Temple of the Wolf

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And we're back!

I'm surprised that I was able to finish this up. Wasn't really expecting to with my sleepy mood. Guess taking that nap really helped, of course now it's trying to go to sleep now.

That and I have been grinding on Genshin Impact trying to level my characters and start gathering the necessary ascension items for Dehya banner.

Guess that helped to motivate me to finish this chapter.

Don't own the art.


"...I warned you guys not to try to open any closed doors."

Zero gave them an unimpressed look.

Seriously, he knew that some eager, inquisitive minds would ignore his warnings and try to enter into areas forbidden to them.

He just didn't expect the outcome to catastrophic.

The Fatui definitely looked like they've seen better days, especially the Doctor.

He wasn't surprised by that.

The Fatui always did have a weird habit/obsession with taking apart things and putting them back together. Technology not of their world just waiting to be unleashed?

That was a goldmine for them.

Too bad they fail to take into account that they weren't invincible or could do what they pleased in his world.

End result?

A majority of them were rather burned, shocked, froze, etc. etc.

Certain sages/scholars also suffering the same outcome.

As well as other people but that's not important right now.



He snapped his fingers and healed them of their wounds.

"Take that as a lesson that NOT even you can do as you please."

Grumbling, they all sat down as the screen played.

Step, step

Was the sound of (M/N) and Kaeya footsteps as they headed towards their destination.


Kaeya raised an eyebrow.

"It's just us?"

"This is the way right, Captain Kaeya?"

(M/N) asked the stoic, tan (dark skin? Google isn't being clear with that, seems to be divided) male, who has been silent ever since Jean made the teams back in her office.

"I guess having an extra helping hand changed things a bit."

Jean hummed.


"Okay, to speed up time we'll split into two groups." Jean said, "Kaeya and (M/N) will head to the Temple of the Wolf. While, Amber, Aether, and Paimon will head to the Temple of the Falcon."


Kaeya mused.

Were they going to meet with Diluc?

"Lisa will handle the Temple of the Lion."

"Aw, but Jean dear" Lisa protested, "It seems to be too much work for just one person."

"Unfortunately, I cannot leave Mondstadt at the moment due to negotiating with the delegates from Snezhnaya."

"Believe me." Jean spoke. "I'd rather help with dealing with the temples than dealing with the idiots."


The Fatui shouted.

Annoyed that they were not being taken seriously anymore.

(Well, in all honesty I did take you guys as threats. Then I read a comment on a Genshin Impact that made fun of the meaning of your name. And after looking it up...I can't take you guys seriously. Not to mention, you guys have been demoted from badass threats to annoying nuisances thanks to your meddling)

Jean apologizes.

Lisa pouted at that.

"Well, I suppose it can't be helped."


Lisa cried.

"Lazy as ever."

Someone said.



"I heard that!"

Lisa shouted.


(M/N) spoke up, getting the 'youngest' member of the group attention.

"Since you still need to acclimate yourself to this land, how about you go with Lisa after you and Amber handle the Falcon Temple?"

"Hmmm" Aether mused, pondering on that suggestion. On one hand, it might do some good to have a local help him understand the Nation of Freedom and beyond that Teyvat as well.

"That's a good point."

Kazuha spoke.

...But on the other hand, he was afraid she was going to Ara Ara him during the mission.

"And that's also a good point."

Gorou shuddered.

"Don't worry" Jean cut in, gaining his attention. She had a feeling she knew what he was thinking. "Lisa will be on her best behavior, won't you LISA?"

"Someone is definitely not in the mood."

The level of emphasize she put at the last part of her sentence could not be missed.

Pouting, Lisa complied "All right, all right I'll keep it to a minimum."

"If what I had to deal with is the minimum." Lumine deadpanned. "I'm scared at what you see as forward."

Lisa just giggled.

Scaring many people with that response.

"...Ok then" Aether said, "I'll go help out Lisa in the Temple of the Lion after Amber and I deal with our current temple."

"Then it's settled" Jean said, "I wish you all luck, and may the Anemo Archon protect you."

As everyone started to leave, she made eye contact with Kaeya.


"What's with that look?"

Mika shyly asked.

Jean said nothing but had an idea on why she did that.

This is your chance to ask the questions you want.

Was the unspoken sentence between them. Jean knew, after learning the truth about his origins, that he wanted to find out more about his fellow survivors and the new home they built.


Mika simply said.

"Makes sense."

Candance nodded her head.

"After all, in that world everyone believes that there were no survivors beside the vengeful."

"Of course, he would want to know about the survivors."

But the only way for him to know is to talk directly to the source.

Which is way she paired him and (M/N) up. She noticed something she didn't before. The air around Kaeya, felt calm, almost peaceful. Before, she now realizes, there was always a heavy air around him despite his secretive smile. Like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.


Many people turned to the Khaenrian.

Sympathy and pity in their eyes.

Said male just sighed.

Yet, also relieved that his secret was out.

'Now, that I know the truth I understand why.' She thought to herself. Despite what she implied earlier; she wasn't going to punish him harshly for spying on them. Regardless of the rules concerning that kind of thing.

"...Wow." Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Jean actually can be lenient?"


Cue the laughter at Jean expense.

Especially when he confessed that he didn't want to be a pawn anymore, having grown attach to the City of Freedom.

'If there's anyone who is going to receive my wrath its Kaeya father if I ever get my hands on him.'


Seems like it was leniency and more that she directed her anger towards a more deserving source.

Kaeya father better pick a god and pray. Cause once Jean gets his hands on him...

May the Gods have mercy on his soul for Jean won't.

Jean thought furiously to herself. Forcing a child to carry a heavy burden and abandoning him to the elements. Not even bothering to leave him in a place where he could be found easily? OHHH, if she ever did encounter him, he was going to get Diluc claymore shoved up his ass.

"Leave my claymore out of this."

Diluc grunted.

"It didn't anything wrong!"

Composing herself, she got ready for another around of egotistic morons thinking they have the authority to do whatever they want in her city.

"And here we go again."

Ningguang sighed.

She understood Jean position.

Even for her, whose power is absolute in Liyue. Dealing with the Fatui was a headache she could do without. They also seemed to think they could whatever they want just because they were the Fatui.

'Hopefully, there will be something in here to teach them a lesson.'

She thought to herself.

-Flashback ends-

"Yes, the temple right up ahead." Kaeya confirmed, "You see it?"

And lo and behold there it was: The Temple of the Wolf.


Kiana said as she stared at the entrance.

"...It has definitely seen better days."

(M/N) deadpan at the semi-sorry state of the temple as they walked in.

Here, the Mondstadters flinched at the jab.

Realizing that, in a way, they were disrespecting the Anemo Archon and the Four Winds by not keeping the Temples cleaned.

Chuckling Kaeya simply led the way.

Only to stop suddenly as he notices something rather odd.

"Hold it" he said, "Do you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

Diona sarcastically asked.

"The filthy smell of alcohol?"

"More like the smell of wet cat."

Himeko growled.

Not liking the cat attitude towards her beloved alcohol.




Zero yelled zapping the cat.

(Sorry, not really, don't really like her)

Frowning, (M/N) took a whiff of the air before answering: "I don't smell anything."

"Exactly" Kaeya said, his visible eye serious, "That means something must have happened in the temple before we got here."

"Did we ever find out why?"

Lumine asked.

"If this is going where I think it is."

Kaeya started.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"In that case we need to be on guard then."

With that said, they started walking deeper and deeper into the temple.






"...Is anyone going to say anything?"

Eula asked.



"...Forget I asked."

"...You're never going to get the answers you seek if you don't say it, Kaeya."

(M/N) spoke, breaking the silence between.

"Guess someone said something."

Kaveh sweatdropped.

Kaeya started, before sighing knowing he was right.

But where to start was the question?

"Where are they?"

A Sneyhnayan asked.



"Do you seriously think he would answer that?"

Palpatine deadpanned.

"Are-are the descendants of the survivors happy?"

Here, Aether and the Khaenrians straightened up. Eager to hear what (M/N) has to say.

He decided to use that question as the starter conversation.

"While they would like to leave their island home and travel the world, they know that even now they might not be that well received."

(M/N) answered, it was true. The stories that had been passed down from generation to generation for the Children of Khaenri'ah always spoke of his warnings towards them.

"Stories passed through generations."

Yun Jin hummed.

The trauma of what their ancestors experience from the Day that the Gods Struck Down from the Heavens could be felt through those stories. And how, if he wasn't there, they wouldn't be alive today.

Several people winced at that.

"Right...forgot that the Gods laid waste to their nation and slaughtered their people."

Bennett flinched at that.

The Archons (that were there) sighed.

"I wish they would have the courage to see how Teyvat is like today, but the fear of Celestia and the Gods finishing what they started 500 years ago is very strong."

"Hmph! Cowards."

A 'scholar' crossed her arms, as did some of her friends.




"Silence, you fool."

Zero coldly commanded as he, Ei, Palpatine, Darth Vader, and Ivan Ooze zapped them with lightning.

"I don't want to hear that kind of talk from scumbags such as yourself: Janaki."

He glared hatefully at them.

"Wha-What did we do!?"

Jaap screamed in pain as they were zapped in a brutal fashion.

The audience staring in pure shock and fear.

"What did they do to piss him off?"

Kiana whispered to her friends.

Last time he was mad, he killed a majority of Union in the other room.

"Bronya doesn't know."

Bronya spoke up.

"But Bronya bets that they did something horrible."

(If you have done Alhaitham story quest, you probably already know my anger against them)

"What have you done?" Zero coldly asked. "Perhaps this should juggle your memories."

"Ilyas and Raju."

Those two names caught everyone's attention.

Especially those that lived in Sumeru.

"Ilyas?" Alhaitham repeated. "If I remember correctly, Ilyas has been called a hero. But Raju..."

Here, he trailed off as people gave him looks of curiosity.

"Raju killed himself."

Nahida spoke up.

Glaring at her subjects.

It would seem no matter what world it is, events seem to have happened similarly.

And the God of Wisdom was not happy. AT ALL.


Several people shouted in shock at the admission.


Mei cautiously asked.

"He was being taken advantage of." Ei crossed her arms, having stopped inflicting the unworthy with pain. "He was an incredible scholar with a bright future, but unfortunately was paired up with a greedy Researcher. Who stole his work, and mentally and verbally abused him all the while resting on his hard work."

"Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore and jumped."


Gasps of horror shook the room.

Lisa looked furious at the thought of a bright mind being snuffed out so quickly.

She might be lazy, but that didn't mean she was callous like some of her 'colleagues' were.

"Ilyas knew about it." She continued. "And tried his best to get him to tell the Akademiya...but to no avail. And as just mentioned, we already know the end result."



"There's more, isn't there?"

Lisa smiled a very special type of smile.

Aka the 'You didn't return the book' smile for book offenders.

"These pieces of slime." Kunikuzushi pointed at Janaki, Jaap, and other members of the group. "Turned their backs on him when he told the truth about what Jani, the researcher, had done."

"Instead of giving him their support, they chose to act like a bunch of whiny self-entitled whores and accused of him of how badly their lives have gone now because of that."

"Because it's his fault!" Janaki yelled as she twitched in pain on the floor. "If he had just kept his mouth shut and let things run its course, we could have already been done!"

"Raju death was sad." Jaap uncaringly said. "But if he was too weak to endure a little abuse, then he deserved to die."

Much to the disgust of a majority of the room, nearly all of Sumeru 'scholars and sages' nodded their heads to that.

"Disgusting." "How could they be so cruel." "Can't believe I wanted to study there."

Were just some of the things that were being said.

"Well." Cyno spoke up, silencing the room with just that one word. "Perhaps it seems that you must be judged as well."


Now the scholars paled at the thought of being judged by Cyno.

They were in deep shit now.

"Cyno." 'Grand Sage' Azar warned. "You are overste-"



Azar muffled screams could be heard as he desperately tried to remove the ooze on his mouth.

"Your fake sense of superiority is staggering." Ivan Ooze deadpanned. "Besides, you're in no position to make demands, especially when we get to Sumeru and expose you fools for your crimes."

THAT sent a sense of dread through the sages' spines as they realized that they were in deep trouble.

Especially since that got many others attention.



The scholars screamed in pain as this time, Lisa electrocuted them painfully.

"This is exactly why I left Sumeru." Lisa shook her head in disgust. "The folly of you sages and scholars is incomprehensible."

"I must admit." Tighnari shook his head. "Even I could never imagine how selfish and greedy the Akademiya has become."

Some of his juniors flinched at the disappointed tone in his voice.

While they were not like that, they felt that he was speaking to them implicitly.

"Mondstadt is the only place I know whose Archon has willingly taken you in."

Somehow, the fact that Venti knew who he was, was able to shock them out of their disgust and revulsion of what had just been revealed.

"You knew!?"

Kaeya shouted in pure shock as he stared at the Anemo Archon.

"Did you really think I wouldn't know who's been living in my domain?"

Venti rhetorically asked.

...Yeah, that made sense.

"But...why then?"

Kaeya could not understand why Venti would let him stay if he knew his real motives.


Was all the Anemo Archon said.

Kaeya stopped in shock at that statement: Barbatos knew who he was!? And he still let him stay in his city?

"Why?" He accidentally spoke out loud.

"Because he was against the slaughter in the first place." (M/N) answered, getting his attention once more.


Here, the Archons sighed at yet another reminder at what had happened back then.

"The descendants of the final survivors said that Barbatos tried to protect their ancestors and convince Morax to let them go."

"Unfortunately, Morax always was the type to listen to orders and his experience with emotions, not so great."

"He knows Rex Lapis quite well."

Ganyu tilted her head.

"But who is he?"

Xiao frowned.

And what was his history with Rex Lapis?

"Of course, this bought time for them to escape."

"Still..." Lumine frowned. "Why does he refer to himself as not a good person?"

A question many were curious to know as well.

"To Barbatos, you were a child that needed a home after losing your old one unfairly. And perhaps to him, he felt that he could, even if it was small, erase some of the guilt he felt at that being unable to save those two children that he had actually unknowingly saved."


The Tsaritsa softly said as she stared at him.

She truly wished she did not have to go this route. But...the Gnoses were crucial to her plan of waging war against Celestia.

And she doubted Barbatos would have readily agreed to her plan.

After witnessing the brutal aftermath of the Archon War and later on the Destruction of Khaenri'ah. Barbatos had no intention of bringing war upon his nation.

"Everyone needs a home to go back to." Venti simply said at the looks he was getting. "And I knew that other nations would not be as openminded as me."

The Tsaritsa was about to open her mouth.

"Would you have taken them in without strings attached? Would you have let them live their lives in peace? Or would you have stoked the flames of hate in their hearts and recruited them into the Fatui?"

And shut her mouth as she pondered his words.

He had a point.

...Kaeya did not know what to say. It definitely made him feel even more guilty of spying on Mondstadt for a nation that no longer exist.

The Kaeya in the theater also felt the same way.

Then he decided to ask the most pressing question of them all.

"Are...they inflicted by the curse?" Kaeya asked somberly, afraid of the answer.


Someone asked.

"What curse?"


Zero and the others thought to themselves.

'I forgot that they made mention of this!'

The god thought to himself.

While Aether and the Abyss Order was eager to hear the response.

"No" Was (M/N) response, causing him to snap his head at the (H/C) hair male in shock. "When Celestia and the Gods casted that curse, it was only directed at the Khaenri'ah survivors that they were aware of and their future generations."


An Abyss Mage muttered to themselves.

"They had no idea that there were survivors that had actually escaped purge and destruction of Khaenri'ah."

Keaya was both relieved and envious of them. Relieved that at least some of Khaenri'ah children will never have to suffer the way he and his brethren have.

"What curse?"

Candace frowned.

From the sounds of it, it was serious.

And envious because he wishes he had that freedom as well.

"Can someone-!?"

"After this."

Zero just sighed.

THAT was not going to be a pleasant topic to talk about.

...Before realizing that it was going to be revealed in just a few seconds.


He said out loud, startling the audience with that unexpected statement.

"How did you know I was aware of the curse?" (M/N) asked, he made no mention of it back at the office, because that type of information would have been probably the Mother of all Bombshells.

"...Why am I getting a very bad feeling about all this?"

Keqing muttered to herself.

Her sentiments shared among the audience.

They did not like the sound of that.

After all, to Teyvat the Abyss and the Hilichurl species were monsters that sought to destroy civilization. If they were to learn the truth that they were once people from Khaenri'ah, he didn't know what their reactions would be.




The theater shook with the screams of shock and horror at what was just revealed.

"Th-The Abyss Order and the Hilichurls are human!?"

Barbara screamed in pure shock.


Dehya eyes widened as she mentally repeated the words that just destroyed everything, they knew about them.

"This can't be!" "How is this possible?!" "They were once humans?" "This is the curse?!"

"To think..." Diluc normally composed voice was shaken to the core. "That all this time, I've been killing former humans?"

Jean looked like she was going to collapse from this.

Then Diluc realized something.

"...Kaeya." He spoke to his brother in arms. "Is this the same fate that awaits you?"


"Answer me, Kaeya!"


Still Kaeya said nothing.

Confirming Diluc suspicions.

"There has got to be a way to fix this!"

Collei trembled at the thought of such a horrific fate.

"There's none."

Dainsleif tiredly said.

Gaining everyone attention.

"If there was...I would have already found it after all these years of wondering the world."

"All these years?" Amber blinked.

"Are you...a Khaenrian as well?"

This got many people attention.

They just thought that he somehow knew the truth and felt sympathy for them. Not that he might actually have ties to the destroyed nation.

"I have no doubt the truth will be revealed." Dainsleif simply said. "But to answer your question, yes."

'And yet, you also betray them.'

Aether glared angrily at his old companion.

...To him, he saw it as an act of mercy to put them out of their misery. The curse, ever consuming them until there is nothing left behind, transforming them into mindless monsters eventually.

"That's the full extent of the curse?"

Sara Kujou looked sick.

All this time that they had been eradicating Hilichurl camps, they had been killing former humans!

"But why?"

Yelan frowned.

What did they do to incite such a horrific punishment?

And could it be cured?

'Why?' Was the question that kept invading his mind. 'Why did Celestia and the Gods cursed them with that horrible curse?'

What did they do, that was so horrendous, so blasphemous, that it was considered a grave insult to the Gods themselves?

"Questions that have no answer."

Theresa (HI3) frowned.

'Something tells me that if I continue traveling with Aether the reason will reveal itself.'

"Hmm..." Lumine pondered.

Something told her that the truth will be revealed on her journey.

...Though it might be revealed sooner than expected.

(M/N) thought to himself.

"You know things that not many people would know." Kaeya started, gaining (M/N) attention. "Your knowledge is impressive, mindboggling."

"I honestly guessed by using my intuition, but it seems I was right."

"We're going to have to wrap this Q&A up soon, we're going to have company."

(M/N) said, sensing dark life forces up ahead.

"Two more then" Kaeya said, "What's the new home name?"


"Something very unoriginal."

Theresa (Arknights) and Amagi just silently laughed.


"They weren't original and just called it Neo Khaenri'ah."

"...You have got to be kidding me."

Dainsleif deadpanned.

A sentiment that many others shared.

(M/N) deadpan as he said the name.

"...You're joking." Kaeya deadpan as well.

"Does he look like he's joking?"

"Nope, last question?"

"...Thank you."

"That's not a question, Kaeya."

Diluc deadpanned.

"I'm aware."

That caught him off guard, since he was expecting a question.

"If it hadn't been for your ancestor saving them, then I wouldn't dare to dream that there could be hope for Khaenri'ah."

"Just the thought that Khaenri'ah still lives on in the hearts of her people that can live their lives free from the curse makes me happy."

He said with a genuine expression on his face.

(M/N) didn't say anything for a second, before saying: "Your welcome."

He shouldn't be shocked that Kaeya reached that conclusion, however wrong it was, simply because only Aether seemed to be aware that he wasn't human. Then again, it's not like he was broadcasting that for the whole world to hear.

"True..." Kokomi trailed off. "To them, he's just an ordinary human who's wise and powerful."

"They would have no idea about who he is."

GI Ei finished.

He trusted Aether not to say anything, just like Aether trusted him not to say anything about his origins.


Came the sound of the hilichurls raising the alarm as they noticed their arrival.

"Hmph! A bunch of small fries." Kaeya said, "Very well, let me show you how the Knights of Favonius handle their adversaries!"

"...Is it hard, Mr. Kaeya?"

Ella Musk softly asked.

While this proved that Hilichurls were more than monsters. She never expected to learn the horrifying truth about them!

She felt sick and felt sorrow for the former residents of Khaenri'ah.

And while this only strengthened her resolve, she knew that it would be a long time before they could reach peace between them.

But now, she was more concerned about the Khaenrian who fights against his own people.

"...It doesn't get easier over time." The Calvary Captain softly said. "It just becomes more manageable."

He admitted.

"And I think I can take (M/N) words and use it as a way to harden my resolve."

He also said.

"I shouldn't think of it as killing them, but as freeing them from a life of eternal suffering."

...That actually did make things a little bit easier now with handling them.

Aether frowned.

Why couldn't they see things from his perspective?

Unknown to him, the Abyss Order was watching this from another perspective.

Even if they wouldn't rebel against the Gods, the fact that they showed sympathy to them actually made their dead hearts beat with happiness.

With that said, he drew his sword and struck at the closet hilichurl near him.

The poor creature barely had time to shout as he was sliced into two.

"Talk about cold efficiency."

Bennett nervously chuckled.

"YAH!" The fallen monster comrade yelled in anger as they lunged in group formation at the knight.

"Cool It"

Kaeya unleashed his elemental skill, freezing the hilichurls in place due to the fact they were running on water.

"...Does the curse reduce their intelligence as well?"

Kuki sweatdropped at how easily the hilichurls were taken out.

"Who knows?"

Layla shrugged.

Swing, swish, slash

Was all that could be heard as (M/N) struck his foes down. A slice here,


A slice there


A spinning strike to take down the hilichurls who thought it was a smart idea to gang up on him.


A roundhouse kick to the face.

"Do Hydro users have a thing for dancing while they fight?"

Heizou blinked.



Nilou just sweatdropped as Heizou rubbed his head from the hit that Kuki just gave him.

Blub, blub, splash!

The activation of his Hydro powers, sweeping away the room in a flood. Smirking, he trapped the remaining enemies into a ball of water.

Which Kaeya promptly froze, causing the frozen sphere to fall and smash into pieces along with the hilichurls.


Klee cheered as her uncle Kaeya and, now uncle, (M/N) took them down with no sweat.

Alice just smiled at her daughter happiness.

"You really are skilled." Kaeya complimented, (M/N) barely flinched as he fought against the horde of hilichurls that tried to overpower him with numbers.

"Training" (M/N) simply said, "Lots and lots of training."

"Along with being super old, I'm guessing?"

Itto bluntly said.

"Most likely, true."

Thoma nodded his head.

-Scene change-

"I have the strongest sensation of strangling that damn Oni and Housekeeper."

(M/N) growled as he choked Grand Sage Azar Homer Simpson style.

While Aether stabbed a bitch and Paimon dropped heavy vases on the fleeing sages.

While Alhaitahm, Dehya, and Cyno just sweatdropped at the scene before them.

-Back to the theater-

'I feel pity for their counterparts.'

Zero just sighed.

"Heh, we should get going."

With that said, Kaeya and (M/N) continued walking through the temple to reach its center.

"You probably already know this, but Stormterror was once one of the Four Winds."

Kaeya said, as (M/N) nodded.

"Yeah, I do know. I just wish I knew why he has turned his back on his old friend city."

(M/N) said.

"A question for another time I guess." Kaeya said, as his expression turned serious. "For now, let's handle the last bosses of this round."

In front of them was hilichurls and a couple of mitachurls camping near the Dragon stone that was swirling with power.

"mmpmmph!" One of the mitachurl suddenly said, as it noticed them.

Quickly grabbing their weapons, they lunged at the two.

Effortlessly dodging the flurry of attacks, (M/N) trapped them in a mini tsunami. The monsters trying to escape their restraints to no avail.

"Are we sure he isn't the Hydro Archon in disguise?"

One of Fontaine engineers asked as they turned to the God in question.

Folcalors simply shrugged.

"I don't think so." She admitted. "But I do believe that this person is as old as the last two of the original seven."


"Plus, this power." She continued. "It far outstrips my own.

"This moment will be frozen in time!" Kaeya shouted as he released his burst upon them.

Striking in a series of sword strikes, before he finished them off.

"Well." Pierro hummed, impressed. "At least there are SOME capable knights that Mondstadt can rely on."

Varka smiled, while the other knights twitched at the jab.

Their fault for being lazy.

"Hmm," (M/N) hummed, suddenly unleashing three sharpened water blades behind him.


Impaling the hilichurls who had hidden themselves, waiting for the right moment to strike.


"Fools" He coldly said, before using his water blades to slice them into ribbons.

"Talk about overpowered."

Xingqiu sweatdropped at how powerful and well versed the older Hydro user was.

"Now then" (M/N) said, as he charged his sword with elemental energy before striking it down on the stone.

Releasing the power that had been building up into the air, before dissipating.

"Well, that's one down and two more to go!" Kaeya said, clapping. "I just hope the others are having as much success as we are."

"They'll be fine" (M/N) said, "Aether is stronger than he might look to you, and I'm pretty sure your fellow knights aren't weak either."

"He likes to contradict himself, no?"

Xavier sweatdrop.

"Part of his charm."

Was all that was said.

"I'll just have to take your word for it." Kaeya conceded, before putting a hand on his chin in a thinking pose.

"(M/N)" He started, with said male turning his attention to him. "You should know as well as I that hilichurls would not have been able to form these kinds of combat strategy."

"They lack the intelligence they once had to do that."


Some said as their expressions got serious.

And after just learning the truth, they had a funny feeling.

Lumine eyes narrowed as she remembered leaving shortly after they had destroyed the stone. With Kaeya staying behind for some reason.

Unbeknownst to them, a white furred covered creature had appeared behind a pillar, laughing silently.

"The Abyss!"

Xiao glared.

Regardless of their tragic backstory, they were still the enemy of the Seven Nations.

"Therefore" Kaeya said, turning to the said pillar the creature was at.

"The culprit had to be you from the Abyss Order!"

Kaeya shouted as the Abyss Mage floated from the pillar.

"So, that's why you stayed behind!"

Lumine realized.

"I knew it was too easy." Kaeya explained. "And I sensed a possible ambush."

Chanting and speaking in a strange language, the Abyss Mage prepared to strike the two down.

(M/N) got into position, before sensing the power of Pyro rapidly approaching.

"What now?"

Yomiya groaned.

Quickly, he moved out of the way while Kaeya stood impassionedly as a massive firebird flew past him and right into the Cryo Abyss Mage.

"...And why didn't you dodge that?" Himeko gave him a stare. "That could have hit you!"

"I trust him well enough not to intentionally hit me."

Kaeya simply shrugged.


Razor tilted his head in confusion.

"Shriek!" Was all the Abyss mage had time to say as a figure clad in black ran at incredible speed past them.

"Wait, what?"

Leaping into the air, he slammed his massive Pyro infused claymore right onto the Abyss Mage.

The creature let out one more roar as it died.

"Damn!" Childe whistled. "Would sure love to fight that guy!"

Diluc just glared as Kaeya simply laughed.

"The Knights of Favonius, always so inefficient."

"Of course."

Jean and the others sighed.

There was only one person they knew that would say that.

While the other nations just blinked in confusion.

The red haired, red eyed male said.

(Diluc 'I am Vengeance, I am the Night, I am Batman!' Ragnvindr. AKA 'Just an ordinary tavern owner/Wine Tycoon nothing to see here')

"Diluc!?" "Master Diluc!?" "What is he doing there!?"

"...What's with the title?"

Diluc just simply stared at his introduction.

"And who is Batman?"

"Wait!" Paimon suddenly realized. "When you said you had dealt with an Abyss Mage, you meant!?"

"Try not to be sloppy."

Was all Diluc said.


"Agree to disagree Diluc." Kaeya smirked at his old friend/Brother in arms appearance.

"But with you involved now things have just gotten more interesting."

"Hmph" Was all Diluc said.

"Those two."

Adelinde shook her head.

"...Now I'm wishing I wasn't stupid back then."

A certain red head sighed as he looked at his sons in sadness.

They hadn't noticed him yet, but that might have been a good thing right now.

It gave him the opportunity to see how much things have changed since his death.

...It made him feel bad, and he regretted using that Delusion.

'Maybe if I hadn't done that back then, my family wouldn't be so broken right now.'

The man thought to himself.


A hand softly touches his shoulder.

"We cannot change our pasts." A purple haired, purple eyed beauty smiled sadly. "All we can do now is hope that our families can strive forward without us."

'Though I wish Ei wasn't so stubborn.'

The woman sighed.

They had been brought in like the rest but were more hidden as to not overwhelm their loved ones with their return.

'Oh, Ei.' The woman thought sadly to herself. 'I can only hope Zero sama and your counterpart can teach you what I hoped I could.'

Sighing, she sat down.


And began rubbing a young boy head as they watched on.

The young boy silently giggling.

(M/N) crossed his arms in amusement at the scene before him.

'Huh, like he said things really are getting more interesting.'

Was his last thought as the group prepared to leave the temple and back to Mondstadt.

That's that for now."

Zero sighed.


"...The people of Khaenri'ah." Ningguang slowly spoke up. "Is it also-?"


Ei answered and confirmed her question.

"They too are also cursed in your world."

"I see..."


Zero fell to his chair.

"It is almost the same outcome in every world." He began. "And breaking the curse is almost a nigh impossible task."


"...But there is still a chance."

Tighnari noted.



That got the Khaenrians, Abyss Order, and the Gods, in the theater attention.

They could be free!?

"But how?"

Dainsleif cautiously asked.

"The curse cannot be broken. I should know, I've tried countless times on my journey."

"That's because you lack the essential component to breaking the curse."

Zero smirked.


Pierro realized.

"You're not wrong." Nahida smiled. "But also, not 100% right."

"...The Traveler."

Mona realized.


Master Splinter nodded.

"The Traveler is the key to lifting the curse. Not the Abyss Order."

Here, he gave a subtle glare to Angsty Aether and the Abyss.

"Nor of the Fatui."

Glares were sent to the Fatui.

"In the end, what the Traveler does on their journey will be the key to ending the madness that has perverse the land for centuries."


"Let's get a move on."

Zero smirked.

"We still have much to cover."

And done!

After some time of inactivity on any of my books I finally have uploaded a new chapter.

Been slightly busy and have finally started to get into a normal sleeping pattern.

So, Diluc has been introduced in the storyline.

Idiots will be idiots for not listening and nearly getting themselves killed.

And yeah, I put a bit of a spoiler about Alhaitham story quest. Sorry, it just boils my blood at how badly he was treated for doing the right thing and getting justice for his friend who ended up taking his own life.

...They do not deserve to graduate with that vile mindset.

And I have secretly brought in people from the dead to watch as well.

Next chapter will be whenever possible.

Have a good day/night!

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