We're Off to See the Adepti!

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At long last...I have finally completed this chapter!!

Man, this was a long one! Then again, this chapter covered meeting all the Adepti so no wonder it took forever.

Little bit of warning, this chapter is kind of long.

Don't own the art/gif, they belong to their respective creators.


"Well." Zero shook his head. "Time to see the aftermath of this little incident."

"Little incident?"

Ningguang sarcastically said.

"This is beyond little."

Her fellow Liyueans nodded their heads at that.

After all, Rex Lapis just died!

That was not little and had probable long-range consequences for the rest of Teyvat!

For instance,

"With Rex Lapis gone, how will Mora be produced?"

A salesman asked.

Because without Mora, the entire world economy was doomed!

That scared many people and caused the hosts and other worldly guests to sweatdrop.

"And who is she?"

Kokomi asked as she pointed to the new woman in town.


"Her name is Lust."

Zero introduced her.


Some thought to themselves with how seductive and alluring the femme fatale looked.

"She is also one of my wives."




The crowd went wild at that!

"You have another wife!?" "What the fuck!?" "His love life is better than mine!"

"How many wives do you have?!"

Xinyan yelled out in shock.

"I have several more wives that are currently taking a vacation throughout the multiverse."

Zero just shrugged.


Huffman summed up everyone's thoughts at that.

Zero sweatdropped.

"Don't be so dramatic." He deadpanned. "This is nothing compared to my fellow Gods marriages."


"I'm almost scared to ask."

Lumine deadpanned.

"How many?"

Aether cautiously asked.

"One friend is married to nine women."

Zero started.



They screamed.

"Another is married to 12."

He also added.

*Cue shutdown noises*

"Wha-wha-hu-huh?" Beidou just sputtered out. "The fuck!?"

"You get used to it."

Drake waved them off.

"Yeah." (Y/N) just nodded. "No surprise that we are such handsome bastards that the ladies can't keep their hands off us."


The crowd was still in shock.


"Chaos Lightning!"

Shadow zapped them with Chaos filled Lightning.


They screamed as they were shocked back to reality.

"Ready to continue watching?"

Ignika asked them.


"I'll take that as a yes."

Zero nodded as he pressed play.

After Aether outburst/mental breakdown incident, the four managed to escape thanks to (M/N) covering the whole area with a thick misty haze.

"You really shouldn't have jinxed yourself, brother."

Lumine chuckled evilly.

"Hah, hah."

Aether sarcastically responded.

Eventually they got to the ground, and far away from Yujing Terrace and the Millelith. Stopping to catch their breath.


"Paimon's exhausted!"

"How can you be exhausted?"

Hook asked.

"You're just flying."

"Flying takes more work than it looks!"

Paimon shouted.

The floating fairy gasped as she caught her breath.

"Really?" Aether sarcastically said. "Just how much muscle is needed to fly, I wonder?"

"Hey! Flying is a lot harder than I make it look pal!"

"...Is she turning into a gangster now?"

Wendy blinked as she tilted her head.

"Nah!" (Y/N) smiled. "She's learning how to be human!"


Paimon shouted at the chuckling male.

Paimon shouted, not realizing that for once she did not speak in third person.


"Oh..." Lumine blinked. "That IS a shock. I'm too used to her speaking in third person that I didn't even realize."

"Same." "Yeah." "Ditto."

Those that had the honor to speak to Paimon nodded in realization.

"Hey!" Paimon shouted. "I can speak normal thank you very much!!"


"She knows how to not talk in third person!?"

The crowd went wild at that.

And Paimon?



"Say hello to my little friend!"

Started shooting.


Many people started running for their lives as the pissed off fairy chased after them.

Zero and the others sweatdropped.

"Excuse us for a moment."

Zero told the readers.


After Paimon rampage.

"On with the show!"

"And also...wait."

This time Paimon turned to their new friend.

"Who are you anyways?"

Giggling, the woman simply said.

"Just call me Childe."

"Seriously, though?" Dehya raised an eyebrow as she turned to the Fatui in question. "Childe?"

"Hey, don't look at me." Childe shrugged. "I don't come up with the names."

"Still." Nilou shook her head. "The names are rather strange, and it feels like they are better placed in a theater or something similar in nature."

Here, chuckling could be heard.

"It's kind of funny that you mention that, young Nilou."

Palpatine said out loud.


"What do you mean?"

Kaveh asked cautiously.

"It's an interesting fact that the Fatui Harbingers codenames origins are rooted deep in theatre."

(Note: I had to skim through the article because I wanted to get this chapter done as soon as possible. So, some of what is being said might sound like it's going all over. Plus, I didn't put as much information as I wanted to)

Ei chuckled.



Arlecchino asked.

"Commedia dell'arte." Zero spoke. "Comedy of the profession."

"Many of the profession characters wore masks." He said. "Of course, many didn't wear masks."

"In other worlds, they would travel from one nation to another performing acts of comedy. A form of Renaissance in those times."

"I remember that." Lumine spoke up. "Aether and I had gone to several of those performances in other worlds."

"It was actually quite entertaining."

Aether had to agree, for a moment, abandoning his image of the Abyss Prince.

"It has evolved so much and gain quite a reputation and following." Zero continued. "It became one of the most influential forms of theatre styles in the world. So popular that they were even invited into the courts of aristocracy."

"And to the Royal Courts."

Theresa added on.


"That is popular."

Mika noted.

"Many forms of theatre have at least some ties to the beginning."

Amagi added.

"Among the actors." Ignika spoke up. "There are several notable characters."

"The Jester."

Pierro started at that.

"Arlecchino also known as the Harlequin."

Said Harbinger blinked at that.

"II Dotore."


The Doctor said.




"La Signora."

"II Capitano."


"It can be said differently?"

Scaramouche blinked.




"All of them, from a theatre play?"

The Tsaritsa (who I would like to know the name of already) asked.


Anakin nodded.

"I'll spare you the details of what some of the characters represent."

Zero said.

"I don't think you'd want your pride to be insulted."


Childe asked.

"This does explain why the Fatui would probably do so well in Fontaine though." Nahida giggled. "They're both nothing more than theatric arts."


"Hey!" Furina (Folacors) shouted at that. "What's that supposed to mean!?"

"That you live for the drama and love to play the Fool."

Kunikuzushi deadpanned.


The Hydro Archon choked on her mirth as her people looked insulted.

(What? After playing the first Fontaine Archon Quest, it's true.)

"You do fit the role of the Jester more than Pierro does."

Ignika mused.

"You are nothing more than a sad, little, crazy clown."


Pierro decided he didn't want to know at the moment.

He had a feeling it would eventually come up anyways.

'...Really?' (M/N) thought to himself. 'That's the best the Fatui could come up with?'

"If only he knew the meaning behind the Harbingers names."

Otto swirled his glass of wine.

"...When the hell did you have time to get some wine?"

Siegfried asked as the Overseer just ignored him.

"Childe?" Paimon looked at her as if she had grown two heads. "What, are we supposed to dote on you or something?"



"Really Paimon?"

Lumine deadpanned.

"It was just a question!"

The fairy shouted back.

"Anyone with a working brain could tell that it is not his true name."

Monsieur Neuvillette deadpanned.

The Judge of Justice getting a headache from the scenarios running through his head at the inevitable arrival of the Traveler and the Menace to society.

"Why does Paimon feel insulted!?"



Paimon yelped as she rubbed on the area that (M/N) had hit.


Caelus deadpanned.

"Very much."

Blade agreed.

"Oh, come on!"

"Only an idiot would call their kid 'Childe' Paimon." (M/N) scolded her. "Then again, I shouldn't be surprised considering your affiliation."

"Still want to know more about this origin of our names."

Pulcinella spoke up.

"Unless you want your prides to be damaged and your egos wounded." Donny spoke up. "I suggest you just leave it be."

"Is it really that bad?"

Pantalone asked.

"It's not bad, per say." Zero said. "Maybe more on the side of being a point of embarrassment for you guys. Considering it is a comedy and what their roles are in it."

"And your prides have still not recovered from learning that Fatui means foolish/idiot."

Ennard snickered.

"...You got us there."

Childe just said.

"...You've got to be kidding me."

Aether deadpanned.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what (M/N) meant...it also didn't take a genius to realize that Childe is not your average person.

"After seeing that." Asta shook her head. "Yeah, it's obvious that even for a vision wielder, she is not a normal person."

'If only you knew.'

Childe thought to himself.

Remembering his time in the Abyss with Master Skirk.

And who do we know that has not so average people?

"It's an alias of sorts, you could say."

"Got to admit though, it kind of fits."

Sampo admitted.

"Oh?" Childe raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well..." Sampo sheepishly chuckled. "From what I can see, you seem to be the youngest of your Harbinger band."


"We're not a band!"

La Signora shouted in confusion.

How the hell were they a band?!

"Don't get your panties in a twist, anger issue."

Silver Wolf deadpanned.

"I don't have anger issues!"


A majority of the theater thought to themselves.

'I wonder if the reason my Signora isn't angry all the time is because I bang her on a regular basis?'

(Y/N) thought to himself.

"Anyways." Sampo spoke up again. "Back to what I was trying to say, you seem to be the youngest of the group and 'Childe' is very close to 'Child' and again, considering that you look to be the youngest of them."

"You can see why we might think it's more of you being the youngest."

"His personality is that of a child."

Scaramouche muttered to himself.

"Or that of a reckless, hot blooded teen."

Sandrone added.

(Seriously, how old is he technically?)


Childe just shrugged.

Childe quietly laughed at the scene before her.

"You've already met Signora in Mondstadt no?"


Lumine muttered to herself.

Still pissed at how easily she was taken out.


Signora shouted at that.

She laid out the rhetorical question for them. She didn't need the answer, the Snezhnayan diplomats had learned who was responsible for the imprisonment of the Fatui stationed there along with Signora.

"Serves those arrogant assholes right."

Diona muttered to herself.

Several people nodding at that.

'Serves the arrogant bitch right.'


Signora shouted at that.

Childe thought to herself.

Don't get her wrong, Signora could be a nice lady to be around with and gossip with. But her attitude at times really makes one want to smack her.

"You bipolar or something?"

Shadow raised an eyebrow at Signora.

"How can you be both a fun person to be around, and yet be arrogant and conceited at the same time?"

"I am not!" Signora twitched.


He wasn't convinced.

Though, how she will react to her first failure in probably a long is anyone guess.

"Badly, I can assume."

Timaeus just shrugged.

"She was taken down quickly and efficiently."

Yelan said.

"Yeah, but we are learning that the (M/N) of that Teyvat is not normal."

Thoma added.

"He's on another level in comparison to Signora."

"But they don't know that at the moment."

Yomiya said.

"To most of that world Teyvat, the Fatui, and the Archons (with the exception of Venti) he is an extremely powerful human. They have no idea (with the exception of Venti and the Traveler) that he is more than what he appears to be."

"All we know is that he has some connection to Liyue and to Rex Lapis."

Keqing added.

"What it is." Zhongli frowned. "I still have yet to figure out."

"One feels that he is familiar." Cloud Retainer hummed. "Yet, One cannot understand why."

The other Adepti were of the same opinion.

Why did he feel so familiar, and yet so much a stranger to them?

"Signora?" Paimon blinked, that was a name she wasn't expecting. "...Wait."

"You're a Fatui Harbinger!"

"Ding-ding-ding!" Childe spoke like a game show person. "You got it!"

"And what does the Fatui want with us?"

(M/N) tensed as he coolly glared at her.

"Surely not a fight that will end in their deaths?"

"Knowing Childe." Dotore shook his head. "That would be a yes."

Childe just chuckled.


"Ehe Te Nandayo?!"

Childe simply said.

As much as she liked a good fight, she was not willing to test the waters -so to speak- with a being that spared Fandango boy out of mercy. And took down Signora despite her immortality with no effort.


Scaramouche yelled.


Columbina nodded.

"That sounds about right."


"I see a little silhouette of a man."

Dottore started.

"Scaramouche, Scaramouche." Childe and Signora sang. "Will you do the Fandango?"


"Thunderbolt and lightning. Very, very frightening me!"

The two shouted as Scaramouche sent lightning bolts at them.

Plus, she needed them to get the Geo Archon Gnosis now that Rex Lapis has died. They were her best shot at getting the Gnosis from the Exuvia.

"And your best shot at getting your ass kicked."

HSR Seele deadpanned.

"The poor, unsuspecting fool."

Childe chuckled after Scaramouche was restrained and gagged to shut his cursing up.

"Relax." She waved them off. "I'm not here to pick a fight (...right), no I'm actually here to help you."


La Signora gave her junior a deadpanned expression.

"Sure, you don't want to fight. Childe."

"I am still loyal to the Tsaritsa."

Childe stared at her with his dead eyes.

"I still know when to do my job, and if it means playing nice with our potential enemies then that's fine with me."

"I can get a fight another day."



"...Say what now?"

"Why does that sound like a reference to something?"

Lady Furina blinked.

"You got me, Purina."

Kunikuzushi snickered.



The Hydro Archon screamed in confusion and annoyance.

Why did she feel like there was an insult there?!

Aether gave her a confused look.

"Help!" Childe repeated. "Look, I'm not a bad guy."


March 7th deadpanned.

"Major doubt."

Stelle deadpanned.

"Well..." Ignika sweatdropped. "Compared to his fellow Fatui, he's not that much of a bad guy. He's actually a lot more decent and tolerable than most of the Fatui I had to deal with. He's just a battle maniac."

"That's for sure."

A Fatui member said.

Remembering how bloodthirsty the psycho Harbinger could be.

"Which is why I wasn't amused with what happened in Fontaine."

Ignika frowned.

Getting looks of confusion at that.

What did he mean by that.

"Nearly destroyed all of Fontaine because of that."


"YOU WHAT?!!?"

Furina screamed.

"You'll see later."

HOTV Kiana waved her off.

Causing the girl to twitch.

'What the hell is with these people?'

Furina thought to herself.

'Maybe we should just continue watching.'

'She' said to herself.

(Apparently, Furina has separated her emotions into separate personalities. But that's just something I found on Google so I don't know how accurate it is. But given how she talks to herself and to an afterimage when she's pushed into a corner that might make sense on her unique personality and actions)

(Y/N) just chuckled evilly.


"And there's the proof of doubt."

Lyney shook his head.

"You and your sister are lucky that he already knew you were members of the House of Hearth that he didn't kick your asses when your allegiance was revealed in court."

Ei deadpanned.


"You're members of the Fatui!?"

Paimon shouted in shock!


Many people that knew them were shocked at the truth that was just revealed.

Lyney and Lyentte shuffled uneasily as Arlecchino gave the Archon a glare.

To which, it went ignored.

"Their reasons for being members of the Fatui is a little bit complicated." Amagi calmly explained. "But know that it wasn't for malicious purposes, regardless of what the Tsaritsa is after."

"Well, not a completely bad guy." Childe amended, seeing Aether draw his sword. "I am bad, but I'm not here to cause trouble for you right now."

"Trouble will find them, regardless."

TeriTeri deadpanned.

Himeko chuckled.

"So, would it be too much to ask that you keep your sword sheathed?"

"That can go two ways."

Siegfried chuckled.




He shouted as he was hit on the head.

"Stupid, perverted grandpa."

Adam deadpanned, having been the one to hit him on the head.

"Saw that coming."

Yae Sakura shook her head.



Aether sheathed the weapon back.

"Thank you." Childe gratefully said. "To be honest, I had my eyes on you guys ever since word of your deeds reached the Fatui. So, I know you couldn't have been the ones to kill Rex Lapis."

"Too bad the Fatui words would not really help them in this situation."

Kevin shook his head.

"Considering the rather tensed, (and somewhat bad) relationships that the Fatui has with most of the nations. That would probably make them more suspicious of them."


'Especially since Rex Lapis suddenly stopped and crushed the (H/C) over there with his thick body.'

Snickers could be heard at that.

Rex Lapis definitely could be vindictive when he wanted to be.

Zhongli couldn't help but smirk as well.

Childe sweatdropped.

She actually fell down in shock and hit the ground after that weird experience.

"I would have laughed my ass off if I had been there!"

(Y/N) laughed.

"Would you have been able to laugh though?"

Mei gave her husband a look.

"I would think you would be busy trying to get out from being crushed."


(Y/N) just shrugged.

Like what the hell?

"Unfortunately, as I am a Fatui envoy from Snezhnaya there's no way I would be able to ease the suspicions placed on you guys."

"That's for sure."

Cecelia shook her head.

She might not have been from Teyvat, but like everyone else, she seen that the Fatui are not too well liked because of their aggressive attitudes and some of their disrespect for other countries' culture.

"It would only just make them even more suspicious of them if the Fatui started to help them."

She said, regrettably.

"The Liyue Qixing has always been suspicious of us, even more so once news of Signora insult to Mondstadt God reached all of the Teyvat."

"That's karma for you."

Amber shook her head.

"And we would have gotten away with it too!"

Mikhal shouted.

"Oh?" Shenhe raised an eyebrow. "Now you're speaking again?"

"The Fatui are not to be messed with!"

He continued on.

"Then they really shouldn't be enacting whatever schemes they have when the Traveler is within distance."

Rosaria scoffed at the pitiful idiot's attempts at intimidation.

And wasn't the Tsaritsa furious about that.

"I imagine my counterpart would not be all too happy at the mission failing just as soon as it begins."

The Tsaritsa frowned.

Unaware of Zero and Drake silently snickering.

If only she knew just how lovestruck she is for (M/N)/(Y/N).

Not only did Signora fail to obtain the Anemo Archon Gnosis, but now the Fatui reputation was dragged even further into the mud thanks to not only that. But also, the fact that the Fatui records seized in the arrest revealed damning information about them.

"And now that we know the truth."

Diluc glared at them.

"You can expect that your plans won't be going as smoothly from now on."

The Fatui twitched as a majority of the Harbingers gritted their teeth.

Curse these Gods and their meddling!

Her plan that she had spent so long on crafting was already going down in flames by that one failure.

"Amazing, it is." Yoda spoke. "How small one spark can be, to ignite a great fire if opportunity given."

"All it takes is just a little spark."

Tighnari sighed.

"To create a towering inferno."

'Her Majesty actually broke her stoic persona for once.'

"That's kind of scary to imagine."

Columbina said with a sweatdrop.

After all, the Tsaritsa had hardened her heart and kept her emotions tightly closed. To see her react to such a significant loss would be a scary thought to entertain.

Childe thought to herself.

'...Is what I would say if I hadn't found her (creepy as hell) shrine of Mr. Handsome over here.


"I'm sorry." Fu Hua just blinked, completely caught off guard by that. "But did she just say?"


Raiden Mei nodded her head.

"She did."


Razor blinked in confusion.

"...The fuck?"

Kalpas summarized everyone's thoughts at that.


That was something the loyal Harbinger did not need to see.

"It can't be that bad."

Tesla said.


Was the afterthought.

How the hell she was even able to get pictures of the man was something she did not need to know.

"Wait, what?"

Itto blinked.

"She has pictures?"

"Apparently so."

Kuki just numbly said.

Not even having the energy to smack her boss on the head for making such an obvious statement.

'If she can get pictures, then why is she unable to get the real thing?'

Was something Childe did not understand.

...Then again, the Tsaritsa obsession with (M/N) borderlines into disturbing new levels of insanity that she was better off not knowing.



"What the fuck!?"

Many people yelled at that.

"She is that obsessed with him!?"

Gorou shouted.

"She has pictures of him!?"

Yanqing was just flabbergasted.

"What the fuck is wrong with her!?"

Viktor shouted in complete shock at his Archon disturbing new tendencies. Not even caring that he was unintentionally insulting his God!

"Yeeeeeeeeeeah." Zero sweatdropped. "Let's just say that she has taken MANY pictures of him...personally."


"You mean..." Pierro just stared at him in shock. "She's actually leaving her Palace and secretly taking pictures of him!?"

The Khaenrian was in complete shock at his Archon level of obsession with the male.

"Exactly, what KIND of pictures does she take?"

Albedo cautiously asked.


Zero did not want to respond to that.

"It can't be that bad?"

He asked.

"...Let's just say, she has taken some rather spicy pictures of him."

Ei sweatdropped as she answered for her husband.


"You're not saying..."

Navia trailed off.

"That she has taken pictures of him with his clothes off?" Ei answered. "Yep!"



And the crowd went wild!

The Tsaritsa was in complete shock as her jaw dropped to the ground!

'What is wrong with my counterpart!?'

She thought to herself.

"Yeah." Drake nervously chuckled. "Never underestimate a Goddess in love. Especially when one of said Archon domains is Love."

"Glad the Tsaritsa back in my world never did that."

(Y/N) laughed at his counterpart's predicament.


He thought to himself as a nervous smile landed on his face.

...Perhaps he should pay her a visit and see for himself if she has erected a shrine for him.

'Maybe she wants to get laid, and our good friend here is the one she wants?'



His fellow Harbingers yelled at him.

"What!?" Childe defensively put his arms up. "Not my fault Her Majesty hasn't got laid in centuries!"


The Tsaritsa was down for the count at the accidental jab from her loyal warrior.


"...That's gotta hurt."

Caelus blinked at the knocked-out woman.

"She'll live."

Shadow shrugged.

"Look." He pointed out. "She's getting up already."

True to his word, The Tsaritsa was slowly getting up.

With a wounded pride.

"Now THAT'S a simp."

HOTV Kiana glared at her husband nutjob of a counterpart.

Who shrugged unapologetically.

"Whatever." He said. "Still a si-*BONK!!*"

The sound of a frying pan violently hitting (Y/N) on the head and knocking him out could be seen and heard.

Everyone just stared in shock at HOTV Kiana, while Mei just sighed.

"That husband of mine." She shook her head. "He needs to seriously not piss off other people that are just as powerful as him."

"So, he's vulnerable to a frying pan?"

Raiden Mei blinked at the unexpected scene.

"Bronya thinks Subject (Y/N) should be renamed as Subject Overpowered Idiot."

Bronya deadpanned.

Small!Kiana just poked her father with a stick.

Of course, she kept that thought to herself.

She likes living, thank you very much!

"Can't accomplish my dreams if I'm dead!"

Childe cheerfully said.

"Be grateful that all they're doing is keeping an eye on you."

(M/N) scoffed, glaring at her.

"Signora really did give you guys a bad impression huh?" Childe sighed. "That woman...can't say I'm a fan of hers either when she gets all uppity."

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

Signora yelled at an unfazed Childe.

"Exactly what it means."

Herta simply said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Aether frowned.

"We might work together under our great leader, The Tsaritsa." Childe began. "But that doesn't necessarily mean we all get along well together."

"Isn't that the truth."

Arlecchino deadpanned.

The Harbingers were only united by the Will of the Tsaritsa.

Nothing more, nothing less.

So long as their Archon goals were achieved, they were free to fight amongst themselves during their free time.

"Hell, most of us outright loathe each other. Even if we do understand what our parts are."

"Hah!" Scaramouche laughed. "Isn't that the truth?"

She chuckled, before turning serious.

"Now's not the time to talk about such important matters, after all "The walls have ears."


"Why do I feel like I should keep that in mind?"

Lumine rhetorically asked.

"Most likely, you should."

Arlan responded.

"It sounds an awful like foreshadowing."

Cyno spoke up.

-Timeskip to Northland Bank-

"So, this is the Northland Bank own by the Fatui."

Paimon looked around.

Diabolical plans forming in her mind.

"Don't you dare!"

Pantalone suddenly yelled.

"Time to drain the bank dry of its Mora!"

Paimon cackled manically.

"Yep!" Childe happily said. "This bank was opened here in Liyue by Sneznhaya. Liyue might be face of economic power, Sneznhaya is not short of change either."

"And yet." (Y/N) shook his head. "You are still unable to move as freely as you did in Mondstadt."

"Probably because Liyue head honcho is not someone you want to mess with."

Ignika deadpanned.

"To bad it means nothing to somebody who doesn't give a damn."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"If it did, the Fatui would not be short staffed."


Clara asked.

"Basically, they tried to entice him with money." Ignika explained. "It failed which resulted in countless people either losing their lives from trying to recruit my counterpart or having to permanently retire from the Fatui."


The young girl said.

"Did they try to recruit you?"

Raven (HI3) asked the powerful warrior.

"They tried." Ignika nodded. "They failed and learned what happens when you piss someone off."


The Fatui decided they didn't want to know.


Childe sweatdrop at that.

"You say you can help us." Aether spoke up, wanting to get this over with. "How?"


Childe gave him something.


"Isn't that a-!?"


Moon Carver answered Mountain Shaper shocked, unfinished question.

"It is."

"A Sigil of Permission?"

Xiao and Ganyu frowned at that.

"This One is at a loss at how the Fatui managed to obtain one."

"Hah!" A Fatuus laughed. "Never underestimate the Fatui power! We can obtain things that is near impossible for others!"

"How impressive."

Otto said in a monotone voice.

"Now, how about you actually try to be impressive."

"Why you!!"

"Pecking Order."

HOTV Kiana looked at her nails.


They did not know why, but those words, those words, instilled a sense of primal fear inside them.

"...I'm sorry."

"Damn right, you are bitch."

"What's this?"

Aether stared.

"It's a – "

"Sigil of Permission."

(M/N) eyes harden.

"Annnnnnd, you just made him even more distrusting of you."

Baily shook her head.

"I shouldn't be surprised." Madame Ping said. "Yet, I'm still finding myself taken off guard every time he knows something that most people don't."

"How did you get this? They barely exist anymore."

"Money can buy things other than status."

"Like a one way ticket to the grave."

Shadow deadpanned.

Knowing that if he wanted to, his counterpart would have just killed them for wasting his time.

Was all Childe said.

(Though she was secretly impressed by the older male deduction)


Aether and Paimon stared at the taller male.

"Get your bags packed, you two." (M/N) smirked. "We're going on a field trip to see the Adepti."

"We're going to see the Adepti!" Deadpool sang. "The wonderful Adepti of Morass!"


Silver Wolf corrected the psycho.

"That's what I said." Deadpool said. "MorAss."


Wasn't worth getting into an argument.

While most of Liyue twitched at the Merc disrespectful attitude to their Archon.

"The Adepti?"

Aether blinked.

"They're the guardians of Liyue who protect the city and its people under Rex Lapis."

Paimon explained.

"Correct." Childe said. "And they're your best bet to clearing your name."

"...Why are you helping us?"

Aether stared at the woman intently (while trying to ignore how 'bouncy' she is).


"Aether can actually be perverted?!"

Lumine shouted in shock.

"I just thought he was asexual or gay or something since I've never seen him even remotely interested in a woman before!"

Aether twitched.


He yelled.

"I'm not gay!"

(Tell that to the countless Yaoi fics and pics I've seen of you. And if it's not that, then it's you doing your sister. You know, it's funny. I've seen pictures of Kaeya and Diluc as a couple and people go on about using the 'But their brothers!' excuse. They're not even related by blood.)

(And yet, they don't seem to mind Aether and Lumine doing each other, and they are actually related! Suddenly, its 'incest is wincest! I know they care greatly for each other. But I'm pretty sure it's not to that extent.)

"Well, excuse me PRINCESS!!"

Lumine sarcastically said.

"But in all of our travels, I've never seen you look at a woman like your counterpart is doing with Childe in that world! Hell! We been to worlds where the inhabitants beauty was incomparable!"

"I've gotten crushes on the men (and some women) in some of the worlds we've been to! But NEVER, have I seen you once look at a woman (or guy for that matter) with interest!"

"We're still young!" Aether retorted. "We still have plenty of time to fall in love!"


'Just how long does your species live if your considered to still be young?'

The Teyvatians wondered to themselves.

"Don't know if I should this amusing, sad, or intriguing."

Dottore pondered to himself.

"I say all of the above and then some."

Mobius shrugged.

As they continued watching the two argue.

"I would think the Fatui would be putting a hit on us for messing with their plans in Mondstadt."

"Eh!" Childe waved him off. "That was Signora screw up, not mine. Besides, there is something I do not understand about the Qixing actions."

"Oh?" Keqing raised an eyebrow. "Do tell."

Here she put a finger to her chin.

"How could a mortal possibly possess the power to kill the Lord of Geo, who has slaughtered countless armies and could give the First Three Harbingers a run for their money? Doesn't make sense."

"You'd be surprised."

Aku coolly said.

Remembering how he fell to Samurai Jack a long time ago.

Mortals were not to be underestimated.


Furina looked at him in shock.

"Surely you can't be serious!"

"I am serious." Aku stared at her with them big ol' eyes. "And don't call me Shirley."

"How can mere mortals take down a God!?"

Someone asked/shouted.

"You'd be surprised at how strange the Multiverse is."

Zero hummed.

"The potential of humans/mortals is insane. But it is fated to sleep eternally unless some life changing event awakens it."

"We've have seen worlds where humans have overcome the Gods. Gods that are even stronger than your dear Archons and Celestia."

That caught their attention.

Stronger than even Celestia?

"We've have seen them banish bloodthirsty Gods to another dimension. Seen them fight against other Gods that wish to destroy their worlds."

"Mark my words, do not underestimate the dangers of what a 'mere' mortal can do. What they can do, can make even the Gods tremble in fear."


If that wasn't terrifying, then I don't know what is.

"True..." (M/N) begrudgingly admitted.

"It does seem over the top for them."

"Could it be that they might know and are trying to hide the true perpetrator?"

"Why would they do that?"

Alhaitham frowned.

"I doubt even they knew right away who the killer is."

"If there's even a killer."

Herta shook her head.

"For all we know he might have been slain when he descended...or just died of old age."


"That's a good point."

Murata hummed.

Remembering that out of the Archons, Rex Lapis was the oldest among them.


"I am not old."

Zhongli muttered to himself.

"Yes, you are."

Venti and GI Ei said in unison.

Causing many people to sweatdrop as Zhongli grew a depressed aura around him.

Paimon asked.

"Who knows." Childe sighed. "What we do know, is that you guys need to get to the Adepti first before Qixing messengers do. They are the only ones who can help you now."

"After seeing this." Moon Carver frowned as best as he could. "It would really put into question if Liyue is truly in capable hands after that bold accusation."

"Lady Ningguang." Madame Ping spoke up. "Can you offer any insights on what your counterpart might be thinking right now?"


Ningguang fell into a state of contemplation as she thought carefully over her counterpart actions.

"If I had to guess." She finally spoke up. "I most likely was using that as a cover to keep up appearances."

"Even for me, Rex Lapis sudden and unexpected death would have caught me off guard."

She admitted.

"Not to mention that this had happened right at the most important event of all of Liyue Harbor." She continued. "For him to die right then and there, could be a sign of a bad omen."

"This would be the perfect opportunity for our enemies to strike."

She hummed.

"Of course, while I had partly anticipated the day when Rex Lapis would part from Liyue...I never expected it like this."

"It's a test."

Shadow crossed his arms.


"A test?"

Ganyu asked.

"The way this happened was too much of a coincidence." Shadow frowned. "And I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of coincidences."



Heads turned to a suspiciously quiet Zhongli.

*...Aggressive whistling*

Zhongli whistled.

"...No wonder Venti calls you a blockhead."

Lust deadpanned.


"Go to Jueyun Karst."

"So, it will be me first."

Moon Carver noted.

She directed.

"It's the closest and the, metaphorically speaking, leader of the Adepti under Rex Lapis slumbers there."

"True." Cloud Retainer nodded. "Moon Carver is Rex Lapis second in command. He is the most rational and level headed out of all of us."

"Even the Northland Bank can't hope to hold off the Millelith for long."

"You'd probably be the first on their list."

Durandal deadpanned.

"Why you-!!"


"Choose your words carefully."

The Valkyrie pointed her lance at the Fatuus without even looking at him.

Mikhal growled but shut up and sat down.

"You really are a dumbass."

(Y/N) sighed.


'When did he get back up!?'

The Teyvatians thought to themselves.

'Out of the fire, and into the frying pan.'


(M/N) sighed as he turned on his heels and headed out the door.

"Let's go."

"Right." "Coming!"

Paimon and Aether quickly hurried after him.

-Timeskip to the Borders of Jueyun Karst-

"Thank god we don't have to deal with unnecessary fillers."

Rozaliya grumbled.

Her sister nodding in agreement.

"Here we are."

(M/N) sighed.

"So much fun."

"Okay, seriously."

Lumine grumbled.

"What is his past with them? He's certainly not all too happy to be stepping into Adepti territory."

"He hasn't been happy ever since he stepped into Liyue."

Liliya corrected.


Lumine agreed.

"Ever since he realized that Liyue was the next stop, he's been in a somewhat bad mood."

"I wonder if he had a bad encounter with Rex Lapis or the Adepti."

Rita Rossweisse spoke out loud.

"It would explain his animosity towards Liyue."

Ayato agreed with that possibility.

"But I get the feeling that it runs much deeper than that."

Just how much deeper was anyone guess.

He grumbled.

"Well..." Aether spoke up. "Let's get this over with."

With that said, he stepped into the forest of Jueyun Karst.

'Shouldn't take that long.'

Aether thought to himself, sensing a presence stirred at his own presence.

"It is rare that I get visitors."

Moon Carver spoke.

"Whenever I do, I make sure to show up to see what brings them to my territory."

"And who might we be?" A deep, wise voice spoke out. "Those that dare to enter Jueyun Karst?"

'Moon Carver.'

(M/N) sighed.

"Well...it doesn't sound like he has anything against Moon Carver."

Paimon said.

"It's either that, or he's good at concealing his emotions."

Kallen pointed out.


Out came a majestic stag, who gazed at the intruders with curiosity.

"It has been a long since one had visitors willing to step foot in Jueyun Karst."

"Indeed, it has."

Moon Carver agreed.

"Makes one wonder why no one has ever stopped by for a visit."


"But I thought the Adepti don't like it when mortals intrude upon the realm of the Divine?"

Kazuha questioned the Adepti.

"Frequent visits, yes."

Cloud Retainer nodded.

"But One doesn't mind if they wish to stop by for a chat."

Huh, go figure. You learn something new everyday.

He gazed at them, his focus eventually going to (M/N).

"...Have we met?"

Moon Carver asked, confused on why this person felt familiar.


The Adepti frowned as they looked closer.

"He does feel familiar." Xiao admitted. "But where, I don't know."

"Who is he?"

Ganyu pondered.

"And why does it feel like we know him, yet not?"

"Maybe we have." (M/N) waved his hand in front of him. "Maybe we haven't."

"...They have."

Kiana deadpanned.

"No doubt about that."

Captain shook his head in amusement.

"He's not even trying to hide it."

Himeko shook her head.



Aether spoke as he showed the Adepti the Sigil.

"A Sigil of Permission..." Moon Carver interest piqued even more at his now guest's trinket. "Many a season has passed since this one was in the presence of one."

"Well, that got his attention."

Beidou observed.

"Guess those trinkets really are important."

"Once, they were plentiful back in the Archon War."

Zhongli spoke up.

"But now, they are nothing but relics of a past shrouded in deaths and destruction."


"Very well then," Moon Carver said. "You stand in the presence of the Mighty and Illuminated Adeptus Moon Carver. Speak travelers."

"Why do you guys always feel the need to be formal?"

Ignika facepalmed.


Mountain Shaper blinked.

What was wrong with being formal."

"What business brings to me?"



Paimon was about to speak.

"There they are!"

She was interrupted.

"Oh come on!"

Paimon shouted.

"Why do you idiots choose to come at the worst possible timing!?"

The Millelith said nothing.

"The assassins dared to flee to Jueyun Karst!"

The Millelith Sergeant yelled.


A Millelith soldier yelled.

"We've already ventured to far into Jueyun Karst ourselves..."

"The smart thing to do would be to leave before actually angering the Adeptus with your insolence."

Baizhu hummed.

"I would much prefer not to have to work overtime having to patch you guys up."

The soldier was fearful of the wrath of the Adepti.

"As you should be when dealing with the Divine."

Adam shook his head in amusement.

Remembering the weird confrontation, he had with the Will of the Honkai.

'Damn it, dad!' He mentally shouted in his head. 'Why did you have to give the chick magnet curse!? I get as many crazy hot weirdos like you!'

Ignika didn't know why, but he felt happy and proud for some reason.

"We...argh! We have no choice, apprehending the assassins is our top priority. We must press on!"

"A for dedication."

Himeko mused.

"F for disrespecting your neighbor borders."

"Well, what were we supposed to do?!"

Someone shouted.

"Let them go just because they entered sacred territory?!"

"The moment they came onto my lands was the moment it was taken out of your hands."

Moon Carver glared at them.

"I thank you for not overstepping your boundaries."

"And if you do this back in our world."

"You won't like the consequences."

His voice full of power and wisdom shook them to the core.

It was obvious that he didn't approve of their actions in his domain.

"Freaking hell!" Paimon shouted. "Can't we just have one day where nothing goes wrong!?"


HSR Himeko drank her coffee.

"You're doomed to live a life full of mayhem and madness."

"How nice."

Lumine deadpanned.

While Shadow shook his head.

Because that could apply to him as well.

And certain others.

"...Disturbing our boarders."

Moon Carver gave the mortals an unimpressed gaze.

"Great!" Keqing groaned. "Now we got a potential disastrous situation on our hands!"

If they didn't proceed carefully here, they risked incurring the wrath of the Adepti.

If it wasn't for the contract he had with Rex Lapis, he would have given them the ass whooping of the century for their impudence!



Many people had looks of shock as they read the Adeptus thoughts!

Even Moon Carver fellow Adepti were looking at him in sheer disbelief!


Moon Carver noticed the looks he was getting.

"They are being very rude, interrupting my conversation with the Travelers."

"Did you honestly think I was going to let such disrespect slide?"


Liyue has just gained a newfound respect and fear of Moon Carver.

"Is it really that surprising?"

March 7th just looked at them with a look of disbelief.

"I guess."

Dan Heng shrugged.

Who knew that Moon Carver had such thoughts in his head. And that the only thing keeping him from acting out on them was the contract he had with Rex Lapis.

Zhongli wondered if he should be concerned or not.

"See them gone. One will not have interruption."

"I wonder what would have been the outcome if Moon Carver had chosen to actually discipline them?"

Aloy pondered.


Zero and Ei had flashbacks to watching that one universe where Moon Carver opened up a can of whoop ass on the poor mortals.

"You don't want to know."

Ei shook her head.


"Trust me."

She interrupted Zhongli.

"You don't want to know."


'Was it really that bad?'

Zhongli and the Adepti thought to themselves.


(M/N) coolly withdraw his weapon.

"To DUST!"

Only for Aether to jump and slam his fist into the ground.

Unleashing his elemental burst and sending the soldiers flying.

"Someone not in a happy mood."

Dori chuckled.

"Considering that they are now on the run because Zhongli just had to drop dead."

Durandal shook her head.

"I wouldn't be happy too if people are accusing me of killing him and chasing after me."

"Good point."

'Someone's not happy.'

(M/N), Moon Carver, and Paimon thought to themselves at the one-sided fight.

"Thanks of the pointing out the obvious, Captain Obvious."

Lumine flat toned.

"Obvious isn't my name."

Captain deadpanned.

"Then what is your name!?"

Theresa and Himeko shouted.

Everyone just called him Captain!

Captain and Otto sweatdropped at that.

'My/His name is literally on my/his file!'

The two thought to themselves.

"Take this!"

Aether shouted as he slammed his palm onto the ground.




The Millelith Sergeant screamed in pain as he held his ass.

Flying into the air and somewhere far away because of the result of a stone shape two finger attack on his ass.


Many people screamed as the Millelith Sergeant grabbed his ass defensively.

He felt that!

Many people shuddered as they covered their own asses in fear. Except for the kinky ones. They wanted to feel that.

Somewhere in the Multiverse, versions of Kakashi felt proud for some reason.

"Gonna have to remember that one if it happens to me."

Lumine wrote it down on her list.







A soldier screamed as they all flee back to Liyue.


Yelan sweatdropped.

"That's one way to send people running in fear.

No one said anything, for fear that they might somehow be next.



"...Well." (M/N) simply said. "That was something."

"We digress." Moon Carver spoke up, wanting to get back to the point. "State your purpose, travelers."

"Rex Lapis is dead."

"That was blunt."

Cecelia bluntly said.

"Easier to get it over with."

(Y/N) shrugged.

(M/N) said, as he began explaining.

After explaining, while omitting the part where he got bodyslammed by Morax big fat butt, Moon Carver was less than amused.

"I don't think he wants to bear the mental humiliation of getting such a hot luxury that most would want."

Yae Miko fanned herself.

Zhongli twitched.


He mentally screamed to himself.

(Dude. Your ass was so magnificent that it reunited the twins!)

Many people slowly shifted away from the dark aura forming around the Geo Archon.


Moon Carver roared in disbelief at what he was just told.

"The Liyue Qixing...utterly disappointing." He growled.

"Oi!" Keqing shouted. "We're doing our best, okay? No need to act all high and mighty when you don't know how we work!"

"Then perhaps, one should observe how you handle the affairs of all of Liyue."

Cloud Retainer spoke up.


That was scary.

The sneaky businessmen and women all shuddered as some of them had a tendency to do a little...side job on the side.

Ningguang started formulating plans to utilize the wisdom of the Adepti should they choose to observe their workings.

And Rex Lapis had high hopes for them!

"Rex Lapis being assassinated at the Rite of Descension is a foolish notion. And then to place suspicions upon the attendees!?"

"Such foolishness."

Herta shook her head.

"Without even trying to maintain an air of composure and secrecy, your first course of action is to boldly declare your Archon dead and that someone must have killed him."

"Not everyone can keep a cool head such as you, Madam Herta."

Asta shook her head.

"You've always managed to keep people on their toes and easily fool them with misdirection's and false indignation."

(Just like how you and Screwllum bamboozled and trolled Silver Wolf with your little ploy to shut down the Simulated Universe)


Herta admitted.

"You're just built different."

Shadow scoffed.

"Madam Midget."

He added.


And so went Herta trying to kill Shadow again.


Moon Carver was silent as the three stared at him.

It was amazing that despite not having a human like face, that they could read his emotions.

"Traveler, of the unjust accusations placed on you, one has become aware."

"Eh, happens all the time."

Aether shrugged.

This wasn't his and Lumine first rodeo of being accused for something they didn't do.

"Yeah, that's true."

Lumine and Aether agreed.


"What the fuck?"

Amber stared at her friend.

"Am I friends with a criminal?"

"Your world?" Lumine blinked. "Eh, 50/50."

"If we were in another world." Aether took over. "That would be a yes."


The look of shock on their faces were ones to be pictured and immortalized for all eternity.

"They're really that shock by that?" (Y/N) sweatdropped. "Did they already forget my War Crimes?"

"You're not normal." Adam deadpanned. "Your being existence was created to spread chaos, anarchy, and commit crimes of terrifying nature."

"They look innocent (even one is trying to destroy the world)." He pointed to the twins. "You don't look the least bit innocent and would probably be the first person to be accused of doing a crime."


"Still..." Moon Carver continues. "The mind knows its answer. Though one must consult with one's fellows, lest one becomes misguided in the pursuit of justice."

"Take the Sigil of Permission and seek out my fellow Adeptis. Bring forth this message for them."

"Who do we seek?"

Aether asked.

"There are three you must find."

Moon Carver said.

"Two live here in Jueyun Karst: Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper. Whether or not you can find them is all up to fate."

"The third resides in Wangshu Inn. He is known as the Conqueror of Demons, a Guardian Yaksha."

"A Yaksha?" A Liyuean historian buff blinked. "But I thought all the Yaksha had perished a long time ago?"

"There were rumors of a surviving Yaksha." Someone else said. "Guess they weren't rumors after all."

Xiao looked away.

"Go and may fortune bless you on your journey."

With that said, Moon Carver departed as the three continued their journey.

"So...where to now?"

Aether asked.

"Paimon suggests we look for Mountain Shaper first."

Paimon suggested.

"Good idea."

(M/N) nodded.

-Mt. Hulao-

Li Ding: "Have mercy, O mighty adeptus! I beg you...show mercy upon me and my brother...spare our lives!"

Was the sorry sight that awaited them at the center.


Mountain Shaper groaned.

"More trespassers and thieves to deal with."

Said siblings shuffled uneasily at that.

"What's going on here?"

Aether groaned, getting the man attention.

"Huh?" Li Ding said. "Travelers? Were you able to get here with no problems? ...Gasp! You must be adepti messengers!"

"No." Y/N Eden shook her head. "They're just not stupid."


But that was a good point.


Aether got a deadpanned look on his face.

This guy could not be serious!

"I think he is."

Tesla shook her head in a bemused matter.

"Oh, have mercy mighty messengers of the illuminated adepti!"

"Oh, yeah." Kosma shook his head. "He definitely is serious."

"Well..." Ganyu slowly spoke. "You can't really blame him. It's rare for people who are not divine or Adepti to be able to walk off Mt. Hulao with little to no problems."

"So, of course he would think that they would be messengers of the Adepti if they were unharmed."


...Yeah, he was serious.

"My brother and I, we only came here because our family is poor, and we heard tell of treasures hidden in the amber of Mt. Hulao."


Gorou shook his head.

"They actually resorted to being thieves instead of making an honest living?"

"Oh, shut up you stupid dog."

Shadow growled at him.

"Hey!" Gorou shouted. "I'm not stupid!"

"Do you honestly think that just working will be able to help provide for their family?"

Ignika ignored General Doggo anger.

"Don't ignore me!"

"There is always a reason why people resort to stealing."

He continued.

"Whether or not they're good is a different matter." He said. "But sometimes people have no choice but to resort to such tasteless measures."

"Of course." HOTV Kiana chimed in. "It's a different matter if you do it for a living. Even though they still reap the benefits of their ill gotten gains."

"As long as they pay their stupid taxes, then everything's fine."

Zero deadpanned.

"You don't want the Multiverse IRS after you."

...Why did that scare the Teyvatians more than they would like?

Oh God! NO!

"Not a cliché sob story!"

Deadpool yelled in terror!

"It was stupid of us...but all we wanted-"


(M/N) shouted, startling the man.

He was not going to go through a goddamn backstory when they had better things to do!

"We are not Adepti messengers!"

...There was a little irony in that, since they were delivering a message from Moon Carver to the other Adepti.

"Indeed, there is some irony in that statement."

Ennard hummed.

"Just tell us what happened, and we'll help you!"

'If only so you can go away!'


(M/N) thought to himself.

Shook, the man answered.

"My brother is trapped in amber!" He said. "Please help me find him!"

"Then that is his fate."

Mountain Shaper uncaringly said.

"Let that be a warning to those that trespass on my mountain."

Many people stared in horror at the Adeptus uncaring tone.

But some had to admit that he did have a point. The uninvited should be prepared for the risks their actions will bring them.

"All right, all right."

Aether waved him off.

"Just stop panicking and wait here."

"Oh, thank you!"


Paimon grumbled as the trio went back down the steps again.

"Paimon can't believe we have to put this on hold to help a bunch of idiots."

"Why do you dare to deny them the punishment they deserve?!"

Mountain Shaper shouted in anger at the group actions.

"Because we don't give a damn about your stupid hurt feelings, you overgrown turkey."

Lumine and Aether coolly said.


Many people, both mortal and divine, stared in shock and horror at the two's bold words.

"Well." Ignika crossed his arms. "It's not like it was going to kill me to help. Why should I be scared of someone that is younger and weaker than me?"



"Shut your mouth!"

Ivan Ooze yelled.

The angry emergency food muttered to herself.


Aether blasted a large amber to pieces.

"Not there."


(M/N) destroyed another large amber.


And killed the boar trapped in it.

"Fresh meat, yum."

"...They are becoming more and more terrifying."

Dan Heng deadpanned.

"What else is new?"

Kunikuzushi asked.


"Rhetorical question."

Kunikuzushi interrupted March.


This continued on, until they finally found the guy.

Li Dang: "Cough!"

The man said, as he was finally freed from his prison.

"Wha-what happened?"

"You got trapped in amber."

Aether deadpanned, crossing his arms.

"You're welcome by the way."

"OH, thank you very much!"

The man gratefully said.

"You're welcome." (M/N) sighed. "Now get to the top, your brother been extremely worried for your safety."

"Li Ding!" Li Dang shouted. "He's safe. That's good."

"Well, at least his mind is not solely fixated on money." Kujou Sara said. "He's at least worried about his brother."

The man breathed a sigh of relief as he ran to the top.

The trio walking at their own leisure.

When they finally reached the top, the brothers were having a tearful reunion.

"Thank Rex Lapis your safe brother!"

Li Ding shouted happily.

"That's my line, brother."

Li Dang smiled.

Before turning to them.

"Thank you for your help."

"Aw! It was no problem!"

Paimon smiled.

"Now, Paimon suggest you two make like a banana and split!"

"I could go for a banana split."

Nahida mused.

"Here you go, dear."

An unexpected voice chimed out as Nahida was handed a banana split.

"WAH!" "EEK!" "WHAT THE!?"

"Wh-Who are you and how did you get here!?"

Mika shouted in shock as everyone stared at the newcomer.

"I came down the chimney."

The woman sauntered to her seat.

(Helga Sinclair)

"Ho, ho, ho."

The femme fatale smirked as the audience looked in disbelief.

"Another wife?!"

Someone shouted.

It was obvious to anyone with a brain that random people don't just appear out of nowhere unless there is a connection to the God here. And they had a funny guess they knew why she was here.

"At least someone keeping up."

Zero smirked.

"But yes. She and I are married as well."


Someone sassily said.

"This dude love life is bigger than my will to live!"


"Good idea!"

The brothers said as they departed the mountain.

"Glad that's done and over with!"

Paimon said, as soon as they were gone.

"Seems like we need to be careful with the Adeptus that lives here, it sounds like he has a temper problem."

"I do not!"

Mountain Shaper protested.


Many thought to themselves.

"Who dare trespass on my mountain!?"

A new voice shouted out in anger.

Startling Aether and Paimon, but only resulting in (M/N) letting out a loud sigh.

"Mountain Shaper."

He simply said, not caring about the Adeptus childlike tantrum.

"Who is he?"

Noelle wondered to herself.

"How much does he know? And why is he so reluctant with Liyue?"

"We'll probably find out later."

Kokomi pointed out.

"That you will."

Leo nodded.

(Seriously, I did not like his haughty attitude and was about ready to cook him for dinner.)

"Who is it that frees the thief from his incarceration?"

"Are you blind?"

HOTV Kiana gave him a dead ass look.

"Who else would it be!?"

"Language, Kiana!"

Mei chided the alternate version of her daughter. Different timelines they may be from, but she still felt the need to scold her.


HOTV Kiana shouted.

"English!" "Greek!" "Russian!" "CHOCOLATE!?"

"Okay, walked right into that one."

Mei sweatdropped.

"Who do you think, dumbass?"

(M/N) scoffed, glaring at the walking dinner.


Mountain Shaper squawked in anger and fear!

He was not food!

Further angering the Adeptus at the lack of respect he was getting from the 'human.'

"I can understand how he wouldn't be that afraid of mortals."

Nilou put a hand to her chin.

"But even being that disrespectful to the Divine? Isn't that playing with fire?"

"Well..." Kaeya spoke up. "We know that he's not normal. We know that he was in Khaenri'ah when Celestia attacked, we know that he's extremely powerful for a human."

"Whether or not he's truly human or a divine being." Diluc spoke up. "Is an entirely different matter."

"Oh, right."

Klee nodded.

"Not to mention that he bears some kind of dislike to Rex Lapis and the Adepti."

Beidou pointed out.

"So, unless he's like that (Y/N)."

She pointed to (Y/N).

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he's a god of some sort."

"Impertinence!" He yelled. "Foolish mortals, come forth and receive your punishment at once!"

"Ohhh!" Hook mockingly said. "How scary!"

"Why you!"

"OHHHH!" Aether mockingly said. "How scary!"


Sampo and Xinyan shouted out loud.

"You juts got served!"

He felt more fear at unintentionally invoking (M/N) wrath than the overgrown turkey.

"I'm not a turkey!"


The Adeptus looked like he was about to explode.

Reading them the riot act once they got close.

"...You intrude upon the sanctity of Mt. Hulao, destroyed my mountain ambers, and freed a thief whose freedom is not yours to give!"

"And we should care why?"

HSR Himeko gave the Adeptus an unimpressed look.

"You don't act like what Divine beings should. So why should they respect any of you?"

"Honestly, they think we should care."

Ignika shrugged.

"They talked a different tune once I had a little 'chat' with them."


They didn't want to know what that chat was all about.

"Not only that, but you dare to blatantly disrespect me and the Adepti with your disrespectful tone!"


Silver Wolf shrugged.

"You're not on the same level as your Archons and the Aeons. So, there really is no reason for us to be so respectful when we know nothing about you personally."

"The problem with your states of isolation and solitude is that you tend to get out of touch with the outside world."

Kafka smirked.

"I wonder." Blade hummed. "Can any of you be worthy of sacrifice?"


Why did that send chills down their spines!?

"The thieves' ignorance was an affront to the Adepti...but your actions are an abomination of the highest order!"

"Oh, NO!"

Lumine dramatically sighed as she fell down to her brother arms.

"We have committed an awful sin, brother!" She spoke in a dramatic, theatrical voice. "Whatever shall we do?"

"Fret not, dear sister." Aether said with sparkles. "For we have mastered the art of 'never giving a fuck!'"

The two laughed as they stopped their playing around and sat down on their seats.

*Twitch* *Twitch*

Mountain Shaper twitched as Fontaine people clapped at the drama that had just happened.

"Wha?" Paimon confusedly said. "How? "Why? WAIT!"

She suddenly shouted.

"Aren't you supposed to be mad at your brother!?"

"Doesn't mean we can't do our twin act."

Lumine and Aether deadpanned.




Whatever Mountain Shaper was going to say, was silenced as his head was suddenly encased in a large bubble of water.

"Finally! Someone shut him up!"

Paimon shouted, as Mountain Shaper tried to break free.

"Déjà vu."

Ivan Ooze snickered.

"I have been here before."

I'll bet you have.

Only to his shock, that he couldn't!

'What power does this mortal possess to be resistant to an Adepti power!?'

"Here's a hint."

Zero smirked.

"He could go toe to toe with Morax in his prime."


"He's that strong!?"

Many people yelled in shock!

"Thought we already established that."

Drake sweatdropped.

"It's easy to forget when enraptured by what's on tv."

Helga snickered.

"True that."

Lust smiled.

Mountain Shaper thought to himself.

"Your feebleness is staggering."

"He's grown up so fast."

Ivan Ooze wiped an imaginary tear off his face.

(M/N) shook his head.

"Aether if you please."


Aether brought out the Sigil of Permission, gaining the Adeptus attention.

Once they were sure he was calm enough, (M/N) released him from his water prison.

"A Sigil of Permission?" Mountain Shaper stared intrigued. "One was unaware that such things still exist in the mortal realm."

"Maybe we should have that on hand when we actually talk to them."

Lumine said.

"Would make it easier than having to listen to them rant all day long."


The Adepti shouted.

The sight of the Sigil seemed to have erased the memories of the events that just happened, as his mind was now focusing on the implications these travelers were bringing.

"In the beginning," He began. "Rex Lapis cast them for the mortals with his own hand. Few were made then, and thousands of years later, few still remain..."

"So, then."

Dehya spoke up.

"How exactly did the Fatui get their hands on them?"

Heads turned to the Fatui.

"Never underestimate the Fatui resources."

Childe simply said.

"Despite the true meaning of our name, we are quite resourceful."

"...When we're not trying to kill each other."


He mournfully said.

"Very well, speak." Mountain Shaper commanded, his undivided attention on them. "One shall listen to your story, and then one shall verify the truth thereof."

"One should be wise to tell the truth."

This time, Aether spoke of the tales surrounding the Rite of Descension.

Mountain Shaper reaction:

"Rex Lapis...assassinated?" Mountain Shaper muttered to himself. "At the Rite of Descension!?"

His voice shook the entire mountain at that horrifying revelation.

"What mortal, nay could conspire to commit such foul treason? Or perhaps the better question would be: what power in this world could aspire to achieve it?"

"You'd be quite surprised."

Huffman huffed.

After all, from the very beginning they had seen incredible feats that they never thought possible.

Before, the idea of mortals able to take down Gods would have been laughable.

But now?

They now knew quite well the potential of humans can go far.

"Weakness, everything has." Yoda spoke up. "Invincible, not even the Gods are."

It's amazing how those few words held such a powerful impact.

Aether and Paimon shot a glance at (M/N), who glared at them.

'They're getting to sassy for their own good.'

"He'll teach them the Pecking Order soon enough."

Cody shook his head.

The male thought to himself.


"Rex Lapis charged the Adepti with protecting Liyue, and we have always honored this duty." Mountain Shaper sighed. "As the people prospered, we had gradually withdrawn into the mountains. Indeed, this was a gesture of goodwill towards humanity."


"So, in a sense they are still watching Liyue." Ezra Bridger spoke up. "But are content to allow the citizens of Liyue to handle the prosperity of their nation growth."

"Yes." Zhongli nodded. "That is correct. As time marches ever so, the eras change and so too, do the people needs to rely on the Gods."

"Soon, enough. We shall no longer be needed to guide them directly."


"But that's not-"


Dainsleif interrupted the Liyuean merchant.

"If there is one thing I know after being alive for so long. Is that the Gods have gradually been withdrawing slowly and subtly. They know their time as guardians will eventually be over. When that time comes, we humans must push onward and take control of our own destinies."

"That is something we alone can do."


Keqing felt a kindred spirit with the immortal Khaenrian.

"...But now, alas!" Mountain Shaper continued. "With Rex Lapis, seemingly no more..."

"Travelers, of the matter you have relayed, one has become aware. One now knows why Moon Carver has sent for us."

"Because you guys are long overdue for a meeting."

Anakin deadpanned.

"We are not!"

"But first, one has matters to attend to here."

"The amber."

(M/N) simply stated.


Mountain Shaper looked at the male in curiosity.

'Now that I'm taking a closer look.' He thought to himself. 'Whoever this being is, he's not human or the very least not normal.'

"So, he is familiar to us!"

Ganyu said in surprise.

"The question is now." Madame Ping spoke up. "Is what is his real identity?"

"What is with the amber, anyways?"

Aether puts his hands on his waist.

"Don't think I've ever seen anything like that before."

"It's actually a flower called Karst Crawler that this one planted a long time ago."

Mountain Shaper explained.

"Although the majority of the plant is hidden underground, if someone were to stop on where it was planted."

"Amber would shoot up and trap them!"

Paimon shouted.

"Correct." Mountain Shaper said. "They were planted to ensure that this one could enjoy the peace and sanctity of Mt. Hulao."

"Pretty good guard dog."

Clara spoke up.

"But wouldn't that also put the native wildlife and unsuspecting travelers at risk."

"That is the most likely scenario."

Svarog added his input.

"Of course, that also leaves me with the task of ensuring that innocents do not suffer just because they wandered into a trap."


"A double edge sword, huh?"

Indeed." Mountain Shaper said, as he began to take flight.

"One will depart as soon as one has attended to this matter. One trusts that the manner of your departure will be swifter in nature."

"Well, we still have two to go anyways."

Paimon said.

"Let's go to the last one in Jueyun Karst."

(M/N) crossed his arms.

"To Cloud Retainer abode."

-One day later: Mt. Aocang-


Paimon shouted.

"We finally made it to Cloud Retainer abode!"

The trio walked, fly, in Paimon case, to the small lake in the middle where a stone table could be seen.

"Hey!" Paimon floated to the table. "Who put this table here? It even has a wine jug and everything that you would have to eat."


Cloud Retainer, Zhongli, and Madame Ping had somber looks on their faces.


They thought to themselves.

"...Here sits Retainer."

(M/N) emotionlessly said.

"...Here sits Guizhong."

Forgotten memories began to slowly creep back up, but he shook them away.

Now was not the time to be revisiting the past.


"He knows Guizhong!?"

Cloud Retainer shouted in surprise.

"Who is he!?"

"That's what I want to know."

Xiao spoke up.

He felt familiar, but the Yaksha didn't know why!

Zhongli was pondering who could it be.

'It has to be a God from Liyue, that much for sure.' The ancient God thought to himself. 'But the question remains.'

Which God was it?

"Here sits (the idiot) Rex..."

"I wonder what his beef is with Rex Lapis?"

HI3 Seele tilted her head.

"We'll find out eventually my little self."

Seele told her.


HI3 Seele protested.

"Don't make a side comment about my height!"

"Rex?" Aether blinked. "I'm guessing they're referring to Rex Lapis."

"But who is Guizhong?"

Paimon asked, having never heard of that name.

"She was the former Goddess of Dust and Morax trusted companion."

'And one that people think reincarnated into a certain someone.'

Zero subtly glanced at Ningguang.

(M/N) shortly explained, ignoring the presence seemingly glaring at him for using Morax instead of Rex Lapis.

"Why can we not figure it out?"

Cloud Retainer groaned.

Seriously, who was he?

"As to why she's 'former' right now...Archon War."

"Of course."

Many people deadpanned.

That would explain everything.


The two simply took it as it is.

"Retainer." Paimon hummed. "Oh! Paimon knows this one. It must be short for Cloud Retainer!"

"So, how do we get her attention?"

Aether asked.

"We have a table." (M/N) began. "We just need the main course."

"One fresh and spicy Paimon, coming up."

Lumine grabbed the startled floating fairy.


She screamed as Lumine tried to shove her into a giant pot.

"Paimon doesn't want to be food!!"

"FOOD!" Paimon shouted. "But Paimon doesn't know where we should start. You think Cloud Retainer might like Sticky Honey Roast?"




Ennard just said.



"...Let's stick to Liyuean cuisine for now." (M/N) shook his head. "Might be our best bet at not getting killed."

"Good idea." Aether agreed. "I remember seeing some campfires nearby. Probably other people have come here to pay their respects and give their offerings."

"Then let's go!"

Paimon shouted as they did just that.

-Timeskip to making the offerings-

"Place them on the table."

(M/N) instructed as they all did so.


"One senses the presence of a Sigil of Permission..."

A female voice spoke out.

"One knows not why thou has come, though the sincerity of your offering is clear...hence, you shall be granted the audience thou have seek."

"That was easy!"

Pela said in surprise.


The sounds of a 'door' opening could be heard.

"Conquer the trials of one's domain, and there you will receive the audience with the adeptus whom you seek."

"Of course." Ganyu sighed. "Not surprising of her."


Shenhe nodded.

"This is up to par of her invitations."


"That's an invitation?!"

Jing Yuan shouted in surprise.

"Even though they made an offering, they still have to do more?"

"That's Cloud Retainer for you."

Madame Ping chuckled as Cloud Retainer looked away.

What was wrong with having people test out your inventions?

She needed to see if she needed to make improvements or not!

"Cloud Retainer." (M/N) sighed. "Well, let's get going."

"Right." "Okay!"

After entering the domain.

"Whoa!" Paimon shouted. "It's huge!"


"Let's get this over with."

Aether grumbled.

Freaking Adepti and their challenges! At least Moon Carver wasn't even one, it was just idiots stalking them and interrupting their conversation!

"Those poor fools."

Elysia shook her head.

"The group or the Millelith soldiers?"

Aponia asked her friend.


After finally completing the trial

"One is most impressed." Cloud Retainer praised the three. "Only those of extraordinary abilities could ever hope to surpass one trial."

"The one before you is the adeptus known as Cloud Retainer. Now, speak of the matter that brings you here."

"She's...kind of scary."

Hook said.

"Would you feel better if she was in her human form?"

Ei asked her.


"She has a human form!?"

Many people shouted.


Zero smirked evilly.

"Oh, NO!"

Cloud Retainer screamed in horror.

"Here you go!"

Zero gave them a picture of Cloud Retainer as a human.



Many people shouted in shock.

"Woah, mama."

(Y/N) eyebrows were raised at the sexiness that is human Cloud Retainer.

Cloud Retainer screamed in embarrassment.

While Ganyu and Shenhe now had blackmail material on their mentor.

French Narrator: "One sad story later."

"Sad, isn't it?"

Kaz wiped a tear from his face as he disconnected himself from the room.

"What the fuck!?"

Itto shouted.



"There are kids here, you stupid Oni!"

Sara shouted at the idiot as he rubbed his head.

"Screw you, Tengu!"

"Why you!!"

Annnnnnd, the two are now fighting again.

"Rex Lapis...assassinated?"

Cloud Retainer repeated, shocked at the grave news she had received.

And the stone face expressions on her visitors doing nothing to say it's all a prank.


CR shouted as her domain shook from her screams.

"How can this be possible!? There are only a few in the mortal realm that could hope to kill him!"

"The notion is so preposterous that it is unbelievable...one shall have to verify the truth of the matter independently."

"Well, I can say one thing about them."

Keqing admitted.

"They sure are thorough."

"That they are."

"Perhaps one shall quash Liyue first, then convene with the other Adepti-"



Came the scream of the Liyuean people.

"...Never mind."

Keqing said.

"Have you lost your mind!?"

Ningguang, for once in her life, completely threw her composure away as she actually yelled at the Adeptus.

If Beidou wasn't too busy being shocked and terrified, she would have held this over her head as delicious blackmail.

Right now, hse was too in shock at the extreme method the Adeptus was planning to take!"

"Cloud Retainer!" Madame Ping spoke up. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"Lose my mind?" Cloud Retainer looked at her fellow Adeptus. "I am of sound mind. But the so-called assassin cannot be allowed to escape. And if that must mean that One must squash Liyue to do so. Then so be it!"


"The Adepti are scary!"

Xiangling shivered.


Xingqiu shuddered as he agreed.

Many people had looks of terror on their faces. Some paled so bad, that even the darker skinned residents had lost all their melanin and could make people like Orochimaru jealous at how paled they got.

'Who the Adepti would go to such extreme lengths!'

They thought to themselves!

(Y/N) shook his head.

'Same old Cloud Retainer.'

He thought to himself.

'Some things never change.'

Ignika thought to himself.


Aether startled shout interrupted her.

"Quash LIyue!? Have you lost your fucking mind!?"

"Yeah!" Paimon agreed. "Aren't the Adepti sworn to protect Liyue at all costs!?"

"Protecting Liyue yes."

Moon Carver agreed.

"But our contracts never said anything about the methods we can use to protect Liyue."


It was at this moment, they realized just how much Rex Lapis had protected them from.

"If quashing Liyue will nip the problem at the bud, one has no problem in doing so."

CR said.

"For if it is true that someone has indeed killed Rex Lapis, then they must not be allowed the chance to escape."

"They really care for Rex Lapis."

GI Nahida noted.

'I wish my people cared for me even a fraction of what they do for Rex Lapis.'

She thought sadly to herself.

Something that several people noticed and glared at the Sages who flinched at their angered fill eyes.

Especially (Y/N) and Ignika who sported some rather scary looks.

Mei and HOTV Kiana smiling evilly in the background.

"This goes against the contract you made with Morax."

(M/N) coldly glared at her, who glared back at his use of Rex Lapis original name.

"You are sworn to protect Liyue and her people. To destroy Liyue regardless of Morax death is tantamount to going back on the contract."


Everyone shivered at how cold and terrifying his tone had become.

"Really need to make a note not to get on his bad side."

Rahman shivered.

The hardened veteran mercenary was not going to lie. That man scared him.

His words seemed to have calmed her down, as she begrudgingly stated.

"Hmph! To use the word 'Contract' when the God of Contracts himself is dead, such a cruel irony."

"The people of Liyue seem quite content to dispense with their contracts. They are quite adept at taking that which is composed of black and white, and turning it gray..."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Ningguang frowned, not liking the implications that was being implied.

"We don't hand them out like candy." She said. "They are taken seriously because of the impact it can have on their business, livelihoods, and reputation."

"Not everyone can get a contact."

Yanfei shook her head.

"Or more specifically, not everyone can get a contact that is binding and powerful."


They weren't sure if that was a compliment or not.

"Nevertheless..." She continued "Since you have come here bearing the name of contracts and a Sigil of Permission, one must not forget her own responsibilities."


"The Sigils..." CR sighed. "Rex Lapis infused these sigils with adeptal power when he first cast them. That power once aided humans in battle. Though now, they are little more than a keepsake."

"It is also a little piece of history."

Welt Yang added.

"Though to get the full story they would need to visit those that remember. It is part of a past in Liyue history that shouldn't be left forgotten."

"...No." Moon Carver agreed. "It shouldn't be forgotten. Our comrades should not be forgotten."

Maybe they can bring back lost history that the sands of time have swallowed.

If only to remember and honor their old comrades.

"Regardless, even you have shown up with a Sigil, that alone cannot verify the truth of your words. No doubt that is why Moon Carver has sent for you to deliver this message to the rest of the Adepti."

Flying into the air, she left these final words:

"Your audience with the adeptus before you is now concluded. Leave at once and disturb me no further."

"Fine with me."

Shadow shrugged.

"Fine with me."

(M/N) groaned.

...Not one word."

He darkly muttered.

Only to get glomped by Stelle and Caelus.


Shadow shouted as the unexpected extra weights threw him off guard.

"Just one more to go."

He started heading out.

"Wangshu Inn, right?"

Paimon asked.

"Yep." (M/N) sighed. "To the Last Yaksha, aka Xiao (the emo)"

*Twitch* *Twitch*

"I'm not emo."

Xiao muttered to himself.

"Whatever you say, emo boy."

Hu Tao snickered.

Xiao muttered under his breath.


Was it just Aether or did he hear subtitles right now?

"No, you heard it right."

Pom-Pom agreed.

Shaking his head, they left to their final destination.

-Wangshu Inn-

"Well..." Paimon stated. "Here we are!"

"Wangshu Inn..."

Aether muttered.

"Weird place for an Adeptus to live in, but what do I know?"

"They all have their quirks."

Donny shrugged.

"Now we just gotta find the reclusive shrimp."

"Now he's making fun of my height?"

Xiao twitched uncontrollably.

Not his fault he was short!

(M/N) crossed his arms as he headed in.

'...Reclusive shrimp?'

Aether and Paimon thought to themselves before shrugging and following the other male.

After looking around.

"AGH! Where is this guy!?"

Paimon shouted, stomping her feet on air.

"How the heck were you able to do that?"

Amber looked at the pixie in confusion.

"It's not that hard!" Paimon said. "You just gotta imagine it!"


SpongeBob said as he moved his hands in different directions as a rainbow appeared from them.


Many people at the sponge appearance.

"Where did you come from!?!?"

Kaveh screamed in shock!

SpongeBob just laughed as he disappeared.

"Where did he-!?"


Deadpool interrupted them.

"We searched about everywhere for him!"

"Only place left is the balcony."

Aether hummed.

'I hope he is there, don't want to know if he has left or is doing an errand.'

(M/N): "..."

The trio walked onto the balcony, staring at the mountains in the distance.

All seemed quiet, and peaceful.

"It's quiet."

Kevin frowned.

"A little too quiet."

"So quiet that you can your own breathing."

Qiqi drowsily said.


Until Aether sensed a presence behind him.

"To the blind, everything may not be as it appears..."



Itto let out a high pitched scream as he jumped into Sara arms.


Who promptly dropped him.

"Ow!" Itto yelled as he rubbed his backside. "Damn it, Tengu!"

"Don't look at me." Sara gave him a look. "You're heavier than you look."

"That's not fat, that's muscles!"

Itto shouted as he flexed his body and arms.

(And yes, he has muscles in his arms unlike in the game where they don't look like the arms of someone wielding a claymore.)

(...Then again Diluc doesn't look like he's got muscles in his arms. But he's usually decked out completely so we can't see his arms. They might be muscular.)

"You're just jealous that you won't get these gains!"

"I can still drop you like a sack of potatoes!"

As the two argued, the audience just sweatdropped.

'Just kiss already!'

A majority of the group thought to themselves.

Suddenly, a young teal haired man appeared from behind.




Paimon screamed.

"The Last Yaksha."

Aether said, remembering what (M/N) had told them along the way.

'Still as reclusive as ever.'

"How well does he know me?"

Xiao wondered.

...While ignoring the two idiots screaming in the back and now fighting in a dust cloud anime style.

You can hear the sounds effects coming from there.

(M/N) sighed.

Aether moved his arm and showed the Sigil to Xiao.

"A Sigil of Permission? You came prepared."

Xiao said, slightly impressed at the work they put into speaking with an Adeptus.

"Though this only prevents me from hurting you myself. Doesn't stop you from getting hurt in other ways."


"What do mean by that?"

Rosaria stared at the Yaksha with suspicion.

"That's none of your-"

"He suffers from what is basically a curse called Karmic debt."

Zero answered.


"How do you-!?"

"Multiverse God, remember." Zero rhetorically said. "I spend my time, when not having to deal with any irregularities in my Multiverse sphere, observing and studying interesting topics of other worlds."

"So, I'm well aware of the burden you carry and why you keep to yourself."

"And so does (M/N)."

"...I see."

"Pardon me."

Navia spoke up.

"But do you think you can explain this 'Karmic Debt' to us who are confused and ignorant about it?"

"I'm not surprised that you don't know."

Ei spoke up, crossing her arms.

"Not even the people of Liyue are aware, save for perhaps a select few. Only Morax and the Adepti are aware of young Xiao burden."

"Karmic debt." Ei began. "Which can also be shorten to Karma, is the main reason why Xiao is the last remaining Yaksha that has survived this long."


"It is an amalgamation of the evil/corrupted forces left behind by slain gods." Nahida began explaining. "The Archon War was a terrible time of bloodshed and slain Gods. The lingering remnants of their will, their hatred, their powers turned into this karma. Many slain by Morax and so remained on the lands of Liyue"

"The Yaksha jobs were to subdue the karma of the fallen gods so that they would not rise up in some form and bring about death and destruction." Kunikuzushi spoke up. "They can take on many forms and can corrupt unsuspecting humans and monsters. Not even the hilichurls are safe from their corrupting touch."

"Oh, my."

Mona hand was over her mouth as she listened in shock.

The same could be said for others, especially those from Liyue.

They never knew about this!

"An interesting fact." Zero mused. "Vision-bearers, illuminated beasts, and those that have higher elemental sensitivity have a higher resistance to the effects of karma. Though sadly, they will eventually succumb to the Karma and go mad. Most likely, only those like the Traveler might be fully immune to the effects of Karma."

"Unfortunately." Drake spoke up. "While the Yakshas performed admirably and diligently in their duties. They were not immune and eventually one by one, they all succumbed to the Karma and went mad and eventually dying."

"So, know this." He said. "Even if Rex Lapis has handed the reigns to Liyue people, the Adepti cannot be freed from their contracts so easily. Especially, when they must handle things that only they can handle. Things that not even those that possess Visions can deal with."

Here, he and Zero gave Keqing a pointed look.

The girl was confused at that.

'What's with that?'

She thought to herself.

(If you're wondering about that. It's because I recently took a look at her voice lines and saw one about Xiao. In it, she believes that Xiao should be released from his contract since Liyue now lives in the age of mankind instead of the age of the Gods. She believes that they don't need a defender anymore since they are capable of working through the challenges on their own strength. This is hinting to me that she, and probably the rest of Liyue with the exception of a few, are unaware of what Xiao is really fighting against and genuinely believes that he deserves to rest and leave it up to them.)

(Well, he does deserve rest. But we all know why he won't just lay down his weapon. After all, powerful they may be, but mortals they still are. And after having to deal with his story quest...yeah, let's leave the Karma monsters to the expert.)

Confused by their strange looks that were trying to convey a message.


Aether and Paimon did not know what to make of that.


Paimon asked.

"Too much contact with our world is breaking the rules." Xiao explained. "Mortal souls are not as robust as those of Adepti, nor can your blood carry this level of adeptal energy."

"You underestimate us."

Ignika smirked.

"...Isn't that being a little bit arrogant?"

Aether deadpanned, looking at the Adeptus with an unimpressed look.

"Yeeeeeeeah." Lunime stretched out the word. "You're definitely not coming off as scary or intimidating. Just emo and annoying."


"It's for your own good." Xiao said, ignoring Aether annoyed expression. "Leave. Now."

"Even though you have a good reason, you should not just dismiss them so casually Alatus."

Zhongli reprimanded the young Yaksha.



Ganyu thought to herself.

Zhongli never called him by Alatus unless he was either in serious trouble, or the conversation was going to be a serious one.

"The fact that they came bearing a Sigil of Permission should be enough to grant them an audience with you."

"...I understand, Rex Lapis."

Xiao quietly said.

It was never fun to have your Archon lecture you.

Especially in a room full of people!

With that said, Xiao attempted to leave.

"Oh, boy."

Caelus shook his head.

He can see where this was going.

After all.


Only for (M/N) to angrily grab his shoulder.

"Listen here, you little shit."

Never piss of (M/N) (L/N).

You'll be lucky if you live to regret it.

Something Sampo knew all too well.

Said man nervously chuckled as he felt the air getting cold around him for some reason.

(M/N) towered over him.

"We did not come all this way just to hear you whine like the emo baby you are. We will talk and you WILL listen."

"Please do."

Stelle nodded.

"It'll make things easier for you."

"And you'll come out with hopefully no injuries."

Bronya added.

Remembering how he took down her guards with no effort.

...And how he took down certain vagrants/miners (can't remember who was trying to attack her when they where down under) with calm and merciless efficiency.

Making an enemy out of him was suicidal!

"Release me at once, mortal."

Xiao warned him.

"Hmmm, NO."

'Even he can't pierce my disguise.'

"Quite impressive."

The Tsaritsa mused.

Even more curious as to what his true identity is.

(M/N) shook his head, Venti it seems was the only one who knew who he was.

"And the funny thing is."

Mikey laughed.

"Is that he didn't even cross path with Venti until that day in Mondstadt!"

Raph took over.

"And yet, he sorry SHE was the only one who knew instantly who he really was."

Master Splinter chuckled.

"So sad."

The Shredder shook his head.

"And hilarious!"

Skeletor cackled.


Skeleton King smiled.

"...Who are?"

"You don't want to know."

The HI3 group deadpanned.



(M/N) coldly said.

Growling, Xiao tried to stab him.


Only for (M/N) to violently slam him into the ground.

(Not going to lie, that felt oddly satisfying. Probably because I had to waste my time feeding him just to get him to listen to the damn story.)

"Do not test me, boy."

"Please don't."

Collie shook her head.

"We've seen just how dangerous he is."

He growled.

"It is of the utmost importance that you listen!"

Xiao growled as he glared at the man. Angered and slightly terrified at the mortal power as he kept the Yaksha in place with no effort.


Hu Tao blinked.

"Didn't think there was someone that could make the almighty Xiao a scaredy cat."

"Oh, haha."

Xiao sarcastically laughed.

"What is going on here!?"

The boss of Wangshu Inn, Verr Goldet ran in.

Seeing Xiao pressed to the floor, she spoke.

"Sir! Please release our guest this instant!"

"Oh, boy."

Said woman said out loud.

"Let's hope my counterpart doesn't get killed."


(M/N) coldly denied.

"Sir" Verr Goldet calmly spoke. "If you don't, I'm afraid I'll have to ask my husband to escort you off the premises."

"Ohhhh, how scary."

Ignika laughed.

"Do you honestly think some dude with mediocre skills can hurt us?"


Verr husband weakly said.

"You've let yourself go."

HOTV Kiana explained.

"Even though you still wouldn't be a threat to us, your skills are becoming rusty. How can you be a threat if you already lost?"


Was all he said.


(M/N) laughed.

"What a good joke! Your husband, escorting ME off?"

"He's too weak to do anything against ME."

(M/N) voice took on a menacing tone, terrifying the woman.

"Just be glad he has extremely good self control."

Zero shook his head.

"Cause he was thinking of killing you for not minding your own business."


"Now, MIND your own business and let us get back to ours."

He coldly commanded.

"The only reason it's come to this is because he refuses to listen to our reasons. Instead, running away like a little bitch as always."

"I do not." Xiao grumbled. "If people get too close to me, they will no doubt be afflicted by the Karma inside me."


That explains why he's the hardest Adepti to find.

"What would Morax say to that? ...Oh wait, there is nothing he could say due to being, I don't know, DEAD?"

"THAT should get his attention."

THAT got their attention.

Rex Lapis...dead

"Leave us."

Xiao said as he stopped struggling.


Paimon shouted.

"They should have just gone with that instead of all this pointless fighting!"

"Kind of moot when it seems that action has more of an impact then words."

Lumine spoke up.

Having gotten his attention, (M/N) got off him as the Yaksha stood up.

Although wanting to know more herself, she respected the Adeptus wish and left.

Turning to the trio, he glared at them.


Was all he said.

"And here we go again."

Kiana deadpanned.

As the trio repeated, for what was hopefully the last time, their story.

"There better not be another Adepti to find."

HI3 Bronya deadpanned.

Ganyu sweatdropped.

Sometime later.

"Rex Lapis..." Xiao muttered in shock at the news. "How could this be?"

Quietly, he walked to the balcony rails as he stared at the moon.

"I knew that with the passage of time, things would change."

"...But the passing of Rex Lapis? A Liyue without him? That's a reality I never entertained."

"The ruling Qixing...what is their part in this? ...Now I understand what must be done. I will seek out Moon Carver, Cloud Retainer, and Mountain Shaper. It is time we must decide."

"What's for dinner?"



"Will the Adepti take over Rex Lapis role in Liyue?"

Paimon asked.

"Adepti do not turn on their responsibilities."

Xiao simply stated.

'Though I'm confused on why you address him as Morax, and not Rex Lapis.'

Xiao thought to himself, as he subtly glanced at (M/N).

He was not normal if he could restrain the Yaksha with no effort.

'He seems familiar and yet I've never seen him before.'

"Oh, my Archons."

Clorinde groaned.

They know he has a connection to Liyue. But they just don't know what!

All the Adepti seem to have some sort of connection to him. The Anemo Archon recognized him at first glance.

But they still didn't have the answers! It was driving her crazy!

Shaking his head, he continued:

"I have my own reasons for keeping away from the mortal realm, but I will not ignore my responsibilities."

"Like the ghost scaring the chef?"


The chef screamed in terror!

While the inn guests and staff just chuckled at the chef's terror.

Ironic considering what he was before becoming a chef.

(M/N) smirked, having seen that little episode earlier.

"He's enjoying this!?"

"Ghosts!?" Paimon shrieked. "This place has ghosts?!"

"She died a long time ago but is not ready to cross over."

Xiao simply said.

"I've asked the innkeeper and the boss if they could keep here for a time."

"You know." Hu Tao began. "If she needs to cross over Wangsheng Funeral Parlor can help with putting restless spirits to rest."

"I'll pass." Xiao instantly shot her down. "She doesn't need to pass on, she's in no hurry and will pass on, on her own. I'm just watching over her so that she doesn't run into danger."

Hu Tao sat back in her seat, visibly deflated and pouting at being instantly shot down.

What was wrong with helping them cross over? The dead and living must part ways before one side causes unintentional harm to the other side.

"...Though I'll have to ask her not to scare the chef anymore."

"Why do I get the feeling you got a kick of that?"

Raiden Mei deadpanned.

"Because he did."

Eula easily answered.

"Not surprising."

Xiao said nothing as a smirk appeared on his face.

What? He needed something to brighten up his day due to the nature of his work.

With that said, he teleported away without interference.

"Well...I guess it's back to Liyue and to Childe."

Aether sighed.

"Let's go."

(M/N) calmly said as they headed back to Liyue Harbor.

-Liyue Harbor-

"Hey!" Childe greeted them outside of the Northland Bank. "Your back. How did it go?"

"And there you are."

Arlecchino sarcastically said.

"Waiting for them to give you the information you so desperately want."

Childe just chuckled.

The trio explained what happened on their journey.

"Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, Cloud Retainer, and the Conqueror of Demons..."

Childe hummed.

"Even with the Fatui intel, we never came across these names."

"And for good reason."

Mountain Shaper glared at the Fatui.

"We would not take to kindly to your presence."

She admitted. "Anyways, I have some news to share with you."

"Oh?" Yae Sakura raised an eyebrow. "This should be interesting."

"...We're listening."

"The Liyue Qixing has announced that since the true killer has yet to be found, they're not allowing anyone to pay their respects to the Exuvia."

"Wait...what now?"

A Liyuean said in shock.

"No disrespect to the Liyue Qixing and the Tianquan, but isn't that being disrespectful to our God?"

He asked.

Causing the people of Liyue to turn their heads towards Ningguang.

"There must be a reason."

Ningguang shrugged, not yet ready to reveal all her cards on the table.

...Well, if she says there's a reason, then it must be a good one.

"...Exu-what now?"

Aether deadpanned.

"It is well known in Liyue that Rex Lapis, God of Contracts, is an adeptus as well." Childe explained. "He is the Exuvia, Prime of the Adepti."

"So, even Rex Lapis is an Adeptus too."

"The Qixing initially tried to keep the information about Rex Lapis death a secret, but it happened at an extremely important event of the year. Possibly the most important one, how could they ever hope to keep it a secret?"

"Perhaps, they were hoping it was all a lucid hallucination?"

(M/N) offered, not really caring for the answer.

"That explains the Adepti reactions." Aether realized. "If they felt that the Qixing was lacking on this matter."

"Then they might end up having to take over their responsibilities."

"Something tells me that won't happen."

Childe agreed.

"After all, the Geo Archon is no more. So why is it that the Qixing persists on hiding his vessel. Doesn't make sense."

"But..." Paimon started to worry. "If the Exuvia sealed away...that means Aether quest to find the Seven is over!"

"What would even be the point though?"

Lumine raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you have questions!?"

Paimon shouted.

"...How the hell am I going to get answers from a fucking corpse?"



Paimon sheepishly said.

"Paimon forgot that important detail."

"Exactly." Lumine nodded. "Besides, I got my answer already on my brother whereabouts."

Here she glared at her twin, who just glared back.

"Oh?" Childe raised an eyebrow at that. "You're trying to find the Seven? May I ask why?"

"No, you may not."

Kalpas growled.

Crossing his arms, Aether said:

"None of your business, you big, boobed succubus."


"Big boobed?!"

Childe was on the ground laughing his ass off at the Traveler 'insult'.

"Oh, Archons!" He shouted. "My sides!"

Something that several other people could say the same thing.

Laughing their asses off.

"Sooooo, basically Aether likes sugar mommies."

Lumine wrote down in her notebook.

"Got it."


'I raised that boy well!'

(M/N) thought proudly to himself.

While Childe,

'Big, boobed succubus?'

Sweatdropped at the Outlander response.

...Though a little bit flattered that he looked at her boobs.


Scaramouche just blinked at that.

"Did she just...?"

"Yeah." "She did." "Do we need to go over there and give her the Talk?" "Someone going to need to sleep with one open."


Aether sneezed and shivered.

Fearing for his life for some reason.

'Why am I getting the save dreaded vibes that I got when Pantalone and the other Harbingers 'talked' with me about dating Childe?'

That was one experience he did NOT want to repeat.

That was the only time he actually truly feared them!

-Back to the theater-


Childe mentally screamed.

She liked the fact he was staring at her boobs!?

'...Well, I mean he is cute.' Childe thought to herself, staring at Aether.

"Let's hope she doesn't the Ara Ara thing."

Drake snickered.

Aether gulped while Lumine schemed like a madwoman.

Before she verbally said.

"Nice answer." She said as though she wasn't stunned at his response. "A knight that gets easily duped by the Fatui would really be no knight at all."

(Maybe it's a good thing we are an Honorary Knight instead)

"Still though..." Childe trailed off. "It does put a wrench into the plans with the Exuvia squirreled away."

"But...I think I know someone that could help."


Ningguang raised an eyebrow.

"This should be interesting." She said. "Who can help them see the Exuvia if it's under tight security?"

"We'll just have to wait and see."

Jean said.

"Really?" Paimon asked. "Who?"

"Give me some time."

Childe said.

"I think I know someone who should be able to help."


A merchant raised an eyebrow.

"This should be good."


Furina nodded.


Monsieur Neuvillette mused.

Curious as well.

With that said, she began walking.

But not without leaving this statement.

"Truly fascinating. The harder they try to keep it quiet, the greater the chaos. Heh, if you wish to see the insanity that is about to happen, try to stay alive, no?"

"With us." Lumine shook her head. "There's nothing to worry about."

'Though with the Tsaritsa future boyfriend with you, I have no doubts you will survive.'

"Ay, caramba!"

Ignika facepalmed.

That poor soul.

Childe thought humorously to himself.


Several people suddenly felt annoyed and wanting to stab someone.


Siegfried snickered.

"Boy got so many ladies after him that he's so fucked."

'That's not an inaccurate statement.'

Zero sweatdropped.

"So, what now?"

Aether asked, staring at (M/N).

"...Wait until morning."

(M/N) shrugged.

"Good idea."

Paimon agreed, as the three went off to rest somewhere.

-Timeskip to morning. Northland Bank-

"Welcome friends of Childe." Ekaterina, the bank's receptionist greeted them. "And congratulations on the first day of your illustrious career with the Fatui."


Palpatine deadpanned.

"Since when did they ever say they were going to join the Fatui?"

"Join to kill every last one of them."

Dainsleif suggested.



"OH, YEAH!!"

The Kool-Aid Man shouted as he broke through a wall.



*Cue the totally manly and not high pitched squealing!!*

'...I wonder what a Kool-Aid Man animatronic would look like?'

Zero thought to himself. Uncaring of everyone screaming their heads.

This was normal and really something that needed to be a concern about.


"None of us have any intentions of joining the Fatui."

(M/N) deadpanned.

Unfazed, Ekaterina giggled as she continued.

"You sound remarkable sure of yourself..." She said. "Remember, we are mere mortals."

"And apparently, being a mere mortal equals being a complete dumbass."

Eden shook her head as she drank her wine.

(M/N) and Aether snorted at that.

Ignoring them, she continued: "Our ideas are fluid like water. Only the Tsaritsa truly has a will as solid as the permafrost."


Ignika shrugged.

"Tahu and Kopaka would disagree with that."


GI Ei asked.

"Don't worry about it."

He waved her off.

"And yet." (M/N) crossed his arms. "She still cannot win me over to her side, as I slaughter her minions that she keeps sending after me."

"After...?" The receptionist blinked before she recognized his appearance. "Your-!"

"She is a fool." (M/N) cold voice caught the rest of the Fatui and Sneznayans attention. "She is no doubt playing into the hands of beings far more powerful than her."

"There are so many things that could wrong with this plan that I would need Batman to explain it clearly and fluently to idiots."

Zero sighed.

He just honestly had a bad feeling about what will happen once the 7 Gnoses were collected.

'Why do they come in Sevens anyways?'

He thought to himself.

Seems to be a recurring theme in the Multiverse.

"I know part of her plan after forcing it out of the Balladeer, and to me it is the height of foolishness. If Celestia is truly unaware, then good for her. But I don't believe for one second, they aren't and have probably anticipated something like this happening."



The Tsaritsa stumbled in her words.


But she wasn't sure what to say.

After all, did such a possibility really slip her mind that easily?

'It begs a slight alteration to the plan.'

The Cryo Archon thought to herself.

After all, she can't afford to back down now that she has made her choice!

"Not to mention her little misfit group of psychos."

"Why should I trust her with neophytes she keeps in her ranks?"

Ekaterina shivered; his voice was colder than the winters of Snezhnaya.


Kaeya whistled.

"That's cold!"

"Colder than Kevin." Su smiled. "That's for sure."

"Oh, hahaha..."

Kevin laughed.

"That was so funny I forgot to laught."

...Though she was confused on what he was talking about.

'What does he know about the Tsaritsa plan?'

She thought to herself.

After all, most of the Fatui only had a basic outline of her plans, with the Harbingers being privy to her full plan.

"Anyways." (M/N) calmly spoke. "Where's Childe?"

"Getting down to business."

Mace nodded in approval.

"Better than being stuck with them."

Ayaka said.

"She is waiting for you three at Liuli Pavilion."

Ekaterina quickly said.

"She says she has upheld her end of the bargain."

"Her end of the...OH!" Paimon realized. "She said she was going to find someone to help us!"

"Yes." Ekaterina nodded her head. "She said she was going to find help to break this stalemate and Harbingers are not the type of people to break their promises."

"Why do I feel a sense of extreme doubt?"

(...After completing Scaramouche quest, I'm having some doubts about that)

"Alright then."

Aether spoke up.

"To Luili Pavilion."

With that, the trio headed to the fancy restaurant.

"Aha!" Childe smiled. "You made it."

She happily said as she noticed their arrival.

"As promise, I found someone who can help us."

"So." Yelan raised an eyebrow. "We're going to meet the so-called helper."

'One I might need to take out in case they prove to be dangerous.'

She thought to herself.

Boy, was she (like everyone else) in for a surprise.

"So come inside and take a seat."

She cheerfully said.

Nodding their heads, they started walking in.

Only for (M/N) to suddenly stop, as he sensed a familiar presence.

"Why did he stop?"

Klee blinked.

"Oh, Klee." Alice smiled. "You'll see."

'...You have got to be joking me.'

He mentally deadpanned.


"And now, he's mad."

Heizou gulped.


"You'll see in just a moment."


Aether looked back at the not moving male.

"Is something wrong?"


"No, nothing."

(M/N) replied.

Aether didn't believe him, but let it go.

Once inside, Childe led them to a table.

Where a certain familiar person was sitting at.

"Oh, boy."

Who turned their head as they made their way into the room.



"Wait, what?"

Xinyan blinked.

"Did he just say?"


Yomiya said, stunned.

"The Geo Archon is apparently their inside helper?"

That caused a chain of events to erupt.

"He's alive!?" "But I thought he died!?" "What is going on here!?" "What the fuck?!"

"Rex Lapis!?"

Zhongli groaned.

So much for his plan. Now he's got to figure out a new one.

'Maybe I'll learn something here.'

He thought to himself.

Knowing that he was screwed after the Liyue arc was over.

(M/N) blinked.

'What the?'

Was all he could think as he stared at the Geo Archon Incognito.

"Why do I feel like laughing at that?"

Kiana blinked.

"Because you're a tuna like your counterparts."

HI3 Bronya deadpanned.


...In more ways than one.

(Female Zhongli. Surprise?)




"Rex Lapis is a woman!?"

That caused pandemonium in the theater.

"So, the rumors are true!?" "Rex Lapis can turn into a woman!?" "How can she fight with those jugs?!" "How has her back not broken!?"

"Wah?!" "Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana Humana"

"Allow me to introduce Ms. Zhongli." Childe started. "Consultant to an organization known as Wangsheng...and a trusted associate of the Fatui."

"Greetings Travelers from afar."

Zhongli welcomed them.


Aether stared uneasy at the female.

'Trusted associate of the Fatui?'

Was all that was running through his head.

While Paimon was more impressed at the assortment of dishes on the table.

"Typical Paimon."

Lumine shook her head in fond amusement.

Though secretly shocked at the outcome.

Zhongli. A female in this world?

'Is every Archon they meet going to be a smoking hot woman in his world!?'

She thought to herself in shock.

(Well...no. Because Nahida is a kid, regardless of Rukkhadevata. Because they are two separate beings, and Rukkhadevata was the one that was an adult before sacrificing most of her powers. Furina has the body of teenager, with the personality of a child/teen.)

(M/N) brain slowly rebooting as he realized that.

"Oh, boy."

One: This was indeed Morax, obviously alive though he was the only one to know this.

"So, our Archon is the one that's going to help them see his 'dead' body?!"

Keqing shouted as Ningguang and Yelan just blinked and gaped at the screen.

"This is unexpected."

Ningguang said as she covered her expression behind her fan.

"That's for sure."

Two: He ended up getting a booty call in a different sense of the word.


Many people spit out their drinks.

"Gah!" "My mouth!" "My throat!" "My nose!" "My LEG!!"

Three: Morax decided to genderbend as a female, again.

"Mama mia..."

Four: ...Morax was female again.

"And his brain really has shut down."

Faruzan blinked.

"He keeps repeating the same fact over and over again.

Five: Morax decided to be a Geo Milf again, instead of being a Geo Dilf.

"Oh, my."

Yae Miko giggled.

"This is giving some interesting ideas for some novels and the like."

People shuddered at that.

That did not sound like something they wanted to know!!

(M/N) mind:



Zero clapped his hands.

"We're stopping here for now!"

"But why!?"

Fischl asked.

"Because everyone brains needs to rest a bit after getting this much information dumped on them."

Zero deadpanned.


He suddenly shouted.


They screamed as they raced to the food court for some food.

"Things are about to get crazy from here on."

Zero smirked as he winked to the screen and turned off the light.


Hope you like the ridiculously long chapter and I'll see you next time.

Have a good day/night!

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