(13) Jared

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Few Days Later

I rubbed my eyes as I walked into school. What a long school break. "Jared!" I turned around to see Evan. "I just wanted to ask you something."

"What?" I asked him in a bored tone. We walked past Zoe and a few others.

"What do you think about photography?" He asks me, and I shrug. Not really a fan. "I was just asking. The school started a photography club."

"Oh. Okay... I might join." I fixed my backpack a little, and Evan nodded walking off to his step brother.

I walked around keeping my eyes to the floor. Jeez I miss Connor. I miss his hair, his eyes, his sarcastic rude behavior, and I miss the he smiled that night at the park.

"Yo Jared!" I felt someone tug on my arm. The dragged me past my locker, and to the schools bulletin board. "Check thith out!"

I finally realized it was Rich. "Huh?" I questioned and Rich pointed at the bulletin board.

Christmas Dance
December 14th
Girls ask guys

I was confused on the matter, and looked at Rich. "Why did you want to show me this?"

"Weeeeeell you can athk out the perthon you like! Pluth I deed a bit help..." He looked past me, and I followed his gaze to Jack Dillinger.

Oh shit. He likes him doesn't he. I smirked as I noticed Rich kept staring at him. "Heeeey Earth to Space Man Rich." I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Huh what?" He blinked and looked at me. "What did you thay?"

"You like Jaaake." I poked his shoulder.

"What? Of courthe not! It'th not like I want to have kidth wuth the guy or anything." He folded his arms.

"Suuure I can see it now Jake and Rich with three kids. Chicago, Rocky, and... And uh..." My mind cans to a blank.

"Ryan." Rich mumbled. He smirked a little. He really did want to have kids with Jake huh. "Tho what about you and Mr. Hot Topic?"

It was my turn to be confused. "Who?"

"Connor." I winced at hearing his name. "Don't you like him?"

"No." I said flatly.

"Oh. Well okay." Rich say some of his friends, and started walking to them. "Thee ya Jared!"

"See ya." I started walking again not noticing where I was going.

"Matt and Peter welcome to our lovely school! I hope you like it here." I heard my principal greet. I looked up to see him talking to two guys. The first one I saw had honey colored like hair, and his clothes looked like he grabbed the first thing he but also like he cared about he looked.

The second one was a bit taller an had dark hair. New students? Hmm interesting. "Oh Jared please come here." Shit.

I walked over to my principal. "Jared can you please show Peter." He motioned to the honey hair kid. "And Matt." He motioned to the other guy.

Peter looked like he's been crying. I raised an eyebrow, but nodded. I didn't want to get in trouble with the principal. "Sure."

"Great!" The principal clapped his hands together and left. Jeez he kinda acts like that weird drama teacher.

I looked back at Peter and Matt. Matt smiled a little. "Jared? Right?" Wow that voice. Wait... What about Connor? You can't just forget about him.

"Yeah." I replied. "Uh what's your first class?"

"English with Mrs. Hamilton." Peter stated. "Both of us do."

"Yeah my class is right next door. Follow me." I started walking and the followed. Since when did I act nice like this? Sure I am a nice guy, but... Okay never mind depends on who you ask.

We stopped walking. "Here we are. After I'll show you your next class." They nodded, and went in. I turned around and instantly walked into a soft wall.

I slowly looked up to see Connor staring down at me. He had his hoodie unzipped. Under it was a My Chemical Romance T-shirt. His jeans were ripped, and his hoodie was about to fall off one shoulder. He didn't look like he slept at all. His eyes were also red from either crying or weed. I'll go with the latter. "Connor...?"

Connor didn't reply. He just stared at me. "C-Connor?" Jeez way to go Jared! You stuttered in front of him again!

Connor just started me still. That's all we did. Stare at each other. The bell rang and I was about to go to class when Connor grabbed me by my arm. "The hell?"

"Come with me." Connor said flatly. He started dragging me away from my class, and down the hallway.

Jeez what was with people, and dragging me places today? "C-Conner?" I squeaked out a whisper. I've never seen him like this.

"Shut up Jared." He whispered. I could hear the sadness in his voice. Okay who hurt him?!

He dragged me to a janitor's closet, and pushed me inside while he shut the door behind him. He were pretty close because how little space there was.

"Con-" I was cut off by his lips falling onto mine. A strange feeling. A tingling feeling ached in my chest. What was going on. Connor had put his hands against my cheeks like him he didn't i was going to break. He barely kissed me. He acted like I was really fragile.

I was so shocked on what to do that I didn't realize he stopped, and backed away from me. Connor fucking Murphy just kissed me.

And I liked it.

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