While she did enjoy riding on the wind with the Wind Glider given to her, she did miss having her wings.

Amber noticed the melancholy smile on her face and realized what she was thinking about.

'She misses her wings.'

It was quite easy to guess now that they had seen a little bit of her and her brother past.

"Outriders and Mondstadt citizens love using these babies to ride the winds. I thought it would be a novel experience for you to try one."

"Enlightened me, Amber." Eula crossed her arms. "How many times have you gotten your license revoked?"


"Wait..." Paimon said. "It can get revoked!?"

"Indeed, it can." Kaeya nodded. "We still have rules for a reason. And flying all over the city can be considered as reckless endangerment due to careless flyers."

Several people looked away.

"Huh?" Yoimiya blinked. "Even the City of Freedom must have rules to follow."

"If there wasn't any there be chaos and strife."

Jean sighed.

She happily said, as she handed Aether the wind glider.

"Now, go and try it out in this run I set up."

She pointed to the wind circles in the sky.

"So, get to it!"

-A short while later, again-

"For a beginner, he's doing quite well." (M/N) watching Aether glide through the circles.

"Well of course, he would!" Lumine smiled proudly. "We've been flying our whole lives with our wings! A little thing like a Wind Glider isn't going to slow us down!"

"That explains why you handled it like a pro when I gave it to you."

Amber realized.

Aether smiled wistfully.

'To fly again...'

But that was a pipe dream until he accomplished his goals.

"Yeah, he's not doing so bad for a beginner." Amber agreed.

However, the looks on Lumine, Paimon, and Amber face suddenly changed as they realized what was going to come very soon.

"Huh? Is it Paimon, or does it feel that the wind is picking up?" The floating fairy asked, causing the two to go on alert.


People started getting on guard, as the Mondstadters realized what was about to happen.

The skies suddenly darkened, as the wind began to pick up speed.


The very loud roar sent people jumping, some literally, into the ceilings.

"Spirits above, give me strength."

Zero sighed as he removed them from the ceiling.

Suddenly a large shadow loomed over them as the residents looked to see.



The dragon let out a mighty cry again as its wings crashed against the tall buildings, causing them to break.

"Oh no!" Amber shouted, as she started evacuating the surrounding area.

"Aether." (M/N) looked up in the sky, concerned for his friend's safety.

-Aether POV-

'Oh, damn it!' Was the thought running through my head as I desperately tried to keep my wind glider afloat from the dragon assault.

"And let me tell you, that was not a fun experience."

Lumine deadpanned.

Growling, I managed to keep it steady from the violent torrent of winds.

Unfortunately, this had the unwanted effect of gaining the monster's attention.


A Matra soldier spoke up.

Sounding the sentiment that many were feeling.

Growling, it flapped its wings at me, sending me falling to the ground, albeit slowly due to my wind glider keeping safe.

Suddenly, my descent stopped as I floated in midair for some reason.

"Huh!?" "What the!?" "Who!?"


'I'm keeping safe with the power of a thousand winds.'

An unknown voice suddenly spoke in my head.


Amber shouted in realization.

Causign many people to turn their heads to the Anemo Archon.

"Ehe..." Venti sheepishly rubbed his head. "I couldn't let them die, now, could I?"

"Thank you, Lord Barbatos for saving them in these different timelines!"

Barbara gratefully said, her fellow sisters, minus Rosaria though she was grateful in her way, echoing her statement.

"It was nothing."

Venti blushed, a little embarrassed at the praise.

'What, who are you!?'

And why do you sound familiar was the unspoken thought.

"Because he's a stalker."

GI Ei deadpanned.


'If you wish to save Mondstadt, you must target the crystals on his back. They are the source of his anguish.'

"All we needed to do was destroy those crystals and he would have stopped his rampage?"

Timaeus asked incredulously.

"Well, it was a little bit more complicated than that."

Venti admitted.

The voice simply said.

'...Well, it's better than nothing.' I thought to myself as I did just that.


The beast screamed in pain, as my attacks struck true to the crystals. I don't know why, but those crystals were rather unsettling and disturbing.

"True." Lumine shuddered. "Those crystals reeked of a malicious evil."


Venti and Albedo thought to themselves.

Each having different thoughts about the evil dragon.

Shaking those thoughts off, I continued blasting at the crystals until the dragon flew off in defeat.


At least Aether didn't get eaten!

-End Aether Pov-

"Aether! Are you okay?" Paimon shouted in worry as the Traveler landed safely in front of them.

"I'm fine." Aether replied to the concerned fairy.

"We suffered worse than getting attacked by an angry dragon."

Lumine waved off the looks of concern thrown at her.

'...What the hell did you guys see on your journey!?'

Many Teyvatians thought to themselves.

"I can't believe it." Amber said in shock, " attacking Mondstadt itself!"

"He didn't before?"

Xiangling asked.

"No." Jean answered. "Up until then, he never directly confronted Mondstadt itself."

"We need to see Jean n-"

Clap, clap

"And here comes Mr. sarcasm himself."

Lumine sarcastically introduced the manipulator.

Came the sound of applause, as the source walked towards them.

"Well, well you have the power to fight off against a dragon." The newcomer said, "Are you an ally or perhaps a new storm?"

Kaeya 'Calvary Captain of the Missing Horses' Alberich. Aka the guy who is on my shitlist for wasting my time with that fake quest. Also, SUS)

"Can we please not remind me of my unit not being here?" Kaeya grumbled. "It's not my fault that Grandmaster Varka thought it'd be a good idea to take them all!"

Here Varka ate some popcorn.

"And what's with the SUS thing?"

(Note: It only showed his title and the sus part to them)

"Kaeya!" Amber shouted, "You came at the right time, we need to –"

"Now hold on Amber, aren't you forgetting to introduce us?"

"My, my such rude manners you had at that time."

Kaeya 'sadly' said.

"Oh, screw off Sus captain!"


"Oh, right Aether, (M/N), Paimon this is Kayak – I mean Kaeya (You got it right the first time), Captain of the Calvary Knights."

"My is not Kayak!"

"You're right, it's actually 'Emergency Ice Bridge'."

Diluc deadpanned.

Causing many people to laugh at his joke.

"Not funny!"

Kaeya pouted.

Amber introduced him,

"Kaeya, these three are travelers from afar, Aether, (M/N), and Paimon."

Amber finished, as she points to each person after saying their names.

(From afar? Is that really all we know of them?) Kaeya thought to himself, arms crossed.

"You are overly suspicious." Yelan noted. "Would you like to work for us?"

"Thanks, but no thanks."

Kaeya swiftly declined.

He could not let his secret get out!

"Let me try to quickly explain." Amber said,

-One explanation later-

"I see, on behalf of Mondstadt I apologize for the less than welcoming reception you have been given."

"Were you really apologizing, though?"

Lumine raised an eyebrow.


Kaeya spoke after Amber explanation.

"I do hope you will be able to reunite with your family. I know all too well the anguish of losing them."


Some Mondstadters thought.

Unaware of another reason why.

"I don't know why you seek the Anemo God, but everyone has their secrets (You would know)."


What did that secret convo mean by that?

Kaeya felt a little uneasy.

He winked (?) at them.

"So, I shan't bother you about them." He reassured them.

"What are you, a pirate?"

Beidou asked in interest.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

"Instead, I thank you on behalf of Mondstadt for fighting off against Stormterror."

"It's not like we had a choice since, you know, I was literally thrown into that fight." Aether deadpanned; he didn't do out of the goodness of his heart after all. He was literally in the wrong place, at the wrong time.


Lumine blinked in surprise.

That was unexpected.

"Hey Lumine?" Paimon asked. "Why is his response different from yours?"

"Beats me."

Lumine shrugged.

(M/N) said nothing, as he stared calculatedly at the dashing, yet not as dashing as a certain banana, Captain Kaeya.

"...A banana can be dashing?"

Shenhe blinked.

"Would love to see one."

'...Why does he scare me?'

Kaeya shivered as he stared at (M/N) looking at his counterpart.

"Still congrats are in order, also the Acting Grand Master wishes to meet you after seeing you repel Stormterror attack and formally invites you to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters."

"...That's SUS."

Someone from Natlan said.

"No wonder you're the Captain of the SUS."

"It's Captain of the Calvary Knights!"

Kaeya shouted, annoyed at the new title.

Why did it feel like that 'sus' comment was hinting towards his origins!?

"Then let's go!" Paimon shouted, as everyone headed to HQ.

Everyone but (M/N) who stilled as he observed a certain someone.

'...What is somebody from Khaenri'ah doing in a city ruled by one of the Seven?'




Was the main response as the revelation slowly sunk in their brains.

"A survivor of Khaenri'ah!?"

"There were survivors!?"

"What have they been doing all this time!?"

"...Kaeya." Jean grounded out. "What is he talking about?"

Turning her head to stare down at the poor spy who paled so much he lost his tan.

"I-uH-we-well, you see..."

Kaeya stammered, fear in his eyes as he was at a loss of what to do.

Dainsleif, Albedo, and Pierro staring down the young man, curious as to what he would say.

Zhongli and the other Archons frowned at that implication, while Venti just sighed.

'I knew this would happen one day.'

He thought to himself.

He knew, of course he knew. How could he not know who has been living among his people?

'I just hope that he will eventually choose where his heart tells him.'

Was the only thought running through his head as he followed them.

'But how did he know!?'

The Khaenrians and the Alchemist thought to themselves.


In the Grand Master office, were two people

(Jean 'workaholic' Gunnhilder)

"Big sister, it's you!"

Barbara happily said.

Choosing to focus what was being shown than dealing with people having a mental breakdown.


Jean softly said.

She had already decided to deal with Kaeya when they had a break.

Right now, she wanted to see how things would play out in this world.

...But what the heck was with that 'Workaholic' title!?'


(Lisa 'Mondstadt Electro mommy' Minci)

"Ara, Ara."

Lisa purred.

"What an interesting title."

Many people shivered at her tone.

'Oh, Archons no!' Gorou thought in horror. 'It's Mondstadt version of Yae Miko!'

"Where are they? They should have been here by now"

Jean fretted, as she paced back and forth the office.

"You really do need a break."

Tighnari frowned at the obvious stress lines on her face.

"If I have to come to Mondstadt and force you on bedrest then so be it."

"...Th-That won't be necessary."

Jean assured him.

She had the strongest feeling that he would follow through on his word.

'She definitely has good instincts.'

Cyno thought to himself.

He's seen what happens to those that disobey his orders to rest.

"Calm down Jean, all this stress is doing no good for your health."

"How many cups of tea do I need to make to calm you down?"

Lisa just sighed, causing Jean to chuckle nervously.

Lisa calmly placated her old friend.


Came the sound of the door opening.

"Jean, we're here." Kaeya announced as he closed the door.

"No!" Heizou sarcastically yelled. "It's just the wind!"


"Oh, sure!" Venti sarcastically yelled. "Let's all turn to the Anemo Archon who controls the winds!"

After yet another explanation,

"How many explanations do you have to go through?"

Scaramouche genuinely asked.

"You wouldn't believe it even if I told you."

Lumine responded in a dead as hell tone.

...Yeah, let's leave it at that.

"...and after that, I brought them straight here." Kaeya finished.

"I see, Mondstadt welcomes you windborne travelers."

"I am the Acting Grand Master Jean, and this is Lisa, our resident Librarian.

The mentioned women then spoke up,

"Oh, so you are the sweeties that are going to help us? You three are so adorable, I could just eat you up!"


'She's like Ying'er/Yae Miko/Miko!'

Many thought to themselves.

She said, causing the three to look at her weirdly.

"To be fair." Lumine spoke up. "That did come off as a little strong."

Lisa and Yae snickered.

'Ok, Jean is different from what I expected.' (M/N) thought to himself, 'I can tell she is very capable, even if she is just one person.'

"Hah!" Amber shouted victoriously. "Now he understands!"

"Doesn't mean it'll change his views on Mondstadt as a whole."

Dehya deadpanned.

"...Damn it!"

'This Electro wielder on the other hand, is both hot and creepy.'


Lisa said in a mock hurt tone.

"We already went through this Lisa" Jean rubbed her forehead in annoyance, "No sexual inneudos in front of people who don't know your character."

"You have no idea how annoying it is to reign her in."

"So mean!"

Giggling, Lisa stopped

"Unfortunately, your timing couldn't be worse." Lisa sighed, "Stormterror attacks have been causing quite a disturbance in the region. The elemental leylines are going haywire and for a mage like myself, my skin is one elemental particle from a full-blown breakout."

"Is that really the most important thing to be worrying about?"

Candace deadpanned.

"You would have to be there to understand my dear."


"Don't ever call me that again."

"If it wasn't for this tragic turn of events, the KOF would have better ways to help you seek out your sister then just putting up missing posters (Considering Amber is the one who put the posters up in the first place, I believe she is actively on the lookout for any information on the missing sibling. So, I very much doubt the Knights of Favonius are even making an effort to help)."

Jean finished.

"We simply ask you repose here in Mondstadt until the Stormterror threat is over."

"Why should they?"

Kaven asked.

"It has nothing to do with them."

"Guess we leave it to you then. Where's the closet Inn?"


Many people shouted at his flippant response.


Lumine was shocked.

What the hell was different between...(M/N)!

That was the main difference between them!

(M/N) had met Aether when he woke up...or more accurately when (M/N) woke him up. And they had been on the road before the events of Mondstadt.

Could that have been the change?

"Your brother is very different from you, Lumine."

Amber whispered to her.

"I think it's because of (M/N) influence." Lumine admitted. "He wasn't that callous before."

'...Never thought I'd be jealous of myself.'

Aether mentally deadpanned.

Impressed at his counterpart uncaring attitude.

Aether said, only for Paimon to squawk indignantly.

"Don't be such a slug Aether! We should be a part of this too!"

"And Paimon is here to save the day!"

Paimon shouted.

"Thank you Paimon!"

Amber cheered.

And so did Mondstadt.

Paimon scolded him, as the Blond only crossed his arms, gold eyes narrowing at that sentence.

"...Why don't I have a good feeling about this?"

Childe muttered to himself.

Though only the Tsaritsa heard.

"Good. In that case we need a plan."

Kaeya said, turning to Jean, who spoke.

"To defeat Stormterror, we need to cut off his power source. Lisa has already found the sources in the abandoned Four Wind's Temples."

Some historians and scholars grew rather interested at hearing about the ancient temples that held some history of Mondstadt.

"We should head out in separate groups to quickly destroy the power sources in three of the four temples."

"Jean really is quick on her feet."

Varka smiled, proud that his successor is capable of leading under pressure. It made him confident that he had chosen the right person to succeed him.

...Assuming they could get it through her thick skull to take a vacation.

"After that, we can-"


"...There it is."

Childe voice startled them as he gazes at the screen.

Came the voice of the only person who had been keeping quiet this whole time.

"I fail to see how this is our problem, and why we are getting involved in this."


"Wha!?" "Because it's the right thing to do?" "Because you're saving people!?" "How could you be so cold!?"

Many people, not just Mondstadt were in shock at how unsympathetic he was to Mondstadt plight.

Though some, like the Archons, had to secretly agree with him.

It wasn't their problem, why should they get involved?

His ice-toned voice silences all conversation as he spoke.

Jean was the first to speak,

"B-But you agreed to he-" "I never agreed and neither did Aether."

"Paimon agreed!" The fairy shouted. "That should count for all votes!"

(M/N) interrupted Jean, as his eyes glowed blue.

'...Why does that feel familiar?'

Zhongli could not shake the nagging feeling that he met him before.

But where?

"The one who agreed to help was Paimon, as such she is the one who will be helping you. Not Aether or myself."


Someone said.

"You're doomed."


"He-Hey! Aren't we all in this together?" Paimon spoke, trying to convince him to say yes.

"Word of advice."

Zero snickered.

"Don't automatically assume: because it'll make an 'ass out u and me'"

Lumine snickered along with the HI3 group.

Leaving the inhabitants of Teyvat confused as hell.

"I don't make it a habit of helping the problems of other nations. After all, it has nothing to do with me."

"He really doesn't care, does he?"

Pantalone tilted his head in mild amusement.

While subtly glaring at a certain Hydro lady.

"He has his reasons."

Palpatine laughed at the looks of despair on their faces.

"And you have not really given him a good reason to care."


"...You know." Lumine realized. "That is a good point."


Many people shivered as she was starting to understand things from (M/N) perspective.

(M/N) finished,

This time Aether spoke up

"I'm only trying to find my sister, they admitted that they would not be able to help until the Stormterror affair is settled. But where the guarantee that they are going to help me after that? For all I know, they are going to pretend they forgot because of their other problems and leave me with nothing after helping them."

"...Are you guys helping me?"

Lumine 'sweetly' smiled.

Causing the KOF to gulp and shiver.

"So, why should I waste my time when all they can give me is their word?"

"Huh...never thought of that before." Lumine realized a vital clue. "Can I really expect them to help by just their word?"

...Sugar Honey Iced Tea.

'My counterpart is no doormat that's for sure.'

Aether thought to himself.

(Again, I believe that Amber is the only one actively looking for his sister while everyone else is pretending to help but not really.)

An uneasy silence fell across the room, as Jean, Amber, Lisa, and Kaeya stared worryingly at the duo.

'How can we fix this situation?' Kaeya thought to himself.

"That'll be interesting to see." Diluc mocked him.

"Where's that silver tongue of yours now?"

"Up yours, Diluc."

Up till now, any attempts to handle the Stormterror threat had been with failure after failure. And just when they finally had a solution, the level of distrust they had for them threaten to destroy what could be their only plan to defeat the dragon.

"Now that I think about it." Lumine frowned. "I really shouldn't have let Paimon make the decision to help, and I really shouldn't have been that eager to help in the first place."

But he could not deny they had a point. They were only just travelers that had no reason to help them, and they didn't exactly give them a good reason to believe them. Why then, should they risk their lives if there was nothing in it for them.

"...That's a good point."

A merchant from Snezhnaya realized.

"Why would they risk their lives to save a bunch of strangers?"

"This is no fairy tale!"

Several people agreed on that.

Making the KOF wilt in shame.

(Sorry about the shaming on Mondstadt thing. I just don't understand why we had to fix their damn problem for them)

Fame? Recognition? It seems they weren't interested in that kind of thing, so that was a no.

"Only thing it'll give me is unwanted attention."

Lumine deadpanned.

"You can always-"

"I have a grudge against you Signora so the answer is a hard NO."

"Not to mention that, in my eyes, a nation that can't weather a storm such as this by their own power is a nation that deserves to be destroyed."


His cold, uncaring cruel words struck even the most hardened of them all.

And unintentionally caused Dainsleif, Pierro, and Kaeya to flinch at that.

His cold words sending the image of Khaenri'ah into their heads.

(M/N) continued, a cold, hard look in the eyes as he glared at them.

His words were harsh, unforgiving. You would think his element is Cryo, not Hydro.

"Think he's a dual vision user?"

Itto asked.



"Idiot Oni!" Sara growled. "A dual vision wielder is virtually impossible!"

(Unless it's a fanfic)

"You didn't have to hit me that hard, Tengu!"

"Yes, I did!"

People sweatdropped at the argument.

'They act like an old married couple!'

"I know that we don't have much to offer, and I know you would rather continue on your journey."

Amber spoke, having been silent the entire time.

"But, if not for us, then please do it for the citizens of Mondstadt."

"Leave it to Amber to do the convincing."

Eula sighed, knowing how persistent she can be.

She pleaded.

"Even though we cannot offer the help you need, the people of Mondstadt don't deserve to die (After doing a certain someone interlude, I just wanted to break every bone in certain assholes bodies. So, I do think that some do deserve to die. Also, Amber are you sure about that?).

"So, please don't think of it as doing it for the Knights of Favonius. But, for the people of Mondstadt."

Amber pleaded her case, her amber eyes staring into his (E/C) eyes.

There was an uneasy silence, as (M/N) stared directly into Amber eyes.

"He really isn't the type to easily budge huh?"

A resistance warrior muttered to his fellow fighters.

"No, not really."

This continued for some time, as the crowd watched with bated breath.




He agreed!?

(M/N) seemingly acquiesce.

"...Perhaps we should have Amber present in negotiations from now on."

Jean murmured to herself.

"...If we are going to help, then we will sign a contract for both sides terms."

"A good idea." Zhongli nodded his head. "That way if they dare to not honor their side of the contract, they will face the 'Wrath of the Rock'"

...Why did that sound terrifying coming from him.

'Making yourself a little too obvious there Morax.'

Venti thought to himself.

He stated,

"That way if either of us breaks the contract. Then Morax wrath shall descend upon us."

"...Why does he refer to Rex Lapis as Morax?"

A Liyuean merchant frowned.

"That is incredible disrespectful of our god."

"There is a good reason for that."

Zero rubbed his head.

"And you'll find out once they finished with the problems of Liyue."


Ningguang shakenly asked, her pipe dropping to the floor at that statement.

"What do you mean 'Problems?'"

"You'll see."

He said, subtly glancing at Rex 'Incognito' Lapis.

Who realized what he was referring to.


Xiao, Ganyu, and the Adepti were alarmed by that statement and were wondering what powerful threat was coming to Liyue in the near future.

Agreeing to his terms, though curious at the fact he used Morax and not Rex Lapis, she called upon her trusted maid.

"They tried asking." Ei smirked. "But he refused to budge."

(Noelle 'maid that everyone seems to love', number one maid of Mondstadt)

"What's with that title?"

Noelle tilted her head in confusion.

To retrieve some paper for the terms of agreement.

After both sides read the terms and found them to be agreeable, the contract was signed.

Glowing as Rex Lapis approved it.

"Does that happen with every contract?"

Teppei asked in curiosity.

Before the Qixing or Adepti could explain.

"Rex Lapis is the God of Contracts."

Madame Ping decided to step in and explain.

"Thus, every contract that is signed comes under his notice. When a contract glows, that means that Rex Lapis himself has approved it."

"If a contract is created and it doesn't glow, that means Rex Lapis does not approve of the contract. That usually means there is some sort of underhanded dealings that only work favorably towards one party."


Here, many people were glancing/glaring at other people who they had signed contracts with, but they never glowed.

"Now that is done, there is still one order of business that I need to point out."

'...Oh, no!'

Kaeya with terror at what was going to happen.

Smirking, he looked at Kaeya direction before saying:

"Are you aware you have a Khaenrian in your ranks?"

"...You really are a KHAENRIAN?!"

Jean and several others shouted.

Both in shock and in betrayal that someone they trusted had been using them for years!


Kaeya didn't say anything, turning his head to the side to hide his emotions.

Dainsleif and Pierro staring inquisitively at him.

'The last of the Alberich clan that were the ruling regents of Khaenri'ah.'

They both thought to themselves.

(Okay, so according to the Genshin Impact Wiki, the Alberich Clan was said to be the ruling regents following the Cataclysm. While not of royal blood, they did step in when the king was too weak to be able to rule for a time)

(Though, should I give him royal blood?)

He said, pointing at a suddenly frightened, now nervous Kaeya.

"That's gotta be a first."

Diluc smirked.

"...Why are you not surprised?"

Diona glared at her true nemesis.

Here Diluc smirk turned into a frown.

"Because I already knew."


The other members of the group blankly said:


"Let's take a breather there."

Zero hummed.

"You may speak now."

"...What do you mean you 'already knew!?'"

Jean shouted.

"Yeah!" "That's right!" "What are you talking about!?"

"It was shortly after father death." Diluc voice shut them up. "He had the brilliant idea to go and tell me the truth."

"I was feeling guilty having to spy on Mondstadt!" Kaeya argued. "I didn't want there to be anymore secrets between us!"

"But at a time where I was grieving for the death of my father and for the incompetency of the KOF!?" Diluc shouted. "Did you honestly think I was just going to accept it and move on!?"

"I was already betrayed by the Knights cover up of what really happened that day, and then I am betrayed by someone I thougth I could trust!"


Cover up? What was he talking about?

"Of course, I wasn't going to react well!"


The only that could be heard was Diluc heavy breathing as he let out his thoughts about that time.

"Diluc..." Kaeya eye widened. "I di-didn't think-"

"That's right, you DIDN'T think." Diluc angrily replied. "I'll admit that I went off the deep end and done things that can't be undone."

"...And that's my sins to carry."

He sighed, his energy leaving him.

"We all have to eventually own up to our sins. I wonder...when the day comes."

"Will you own up to yours?"


"...Let's continue."

Zero sighed.

Not wanting to get wrapped up in an old feud.

They have to be the ones to mend the bridge that burned down in flames, and the remains forever frozen in ice.

'I can only hope it's not too late for them.'

He thought to himself as he played the next scene.

And done!

Hopefully I was able to keep the characters in character (no that wasn't trying to be funny. I'm just hoping that I didn't alter their personalities that much)

Kaeya been revealed! And next chapter will expose someone else and screw them over!

So, people are being bold, Dottore is being Dottore and wants to see if that pigeon exists in their world.

The Harbingers are like 'hell no!' and the Tsaritsa is also against Dottore newest research.

Fear the pigeons! Fear them like the movie The Birds!


Hope you enjoy it and see you in another chapter!

Have a good day/night!

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