(12) Jared/Connor

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A/in: REMEMBER ALL ART IS NOT MINE! Plus it's short.

Jared's POV

So you want me to talk to a tree?" I looked at Evan and his tree wife. The tree had a scarf tied around her trunk for some odd reason, and we were outside.

"Yes." Evan nodded with a small smile on his face. "Y-you s-seemed a little a-angry today. Maybe talking to her will help. I rolled my eyes and sat on his front porch step. "I'll be right back."

I looked at Alona. I'm sitting with a tree... I let out a sigh. There's nothing really else to do. "Um hey Alona?" The fuck am I doing? Trees can't even talk back! "I just wish Connor would listen sometimes. He doesn't really know what I've been through with my dad and JD. I know he's been through a lot too, but still. I told him to stop talking about it, but he didn't listen."

"...." Nothing from the tree.

"It got out of hand, and i told him that i hated him. Truth be told I don't." I told her. "I actually like him... A lot." I looked back at Alona. "Good talk."

I took out my phone, and looked at some pictures Evan sent me a few weeks back.

I heard the door close, and turned around to see Evan. "So did it help?"

"A little." I looked back at my phone. "He hates me."

"He doesn't hate you. I bet he actually likes you." Evan sat between me and Alona.

"He doesn't like me." I told him with a frown on my face. "He isn't that stupid."

"Don't tell him this, but I think he is." Evan shrugs. "Maybe going to the mall will cheer you up or something. I have to go there with Jeremy and Michael. You can come with us."

"Sure." I shrug myself. "Got nothing better to do, but avoiding my old man." I stood up, and we walked over to see Jeremy and Michael talking at Michael's car. "Hey Michael. Hey Jeremy."

"Hey Jared." They say in sync. We all get into the car, and head off to the mall.

Few minutes later Connor's POV

"I say dance dance revolution!" Tony instantly ran over to the game. Chloe and Brooke went to some store, and we came to the arcade.

"How about no." I told him. He didn't listen, and started playing the game against a middle schooler.

I rolled my eyes, and called over to a wall. I leaned against it, and looked toward the doors. I see Michael and Jeremy walk in. Jeremy had a few cuts.

Oh poor guy. I was about to walk over to them when I saw Jared and Evan.


I quickly leave when I saw them walk over to the Pac-Man machine. I walk over to the fountain in the middle of the mall.

What the hell? Well it is a mall. Of course he would be here at some point. Stupid! Stupid!

I crossed my arms. Fuck what is even going on in my head? "Connor?" I looked up from the floor to see Evan. Guess I didn't leave the arcade fast enough.

"Hey Evan..." I looked at my feet. "What's up?"

"I'm here with Jeremy, Michael, and... And Jared." Evan stated. I looked back at him.

"Oh okay..." This is so awkward. "I bet he hates me."

"No he doesn't." Evan replied. "H-he's just an idiot."

"Did you really just say that?" I chuckled. Evan chuckled and nodded. "I just get so mad at him at times."

"Maybe you should find something to control your anger." Evan suggested. "Maybe photography or something.


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