Meeting of the Winds and Devising a Plan to save Dvalin

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New chapter in.

And also, got Dehya! Seems like saving up and ignoring the other banners helped in not having to use a credit card to get her. Of course, I also had to skip Cyno for her. But...I'm not really all that fond of Polearm users even though I can use them. So, it wasn't that big of a loss for me.

Also, after this chapter there might be some spoilers hinted for the new Dainsleif Interlude (Yes, I call them that now). And I'm glad I waited, since I got some new information.

A little disappointed at the lack of fight scenes this time though.

Not to mention, Kaeya just casually spilling out the truth of his origins to the Traveler. I thought he was keeping it a secret, so why on earth did he just up and said, "I have roots in Khaenri'ah?"

I was honestly expecting a more dramatic reveal then that. And Dainsleif own appearance was weird as well in that scene. Just goes and talks about Kaeya last name.

SPOILER on that since it just came out and I don't if you guys have completed it yet.

Alberich, Kaeya last name, has an interesting tie to it.

AKA His ancestor founded the Abyss Order.

What the hell?

The interlude explains more, kind of sad though what happens in it.

More will be explained at the end.

Let me know if the videos don't work. Some of them don't seem to want to show even though I can see them on my end.


"Now then."

Zero smirked.

"Let's see how things play out this time."


Why did that sound ominous?

"Where did that little gremlin go?"

(M/N) groused, annoyed at how quickly the Anemo Archon in disguise disappeared.


Venti blinked.

"Well...considering how short you are, I'm not surprised."

Lumine deadpanned.

Causing Barbatos followers to gasp and look at her scared.

"...Aw, you wound me Traveler!"

Venti mock cry in 'hurt'.

Causing his followers to let a sigh of relief that he wasn't offended by that.

(It would take more than being called a midget to get him mad)

"We've been looking for ages!" Paimon complained. Annoyed at the lack of a certain green bard presence. Where did that bard go?

"You were way too quick on your toes."

Lumine grumbled.


Paimon twitched.

"Ugh, we're not getting anywhere." Aether groaned, even with using Elemental sight they were still nowhere close to finding the mysterious bard.

"Let's call it a night for now and try again in the morning."

"Sounds good to me" "Fine!"

(M/N) and Paimon agreed, heading towards the house Jean had given them during their stay in Mondstadt.

"Such a pain."

Lumine grumbled.

-The next morning-

"*Yawn!* Paimon is ready to find that sneaky bard this time!" Paimon shouted as (M/N) and Aether nodded.

"Alright Aether, let's try Elemental Sight again." (M/N) instructed, the blond obeying as he activated ES.

"Found it!" Aether shouted, as he saw glowing, green footprints.


Following the trail, they eventually made it to the statue of Barbatos where the trail ended.

In front of the statue stood.


"...Wait, what?"

Guy (Knight of Favonius, not Might Guy) blinked.

"What?" Ei asked. "Gods don't always stay in one form, you know?"


Someone else said.

"So..." Xingqiu started speaking. "Does that mean those stories about Rex Lapis appearing as a female are true?"

Here, the Liyueans turned to Zhongli who found the ceiling interesting.

"...Not sure why you're being quiet on this matter, Morax." GI Ei sweatdropped at the Geo Archon refusal to open his mouth. "But yes, he has appeared as a female."


That got people talking.

"Rex Lapis as a female?" "Wonder how he looks? "Probably as hot as he is now."

Zero and the others snickered.

Knowing what was to come in Liyue.

Zhongli felt scared for some reason.

Strumming her lyre, she started playing a song:

"...Female Barbatos is hot."

A man of culture blurted out loud.


The Mondstadters shouted in protest at the blunt statement towards their god.

"Well, it's true!"

He argued back.

"...God damn it."

They conceded defeat.


Venti and the others sweatdropped.

"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"


Was the only thing said at that completely random question.

"Darth Plagueis?" "Never heard that song before." "Why do I feel scared?" "How weird."


Lumine (and Aether in the background) muttered to themselves.

Even he was messing with the universe.

Zero facepalmed.

Remembering how many times he had to fix a timeline due to a random character messing around.

(For the love of - Deadpool! Deadpool: "Actually, that wasn't me." What? Then who? 'Maniacal cackling is heard.' Palpatine!)


Theresa (Arknights) turned to the Galactic Emperor/Master of the Sith in surprise.

"Why so shocked?" Palpatine asked. "I might have mellowed out, but I'm still the Emperor of an entire galaxy! I have to get my kicks somewhere."

"...Freaking old men and their need to screw with people to pass the time."

Theresa muttered to herself.

The Teyvat gang just sweatdropped at that weird conversation.

Though some noted to get more of the story about Palpatine statement.

Interested in what a ruler of an entire galaxy had to offer.

Take 2

"Let me tell you a story of the Dragon of the Four Winds."

Here, the Mondstadters leaned forward, eager to hear what their Archon had to say.

The scene turned black as images began appearing.

"What is to be sung transpired in the days of yore.

When the divine archons still walk the earth.

A dragon cast his curious gaze on the world below.

As he parted from the heavens that gave his birth.

The dragon sought truth amongst common folk,

But mortal trifles only fogged his mind."

A scene shows Venti and the Dragon.

"The windborne bard strummed his strings dolce,

And the Holy Lyre answered his questions kind.

The dragon was but a child full of wonder,

And soared the heavens free from care.

The bard's songs invited him to sing along,

For he yearned to let all perceive him fair."

"So, this is how Barbatos and Dvalin met."

Lisa eyes were intrigued at a piece of history that would otherwise be impossible to see from their own means.

Everyone else, even the Fatui, listened with interest.

"Enchanting legends the bard and dragon were,

But the tides of despair soon engulfed the land;

The lion fang perished and the falcon flag slept."

As this was said, the scene turned dark as rain and thunder could be heard from above.

Venti flinched as he remembered the other dragon in the story.


As a vile dragon approached Mondstadt in lone stand,

Over the Cathedral loomed death and his friends.

"What is that!?"

Dunyarzad shouted in terror.


Venti frowned.


An Inuzuman nervously asked.

"A dragon that was created by an alchemist from Khaenri'ah known as Gold."

Albedo answered as he stared at the paused screen.

At his brother for lack of a better word.


Paimon blinked.

"Her real name is Rhinedottir."

Alice helpfully inputted.

"She is a master of the Art of Khemia and is responsible for many great creations."

"Which may or may not have anything do with the destruction of Khaenri'ah." Zero chimed in. "It's hard to tell, even for us, what Rhine was thinking. Did she intentionally unleash her monsters onto Teyvat? Did they escape before she realized? Did the Gods attack on Weirdri'ah incite her to release her creations in retaliation?"

""Hey!" Kaeya shouted. "why did you call Khaenri'ah, Weirdri'ah?!"

"Because it is."

Many people deadpanned.

"Not to mention, they were arrogant."

Darth Vader sighed.

"They believed themselves to be the pinnacle of mankind just because they had no God. When it wasn't even close. They barely even scratched the surface of their potential."



Dainsleif and Pierro had looks of disbelief on their faces.

"If your rulers weren't so arrogant, they would not have been destroyed."

Zero sighed.

Aether bristled at that comment.

'Gods!' He thought to himself. 'No matter how benevolent they are, they are all the same!'

'I never said I was a 100% kind God.'

Zero boredly spoke into his mind, startling Aether once again.

'And stop being a little bitch baby and spend time with your sister! For crying out loud, just because you're trying to destroy the world doesn't mean you can't spend time with your sister who has been looking for you!'

'I'm not a bitch baby!'

Aether mentally screamed.

Deadpool: "Yes, you are!"

'Who said that!?'

Aether screamed in his head.

"I have seen many universes were Khaenri'ah destruction was well deserved. Hell! For all their boasting and confidence that they would outlast the Nations ruled by Gods. They wound up pulling their own trigger."

Zero continued, as though he hadn't talked to Aether.

"And not just by that, but also because they had no allies. No one was going to willingly risk their lives fighting against the Gods for a nation that chose to stand by itself. Drunk on their powers, they failed to understand what was most important."

'No wonder that specific (Y/N) constantly tortured them and ruined their careers and traumatized them.'

Zero then shook his head.

'Eh, he does it for fun. He would have destroyed them for kicks.'

"Waging war against beings far more powerful than you is a suicide mission unless you actually have surefire way to fight back."

Zero lectured them.

"And who knows? What if you invite the wrath of something FAR more TERRIFYING than Celestia?"

Those words shook them to the core.

"And one more thing."

Zero added.

"It is speculated amongst the Gods that Gold played a major part in the destruction of Khaenri'ah due to her creations and possible ignorance."


Albedo shook his head.

Knowing that his old master and creator would have played a part in unintentionally destroying her homeland.

"Of the people's agony the bard soon sang.

The soaring dragon heeded his grave calls,

And amidst the windstorms a brutal war sprang."

"How ironic."

Palpatine chuckled maliciously.

"Even though he wreaked havoc on was actually unintentional."



Jean shakingly asked.

"Yep!" Nahida nodded. "Turns out Durin actually had a gentle heart and did not realized that his 'playful' actions were actually causing much harm! What he perceived as playing...the people of Mondstadt saw it as a horrifying monster trying to kill them."

"Not even when Dvalin slewed him did Durin bare any hatred in his heart."

Zero sighed.

"The only regret he had was that they couldn't meet in a time far different and far better."

"...So." Tighnari hummed. "Even the evil dragon wasn't really evil in the first place."

"Just a child, huh?"

"Who knows?" A Shrine Maiden spoke up. "Only his creator probably knew the complete truth behind his actions."

While people were busy mulling over this unexpected truth.

'...Is this why he never answered my calls?'

Signora stared at the screen impassively.

'Is this alchemist the real reason my Beloved is dead?'

If that was the case...then what should she do?

Continue serving the Tsartitsa? Or seek out this alchemist and extract her revenge?

"And here's an interesting little tidbit."

Zero smirked.

"While the nation is a shadow of its former glory, Khaenri'ah still exists."

(Not going lie, when I read up on the Wiki I was surprised that it was still around. Thought it was literally gone, wiped off the map. And any survivors were either turned or scattered across the land. Playing the new Dainsleif Interlude helped to clear up some confusion)



"They dream of dreaming."

Was all the God said.

Startling Dainsleif at those words.

Wondering just how much he knew.

"Blood of venom sent the sky dragon into slumber,

Only to awake to be expelled in abhor.

"Why do the people in this age loathe me so?"

But the Holy Lyre replied no more."

Here, the Mondstadters looked down in shame.

For all their talks and worship of Lord Barbatos. They had also spit in his face by treating his closest friend like scum.

Sister Victoria felt extremely guilty now knowing just how wrong and selfish she was about Dvalin and Barbatos bond with him.

Barbara just looked sadly at the screen at the truth about why their guardian had turned his back on them.

"Now, do you understand?"

Zero sighed.

"How your actions can have consequences?"

"Wrath and woe, vigor and venom,

Poured from the dragon's bitter eyes.

The dragon's curse sprawled in silence,

But the Lyre could no longer soothe his cries."

At the end of the song, a lone red tear fell from the dragon eye.


Silence befallen the theater.

Zhongli sighed.

This tale reminded him so much of Azhdaha.

And the fate that eventually befell him.

After her tale ended, and the people departed. She noticed the remaining bystanders watching her.

"Hey, I remember you three!" She said, "Yeah, you're the ones who scared Dvalin away!"

"Really, Barbatos?" Zhongli shook his head. "That's all you had to say to them?"


"Dvalin?" Paimon questioned.

"That's Stormterror real name." Aether explained. "Lisa told us when we were at the temple, remember?"

"Oh yeah!" Paimon suddenly remembered. "No wonder it sounded familiar."'

"You're a bigger idiot than Kaveh."

Alhaitham deadpanned.


Said roommate shouted in protest.

"Hey!" Paimon shouted. "Paimon is not an idiot."

"You're right." Lumine nodded.


"You're Emergency Food."

"Oh, come on!"

"So, what's the connection between you two? Are you two close or something?"

"OH, so close..."


'Can you be any more obvious Barbatos?' (M/N) mentally facepalmed at how obvious he was making him-herself to be.

'Then again, most people have most likely forgotten their God's face that they won't realize what she means.'

'...Though the more dirty minded ones will probably take it the wrong way.'

*Innocent whistling*




Zero deadpanned.

...Perverts was probably a more apt term to describe it though.

"Eh, Paimon thinks this girl got a loose screw or two...WAIT!" She suddenly realized, "Weren't you a guy earlier!?"

"I wonder..." The bard mused, mock thinking with a hand on her chin.


Morax and GI Ei shook their heads.

While even the other gods were confused as hell.

"But still, I'm forgetting my manners. I'm Venti the bard. Three time winner of "Most Popular Bard of Mondstadt" to be precise."

"I'm Aether." The Outlander introduced himself. "This is Paimon" Pointing to the Fairy "And that's (M/N)" pointing to the stoic male watching everything.

Venti nodded at the introduction, before saying:

"What can I do to help you on this fine day?"

"Do you know what's going on with Dvalin?" (M/N) spoke first, stopping Paimon from saying anything.

"...Yeah." Lumine sighed. "I really needed a (M/N). Seems like having one speed things up and cuts back on all the wasted time made by Paimon nonsense."


Venti turned to fully look at him, before her eyes suddenly widening as she recognized exactly who he was hiding in human skin. Quickly schooling her features as though her reactions never happened.

Aether caught this interaction, intrigued at her reaction.

'So, she knows who he is? Interesting.'

"Barbatos..." Zhongli calmly asked. "Do you know who he is?"

Here, everyone turned to a startled Venti.

"No!" Venti denied. For it was the truth, he didn't know who he is.

...In this timeline.

"I've never seen him before, most likely because he might not exist in our world. It's possible that my counterpart has met him before."


Murata nodded her head in agreement.

"It's already been established that he is not normal, and that he has a very long lifespan. It's also been hinted that he has had ties with Rex Lapis, and apparently you now as well, and that he holds some kind of resentment towards him."

"Still though." Focalors hummed. "Who is he?"

He thought to himself, watching as Venti composed herself.

"You're going to have be a little more specific I'm afraid."

"Is that so?" (M/N) put his hands on his waist. "Okay Aether, show her the crystal that was left behind that time."

"Does he have to show off how tall he is?"

Sayu grumbled.

"Got it" Aether said, as he grabbed the crystal from...somewhere.

"Oh!" Venti shouted, "Isn't this?"

"Wait! The crystal is...purified!?" Paimon shouted. "But how!? It wasn't like that yesterday!"


Theresa (HI3) stared at the crystal in interest.

"Is this a part of your original power?"

"Well." Lumine thought back. "Part of our power is Light (PART of it, since I have no idea what their powers originally were.) so it's possible that the properties of Light was able to purify the corruption."


Many people nodded at that. Intrigued by a power not of the seven elements that made up their world.

Childe on the other hand, had a different thought in mind.

'Can it work against the power of the Abyss?'

He thought to himself.

'Is this Aether power?' (M/N) thought to himself, impressed at how different the energy radiating from the crystal was.

"Dvalin" Venti began, "his anguish is to the point he sheds tears." She said sadly.

"Just like in the story."

Mei nodded her head.

"Tears...?" Paimon questioned as Venti hands Aether another tainted crystal she had.

And just like the first crystal, it purified once Aether touched it.

"EH!?" Paimon shouted in surprise.

"Interesting." (M/N) hummed amused.

"Such powerful abilities." Venti breathed in amazement. "Surely, someone will sing tales of your story."

"Like you?" (M/N) commented.


"He knows you too well, Barbatos."

GI Ei snickered.

Startling her subjects at that.

"Mou, my juniors are so mean."

Venti pouted.

"Alas, I have no time for a melody for this has given me insight. Regardless if Dvalin is stopped or not, the flames of anger that run through his veins will burn him to nothing amongst the winds he loved so much."

Here, many winced.

They did not know just how bad it was and what would have happened if the Traveler hadn't been there to save him.

"So, how do we stop him?" (M/N) pressed, he'd rather save Dvalin then do what those damn Fatui were planning.


Diluc leveled a glare at the Fatui.

Who shivered because he wasn't the only one giving them an angry glare.

Apparently, many weren't impressed with how the Mondstadt diplomat had acted.

Hell! Even their fellow Snezhnayans weren't happy with them at that!

(Well...considering that your actions probably have an effect on your countrymen business. I can see why they wouldn't be happy if they are having such a hard time doing business with other countries)

"Thank you for your help, but I have my own plan to help Dvalin."

"Oh?" Aether asked.

"Seeing this tear has brought back memories of a dear friend of mine. And so, I must depart."

"You'd probably have to be specific."

Mona shook her head.

"You probably had one too many friends in your long life."


"Wha-hold on!" Paimon shouted "Where are you going!?"

"Ehe, to the Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero of course. Ciao! ~

"Mondstadt Hero?"

A Sumerian scholar looked intrigued by that.

"Wait..." Jean realized. "Is he referring to?"

"Hey! Ugh!" Paimon groaned in frustration at the speedy bard disappearing figure. "And thar she blows, seriously what the heck was up with that weirdo?"

"You a pirate too, Paimon?"

Kiana smirked.

"Don't mock Paimon!"

"From her perspective, we'd be the weirdos here." Aether Deadpanned.

"That's for sure."

Venti said with no shame.


Paimon shouted in betrayal.

While Lumine just shrugged.

"True, can't argue with that. Mondstadt Hero, why does that sound familiar?"

"Probably because it's been mentioned quite frequently in the Songs of Freedom by the bards." ]


Now, the Mondstadters realized who he was talking about.

(M/N) spoke up: "Vennessa, the Hero who freed Mondstadt from the tyranny of the nobles."

Here, the disgraced nobles winced at the humiliation their ancestors suffered.

...Although, Zero words seemed to have an effect on them and they started slowly wondering.

Would letting go of the past truly paved the way for a better future?

"The 'symbol' is no doubt the giant tree near one of the Statue of the Sevens."

"Oh, that one! Yeah, Paimon remembers. Let's go!"

With that, the trio headed to the Symbol of Mondstadt Hero.


"Figured you'd be here."

(M/N) voice startled the girl, causing her to jump as she turned and faced them.

"Huh? You guys followed me?"

"When you act like the most knowledgeable person in all of Mondstadt you can bet I'm not going to let you go that easily."

Lumine gave the Anemo Archon a deadpanned look.


"Say that word one more time and I'm rearranging you from the inside out."


Venti squeaked from Lumine threat.

He did not doubt that she wouldn't be able to do that.

She smashed Kaeya balls for crying out loud!

"I have questions that I need answered." Aether explained. "And you seem to be more knowledgeable than you let on."

"Okay, hit me."

"I'm surprised they didn't actually do it."

Someone from Natlan mused out loud.

"It wouldn't have hurt that much."

Venti shrugged.

"Can't tell you how many times Morax has sent a meteor straight at me."

...Say what now?

Many turned their heads to Zhongli, who just stared at them.

"...Want one too?"

Was all he said.


Everyone else turned their attention back to the screen.


Venti agreed.

"I wish to learn more about the Anemo Archon."

"The Anemo Archon?" Venti blinked, wondering why he was looking for that God. "It has been many a moon since Barbatos, God of Anemo, has set foot in Mondstadt. Though in Liyue and Inazuma, their respective gods of Geo and Electro presence can be very much felt."

'In more ways than one.'

The Inuzumans thought to themselves.

Though...they counted their lucky blessings that their God did not take the path of wiping them out like the Gods did in Khaenri'ah.

After witnessing just a small taste of their power and cruelty. They did not want to test their luck by actually angering the Electro Archon.

GI Ei just mentally sighed as she could feel her people thoughts.

"Does this have something to do with Dvalin?"

"Hit the nail on that."

Arlecchino deadpanned.

(Damn these Fatui Harbingers and their names! I keep having to google their damn names because I keep forgetting or misspelling them!)

"Bingo." (M/N) confirmed.

"I see" Venti hummed, her eyes looking behind them. "Hm, it would seem that I have unintentionally angered a few of the wildlife from my long leave of absence from Mondstadt."


"Are you intentionally TRYING to make things harder for them?"

One of Ningguang secretaries just looked at Venti with a dead look on her face.


The mischievous Archon just had a silly smile on his face.


Looking behind them, they noticed an Eye of the Storm (EoTS for short).

'...Thanks a lot, Barbatos.' (M/N) mentally deadpanned, subtly glaring at the disguised Archon who sheepishly rubbed her head in embarrassment.

"And here I thought, I was the only one who had to lecture you."

Zhongli shook his head as he stared at his fellow Archon.

Who just shrugged in return.

The other Archons just stared at them.

Outside of meetings, they never really mingled and so were not used to the playful banter between the two.

Except for Ei who had usually attended the Original Archons meetings as her sister guard.


Aether shouted, as he leapt into the sky with a boost of Anemo. Before plunging straight down on the elemental spirit.


The EoTS quickly whipped the wind around it, transforming the sir into sharp blades that cut into Aether skin.

"Oh yeah." Lumine winced. "I remember that, not fun at all."

"...You know." Paimon suddenly said. "Paimon just had an epiphany!"

"That's a big word, Paimon." Xinyan said. "Hope it didn't hurt to use up all your brain juice."

The rockstar teased the floating fairy.


Paimon stomped her feet in the air.

"Anyways." Childe decided to get the Emergency Food back on track. "What did you realize, comrade?"

"Oh right!" Paimon nodded her head. "Why is there no information about the Eye of the Storm in the Adventurer Manual?"


"Sorry? What?"

Cyrus of Mondstadt blinked.

"We don't have anything on the Eye of the Storm?"

"Nope!" Paimon shouted. "Nothing! We have info on Slimes! Treasuer Hoarders! Fatui! But nothing on the Eye of the Storm!"



"...That's a good question."

Lan sweatdropped.

How had anyone missed that?

And was starting to make people wonder what else they forgot to include in the AM.

"Gah!" He grunted in pain, as he thrusted his sword into the monster body. Causing the monster to fly back, letting go of its control of the wind as it shook.

Sucking air into it, it proceeded to drag Aether closer to it. Before exploding, sending the poor Traveler flying back.

"Oof!" He grunted as he landed on his back. Growling, he got and got into position.


Strands of water flew past him and sharpening into water needles impaled themselves on the monster.

"As always." Dehya shook her head. "He's not playing around."

"Aether now!" (M/N) shouted, the water strands coming from his fingers as he held the monster down.

Nodding, he began focusing his power into the sword before striking it down onto the monster's core.

The winds roared as the monster exploded into nothing.

"Well." Jack spoke up. "Now we know how to deal with them."

"Stabbing them in the eye?"

Anna tilted her head.

"That's their ultimate weakness it seems."

"Ugh, the wind...Paimon can't open her eyes."



"Better?" (M/N) asked.

"Of course."

Many people deadpanned.

Getting use to the male antics.

"You didn't have to do that you jerk!"

"Wrong, comrade." Childe shook his head. "He did."


Ayato nodded his head in agreement.

Their fellow Hydro users seemed to be in agreement.


Paimon shouted.

"Wrong, I did."

"Oh, come on!"

Paimon shouted as Lumine laughed at her friend dilemma.

"Urgh, anyways that was still strange for such a powerful creature to show up here." Paimon said, as Aether walked up to them.

"Was it possible after that bard? Aether, her connection to the wind seems even deeper than yours."

"No surprise there."

Wagner grunted.

'No surprise there" (M/N) thought to himself, knowing the truth of the reason why.

Several people chuckled as Wagner blushed at repeating the same thing.

"Seems like the dragon isn't the only thing being affected huh?"

Venti observed.

"Now, back to our conversation. What do you know about Dvalin?"

Aether explained what Lisa told him and Paimon to the two.

"Is that so?" Venti mused. "She's quite the scholar that Lisa."

"But she's half right. The conflict did indeed arise due to both sides resorting to use of force. But his hate; his hate did not come people no longer making tributes to the Four Winds. Nor was it a part of his own nature."

'It wasn't?"

Many people were surprised by that.

But it was no surprise to those that already knew.

After all, they didn't explain the full details at what went down.

"No, this was a product of his degradation."

"Degra...dation?" Paimon questioned, as (M/N) eyes narrowed at that implication.


Many people like Zhongli and Dainsleif thought to themselves.

Knowing full how immortality is both a blessing and a curse.

'Yet, how is that this person has not been affected by the flow of time?' Dainsleif wondered.

As mentioned before, it was obvious that (M/N) was not human. His long lifespan and the fact that he was present in Khaenri'ah during its destruction at least shed some light that he was at least over 500 years old.

'But beyond that.' Dainsleif thought to himself. 'Not much else is known.'

Sighing, he just turned to the screen.

'Zero said that everything will be revealed in Liyue. So, I guess we'll wait and see what happens then.'

Even though the suspense was killing him, he could afford to wait.

He had time.

"The poisonous black blood of Durin flowing through his heart has torturing him for years, ever since that fateful day. And what has allowed him to be led astray by the manipulations of the Abyss Mage."


"The Abyss Order was behind Stormterror betrayal!?"

Barbara shrieked at that.

This caused many people to start talking amongst themselves.

"Unbelievable!" "To think that they would do such a thing." "What did they hope to gain out of this?"

'And we would have gotten away with it too!' Aether thought angrily to himself. 'If it wasn't for you meddling kids and my sister!'

"Abyss mage? Oh, the Abyss Order!" Aether suddenly realized, remembering (M/N) explaining to him about shadowy organization that seeks to snuff out the light of the world.

"That's right!" Venti cheered, "Seems you are aware, so I won't go into details. Many hilichurls take orders from them and carry out missions assigned to them by the Abyss."

'No surprise there, considering the truth about them.'

(M/N) somberly thought to himself, knowing exactly what the relationship was between the Abyss and the hilichurls.

"Before I came here, I too was cursed like Dvalin and left behind to waste away. But now, thanks to this tree, my body has been purged of the poison. Mmmmm...feels much better."

"Does the Tree have some sort of healing power?"

The researcher (Can't remember her name) who was studying the Hero Tree asked in curiosity.

"Yep!" Venti confirmed. "Though it is most noticeable to beings like myself and to Vision Wielders."


"So, exactly how did you get poisoned?"

Paimon asked, causing Venti to frown at the memory.

"When you had the bright idea to go after a dragon."

Lumine deadpanned.

"Paimon said she was sorry!"

"When you guys interrupted my attempt at cleansing him of the curse. Instead of helping him, I got cursed myself!"

She pouted as she finished her sentence.




"S-Sorry about that." Aether apologized.

"It's okay, though if you really want to make it up to me."


The Tsaritsa shivered.

Whenever Barbatos had that look in the eye, it was never anything good!


Was the thought running through (M/N) head at that.

"You can pay me back by coming with me to Mondstadt Cathedral."

"You guys went to the Cathedral before?"

Barbara tilted her head.

"It was night time."

Venti explained.


That would explain why she didn't see them before.

Venti cheerfully spoke.

"The Cathedral?" Paimon questioned. "Why though?"

'To nearly turn us into criminals.'

Was the unspoken thought running through their heads.

Giggling, Venti explained: "Why, to claim the "Holy Lyre der Himmel" of course!"

"So, that's why you needed the Lyre?" Sister Victoria asked in shock. "To stop Dvalin?"


-Timeskip to the Cathedral-

"So, the Holy Lyre is..."

"One of Mondstadt most sacred treasures. It was once the lyre Barbatos used to play. Hopefully, by playing the lyre again it will free Dvalin from the nightmare he is trapped in."

Sister Victoria fidgeted as she remembered how she had reacted back then.

While Barbatos did not take offense to her rude remarks. She still felt embarrassed and ashamed to have been acting in such a manner.

"Will it work?" Aether questioned; it sounded too easy a solution for a complex problem like this.

"But of course!" Venti reassured him. "I'm the best bard in the world. There's not a song I don't know of; regardless if its past, present, or future."


Ayaka looked curious at that statement.

"So, you have precognition abilities to a sort?"

She asked the Anemo Archon.

"In a way."

Venti mysteriously said.

Zhongli just shook his head, while Ei just rolled her eyes.

"Look into my eyes to see that I'm sincere."

Aether did, jumping back startled as he realized that Venti eyes were not normal.

Here, the audience also realized the same thing.

"What's with your eyes?"

"What's up with your eyes!?"

'Now that I think about it.' Aether realized. '(M/N) eyes also seem to have a shine not normally seen in humans.'


Here, the humans took a closer look at their Archons and realized that they too had odd markings in their eyes as well.

The Archons shuffling uneasily at their people sudden intrigue in their eyes.

'Please don't make them curious enough to try to steal our eyes!'

They thought to themselves.

They already had to deal with that in the past! They don't need to deal with it now!

"...He's right."

Xiao suddenly spoke up.

His eyes focused on (M/N).

"(M/N) eyes seem to have some sort of markings on them as well."

Several people took a closer look at the male.

"Interesting." Cloud Retainer spoke up. "Yet, it seems not to bring us any closer to the truth yet."

'So then, why does it feel familiar?'

The Liyuean divine thought themselves.

Hmm, he was getting closer to solving the riddle of his close friend identity.

"So, where exactly is the Holy Lyre?" Paimon interrupted, wanting to get this show on the road.

"It's enshrined in the deepest part of the Cathedral, to keep it safe from harm."

(Yet, both the Traveler and the Fatui somehow got in quite easily. Which begs the question: Why did the Fatui waited until the Traveler snuck in to steal it anyways?)

The Quartet walked into the Cathedral, noticing a few nuns here and there.

"Let me handle this." Venti went first. Walking up to the Sister up front.

"Oh, boy."

Sister Victoria sweatdropped.

This was not going to end well.

"Excuse me."

"Now how will this end, Bronya wonders."

The Valkyrie said out loud.

While Venti attempted to convince the nun to give her the lyre. Aether, Paimon, and (M/N) stood far away as to avoid detection.

"Oh, come on!"

Kiana shouted in disappointment.

Which was echoed by others.

While Victoria just breathed a sigh of relief that her biggest shame was not broadcasted for all to see.

"Is it working?" Paimon quietly (didn't think she could do that) asked.

"Hey!" Paimon shouted. "I can be quiet when I want to!"


No comment.

"I am Barbatos!"

"Yeah." Himeko sweatdropped. "Not that well."


Was the sound of (M/N) facepalming himself at the Anemo God stupidity.

"He knows you all too well, Barbatos."

Folcalors sighed.

Venti shrugged.

'Smooth Barbatos, really smooth.' Was the sarcastic mental thought running through the swordsman head.

Venti came back defeated.

"She didn't believe me."

"What did you expect?" Mei deadpanned. "That she was going to jump in joy when you announced that?"

"In hindsight, not my best idea."

Venti said.

"No shit, Sherlock."

Kunikuzushi and Nahida deadpanned.

"Well, what did you expect idiot?" (M/N) deadpanned. "They are ignorant of the fact that Gods can change their genders. Though, considering that woman disrespect of one of the Four Winds regardless of what the current situation is. I am not surprised; you could probably use your powers to verify your claims and they still wouldn't believe."

Oh, boy.

Seems like he was going to talk about it.

"Such arrogance she had, especially in thinking she knows how you would feel about Dvalin betrayal. When she knows nothing of your true self."

"...Forgive me, Lord Barbatos." Sister Victoria apologized. "I was out of line."

"Don't worry about it."

Venti waved her off.

"You didn't know."

"Even thought that's true." She continued on. "I spoke on your behalf without even thinking about what you stand for. And that you would never have hated him for his betrayal."

A majority of Mondstadt flinched at that. Sad to say, they too had those kinds of thoughts running through their heads when Dvalin started attacking them.

"True, and I didn't leave with nothing." She said, "I now know that the Lyre is somewhere in the Cathedral."

"Well, that's true."

"But, how to get it?" That was the question.

"Aether, why don't you try?" (M/N) suggested, "You are the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius. They might listen to you."

"Me?" He said in shock. "You want me to try by myself? But wouldn't the both of us going together work better?"

"That's a good question."

Chongyun nodded his head.

"Wouldn't it be better if they both went?"

"There's probably a reason for that."

Hu Tao simply said.

The short time she's been watching this. She's pretty sure she got a good handle on his character.

...Then again, she seems to have a good idea on her Consultant/The Geo Archon so maybe it really wasn't that hard for her to understand his character.

"I'll pass." (M/N) crossed his arms. "Suffice it to say, I am not particularly fond of certain Sisters in the Cathedral (Including that one). I'm afraid I would get arrested for assault and force to flee Mondstadt for eternity."

"...Damn." Viktor whistled. "Remind me not to get on his bad side."

...Good point. (M/N) had a strange fixation on respect and the display from earlier left him unimpressed.

"All right, here we go." Aether and Paimon headed towards the same Sister and tried their luck.

A little while later, they came back defeated.

"No luck either, huh?" (M/N) sighed. "Well, I guess it wasn't going to be easy."

"So, what the next plan?" Paimon asked, curious if there was a backup plan.

"Simple" Venti said, "This was a last resort though, I didn't want it to come to this. But, seeing as there is no choice and time is of the essence."

"Oh no."

Lumine gulped.

"Oh no."

Paimon also said.

Ignoring the looks they were getting.

"We have to steal the Holy Lyre."


The Nuns, excluding Rosaria because she doesn't really care, shouted in shock and horror.

"Steal the Holy Lyre!?" Barbara shrieked. "It was YOU!?"

She pointed at Lumine and the others.

"Well, yes but actually no."

Lumine tried to explain.

The Mondstadters were in shock at that revelation.

Seems the Honorary Knight wasn't as golden as they thought she was.

"Damn, Comrade!" Childe wrapped his arm around her neck. "You sure you don't want to join the Fatui? We could use people like you!"

"Your lucky that I like you somehow." Lumine pushed him off her. "And NO! I don't want to join a group that calls themselves idiots! Do you take me for ONE!?"


Childe sweatdropped.

"Oh, come on!" Signora shouted. "When will you people let it go!?"


"Wha- are you crazy!?"

Paimon shouted, looking at the bard as though she has gone insane.

"Because he had."

Lumine grumbled.



"It's the only way!" Venti argued, "And you guys have to be the ones to do it."

"What? Why!?" This Aether spoke up. "The last thing I need is a criminal record!"

"To bad!" Ivan Ooze chuckled. "It's gonna happen anyways!"

"...Are you telling me that's going to be the norm for every freaking nation I go to!?"

Lumine shouted.


Zero and the others said.

Lumine screamed to the high heavens.

Cursing her brother for some reason.

"Damn you, Aether! This is all your fault somehow!"

She screamed.


Aether mentally shouted.

"If I try to steal it and get caught, there will be no one to stop Dvalin!" Venti argued, "If you get caught, you can use your status as Honorary Knight to talk your way out."

"Aether, just do it." (M/N) groaned, subtly eyeing the Fatui member in the corner.

"...You know." Viktor suddenly said. "If you're going to make plans, you probably shouldn't be talking about them out loud."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious."

Lumine deadpanned.

Aether shook his head; this was one thing he refused to do.

"I'm sorry, but...wait" Aether suddenly realized something. "Did you say you were Barbatos to that nun?"

'Took you guys long enough' (M/N) sweatdrop at how slow his friends were on the uptake.

"Well, sorry!" Lumine sarcastically said. "I was too busy trying to talk him out of making us criminals!"

"Yes, why?"

"If you really are a god, then we can't simply abandon you."

"Okay? What does my being a god have to do with you helping me?"

Venti asked, confused on why that part mattered so much to the blond.

"Because we need help."

Lumine deadpanned.

"Eh, Paimon will fill you in later if there is time."

"And even if you're not a god, then I'll help Dvalin anyways."

(My, my. How the tables have turned)

"You mean"

"I'll help you get the Holy Lyre der Himmel."

"FYI." Lumine suddenly said. "You need to train your knights better. Security was terrible and easy to sneak past by."

The knights twitched as they look down in shame.


Varka deadpanned.

Perhaps, he should draft a training plan while they were here.


While Aether and Paimon infiltrated the inner rooms of the Cathedral, (M/N) and Venti stood outside. Venti sitting on the ledge, giving her a clear view of the starry skies.

"Oh, my." Lisa flustered. "Is this the beginning of a romance?"


The citizens of Mondstadt shouted at the Librarian words.


Lisa just shrugged.

"Don't tell me, you guys weren't thinking the same thing."

"No, we weren't!"

"It's so beautiful" Venti breathed in amazement as she starred at the stars flickering and passing by.

"Hmph, it is I guess." (M/N) responded. Arms crossed and leaning against the edge as he watched the stars glow brightly.

"So, (M/N) a sucker for stargazing." Kiana muttered to herself. "Noted."

The HI3 cast just sweatdropped at that.

"Seems like she's getting use to the idea of getting together with (M/N) in the future."

Fu Hua sweatdropped.

It was quiet for a moment, until Venti broke the silence.

"Oh, silence." Tighnari whispered. "How I missed you so."

Cyno pouted at his friend harsh words.

What was wrong with his jokes?

(Well...I haven't read the manga yet and only seen you in the game. You always looked so serious that I was thrown for a loop when people said that you liked to make jokes)

"I must admit, I was not expecting to find you here and undetected. Has me wondering why that blockhead hasn't realized his old friend has been walking among mortals."



Zhongli repeated slowly.

"Did one hear that correctly?"

Cloud Retainer asked in shock.

"You did, Cloud Retainer."

Madame Ping calmly said.

Though one could see the look of shock in her eyes.

'Old friend? A god that survived the Archon War? Or a former Adeptus that survived?'

The possibilities were endless.

'Though, undetected, what a strange word that Lord Barbatos would use.'

Was (M/N) an old enemy of his then? Did they have a falling out and he supposedly died?

"And yet." Moon Carver frowned. "None of us recognized him, yet he feels familiar."

Nobody else said something.

Because no one knew what to say.

Though the Fatui were definitely intrigued.

"An old friend of the Geo Archon?" Dottore mused. "This is getting more and more interesting."

"Besides you constantly getting shocked by the locked doors?" Pantalone smiled. "Seriously, our powers mean nothing here to beings that could wipe us out if just for fun?"

"Scientific interest outweighs personal safety."

"...How are you a Doctor again?"

Sandrone deadpanned.

"Hmph, how long has it been I wonder?" (M/N) shrugged, not really caring. "I'm surprised though, you are the only one so far that has unearthed my true nature at a glance."

"None of the other gods have been able to pierce through my disguise."


Dainsleif just shook his head.

'So, he's a god then.' Dainsleif thought to himself. 'And one that seems to be pulling some kind of prank on his fellow gods.'

"Heh, that just makes me special I suppose." Venti giggled, playing a tune on her harp.

"You've always been able to perceive things on a different level then we have."

Zhongli simply said.

Startling his people with his words.

"True." GI Ei nodded. "You always knew the right words to say."


"Please, just call me Venti." She said, "If it's alright for me to call you (M/N) now."

"Hmm." Pierro stared at the screen. "What an interesting relationship you two have."

"Heh, do whatever you please wind wisp." (M/N) chuckled, taking a jab at the Anemo God true self.

"Okay." Venti shook his head. Ignoring the curious gaze of mortals at that jab. "So, it's obvious that he's as old as Morax and myself."

"We got one thing down."

"And there's the fact that I mentioned him as 'Morax old friend' so that's another thing down."

"He uses a Hydro vision though. Is he a God? Or a mortal that was granted immortality and was an old friend of Morax?"

Questions, questions.

"Hey, (M/N). Remember the first and only time we met?"

"Oh?" Lynn couldn't help but say. "How did their first meeting go?"

"How could I forget?" (M/N) scoffed, "You look like you were going to faint in my presence despite being a god."


Someone said.

"That's not a good look on you, Lord Barbatos."


Venti waved them off.


"How can I not? You were both hot and intimidating. A scary combination that's for sure."

"My, oh my." Lisa purred. "Such hot tea is being spilled."


Yae Miko and Ying'er both nodded in agreement.

Terrifying everyone else around them.

"Hmph, wimp"

"Mou!" Venti pouted. "How mean."


"Seems like she's got more sass than you."



"...You didn't fail 500 years ago you know."

"Well." Kaveh sweatdropped. "That's one way to start a conversation."

Venti snapped her neck to the male in shock. There was only one thing he could have meant in the last 500 years.

"Cue the trauma."

And that meant...

"You were there!?"

"It was like he mastered the Art of not being there."

Lumine mysteriously said, getting nods from their hosts.

While confusing the heck out of Teyvat on that.

She shouted in shock. Khaenri'ah was not a topic the Anemo Archon liked to visit at any point. She was still baffled at why they were ordered to destroy the technological kingdom to nothing.

"Still don't understand that even to now."

Venti muttered to himself.

"Maybe the King owed them money and refused to pay them back?"

Dori suggested.'

"...Yeah." Zero sweatdropped. "That'll do it."

He knew a few of his fellow Multiverse Gods that were petty enough to destroy worlds for not paying them back.

...He didn't blame them.

The Khaenrians sweatdropped at that.

"Yes" He confirmed. "I was actually heading to that nation to see what made it so special, when I came across that tragedy."

"I couldn't ignore the injustice that was happening to the people of Khaenri'ah, so I saved as many as I could."

"He really loves to contradict himself." Mona blinked at that. "He claims to not be a good person, yet he was willing to risk the Wrath of the Gods upon him."

"Perhaps, he doesn't give himself enough credit."

Mona master simply said.

"The two children that you tried to protect from Morax were the last of the survivors I had managed to save. You distracted Morax enough that I was able to cast a powerful illusion, making it seem that he had killed per Celestia orders. In reality, what he struck down was an illusion, I brought the kids to safety and took the survivors to an island unseen to the Divine Gaze."

"They have lived in peace there, and those that stumbled upon the new nation of Khaenri'ah usually stay and build new lives and family there. Or are sworn to silence by what they find. After all, they are still advancing their technology and Alchemy."


Dainsleif looked uneasy about that.

Then again, with what they had learned earlier. Alchemy could have very well played a part in Khaenri'ah destruction.

So, they couldn't blame him for being so apprehensive about that.

Of course, what they didn't know was that his duty as the Twilight Sword was also showing. They were Khaenrians after all. And his duty was to protect them.

'I hope my counterpart did stumble upon them.' Dainsleif thought to himself. 'It might free him of some of his burdens.'

Even though this happened in another world. The fact that their were survivors that were living their lives happily and in peace actually made him feel warm.

"I refuse to allow the Gods to strike them down for living their own lives."

(M/N) finished, Venti was quiet trying to absorb the information thrown at her.

She could not believe her efforts weren't in vain and that she was able to, indirectly at least, save the two children from death.

That thought lightened her heart and made her smile.

"Talk about a weight being lifted off you."

Venti just said.

"Thanks, -BAM!"

"Oh, come on!"

Paimon shouted.

"We could have learned his true name!"

"Never said it was going to be easy."

Amagi smiled.

Before she could thank (M/N) in his real name, the doors to the Cathedral burst.

"We've been discovered!"

Aether shouted.

"What!?" Venti and (M/N) shouted as they got up.

"Hurry! The knights are coming!"

'The British are coming! The British are coming!'

Deadpool mentally yelled.

Scaring the crowd with that sudden intrusion.

This time Paimon shouted.

"Quickly, I know where we can hide!"

Venti shouted as she led them to the destination in mind.

"Oh great." Diluc sighed. "Now, we're going to see me."

'I knew things weren't going to be that easy.'

"When is it ever?"

Amber sighed.

(M/N) deadpanned as they quickly fled the scene and hurry to safety.


Zero just looked at the stunned crowd.

"I'll leave you guys to talk to yourselves."

With that said, Zero and the others teleported.

As the crowd exploded with Lumine, Paimon, and Venti being surrounded as they were being interrogated about their crazy stunt.

The HI3 cast just stared at them with an amused look on their faces.

What will the future bring next?


Finally managed to get this finished.


Okay, so apparently Pure-blooded Khaenrians like Dainsleif were cursed with immortality. Hence why Khaenri'ah still exists, because it's inhabitants...well, most of them are pureblooded.

However, the hilichurls on the other hand. They are actually either halfblooded Khaenrians, or people who worshipped no Gods and went to live on in Khaenri'ah. Where they were welcomed as Khaenri'ah children.

Cruel, I know.

Still, it leaves more questions than answers. What caused the Abyss sibling to turn?

And who is the Sinner?



Next chap will be whenever I have the time.

Have a good day/night!

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