What If Aether and Amber have their Love Story (Titanic Edition)

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This is a love story between Aether who is part of the Third Class and Amber is part of the First Class when they were on board the Luxury Ocean Liner: RMS Titanic, in April 1912. which will lead to an imminent great disaster.

This is Titanic Scenario but with Genshin Impact Characters

This story is inspired by the 1997 film, 2000 animated film "Titanic: The Legend Goes On", and Titanic (2012 miniseries).

This contains ships: Amther (Amber x Aether), Barbennett (Barbara x Bennett) & Jeanluc (Jean x Diluc)

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(Pretend the title: Titanic: A Night to Remember)

Titanic was called a ship of dreams. And it was. It really was...

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(Start at 0:14)

April 10th, 1912


People are boarding the White Star Line's Luxury Ship, RMS Titanic.

The Titanic will be departed for New York City. The First Class is the wealthy class, used for completely rich people, while The Second and Third Class is the Irish class used for Irish people.

When the car arrived as the driver helps her out and the woman wears her nice clothes.

That young woman is Amber along with her friends Eula, Barbara and Kaeya. Three of them are the First Class as they got their tickets.

Amber: I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any bigger than Mauretania.
Kaeya: You could be blasè about some things, Amber, but not about Titanic so 100 feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious. Your friend's far too difficult to impress, Eula.
Eula: So this is the ship they say is Unsinkable.
Kaeya: It is unsinkable.
Barbara: I bet my sister is going to have on board.

Then the driver asks the staff about putting their things about their suite and safe into the wardrobe.

Kaeya checks the clock and ticking.

Kaeya: C'mon, we better hurry.

Then they went on onboard the Titanic.

Ticket Manager: Hello Ma'am, Welcome to Titanic.

Meanwhile, Two couples have tickets for First Class revealing to be Diluc and Jean have prepared for the voyage.

Diluc: We better hurry, Jean.
Jean: Sure thing Darling.

Then they got onboard the Titanic. At the bar, there was a poor boy named Aether Dawson along with his friend Bennett playing cards with Sven and Cole. Then They got the full house.

Aether: Full House, Boys!
Bennett: We can go to America!
Bartender: No, Mate, Titanic goes to America in 5 minutes.

And so, They quickly pack their things and ran to board the Titanic.

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(The scene replaces Jack as Aether and Fabrizio as Bennett)

They have managed to get on board the Titanic, They waved their goodbyes as the crowd bids farewell to everyone then she finally departs from Southampton.

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(The scene replaces Jack as Aether and Fabrizio as Bennett)

In Third Class, Aether & Bennett goes through the people and made it into their room, taking their bunk beds and making themselves at home.

Aether: *smiles* Enjoying your bunk bed huh?

He ruffles him making him chuckle as he took a bunk bed from below.

Meanwhile, in the First Class, Amber and her friends are unpacking the things with the help of the stewards.

Amber: It's like a fiasco.
Kaeya: It sure is.

In Cherbourg, A woman named Margeret Brown but they called her "Molly"

Molly: Here you go, sonny.

He helped Molly to carry her luggage. After
She stopped at Queenstown in Ireland to pick up more passengers, Titanic is now on her maiden voyage to New York. On the bridge, Captain Edward Smith looks at the view.

Smith: Take to her Sea, Mr. Murdoch. Let's stretch her legs.
Murdoch: Yes Sir.

Then the officer gives her all ahead full. In Engine Room.

Officer: All ahead full.
Crew: All ahead full!

Then the engines start working, Meanwhile, in Boiler Rooms, The Coal Workers started getting work. They shoved the coals and putting into the furnace as the Engines start getting faster. The propellers start getting to work, as the Titanic is now full speed ahead. She's now at 20. Knot At Speed.

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(the scene replaces Jack as Aether and Fabrizio as Bennett)

The Titanic was set sailed to New York through North Atlantic.

Meanwhile, In the Restaurant.

Amber is having a Lunchtime with her friends along with the conversation with Ship Builder, Thomas Andrews & White Star Line's chairman, J. Bruce Ismay

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(Rose replaces as Amber, Ruth replaces as Eula & Cal replaces as Kaeya, pretend Jean along with Diluc and Barbara were there)

Jean: It's a great pleasure with you, Mr. Andrews.
Andrews: You're welcome.
Ismay: We made such as Glorious Days for her.
Barbara: Jean, I'm so glad you entered the relationship with Master Diluc.
Jean: Yes, Isn't that right, Darling?
Diluc: Yes.

On the stern, Aether, and Bennett are having a good time. Then they met a Boy.

???: Hey, How are you doing.
Aether: I'm okay.
Ajax: I'm Ajax. You?
Aether: I'm Aether Dawson.
Ajax: you?
Bennett: Bennett.
Ajax: Hey.

They shook their hands.

Ajax: I hope we could get along.

Then Aether saw Amber on the Balcony, looking at the sea. Aether fell in love at first sight. Bennett chuckled as he was proud of someone in love. At Night, Amber looked at the view, when Aether came.

Aether: Don't do it.
Amber: What, I'm not gonna jump, just enjoying at viewing.
Aether: Oh, I was enjoying the same thing.

Then they held their hands while they were blushing.

Aether: I'm Aether Dawson.
Amber: I'm Amber Rose.

Then Kaeya came.

Kaeya: What are you think you're doing?
Aether: We're just enjoying the view.
Kaeya: Oh okay, why don't you join our dinner tomorrow night.
Aether: Okay.

Then they went their separate ways as Amber and Kaeya went back to their room while Aether lays on the bench enjoying looking at the stars. The Next Morning, Aether and Amber are walking on the Boat Deck.

Aether: I lived at Chippewa Falls in Wisconsin with my sister.
Amber: Mine lived in Philadelphia.
Aether: I guess you're wealthy.
Amber: It's doesn't matter about our differences.
Aether: I guess your right.

Then Aether and Amber entered their Third Class he met his friends again.

Bennett: Hey, Aether, Who's the girl.
Aether: Benny, Ajax. I would like you to meet Amber Rose.
Amber: Noce to meet you.
Bennett: Nice to meet you too.

Then Barbara came.

Barbara: Amber, where were you I was looking for you-

Then Bennett & Barbara saw at each other. They fell in love at first sight.

Bennett: Hi.
Barbara: Hey.
Bennett: I'm Bennett or Benny for short.
Barbara: I'm Barbara.
Bennett: I hope we could get along. Would you like to go to the party?
Barbara: Sure, After the Dinner.
Bennett: Okay.

They smiled at each other.

Amber: Looks like they're getting along. *smiles*
Aether: Yeah. *smiles*

Meanwhile, In the Cafe.

Smith is having a conversation with Mr. Ismay.

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Below the boat deck, Aether and Amber are having a view then they met Eula and Molly Brown.

Amber: I'll see you at dinner.
Molly: Let's get you something nice to wear.

Molly escorted him to the suite. He now wears a tuxedo.

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(Jack replaces as Aether)

He went into the Grand Staircase as he waited for Amber until she arrived wearing her red dress. He kissed her hand.

Aether: My lady.
Amber: Shall we.

Then they went to the dining salons, Aether introduce himself to Diluc, Jean, Barbara, Kaeya, Eula, Mr & Mrs. Astor, Mr. Andrews, and Mr. Ismay and start enjoying their dinner. Molly made their jokes, Everyone Laughed. After the Dinner. Aether told Amber to meet at the clock, so She went as he told her.

Aether: Do you want to go to a real party?
Amber: Sure.

They went to their party. Third Class People were enjoying their fun. Bennett and Barbara are dancing as well.

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(Jack & Rose replaces both Aether & Amber)

Then Kaeya & Eula along with Diluc and Jean saw them and smiles at them, Despite about Difference between the First Class and Third Class along with the Second Class. They care about poor ones since they're young.


April 14th, 1912

8 hours before the Disaster.

In the Wireless Room.

Titanic's Senior Officer, Jack Philips, along with Junior Officer, Harold Bride. They got a message from SS Californian about Ice Warnings, so Harold Bride goes to the Bridge and gave a message to the Captain. He gave the order to give her more speed and movement practices while en route to New York City. Bennett and Barbara confessed their love and entered their relationship, On the bow, Aether is looking at the sunset.

Amber: Hello Aether.
Aether: Hello.
Amber: How are you doing?

Aether reached out his hand as she took it.

Aether: Give your hand. Close your eyes. Go on.

She closed her eyes as she stepped on the rail as her arms stretched sideways, then he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Aether: You trust me?
Amber: I trust you.
Aether: Alright, Open your Eyes.

She opened her eyes as she was happily surprised.

Amber: I'm flying, Aether.

They smiled as their face grew closer as they kissed.

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(Jack & Rose replaces both Aether & Amber)

As the nightfall, the Titanic sails into North Atlantic Ocean. That was the last time Titanic ever saw the daylight.

They went to the room, She brought out the necklace, The Heart of the Ocean. He began drawing of Amber wearing the Heart of the Ocean then he completed it. Then they ran away from the steward and into the Boiler Room.

Worker: Hey! You can't be here!

They ran into the Cargo Room and saw the car, then he opened the door for her as she entered, he goes onto the driver's seat and honk it, she giggles

Aether: Where to, Ms?
Amber: To the Stars.

She dragged him inside the car. They kissed.

On the night of April 14th, the Titanic sails in the cold night.

Captain Smith asked Officer Lightoller and other officers to keep an eye on any surroundings before he went to bed. In the Wireless Room, Jack is still working on Cape Race along with Harold.

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(Watch the Video.

Then SS Californian Officer shuts down and went to sleep. On the crow best, The Fredrick Fleet along with his friend Reginald Lee. They kept the lookout for any icebergs. Murdoch and other officers kept precautions. In the Cargo Hold, a window of a car is covered in the fog then Hand appeared and slid down, Inside, Aether and Amber kissed as they heavily blushed, revealed to be naked after they have night sex. She covered herself with the cloth as Aether rest his head on her chest while they were breathing.

Aether: I love you, Amber.
Amber: I love you too, Aether.

They smiled as their eyes closed and she put her hands on his head. Then the stewards are searching for them. Aether and Amber put their clothes on and fled. Meanwhile, Jean and Diluc are having a night walk.

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(Start the Music)

Jean: It's freezing out here.

Then they stopped and looked at the view.

Diluc: It's beautiful, isn't it?
Jean: Yeah. When we reach America, We'll start a new life for ourselves.
Diluc: Yeah.

Then they kissed.

Diluc: I love you.
Jean: I love you.
Diluc: Let's head back to our room and have some sleep.
Jean: Sure thing, Darling.

Then they walked back to the First Class Room.

On the bow, they ran out while laughing.

Aether: That was fun.
Amber: When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you.
Aether: I know right.
Amber: Yeah.

Then they kissed.

Murdoch, Fleet, and Lee saw them and they were happy. Fleet and his friend go back to watching. But by 11:40 pm, They spotted the Iceberg.

Fleet: *gasps* Bugger Me, It can't be!

He rang the bell. Murdoch was alerted. He picked up the phone. Moody went to have a call.

Fleet: *in the phone* Is anyone there?!
Moody: Yes, what do you see?
Fleet: Iceberg Right Ahead!
Moody: Thank You. Iceberg Right Ahead!

Murdoch saw the Iceberg and ran to the Quarter Deck.

Murdoch: Hard to Starboard!

He steered the wheel. The officers put the full astern. In the Engine Room, They noticed the full astern.

Officer: Full Astern!

In the wheelhouse, Hichens stops steering.

Hichens: Hard Over!

Murdoch ran out to check if the ship is turning. In the Engine Room, they were desperate to make it reverse.

Crew: Go lads, Go!

In the Boiler Rooms, the Coal workers notice the red alarm.

Coal workers: Shut all the dampers! Shut them!

Then they shut all the dampers on the furnace, in the Engine Room, the crew were trying to slow her down.

Officer: Engage the Reverse!

As the crew did then the Engines start to slow down and begin to reverse. The propellers start getting work (except the middle one) Outside, Titanic is still going straight towards it.

Fleet: Why aren't they turning?!
Murdoch: Is it hard over?!
Moody: It is hard over!

He looks at the Iceberg.

Murdoch: Cmon, Cmon, Turn.

Then Titanic turns trying to avoid the Ice.

Murdoch: Yes.

Titanic turns to the Starboard Side but it was too close.

Officer: She's gonna hit!

They tried to turn the ship but it was too late, Titanic strikes an Iceberg, grazing on the Starboard Side.

Aether and Amber felt it, and Diluc and Jean felt the ship hit an iceberg. In his room, Mr. Andrews felt the commotion as well. In Third Class, Bennett felt shaking. In the cargo hold, the hull was scraped as the water rushes in.

Murdoch: Hard to port!

Hichen turned the wheel to the port side. Then the ice fragment fall out and landed on the deck.

Aether: Get Back!

They backed away from the ice fragments.

Jean and Diluc witnessed the iceberg. In Boiler Room 6, It began to flood. Murdoch closed all watertight doors as the coal workers evacuated but few were trapped. Titanic finally sailed away from the iceberg.

Smith: What did we strike?
Murdoch: An iceberg, sir. We tried to put her starboard as we could but it's too closer. We tried to put her around but she hit.
Smith: Close all the watertight doors.
Murdoch: The doors are all closed sir. Full stop.

They stopped the engines with a full stop.

Smith: Find the Carpenter.
Murdoch: Yes sir!

He ran to call Mr. Andrews as Smith saw the Ice fragments on the Bow deck. In the Third Class, Bennett gets off the bed and saw the water flooding a bit. The people came out of their rooms including Ajax.

Ajax: Let's go, hurry up!

In the First Class, Eula along with Kaeya came out of their room and asked the Steward.

Eula: Excuse Me, Sir, Why did the engines stop?
Steward: I can assure you, It is practical. Do you need anything?
Eula: No thank you.

Mr. Andrews, carrying the blueprints walked on the way.

Outside, the people are talking about what they saw. Andrews along with Captain Smith and other officers went to inspect the damage but the officer told it was completely underwater. They knew the ship will sink.

Aether: This is bad.
Amber: We should warn to my friends.

Then they ran into Jean and Diluc again.

Amber: Guys? What are you doing here?
Aether: Hey, Did you both see it?
Jean: Yes, we've seen it, she hit an iceberg.
Amber: We better warn the others.
Aether: I'll go find Benny and Ajax.
Amber: I'll go with you, Aether
Diluc: Okay, but you two be careful.
Amber: We'll do.

They went separate ways as Aether & Amber went to find Bennett and Ajax. Diluc, & Jean went to Eula, Kaeya & Barbara. They explained their situation.

Eula: She struck an iceberg.
Kaeya: we better wear our lifebelts on
Barbara: We need to get to the lifeboats. I hope Benny is okay

And with that, They wear their lifebelts. Meanwhile, Aether and Amber are heading towards the Third Class.

Aether: I know where they are.
Amber: I hope so too, Aether.

Meanwhile, Mr. Andrews and the others went to his room.

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April 15th, 1912

After Capt. Smith told them about CQD, sending a distress call an SOS. Officers began to prepare the lifeboats. In the Third Class, they met Mr. Andrews.

Amber: Mr. Andrews. I saw an Iceberg, and I saw it in your eyes, please tell me the truth?
Andrews: The ship will sink.
Amber: Are you certain?
Andrews: Yes. An hour or so, all the way into the bottom of the Atlantic.
Aether: What?
Andrews: Listen, I don't want to be a response to all panic, get to the boat quickly. Don't wait. Remember what I told you.
Amber: Yes. I understand.
Aether: Come on, We have to find them.
Amber: Okay.

Then they went to the Third Class while Mr. Andrews went to the Grand Staircase. Jean talks to him.

Jean: Mr. Andrews. We saw an Iceberg, and I saw it in your eyes, please tell us the truth?
Andrews: The ship will sink, Jean.
Jean: Are you certain of it?
Andrews: Yes. An hour or so, all the way into the bottom of the Atlantic.
Diluc: What? Are you sure?
Andrews: Listen, I don't want to be a response to all panic, get to the boat quickly. Don't wait. Remember what I told you. Jean.

She agrees with him. In the Bridge, Bride informed Smith about Carpathia. It will be here in 4 Hours. Molly Brown got on the boat and lowered away. John told his wife Madeleine to get on the boat as she did. Then the boat was finally lowered. In the Third Class, Aether and Amber made it to the Third Class Rooms including E-Deck But it was flooded so they have to fight their way through. Then they made it but they were worried the whole is flooding.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Jack and Rose are Also replaced as Aether and Amber)

Meanwhile, on the other side, panicked, people got trapped by stewards who locked the gates, fearing the boats were running out as the ship is sinking. Aether met Bennett and Ajax again.

Aether: Ajax, We need to get out!
Ajax: It's hopeless that way!
Aether: We're gonna have to get out fast!
Bennett: Aether!
Aether: Benny!

They quickly hugged.

Bennett: the Boats are almost gone!
Aether: The whole place is flooding, We have to get out.
Bennett: Niente, is that way!
Aether: I know the way, C'mon.

Then they have to go another route but the gate was also blocked by the stewards.

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(Jack, Rose, Fabrizio, and Tommy are Also replaced as Aether, Amber, Bennett, and Ajax)

Then they made it to the Boat Deck, Officers order them "Women and children first or Women and children only" as the Titanic began to sink.

Panicked as the people pushed their way as boats were running out. By 1:05 am, The Titanic started to sink fast as the bow began to sink underwater below deck.

The boats were getting lowered one by one. Andrews told Lightoller to fill more people since he saw the boat is half. Ismay got panicked about the situation.

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Boat Six did not return, Chief Baker began to throw the chairs into the water to help any sailors or passengers.

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Meanwhile, Aether along with Amber and their friends came to the boat deck but it was crowded.

Amber: The Boats are gone!

They check but She asked the Colonel where the boats were, He said that It was at the front of the ship. They ran to the front of the ship.

Aether: Get in the boat, Amber.
Amber: No.
Aether: Go on, I'll be right next to you.
Amber: No, Not without you.
Aether: Don't worry, I'm a survivor alright, don't worry about it. Now C'mon, get on.
Kaeya: Don't worry, Amber. Aether and I will get in another boat to get us safety, both of us.
Aether: See. I have another boat to catch.
Kaeya: Get in the boat, Amber. We don't have much time!

Officer grabbed her and put her on the boat. She grabbed his hand but Lowe backs him away. He shouted say "Lower Away!" as the boat began to lower. Amber realized that her love and her heart belongs to Aether, so she jump back onto the ship. She and Aether ran into the Grand Staircase.

Aether: You're so stupid! Why did you do that, why?!
Amber: You Jump, I jumped right?
Aether: Right.

They kissed and hugged.

Amber: I'll never let you go.

They were too late to go back to get to the boats so they have to get to the stern. Meanwhile, Officer fired the Distress Flare to signal other ships, Mr. Ismay filled with his regret, gets into the boat and was lowered. As hours have passed, Harold wears his Lifebelt and goes to the wireless room to give it to Jack.

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Then Harold left to the Boat deck. Meanwhile, Aether and Amber are rushing to the stern, then they met Mr. Andrews for one last time.

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(Jack and Rose are Also replaced as Aether and Amber)

And with that, Aether and Amber make a run to the stern.

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John and Benjamin shook their hands before they went their separate ways. Wallace played along with the band for one final performance. "Nearer my God to Thee."

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start the Music)

They are prepared to abandon ship.

On the boat deck, Kaeya, Eula, and Barbara got on the boat. Bennett told her to get her on the boat. Barbara hugged, crying. He kissed her as she kissed him back.

Bennett: Don't worry, We will see each other again. I have another boat to catch.

She nodded in agreement.

Barbara: Come back to me.
Bennett: I will.

Then they went to their separate ways as Bennett ran to the front while Barbara gets on the boat. Jean hugs him as Diluc places his hand on her cheek, and she sheds her tears.

Diluc: Don't worry, We will be together again soon. I promise.

She tearfully nodded as she kissed him.

Jean: Just come back.

Then she went to the boat as it finally lowered. The last lifeboat left. By 2:15 am, The Titanic started to sink fast as the bow and the bridge began to sink underwater below deck. Captain Smith went to the wheelhouse and goes down with the ship. Bennett and Ajax got it on board the collapsible c boat and escape along with Fredrick Fleet and Harold Bride.

Bennett: We gotta get away from her!
Ajax: She's going down! Hurry!

The bow pulls down, and the stern rises, Lifeboats rowed away from the ship. First Funnel collapses, crushing them to death as the stern rises to a high angle, Aether and Amber made the run for it until they made it to the stern.

Then the Second Funnel collapsed. Jean and her friends witnessed it in horror. On the ship, Diluc rescued the boy, then the lights went out.

The ship started to break in half, and Diluc and a little boy jumped out of the ship. Then the Titanic splits in half, She broke into two between the 3rd and Fourth Funnels.

Then the 3rd and 4th Funnels collapsed as the  bow goes down while holding the double bottom and the stern rises then the double bottom lets go and the bow heads down until it finally reaches the bottom of the ocean. Then the stern rises and began its final plunge.

The stern starts going down into the depths.

Aether: We're gonna make it Amber, Trust Me!
Amber: I trust you!

Then the ship is about submerged.

Aether: Ready? Now!

Amber took a deep as the ship submerged.

at 2:20 am, of April 15th, 1912, the Titanic sank taking along with her victims. On the surface, there were the cries for their help, hoping the boats to returned. Amber and Aether resurfaced.

Aether: I need you to swim!

They began to swim. They made it to the board one room for Amber so he had to stay in the water.

Aether: Don't worry, Amber, the boats will come back.

Meanwhile, on the Boats, Hichens refused to go back but Molly threatened him they will throw him off the boat, Lifeboat 6 was now commandeered by Molly Brown. In other Boats, Lowe and the group were regrouped.

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So Lowe and the Crew has go back to save the passengers or sailors.

But, then after 4 minutes later, cries died out people died of hypothermia. Lowe and the officers returned too late and later rescue the Chinese man.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start the Music)

On the other side, Aether and Amber knew this was it, then Lowe and the crew arrived and they were saved.

Aether: We made it.
Amber: Aether, Thank you.

On the other boat, Jean was mourning for her Darling.

Barbara: I'm sorry, Jean.
Jean: *sobs* I love him. Very much.
Kaeya: Come here.

He comforts her, Eula still hopes that Amber will be alright. Then the boy on the crate as the raft swam towards the boat with guy on it so Jean and the crew members help him out. it was Diluc. After he helped the boy to get o the raft, he was exhausted, but the boy couldn't leave him so tied him with a rope and swan while dragging him in the water He was unconscious.

Jean: Diluc, it's me, Jean. Open your eyes.

She tearfully begs him to open his eyes, and Diluc finally opened his eyes.

Diluc: Told you we will be together again.
Jean: I'm glad that you're okay.

Then they kissed. At the sunrise, Carpathia arrived. Carpathia rescues the survivors and picks up the bodies of their victims, Amber and Aether are escorting each other. They met with her friends again.

Eula: Amber!
Amber: Eula!

They hugged as Kaeya, Barbara, Jean & Diluc joined in.

Eula: Thank you.

Aether smiles then he met Bennett and Ajax.

Aether: Guys!
Bennett: Aether!

They hugged as Ajax joined in

Bennett: you're okay.
Aether: Yeah.

Then Amber and Aether hold their hands.

Aether: We all were.
Barbara: I'm glad you're okay, Benny.
Bennett: You too.

Then Carpathia arrived in New York City on April 18th, 1912.

Diluc: Looks like we're gonna have start over into a new one.
Jean: I agree.

Then an officer came and ask her name.

Amber: Dawson. Amber Dawson.

Aether smiles at her as she did the same. Then they disembarked the Carpathia, Amber hugged him for one last time.

Amber: Goodbye, Aether. I hope we meet again.
Aether: Me too.

Then they went their separated ways, Aether went back to Chippewa Falls, reuniting with his sister, Lumine. He explained to his sister about his experience on the Titanic and he fell in love with Amber, She's glad to see her brother okay after what happened last night, and assured him he will meet her again soon. As Months Passed after Titanic's Disaster at Sea. He began to draw the landscapes then he met Amber again.

Aether: Amber?
Amber: Hello, Aether.

They hugged.

Amber: I missed you, Aether.
Aether: I missed you too, Amber.
Lumine: I'm proud of you, Aether.

Then they finally get married and so did Diluc and Jean who also Married. Bennett and Barbara got married. They have their children and have a happy life. Diluc and Jean have a daughter named Klee then they met Aether and Amber who has their children a daughter named Erica Dawson and a son named Thomas Andrews Jr. Dawson named after the shipbuilder to honor him, much to their happiness.

Thomas: Dad! Look at the view.

He and his wife saw the sunset.

Aether: It's beautiful out here.
Amber: Yeah.

Then his cousin Klee came along with her Parents: Diluc and Jean.

Jean: Hello, Aether.
Aether: Hello.
Diluc: Let us enjoy our view together.

And with that, they sat on the bench to enjoy their view of the New York Harbor Pier 59.

84 Years Later

The Titanic Wreck was discovered in 1985, The ship was split into two.

After years of searching, They finally found her. The wreck of the R.M.S Titanic lies at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,800 meters; 2,100 fathoms), about 370 nautical miles (690 kilometers) south-southeast of the coast of Newfoundland. They found out that the ship broke into two, Her legend will live on.

They will never forget their experience of the Titanic Disaster and their Eyewitness Accounts. They will remember the night of one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history.

The End



Zach Aguilar as Aether Dawson
Kelly Baskin as Amber Rose
Sarah Miller-Crews as Lumine Dawson
Suzie Yeung as Eula Lawrence
Sean Chiplock as Diluc Ragnvindr
Stephanie Southerland as Jean Gunnhildr
Josey Montana McCoy as Kaeya Alberich
Griffin Burns as Ajax
Cristina Vee Valenzuela as Bennett
Laura Stahl as Barbara


Kathy Bates as Margeret "Molly" Brown
Victor Garber as Thomas Andrews
Bernard Hill as Captain Edward Smith
Johnathan Hyde as J. Bruce Ismay
Mark Lindsay Chapman as Chief Officer Henry Wilde
Ewan Steward as First Officer William Murdoch
Johnathan Phillips as Second Officer as Charles Lightoller
Simon Crane as Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall
Ioan Gruffudd as Fifth Officer Lowe
Edward Fletcher as Sixth Officer James Moody
Scot G. Anderson as Fredrick Fleet
Martin East as Reginald Lee
Paul Brightwell as Quartermaster Robert Hichens
Gregory Cooke as Jack Phillips
Craig Kelly as Harold Bride
Liam Tuohy as Chief Baker Charles Joughin
Eric Braeden as John Jacob Astor IV
Charlotte Chatton as Madeleine Astor
Lew Palter as Isidor Straus
Elsa Raven as Ida Straus
Jonathan Evans-Jones as Wallace Hartley
Michael Ensign as Benjamin Guggenheim

miHoYo / HoYoverse

Proudly presents

Based on the Passengers & the Eyewitness Accounts of The Sinking of the Titanic.


A Night to Remember

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