(3) Connor

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How is this going to even work???!!!! I looked out the window to see where we're heading to a 7/11? We stop and JD gets out. He looks at us. "C'mon." We get out and head inside. The lady at the counter looked at me and Jared weirdly. I looked at the floor.

"Hey slow down Murphy." Jared complains. I roll my eyes and stop. He stumbles forward a little. I chuckle, and he glares at me. "Asshole." I hear him mutter. I saw JD getting a slushie. Evan was looking around. I walked over to JD with Jared stumbling behind me. "So why are we here?"

JD turned around. "Easy I wanted to get a slushie." He took a sip of his blue one.

"Hey guys they got some corn nuts." Evan told us and continues to look around. JD chuckles for some reason.

"Anyway I love this place." He motions around him.

Jared laughs this time. "Why?!" He laughs out.

JD smiles a bit.

"I've been through ten high schools.
They start to get blurry.
No point planting roots,
'Cause you're gone in a hurry.
My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den,
So it's only a matter of when.
I don't learn their names,
Don't bother with faces.
All I can trust is this concrete oasis.
Seems every time I'm about to despair,
There's a 7-Eleven right there.
Each store is the same,
from Las Vegas to Boston,
Linoleum aisles that I love to get lost in.
I pray at my altar of slush-
Yeah, I live for that sweet frozen rush..." He takes a sip of his slushie and grimaces.

"Freeze your brain.
Suck on that straw,
Get lost in the pain.
Happiness comes,
When everything numbs.
Who needs cocaine?" I laugh at that part. So does Jared for some reason.
"Freeze your brain.
Freeze your brain..." JD offers my it. "Care for a hit?"

I just look at him blankly. "Does your mommy know that you eat all that crap?" JD and Jared both freezes. Oh dear now you've done it Connor.

JD softly shakes his head. "Not anymore." Oh god what have I done?

"When Mom was alive,
We lived halfway normal.
Now it's just me and my dad,
We're less formal.
I learned to cook pasta,
I learned to pay rent-
Learned the world doesn't owe you a cent.
You're planning your future,
Connor Murphy,
You'll go to some college,
And marry a lawyer.
But the sky's gonna hurt when it falls.
So you’d better start building some walls...
Freeze your brain.
Swim in the ice,
Get lost in the pain.
Shut your eyes tight,

‘Till you vanish from sight,
Let nothing remain.
Freeze your brain,
Shatter your skull,
Fight pain with more pain.
Forget who you are,
Unburden your load,
Forget in six weeks you'll be back on the road.
When the voice in your head,
Says you're better off dead,
Don't open a vein!
Just freeze your brain,
Freeze your brain,
Go on and freeze your brain...

Try it."

I took it from him and tried it. "Yeah, I don’t really see- Oh, son of a bitch!" I felt the pain rushing in.

He heard a little bit of clapping. A guy with this red hoodie, head phones, dark hair, and glasses walks up to us. "That was awesome!"

"Um thank you?" JD questions.

"Hi I'm Michael. Michael Mell." He greets us. I just nod my head a bit.

"I'm Jason Dean, but call me JD." JD explains to him. He then points at me and Jared. "This is Connor Murphy, and Jared Kleinman. Jared is my cousin."

Micheal smiled at us. Soon JD and him got into a conversation about school and friends or something. I heard someone crunching on something. I looked at Jared to see him eating a bath bomb. "Seriously?" I asked aggravated considering the handcuffs.

"What?" I look at the bath bomb. "Hey it's better then your weed and shit." I roll my eyes until something grabbed my attention.

"So then he called me a loser, and I started crying in the bathroom." Michael explained while JD was drinking his slushie. "Ever since he got that Squip he's been ditching me." He was talking about a few months ago.

"You want me to kill him?" JD asks him calmly. Michael looked at him blankly then started laughing thinking it was a joke or something. Jared shuffled his feet a bit and continues to eat the bath bomb.

CRONCH!!!! I looked at Jared eating it right next to my ear. He was on his toes so he could reach my ear. "Knock it off Kleinman." I warn him.

"Hmm nope." He kept chewing in my ear. Louder and louder and louder. I grabbed Michael's slushie and poured it on Jared's head. Red slushie went down his head and to his eyes. "Ow my eyes." He wiped his eyes and looked at me. "You're dead Murphy!"

He grabbed his cousin's slushie and poured it down my hoodie. I grabbed a near by bag of pretzels, opened them, and threw them at Jared. He did the same, but with Evan's corn nuts. (Just let Evan have his corn nuts.)

I was about to throw my shoe at him when someone took hold of my wrist. I looked to see that lady from the counter. "Stop and get out all five of you." She let's go of my wrist and we walked out.

I heard Michael say something on the lines of "Sorry Sandy." And he followed us out. He chuckled softly. "Wow when she grabbed your wrist Connor I thought you were a goner."

"Wh-what do you mean?" Evan asked him.

"Oh she knows karate." He explained and started walking to his own car. He walked to ours and past some guy with yellow not blonde, but yellow hair, and a guy with pink hair.

"Weirdos." I heard Jared mumble.

"You're the one to talk. You eat bath bombs." I remark and Jared just continues to mumble. We get into the car and we drive off. Wait something occurring to me. "Um how are we going to sleep if we are handcuffed?"

Everyone was silent. "I-i di-didn't think about that." Evan whispered.

"Well you could just unlocked them." Jared states.

"I-i l-lost the key." Ugh we're doomed.

I looked at Jared. No I glared at him. "I guess you're staying the night."

*Time skip*

"No way!" Jared was holding a pair of swimming trunks. "There is no way I'm showering with you!"

I rolled my eyes at him again. "How else do except us to get clean?" I asked him. He just stayed quiet. Heh I finally got him to shut up. "Close your eyes." He did and and I took off my jeans and boxers. I changed into my own pair of swimming trunks. "Okay."

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "What about your jacket and shirt?" I didn't quite think of that. "Well?" I took a pair of scissors and started cutting. "Oh shit no I love this shirt!"

"Well do you want to have slushie on you forever then?" I asked as I got done. He just glared at me and took my scissors. He started cutting his own shirts.

He soon got done. "Um close your eyes." I did as I was told and Kleiman started to put on his swimming trunks. "Okay, done."

I opened my eyes and we started walking down the hall to the bathroom. Zoe soon popped up in our path.  "Wow what happened here?"

"Don't ask." I tell her as we pass and go into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, and me and Jared get in. Wow never thought I would say that.

*After shower*

We dried off and went into my room. I changed into a pair of black boxers and Jared did the same. Jared got into my bed, (😏 hue hue hue) and I laid next to him. We got under the cover when it was pulled away from me. "Asshole." I muttered and drifted off to sleep.

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