Collab Part 2

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Greetings, infidels!

(Reference btw)

Thank you all for waiting.

Though, sorry it's not the next chap of the Liyue Arc. But here is part two of the Collab!

Videos are not ours.

And to all my fellow Americans.

Happy 4th of July!



Zero shouted.

"Now that THAT is over with."

He said, referring to the smoking forms of HI3 Mei, Bronya and their older selves...and a couple of other people that got caught in the crossfire.

*Sizzle* *Groan*

"Let's get the ball rolling!"

He turned to his fellow Author God.

"Drake, you and Y/N have the floor!"

"Thank you Zero. Now then, before we move on to some serious stuff and how Y/N became what he is now, how about we start off light and then move onto his squad. After that, you better brace yourselves" Warned Drake

He then snapped his fingers and the screen turned on.

A huge city was shown on the screen. Many flying vehicles as well as giant spaceships were seen in the air.


Many Teyvatians shouted out in shock and awe!

Especially the Khaenrians.

Not even they could create such an incredible and awe inspiring city.

"I feel...insignificant."

Someone said.

(My clothes don't fit.)

(Deadpool: Let's see if someone gets that reference.)

"Talk about advanced!"

Kiana shouted.


Ignika thought to himself.

'That city reminds me of the Earth back in Fayt and the others' world. High tech and super advanced.'

And that wasn't even going into the Vendeeni home world.


Svarog stared at the screen.

"I'm telling you it was a bad idea"

Said a somewhat robotic voice. The camera flew through the city and stopped at one of the tables outside of a Cafe. At the table we're sitting Y/N, Cayde(before death) and another unknown man.

"Who are those people with you?"

Klee and Clara asked.

"My squadmates and somewhat teachers. The robot guy is Cayde" answered Y/N

"I mean, it was cool tho" Said Y/N

"What was cool though?"

Childe asked, interested to see what they were up to.

"I'll have to agree with Y/N on this one"

Supported him by the unknown man.

"Who's he?"

Rahman (Mercenary from Sumeru who lives in the desert with his band of mercs) asked.

"That's one of my squadmates, Guts. A great dude, lived like a warrior, died like a warrior. May he rest in peace" Answered Y/N

Was it just them, or did he look sad at that?

Which was surprising considering how much of a psycho he was.

Though certain people could understand. After all, just because he was unhinged (or made himself out to be crazy), he was still only human. An immortal, ridiculously OP human yes. But still human nonetheless.

"How...did he die?"

Asta asked.

"I'll show it later as well as his other squadmates, and let me tell you. All of them are not someone you would want to mess with" Answered Drake

"If there's a (M/N) involved, I believe it."

Herta deadpanned.

Getting numerous nods of agreements at that.

Ignika found the ceiling interesting, while HOTV Kiana giggled.

Remembering when he taught those idiot girls a lesson about the Pecking Order.

'Good times.'

She thought happily to herself.

"Ok it was kinda fun but still. I got lectured again by Zavala for 3 damn hours!"

"Sounds like a you problem."

Shadow deadpanned.

Complained Cayde

"Fuck off!"

"Not my problem" Shrugged Y/N

Then a small boy ran up to Y/N holding a poster and a marker.

"You're him! Right? The champion of the games! Can I have your autograph!?" Asked the boy.

Here Bronya, Kiana, Silver Wolf, and other gamers perked up.

Champion of the Games?

"Sure kid" Answered Y/N and signed the poster.

"Thank you!" Said the boy cheerfully and ran back to his mother.

"AW! How sweet!"

Yomiya squealed.

(Should be obvious that Yomiya would definitely approved with how well she gets along with kids)

"What is this 'champion of the games' that kid was talking about?"

Elysia asked.

"Every 5 years we held a massive tournament between almost all guardian squads to determine the best of the best. We still stand undefeated!" Y/N Answered proudly.

"...If someone were to actually defeat you, that would be the moment I'd be scared."

Dan Heng admitted.

He's seen how powerful Shadow was, now that he had no reason to hide.

Flashbacks to when he dealt with the Doomsday Beast ran through his mind.

Shadow was playing with the DB despite the obvious size difference between the two!

"It sounds like a fun game!"

Klee cheered.

"We should have something like that back home!"

Several people had contemplative looks on their faces at that.

It had potential.

Jean and the more realistic adults felt a migraine approaching.

"Okay how about we head to the arcade?" Proposed Cayde

"Sorry I have a mission soon" Answered Guts

"And I have to head back to the headquarters. I'll be having guests from Sumeru so I need to prepare everything. Sorry bro" Apologized Y/N


Guests from Sumeru?

"Aw man. Guess I'll take Colonel" Said Cayde

With that ending the screen turned off and Drake turned to the audience.

"So, any questions before we continue? Ask away" Asked Drake

"Who are the guests from Sumeru?" asked a citizen of Sumeru

"Why Rukkhadevata of course. As well as some of her students" Answered Drake


The audience, with the citizens of Sumeru (excluding GI Nahida because she was in shock that her predecessor had ties with Y/N in that world) shouted in pure shock and disbelief.

"Gr-Gr-Greater Lord Rukkhadevata?"

Azar shakingly got out.

"Yup. We usually meet up to play some chess or hang out. It's also fun to tease her with many jokes as she can't understand most of them" Answered Y/N

"And let me tell you this, if Rukkhadevata was here right now. She would be VERY disappointed and furious at how you treated Nahida."

Y/N cold words sent chills down their spines.

Because obviously he was not happy with them either.

"Can you tell us more of the Champion of Games thing?" asked Dehya

"Well, it's mostly not that serious of a tournament. It's mostly kind of a test to see how everybody improved. You not only fight but also get tested in your teamwork, how fast you can deal with critical situations and more" Answered Y/N

"Yup. For example, one of the competitions is Hostage rescuing. From the audience 50 volunteers will be picked and scattered around a given landscape and either a team or a solo guardian will need to rescue as many as they can in a given time period" Added Cayde

"My record is 49. But that's because I was out of time. My other squadmate rescued all 50 within not even a half of the given time. Crazy bastard" Said Y/N


"And don't worry, none of the people were hurt. The Games itself are also the opportunity to show off the strength of the guardians to other nations. As during the games any and all people are invited, the Archons as well. And yes, even Khaenrians, although they're always on tight leashes with many guards around them to make sure they don't pull something" Added Drake.


"That too. And I also absolutely love the guys and gals from Natlan. After the Games we hold a little sparring session with whoever wants to test themselves. Some Natlan people always participate and if I remember there are some guardians who are from Natlan" Said Y/N surprising everyone.

"WHEN exactly is this set in?" asked March 7th

"Around a few hundred years before the Archon war. Considering that they did not participate in it but would fight back if were attacked" Answered Drake

"Yes, around that time we stayed on defensive and mostly helped out the survivors and dealt with whoever tried to attack our city" Added Y/N "But some did go out into the front lines to fight and have fun" he said with a smirk

"How exactly did Cayde get turn into a Ghost?" asked Einstein

"No one knows but we believe that The Traveler chose him to be a ghost for some reason. Probably because he was one of the funny ones" Answered Y/N with a chuckle

"Okay so if that's all let's continue" Answered Drake

The screen once again turned on but this time it was a different sight.

The screen showed Y/N and Cayde on their knees in front of Ikora.

"What did I tell you about doing something like this?" Asked an angry Ikora.

"Who's she?"

Dainsleif asked.

"And why are they trembling before her?"

Stelle asked.

"Not to" They answered in unison

"And what did you do?" She asked

"To be fair-" Y/N tried to reason but was shut up when Ikora glared at him.

"Just don't say anything."

HSR Bronya sighed.

"But Ikora freebird was playing!" Confessed Cayde which earned him a hit on the head "OWWWWWW!"


Caelus facepalmed.

"Screw you!"

Cayde shouted.

"Still, what exactly DID they do?"

Venti and Wendy asked in confusion.

"This, and mind you it was in the middle of the battlefield so you'll see creatures shooting at them" Said Drake and the screen started playing a video.

(Found on YouTube. Youtuber: MikeE)

"...What the heck did I just witness?"

Herta deadpanned.

"Don't know, midget." Shadow shook his head. "Feels like those acid trips that I have heard people talking about."

"That was so cool!!"

Kiana, March, Klee and several others shouted out loud.

"What on Teyvat was that place?"

Mona asked.

"Mostly a place on a different planet where we found an alien species and annihilated them to non-existence, thankfully" Answered Y/N

"How could your people have been so advanced back then?"

The Tsaritsa could not help but ask.

"Not even Khaenri'ah was that advanced before the Archon War. And just seeing just that small sample, shows just how vast the gap is between the two."

Aether grumbled angrily under his breath at that. Insulted by the jab towards Khaenri'ah. But kept his mouth shut because there were certain people who did not care for the plight of Khaenri'ah and would have burned the nation themselves if they were bored enough to do so.

Hell! Ignika himself cared little for the nation itself, only helping because he was there at the time and felt sorrow for the innocents that no longer had a place to call home.

"Mostly because we fucked around and found out about things. While some people hesitate to do a risky experiment we say "FUCK IT" and do it. We also explored and found many different things to use. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Just you wait till you hear about space-time travel" Answered Y/N proudly

"Say wha-?!"

"Shut up." Zero growled at the stupid 'scholar' that was asking the question. "You can save the questions for later. We got a show to watch."

"Alright now how about a few mini situations before we go to some, funny to some people, stuff" Said Drake

The screen then showed Cayde standing in front of a lot of Guardians looking at a huge portal in front of him.

"I failed to help him. And his death remain as my deepest regret" Said Cayde

"Failed who? The Easter Bunny?"

Veliona deadpanned/asked.


Where'd she come from?!

Suddenly from a portal a hand came out punching Cayde and knocking him to the ground.

"The fuck!?"

Then from the portal walked out Y/N.

"Apologies accepted Cayde" Said Y/N.

"Love you too buddy" Said Cayde still on the ground in pain while the rest of the guardians laughed a bit

"Okaaaaay, what the hell was that about?"

HSR Seele looked at the hosts.

"What exactly happened that had Cayde wallowing in despair?"

"And was it really that bad the situation that he thought that Y/N would not make it?"

Lisa asked.

"I mean what would you think if your best friend was left on the bloody battlefield alone without weapons and only with his fists to fight?" Answered Drake


Shadow shook his head.

"Talk about having no faith in your friend."


Cayde shouted out at that.

"Well, it's true!"

"Onto the next one" Said Drake

This time the screen showed Y/N sitting at the table while Cayde stood next to him holding a knife. With them was also another guardian.

"Now, what do we have here?"

Baizhu stared at the screen,

"Have you ever thought about why we're here?" Asked the guardian.

"Life's greatest mysteries."

Mona sighed.

"To kill sh-BAM!!"

Shadow slammed his fist at Cayde!

"Shut up before I make sure you DON'T come back."


"To kill shit" Answered Cayde


Zeb raised an eyebrow.


Y/N cheerfully said.

"I mean why do our ghosts bring us back from death to fight again and again?" He asked again.

"Because you guys pissed off someone so powerful that not even you can beat." Fu Xuan deadpanned. "Because you guys are too stupid to die."

"To punch shit" Answered Y/N this time.

"Bunch of bloodthirsty battle maniac knuckleheads."

Dehya shook her head.

"You're one to talk."

Candace deadpanned at her friend.

"I don't think you understand..." Said the guardian defeated.

"No, they don't."

"No. I'm here to kill shit" Said Cyade

"Punch bitches. Get loot" Added Y/N

"...How can you guys be so powerful, yet so stupid?"

Wendy could not help but ask.

"We're not stupid, we understood what he meant. We just can't stand people who are like "FoR a GrEaTeR pUrPoSe" and all that shit" Answered Y/N

"Plus we love messing with them" Added Cayde to which Y/N nodded agreeing

"No wonder you hate yourselves."

Herta deadpanned.


"Hey!" Y/N protested. "We're not fighting for a 'greater good' here like they were! Plus, if you heard what they meant behind those words you wouldn't be surprised why we like to mess with them"

"...The phrase 'Greater Good' has many different definitions that don't necessarily mean what people like to throw out." Herta monotonously said. "You protecting your people is a form of a 'greater good' itself."

"I mean, at the start I didn't like fighting for some random people, even if they saved me. It was my job but with time I came to like it and got over my revenge trauma....... Mostly" Answered Y/N.

'Revenge trauma?'

Many thought to themselves.

"As long as you understand that the phrase 'Greater Good' isn't just some words that people use to justify their cause or make them feel good about themselves."

Herta said.

"Like everything else, it has its own shades of gray."

The member of the Genius Society finished up.

'...Well, she isn't a member of the Genius Society just for show.'

HSR Himeko and the others thought to themselves.

"Okay now a few short scenes of Y/N and sometimes Cayde being themselves when there's nothing to do" Said Drake and the screen turned on.

This time the screen showed Y/N laying on his bed in the middle of the night with the lights turned on.

"Get up, or not to get up, that is the question" said Y/N in a bored voice and after a few seconds he just took out a gun and shot the lights.

"What the fuck!?"

Several people shouted at the over-the-top method.

"Why the hell did you shoot them instead of just turning them off!?"

"I mean, would you get up and turn them off if your whole body was hurting like crazy?" Answered Y/N "plus that was funnier."

A few seconds later Cayde barged into the room holding Ace of Spades

"WHERE'S THE ENEMY!" He shouted while looking around.

"Chill, I just shot the lights cos I was too lazy to get up" explained Y/N

"..........understandable, the last mission was tiring. Although, don't do that anymore, do we look like we're made out of money!?" Complained Cayde.


"We literally have a big ass space warship in our underground garage which is modified, and spray painted for the fuck of it. So yes, yes, we are made out of money" said Y/N

"Well, I mean if you don't mind Ikora or someone else that scares you beating the shit out of you. Then go ahead."

Theresa shook her head.

"But it's fun and quick and easy to do!"

Y/N complained.

"No, that's just you being lazy."

Ignika deadpanned.

"ACK! Betrayed by my own self!"

Y/N 'dramatically' covered his heart.

"Get over it, you wuss."

Shadow deadpanned.

"Good point, good night" and with that Cayde left closing the door behind him

"How is that a good point!?"

Kiana shouted.

"I don't do that!"

"Because I and the others would have killed you if you tried that." Ignika deadpanned.

"Why are you so lazy?"

Eden asked Y/N.

"First of all I'm not lazy. I just lack the motivation to do things sometimes" Answered Y/N "Also it's not like I'm the only one. Back in the day you called me almost every morning to carry you out of the bed because you were too lazy to get up!"

"...Wrong Eden, genius."

Eden deadpanned.


Y/N said.

"Seriously, were you dropped on the head as a child?"

Diona asked.

"Does being stabbed, shot, tortured and many more count?" Asked Y/N

"...We should be surprised."

Yelan shook her head.

"But somehow...that seems to be the norm."

"Maybe there are evil spirits inside him."

Chongyun pondered.

"Ehehehe, no" Said Y/N rather suspiciously 'they'll find out about those later. Hope they won't be too terrified.'

Ignika sweatdropped.

Knowing about the 'spirits inside him.

'I wonder what their reactions would be if I told them I have literal Gods living inside me and the embodiment of Death as well.'

*Whistling sound*


"What was that!?"

Bennett screamed in fear.

While everyone was looking for the source.

'...Seriously. Lobo?'

Ignika mentally thought.

Said being simply chuckled inside his head.

"Yeah, so onto the next" said Drake.

Not wanting to deal with Death himself. Mostly because it would be more annoying than hard.

This time the screen showed the end of a cliff. A moment later from below flew up Little Kiana laughing joyfully and fell back down.

"...I don't think I want to know."

She did that a few more times and finally the camera showed that in reality Kiana was jumping on a jump pad at the bottom of the mountain which was around 100 to 150 meters tall.

"What the BWAK!?"

Several people squawked before looking startled at what they said.

"Decided to change things up a little."

Zero said.

"How the hell is that trampoline sending her flying all the way to the top!?"

Celine shouted, worried for little Kiana safety.

"How the H-E-🏒 🏒 is she still alive!?"

Siegfried and TeriTeri shouted in shock and surprise.


"I'm not surprised."

Adam sweatdropped as he watched an alternate version of his mom defying any sane and logical explanation.

His father liked to literally throw him into the atmosphere before he came back down when he was a child.

Quite fun though.

"She's okay. It was her idea anyways" Said Y/N

"IT WAS FUN TOO!" Said Little Kiana joyfully.

Then finally with the final jump she landed on the cliff and looked down.

"PAPA IT WORKS!!" she screamed.

From under the jump pad Y/N showed himself.

"NICE! I'LL BE WITH YOU IN A MINUTE!" He screamed back

"How the BWAK are you a father!?"

Himeko yelled.

"Don't know. Just fell on my shoulders someday and I accepted it. It is what it is. Said Y/N while shrugging his shoulders.

"You are insane."

HSR Himeko just shook her head in shock.

"Welcome to our world."

Zero and the others just said.

"And now I'll show you a few scenes of when Y/N was training the newbies" Said Drakes holding in a laugh

The screen turned on and everyone saw a big battle going on where many guardians were fighting some weird creatures. Not too far Y/N was sitting on the ground observing them with his ghost next to him.

"The hell are those creatures?"

Kaveh asked.

"Just some simulations of alien species for training" Said Y/N like it was nothing new

"...As much as I want to know."

Fu Hua spoke up.

"I'm not going to ask for the sake of my sanity."


Was the thought running through many people's heads as they agreed.

"Aren't we going to join?" Asked the ghost.

"Hmmm, knowing how (M/N) can be."

HOTV Kiana spoke up.

"I'm going to go with no."

Y/N simply looked at it and pulled his hood onto his face and layed down on the ground

"Nope, they said that they can beat the hardest ones without my help. So just let them figure it out, it'll teach them to not underestimate their opponents" replied Y/N


She said.

"You don't need to be a psychic to know that with his recruits, he is the definition of tough love."

"AWWW!! You flatter me!"

Y/N smiled at his alternate 'daughter.'

"Fuck off you weirdo."

HOTV Kiana and Kiana deadpanned.


Y/N screamed as he was shot through the heart.

Small!Kiana giggled at the critical emotional damage her counterparts inflicted upon her father.

Raiden Mei shook her head at her poor husband's despair.

"Idiots." Scaramouche scoffed. "They talk awfully big for people within beating distance."

That's for sure.

"Looks fun!"

Childe happily said.

He just loves fighting strong opponents!

"Of course, you would think that."

Arlecchino sweatdropped and deadpanned at the same time.

"What if one of them dies? They didn't get the resurrection experience, so they won't handle it" Said the ghost.

"Then they die." Mobius said. "Simple as that."

"...And I thought I was evil."

Y/N sweatdropped at that.

She and his Mobius would definitely get along.

Many other people nodded at Mobius' statement.

Survival of the fittest after all.

".....good point. I'll join in when something goes wrong" Said Y/N still laying on the ground.

"How sad."

Herta deadpanned.

"Sucks for those losers."

Silver Wolf snickered.

"And for the last one" Said Drake "In this one he was tasked in training and seeing how they will work in teams" he continued.

The screen then showed 2 guardians aiming in front of them.

(Drake: Credits to the dude I found on YouTube that I forgot the name of)

(Zero: Youtuber name: Sixes. Unfortunately, I cannot show the video since apparently Wattpad doesn't do YouTube Shorts. Wouldn't paste the link when I tried.)

(Called: Crayon can do MATH!?)

"Hey I remember them! That's Crayon and Tempest! Funny dudes" exclaimed Y/N

"Okay here we go, he's coming," Said Crayon

"Who's coming?"

"You know, maybe we shouldn't be bunched up. What if it's a Nova Bomb?" Asked Tempest looking at his friend.

"Sucks then, to be you it does."

Master Yoda simply said.

And people said Palpatine was evil?

He's got nothing on an ancient troll like Yoda.

"Tempest. There are 3 classes, 23 supers. 1/23 of those are Nova Bomb and there's a 33% chance he's going as a Warlock. And a 28.57% chance he's running Nova Bombs. That's only a 4.7% chance it's a Nova Bomb" explained Crayon.


"When did he get the time to count all that and make calculations!?"

Kujou Sara shouted out in shock.

"What's a Nova Bomb?"

Klee looked interested.

"Klee no."

Jean sighed.

Teyvat would not survive if she somehow upgraded her bombs to epic proportions.

"Holy shit, you can do math?!" Asked a surprised Tempest.

"Noooo..." Ignika sarcastically said. "He's speaking Latin, of course he can count!"

(Somewhere, a demon is somehow summoned thanks to Crayon speaking Latin and doing Math at the same time.)

(...Better than accidentally summoning a demon just from trying to read and speak IKEA Furniture names at IKEA)

"Apparently. Okay here we go" replied Crayon.

"Why am I getting the feeling something stupid is about to happen?"

Kevin groaned.

A headache making itself known from just witnessing the sheer insanity of his fucked up counterpart.

They looked back and prepared to shoot. At that moment Y/N jumped high through the air and threw a white glowing ball of purple/dark aura at them. The camera then showed both guardians looking at it flying at them and then looking at each other.

"Well...they're fucked."

Captain just said.

With other people nodding their heads at that statement.

"I can admit when I am wrong" admitted Crayon.

"How shocking."

With that said the Nova Bomb hit them killing them and completely destroying their bodies.

"What the fuck!?"



Kalpas jumped up and shouted.

"What the hell was that?!"

"That my boy, was a Nova Bomb" Answered Y/N "although quite weakened not to destroy everything"

"What's a Nova Bomb?"

Beidou asked.

"A Nova Bomb is one of the Supers of Warlock class Guardians. How it works is when detonated, it compresses its fissionable material to neutron-star density, boosting the thermonuclear yield a hundredfold and with that it is capable of completely vaporizing any matter. Also the more power you put into it, the more powerful it becomes" explained Cayde With a miniature teacher hat on


"How the hell do you guys even have a trace of sanity left?!"

"Trust me. I went through the same but much much worse, considering who my teacher was" said Y/N with a terrifyingly tired face


They said.


Awkward silence is awkward.

"Okay and that's all for now" Said Drake "Next I'll show you Y/N's whole team as well as some of their feats and statistics" he added

"Yay! We're gonna see uncles!" Exclaimed Little Kiana

"Now does anyone have any questions before we continue?" Asked Drake

*Crickets chirping*


Drake sweatdropped.

This was getting too awkward even for him.

"Let's start the next viewing."

Zero just shook his head.

Aye, aye Captain!"

Drake saluted as he changed the channel to the next snippet of Y/N life.


Hope you liked it.

Have a good day/night!

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