Aggressive Negotiations: (M/N) Style

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Here we are again!

Note: I put a picture of Kaeya on top because of the painful punishment he's going to get in this chapter from Lumine.

So, I decided to give you guys a picture of him. Why? I'm not sure myself how that would make up for his punishment.

Don't own the art. Found on Pinterest.


"All right!"

Zero shouted.

"Time for the next part!"

"Be warned!"

He spoke up ominously.

"This will have nut crushing, diplomats who should have never graduated from Law school, and (M/N) simply being a bad(ass) influence."

...Why did that scare them?



It has been several days since (M/N) and Kaeya cleared out the Temple of Wolf.

"Wait!" Paimon shouted. "What happened in the temple!?"


Ei waved her off.


Paimon growled.

During that time, while waiting for Aether and Paimon to be done with their own Temples, he had been boredly wiping out hilichurl camps that were spotted near the city.

"Even though he knows the truth, he still must wipe them out huh?"

Amber sighed.

The truth about the Hilichurls and the Abyss Order still weighing heavily on their minds.

'No wonder people say that sometimes the truth is better off left unfound.'

"While these small fries pose no threat to me. The same can't be said for the remaining knights."

"Oh, come on!"

The knights shouted in annoyance.

Is he ever going to stop burning them?

(M/N) said to himself.


The fact that there were so many hilichurl campsites around was the bigger concern on his mind.

'What do they hope to achieve by having their brethren stationed near the city?'

"Good question."

Viktor frowned.

What did the Abyss Order hoped to get out of this?

(M/N) could not make heads or tails out of what the Abyss Order was planning. What did they stand to gain from this?


"Well, look who it is."

Lumine teased her floating friend.


Came the shout of a familiar voice. Turning around, he was greeted by an excitingly waving Paimon and a calmly waving Aether.

"Aether, Paimon" (M/N) greeted, "You done with your temples?"

"Yeah!" Paimon shouted "It was fun!"

"If you consider life or death situations fun."

Thoma sweatdropped.

"And terrifying when we were with Lisa." Aether interjected. "That woman is dangerous, and I would not let my guard down around her."

"You wound me."

Lisa placed her hand to her heart with a mockingly hurt look on her face.

"That wasn't me!"

Lumine shouted.

"You were thinking it though."

" got me."

Lumine slumped down in defeat.

Aether silently snickering at her.

"Yeah, that's the vibe I was getting from her."

"So mean!"

Lisa pouted.

"...You somehow scared a person that is definitely not normal and can assert his dominance without even trying."

Jean deadpanned.

"And all you care about is what he thinks about you?"

"I just want to be friends!"

Shivers went down their spines.

Friends? This woman was crazy and scary!

...No wonder she didn't have any friends.



(M/N) deadpan

"Yeah, and that's not counting what Kaeya did that delayed our meeting."


Kaeya raised an eyebrow.

Just what did he do?


(M/N) said intrigued, what did the Calvary Captain do that pissed off Paimon.

"He lied about a stupid treasure that didn't exist and made us do his dirty work to capture a stupid thief!"

"Oh, yeah." Kaeya realized. "I did do that didn't I?"

"Grrr! Shut up!" Paimon shouted. "Paimon is still mad that you made us do your dirty work for you!"


"Seriously, Kaeya?"

Jean facepalmed, while Diluc took a deep breath.

Crepus sighed at how his kids grew up.

Paimon complained, crossing her arms in frustration at being deceived (You're way too easy to manipulate with food and treasure).

"That so?" (M/N) said, both amused and annoyed at what the Khaenri'ah spy did.


Kaeya nervously chuckled.

It was already ingrained deep in their minds about the one thing they should not do.

Piss of (M/N) (L/N).

"But don't worry" Aether reassured him. "I taught him a lesson he won't soon forget."

"...Why do I feel scared?"

Kaeya whimpered.

"Why do I feel happy?"

Diluc blinked.

"Why do I feel that Karma is finally coming for him?"

Jean sighed.

"Oh? Do tell"


"Hey Kaeya?" Aether said, holding the Harbinger of Dawn in his hand.

"That's it?" Eula looked at her fellow Cryo user, unimpressed. "You wasted their time and simply gave them a sword for all that trouble?"

Kaeya shrugged.

"...Well." Rosaria shook her head. "Something tells me your punishment is going to be well received."

"Hm?" Kaeya turned his head to the Traveler questioningly.


"Here it comes."

Kunikuzushi had a practically malicious expression on his face.

Terrifying everyone at what was to come.


"What the!?"

People jumped at the very painful sound.

Only for the taller male to suddenly crouched down to his knees as he held his manhood in his hands,


"WHY!?" Kaeya screamed in pain from having Aether brutally kicking his foot into his balls.

"Oh, my Archons!"

Several people, even those that hated/don't believe in the Gods shouted in pure shock.

"Fuck, man!"

Itto could be seen covering his balls very conspicuously.

"Wasn't that going overboard!?"

(Considering I wanted to do the same thing to him for wasting my time? No. Especially since I could have castrated him)

He yelled in terror at the screen.

"That's still a screen, Itto!"

Thoma shouted.

Though he, like many other males, could be seen covering their manhoods.

Terrified that he might jumped out of the screen smash their balls as well.

"...Now I'm glad I don't have balls."

Scaramouche just shivered.

While everyone just gulped.

"We-Well." Dottore shakingly said. "He definitely isn't one to take being deceived kindly."

If one looked closer, they could see a miniscule drop of sweat on the side of his cheek.

Lumine and Aether stared in shock at the alternate Aether actions.

"...I can't believe I didn't think of that before."

Lumine shook her head in shock.

"What!?" "Traveler!?" "You're kidding! ...Right?"

"Well!" Lumine got up. "No time like the present!"

"Wait!" Kaeya eye(s) widened. "Let's talk about th-!!"



A very high pitched scream echoed throughout the theater as Lumine slammed her heel into his nuts.

(Yeah. Double checked just to be sure and she does have high heels.)

(Can I get an F in chat for Kaeya poor nuts?)

(Don't worry, he can still reproduce. Just going to be in pain for a while)

"That's for deceiving us and wasting our time with subpar rewards!"

"That's for deceiving us!" He angrily said, "Do that again and say goodbye to having any children."

"...We really do think alike."

Lumine begrudgingly admitted.


"I-I understand." Kaeya fell to the floor in pain as Aether and Paimon left the temple. Leaving two stunned knights and one thief to stare in shock at what had just happened.

Said knights and thief who were conveniently there just shivered at the brutality the Traveler had just shown.

Both on screen and in reality.

-End Flashback-

"...Wow." Was all (M/N) could say from the vicious assault Aether had done to the Calvary Captain.

'Perhaps, I've been a bad influence on him.' (M/N) thought a little concerned about Aether retaliation methods.

"That's your biggest concern!?"

Kaeya squeaked as one of the Cryo users gave him ice for his poor balls.

And Diluc?

"PFt! Hahahahahaha!"

Was laughing his ass off at the karma Kaeya received.

Crepus sweatdropped.

Adelinde shook her head.

The other maids, butlers, workers gulped.

The Mondstadters shook in fear at Diluc unexpected reaction.

"Yeah" Aether said, with no regret in his voice.

"...Damn!" Lumine pouted, jealously in her voice. "Why couldn't I fall into that world?"


Aether shivered.

He had a feeling.


A small, awkward silence filled the air.

"Welp! That's water under the bridge right now!" Paimon suddenly said, "Let's go get something to eat and then see Jean."

"Classic Paimon."

Lumine shook her head fondly as she patted the floating fairy on the head.


Paimon squawked indignantly at that.

"Sounds like a plan" "Alright."

"Ah!" Aku spoke up, startling the cast with his presence. "Nothing like having a pizza EXTRA THICK to better your day!"


(M/N) and Aether agreed, as the three of them headed back to Mondstadt.

Walking over the bridge, greeting Timmie, they headed to Good Hunter.

"I'm surprised you didn't traumatize him after what happened."

One of the sisters deadpanned.

"Kids are tougher than you think."

Diona piped up.

Only to stop as they saw Acting Grand Master Jean conversing with somebody.

"Huh?" Paimon noticed, "Isn't that Jean? And she's talking with someone?"

"Oh great!"

Lumine grumbled.

"Forgot about them!"


(M/N) growled, as he stared at the masked woman in question.


Diluc growled.


"Great minds think alike."

Yanfei chuckled.

Diluc said nothing.

"The group you mentioned when we first met?"

Aether asked, concerned at how (M/N) look like he was one snap away from killing the woman from where she stood.

"I'm surprised he didn't."

The Shredder said out loud.

Causing said woman to shake in fear.

"Yes, let's try to get in for a closer look."

(M/N) said, as they slowly walked towards them.

The 'conversation' between the two getting louder.

"Why am I getting a bad feeling about this?"

Himeko muttered to herself.

"...which is what has brought us to this point in the first place."

The fatui diplomat, Anastasia, arrogantly said.

"Woah! What?"

Childe looked at the screen in disbelief.

She could not be serious.

"If you are unable to deal with the Stormterror threat, then leave the defense of Mondstadt to the Fatui."

"Excuse me?"

Capitano frowned behind his mask.

That did not sound like how a diplomat should.

His fellow Harbingers could practically taste his displeasure at the way the 'diplomat' was conducting herself.

...Aether could see why (M/N) despise the Fatui so much. Just from having to hear that ramble was giving him a headache.

No tact, or lick of diplomacy from that one.


Pulcinella frowned in disapproval.

"We can put an end to Mondstadt's dragon issues. All we need to do is bring that monster to the-"


Mondstadt shouted in shock and anger at the disrespect the Fatui diplomat had of their guardians.

Even though he had turned his back on them, he was still one of their guardians!

"Monster?" (M/N) growled, that was one of the Four Winds that arrogant fool was talking about. Dvalin was to Barbatos, like Azhdaha was to Morax.


"He knows about Azhdaha!?"

Zhongli and the Adepti shouted in shock.

Just who was this person?

"...Though I can't deny the truth in his words."

Zhongli sighed, remembering his old friend and what his fate was.

The Adepti looking at him in worry.

"Monster?" Jean interrupted; her patience finally gone at the blatant insult to one of Mondstadt guardians.

"She's lucky that the Fatui had diplomatic immunity."

A knight grumbled.

"Otherwise, Jean would have shown her the door in a more violent matter."

The other knights agreed.

"Yes. What's your point?"

Anastasia asked, annoyed at the interruption,

"Oh!" Scaramouche scowled. "Now it's your turn to be offended!?"

He might see humans as insect, but this lack of respect grated at his nerves!

The Fatui shuffled uncomfortably at the Balladeer unexpected outburst.

'She's fucked.'

They thought to themselves.

"I would expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats."

Jean coldly spoke.

"And yet, here you are saying you want to "put an end" to one of the Four Winds of Mondstadt?"

"I refuse to entertain such a notion, especially in front of the Knights of Favonius."

She finished, glaring at the 'diplomat.'

"Heh, it's not as crazy as you are making it out to be."

Anastasia mocked,

"Fine. That's enough with the negotiations for today. At this stage it's amicable exchange of constructive opinions, no?

"All right!" Childe stood up, a look of annoyance and anger on his face. "Who the hell in that stupid academy was teaching this crap!?"

People jumped at the XI Harbinger angered expression.

"This is a sham! A farce! A sad excuse of so-called diplomacy!" He continued. "A real diplomat would understand a foreign nation culture and society."

"Whoever trained her needs to be fired or disciplined. And she NEEDS to go back to school and take more training or be reeducated! This is a disgrace to the Fatui and to the Tsaritsa!"


Anastasia wilted into the background.

Looks like someone was going back to school.

"Never thought you would be this pissed, Tartaglia."

Sandrone spoke up.

"Cultural awareness is extremely important when negotiating with diplomacy, Sandrone."

Childe started.

"It is best to be well informed on a nation culture, customs, religions, history. Honestly, it's just good form and not that hard to learn. Why do you think I haven't been kicked out of Liyue? Because I did my research and have been able to interact with the locals despite my affiliation."

Some of the Liyueans twitched at that. They couldn't deny the truth in his words after all. He did do his research and did all the correct cues to not alienate himself with the local populace.

"Don't forget." Childe also added. "That the Fatui are not untouchable."

He ignored his fellow Fatuus angered looks and protests.

"A nation can still kick us out if given reason to."

"Hmph!" Diluc scoffed. "Never thought there could a Fatui that is sensible and smart, shame you joined them."


"Childe smart?"

Arlecchino laughed.

"That's a new one."

"Smarter than you, maggot."

Shredder scoffed at the fool's word.

"...What did you say?"

Arlecchino growled.

"What?" The Shredder scoffed at her pathetic attempts at intimidation. "Got a problem?"


Arlecchino growled as she glared at him.

Before suddenly disappearing before their very eyes.

While everyone was startled, Shredder was just bored.


As he slammed the back of his fist against her from behind.

"Oof!" She grunted as she suddenly found herself back in her seat.

"No fighting."

Zero deadpanned.

...Would anyone care if Aether were to 'accidentally' stab her through the heart?

"Honestly?" A Sneznhayan asked. "No. Punishment for embarrassing Snezhnaya."

"I'll be sure to make...thorough notes..."

She finished, preparing to return to the Goth hotel.

Only to walk right into (M/N).

"Oh, boy." Iansan gulped.

Knowing (M/N) patience with the Fatui...this wasn't going to be pretty.

"It's in your best interest to get out of my w-BAM!"

People jumped at the sudden sound as their eyes were glued to the screen.

Anastasia could not finish her sentence as she suddenly sent flying into the fountain in the center of the plaza.

*Proud Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker noises*

(Man, that felt satisfying to write. I always want to do that in the game because of how egotistic these guys can be)


A cracking sound could be heard as she made contact with stone structure.


A Fatui subordinate winced.

"That's gotta hurt."

'Understatement of the century.'

The hosts thought to themselves.

"Can't say I blame them."

Theresa (HI3) shook her head.

"If I had deal with such disrespectful people, I would have taught them some respect."

...Why did that sound terrifying?

"H-HOW dare you!" The Fatui diplomat shrieked, "Don't you have any idea with who you're dealing with!?"

"I think the better question is: "Do YOU know who you're dealing with?""

Cyno sighed.

Amused at the scene.

"Oh, I know" (M/N) said, "I just don't care."

"That's (M/N) all right."

Zero shrugged.

"He gives zero fucks no matter the time of day."


"Why should I, when the Fatui are nothing more than a band of weaklings cowering behind that pathetic Archon you call the Tsaritsa."

"How dare he!!"

The Fatui exploded at the man insulting the Tsaritsa.

Said Archon was shocked yet impressed at the man audacity of disrespecting a God like that.

"How dare you?"

"You better take that back before you face real troubles."

Came the angry voice of the Fatui that always stood guarding the door to the Hotel they rented out.

"Wow!" Kiana sarcastically said. "So scary!"

Her mocking tone triggered them.


Only for her to shoot at them causing them to dance until she stopped.


Only for the Fatui to suddenly grabbed his side as a sharp blade of water impaled him, breaking some ribs in the process.

"Damn!" Childe whistled. "He'd make an awesome sparring partner!"

"Of course, you would think that Childe."

La Signora shook her head.

Her fellow Harbingers doing the same.

"I have no fear for fools who are all talk, but no bark."

(M/N) coldly said, turning to a now shaking Anastasia.

"You are to leave the Stormterror threat to the Knights of Favonius, 'diplomat.'" He mockingly said, "For this problem must be solved by Mondstandt itself, not by a bunch of arrogant fools who stick their noses in where they don't belong."


"Now LEAVE."

The Fatui quickly scrambled back to the hotel as their hearts pounded in fear.

"Talk about asserting dominance."

Beidou whistled.

Both impressed and scared as hell of the man brutal negotiations.

'Hope I don't get on his bad side!'

She thought to herself.

Ningguang pondered and wonder if she should take a leaf out of (M/N) book.

Crickets, crickets

Silence was all that could be heard, as everyone tried to process what had just happened.


Bennett trailed off.

...Though secretly, the Monstadters were happy that someone finally put the Fatui in their place.

"You do realize that you just painted a target on your back right?"

Jean spoke up, while she had to put up pretense to the public, she was secretly relishing what had just happened.

"Wish that happened here."

Jean grumbled to herself.

Scaring the Fatui diplomats.

"Let them come" He simply replied, "They've been after me for ages."


Columbina nodded her head.

"They have been trying to recruit him for a while now. All they're going to do is reveal his current location once they get the message to Her Majesty."

"Jean, what was going on anyways?"

Paimon asked.

"*Sigh*Ever heard of the Fatui?" Jean asked.

"Yep, a bunch of famous idiots!" Paimon proudly said, "Oh wait, infamous is a better word."

"OHHH!" Dehya shouted. "You even got burned by a flying pixie!"


"What was all that talk about killing Stormterror?" Aether questioned.

"...It's no secret that the Cyro Archon has coveted the power of the Anemo Archon. Why I don't know."

Jean explained, "Killing Stormterror is not the right course of action. And I'm convinced that they do not have Mondstadt best interests at heart."

"Because they didn't."

Diluc glared at them.

The other knights doing the same.

"You know, on the subject of power."

Aether began,


"There's something I want to show the Knights of Favonius."

"In that case, let's go to HQ. It's best not to discuss sensitive information where unwanted people could hear."

Jean stated as they left, explaining along the way.

"Mondstadt and Snezhaya are considered to be the same in status. Mondstadt, despite being called a city, is a nation that does not belong to any other nations."

"And thank Barbatos for that!"

Someone said.


Venti sweatdropped.

"Sadly though, Snezhnaya representatives, aka the Fatui, are known to be the most aggressive of any other nation diplomat in Teyvat."

"Ugh!" Someone shouted. "Dealing with them is such a pain! Especially when you have no connection or want anything to do with them! They just keep forcing their way in!"

That got nods and words of agreement.

The Fatui shuffled a bit.

'...Maybe we should regroup and discuss a better method of diplomacy.'

The Tsaritsa thought to herself.

Her plan couldn't afford any hiccups or hindrances!

"Makes sense, that bitch was rude!" Paimon said, arms crossed.


Lumine and the others shouted.


"You shouldn't curse!"

Kaeya shouted.

"Fuck you, bitch!"

"OH NO!"

Lumine shouted.

'Great, now Paimon cursing. I really am a bad influence.' (M/N) shook his head, as Jean and Aether were unfazed by the little fairy cursing.

"Bad influence?" Alice shook her head. "I'd say the best kind of influence!"

Her husband sighed.

How did he fall in love with such a beautiful, yet crazy, woman again?

"Why is Mondstadt allowing that kind of person to represent Snezhnaya?" Aether asked confused.

Jean was quiet, before saying

"Several years ago, Mondstadt was besieged by an ancient dragon-like monster known as Ursa the Drake. One of the Fatui Harbinger, the Elites, Dottore codename: The Doctor defeated and killed the monster. This left Mondstadt in the debt of the Fatui."

Diluc twitched and his fists clenched in anger.

Remembering what had come out of that.

"Thus, letting them run rampant as they please" (M/N) summarized from that explanation.



Silence filled the air around them.

"How convenient."

People shuddered at the cold voice of (M/N).

(M/N) coolly spoke, he didn't believe for a second that it was done out of the goodness of his heart to save Mondstadt from its monster problem. No doubt he saved them just to put them in debt and allowing them to do as they please. Lest they face political ruin for being ungrateful to the Fatui saving them in their time of need.

"Wow." Ellin shivered. "He really doesn't believe things at face value."

"He's been alive for a long time."

Nahida sighed.

"His experiences taught him well."

"Unlike a certain somebody."

She glanced at Zhongli.

Who twitched at the jab.

Hell, he wouldn't have put it pass them to secretly manipulate Ursa the Drake into attacking Mondstadt to further their own goals.


Varka, Jean, and the others gave them a stare.

Dottore remained impassive but was worried that the truth might be revealed.

'Even though Signora accomplished her mission, keeping Mondstadt on a leash is essential to ensure they don't interfere!'

And if the truth was discovered...then the repercussions that will come out of this will be severe!

"You know, I've been wondering. Why are there so little KOF around anyways?"

(M/N) questioned, regardless of the fact he enjoyed pissing Amber off about the Knights being a joke. He knew full that the knights were far more competent then given credit for.

"And he keeps contradicting himself."

Amber sighed.

Yet, he has not seen that many knights since they got to the city.

"Grandmaster Varka took the veteran knights on an expedition and left us with the bare minimum, including vision holders, to keep the city safe."

Jean explained, not that it did much from the darkening expression on his face. She couldn't blame him though, she thought it was the height of foolishness to take all the elites, save a few, and leave Mondstadt virtually unprotected.

Varka winced.

He knew Jean probably did not approved of his decision, but it was essential that he took on his expedition!

...Then again, he never expected Dvalin to attack Mondstadt.

Most of the remaining knights were barely out of the training corps! They weren't ready to handle a threat like Stormterror!

Here, Varka winced even more at that.

Perhaps he should have left more experienced knights in the city.

"*Sigh, Let's just get to HQ before I lose it again." (M/N) sighed as the KoF HQ was seen from a distance.

"And you can practically taste (M/N) disappointment."

Eula sweatdropped.

-Jean Office-

"Incredible" Lisa stated, observing the ominous red crystal that the trio had shown her and Jean.

"It seems to be a crystal imbued with some kind of power." Jean observed, something was telling her to stay away from it. "Are you able to analyze it Lisa?"

"Let me take a look." The Librarian said, stepping a little closer to it. "Hmmm, I can see impurities all over the crystals, but other than that..."

"Sorry" She apologized "But this is a little out of my area of expertise, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I will need to check the library restricted section for more clues."

"Understood" Jean said, "We'll leave that to you."

"Roger, I'll let you know if I come across anything."

Lisa spoke, as she got a little too close to the crystal.


Aloy spoke up.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you." (M/N) spoke up as he noticed Lisa getting a little too close.

Lisa was too engrossed in her thoughts to hear what he had said.

"Though it might possibly be all for naught. Those texts are very old and might not – OUCH!"

She suddenly shouted, as she pulled her back away from the crystal.

"Warned ya." (M/N) deadpanned.

"Seems like your curiosity is still the same, Lisa."

One of her old colleagues shook her head in amusement.

"You know me."

Lisa just smiled.

"Owe, interesting." Lisa hummed in interest, "It reacts to visions, kind of like a magnet with the same facing each other and repelling the two forces."

"Aether though, doesn't seem to be having this problem. Even though he can use elemental energy as well. Curious, why would that be?"

Aether said nothing, not really seeing the need to explain that he was literally from another world. It would make things much more complicated then needed, and possibly wind up with him being examined.

"You might want to stay away from Sumeru then."

Lisa offered.


Lumine said.

The Akademiya groaning at the loss of an interesting subject.

He didn't need that.

"Well, anyways" Lisa continued "I think this is best kept safe in my cutie hands. It would cause a lot of problems for us if left here."

Aether took back the tainted crystal and stored it who knows where.

"Interesting outcome." Jean stated, "While I'm curious to know why you're not affected, that's not really important right now."

"Thank you, Jean, for knowing how to prioritize!"

Paimon shouted.

"Actually, there's something I wanted to speak about with you two."

Pointing at Aether and (M/N) who gave her their full attention.

"As gratitude for helping in our time of need, I ask if you two would accept the title Honorary Knight and the gratitude of the Acting Grand Master.

"Honorary knight of Favonius!?" Paimon shouted in shock.

Aether pondered for a second, on one hand it would tie him further to Mondstadt and possibly limiting his actions since it would reflect back on the Knights of Favonius.

Yet, on the other hand it could prove useful in finding his sister with a system of connections that he could use.

"Huh." Lumine raised an eyebrow. "Never thought of it like that."

Aether accepted after careful consideration.

(M/N) on the other hand,

"Are you sure? You do realize that I'm not going to stop how I act, even if it reflects badly on you and the Knights?"

He stated,

Jean answered: "Of course, hence why this is not an official Knight title. While there are certain limits that come with being an Honorary knight, you won't be restricted in what you can do."

"That's convenient."

Yaoyao spoke up.

"...Fine, it might prove useful in our journeys." (M/N) conceded.

"Heh, we wish you the best of luck and may the Wind open your eyes to the truth."

"The truth..."

Some muttered to themselves.

Would they find the truth through here?

She prayed for them.

"If there's anything of interest found, we'll meet back here."

With that said, Aether, Paimon, and (M/N) left the building.


It had gotten dark by the time they reached outside. Stopping when Paimon floated in front of them.

"You know" She began, "We weren't being completely honest with them about the circumstances surrounding the crystal,"

"Really?" Xinyan blinked. "I thought they had said it all."

She said,

"Nor of the bard that was communicating with Stormterror."

"Oh right!" Xinyan shouted. "Forgot that he's involved in this too!"


"I want to talk to him first, before we tell Jean and the others."

Aether spoke, vocalizing his intents about the strange person.

"Oh, so you do still remember him! What a relief, Paimon was worried you didn't."

"Kind of hard not to remember a person that was talking to a dragon."

Lumine deadpanned.


"You know, he looks just like that gal down there."


She said, pointing to a feminine figure running past them.

'...This should be good.'

Venti thought to himself.

While he mainly stayed in his male form. He has changed genders on occasions.

After all, Gods didn't really need to be conformed to gender norms now did they?

Plus, it gets boring being one gender for a long time. He liked to mix it up a bit every now and then.

'...Did Barbatos do what I think he did?'

(M/N) thought incredulously to himself.

"Okay!" Paimon shouted. "Who is he!?"

"How does he know so much about Venti and Zhongli?"

Lumien calmly asked, not caring for an answer.

Why? Because everything will be answered in Liyue.


Was all Zero said.

Groans and moans could be heard.

The suspense was killing them!

"With the exact shade of green, talk about a coincidence."

Aether sarcastically said, as he observed the figure fading into the distance.

"...So, all we needed was a (M/N) to give him a backbone." Lumine deadpanned. "Noted."

Aether twitched.

'Like your any better?'

He thought to himself.

"See? See?"

Paimon said, before it finally sank in.

"Wait...Hold on a minute...Th-that"

"Speechless Paimon?"

Xingqiu blinked.

"What an accomplishment!"

"Not funny!"

Paimon shrieked.

"Finish your sentence already."

(M/N) tapped his finger on his arm, waiting for the floating fairy to hurry up.

"He's secretly enjoying this isn't he?"

Mei just deadpanned.

"The Bronya thinks so."


"No doubt about it!"

"That's the same guy!"

Paimon exclaimed,

"Quick! After that green clad guy!"

With that said, the trio shot off looking for the strange figure.

Unknowing, that their lives were about to get more complicated than ever before.

Lumine suddenly stiffened.

Remembering a certain event that was going to happen soon.

'Oh boy!' She thought to herself. 'Hope I don't get arrested!'

"Well." Albedo spoke up. "That was interesting."

"Yep!" "Same here!" "Couldn't agree more!"

"Glad you guys liked it."

Zero smirked.

"'s time to sleep."




Snapping his fingers, everyone fell as he teleported them to their rooms and to their beds.

What? Just because he didn't like certain groups didn't mean he was going to be a bad host.

"And goodnight to everyone else!"

The theater went dark.

And done!


Today was a good day, I managed to publish a chapter for three books! Granted it was also because two of them were half done, just needed to add the characters reactions to it. And the third one was half done, and I just finally managed to get it done.

But today, I had the energy and motivation to actually continue some. Now it's just doing some of my other books that haven't been updated in a while.

Hopefully I can keep the momentum going tomorrow, because I am done for tonight!

Hope you enjoyed it.

Have a good day/night!

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