(4) Jared

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I woke up with a start. This wasn't my room. The walls are a dark gray and the blankets and sheets are black. Yep not my room. I felt something underneath me. I looked down to see a pale bare chest. I moved away from it remembering what happened yesterday. Shit. I the insanely cool Jared Kleinman was cuddling up to Connor the asshat Murphy.

I fell off the bed which resulted with Connor falling on me. "Ow." I muttered. I looked up to see him. His eyes slowly fluttered open. "Uh hey?"

Connor suddenly jumps up which ended with both of our wrist hurting. "Ow!" Hey squeaks. Literally he squeaks!!!

"Ow that hurt Murphy!" I tried to cross my arms which resulted in my wrist hurting.

Suddenly Connor tensed up. "Um Jared." He asked me as I tried to pick the handcuff lock with a nail that I found.

"What is it Murphy?" I dropped the nail.

"I forgot one thing about the plan last night." He explained. I nodded so he knew I was listening. Which really isn't a thing that I do around him. "What are we going to do about shirts?" Shit.

"Um do you got a needle and thread?" I mumbled as I picked the nil back up. He nodded and we walked down the hall to a closet. He opened it to pull out a sewing kit. He handed me a needle and thread. I took it, and dragged our ass back to his room. "Okay whats about to happen you better never ever tell anyone."

"What are you going to do?" I just ignored him, grabbed my shirt placed it on my as best as could, and started sewing it back together. "Uh since when did you know how to sew?" I just ignored him again.

I got done sewing my shirts back, and started working on Connor's shirt and hoodie. "There done." I stated as I finish up. He nodded and I was dragged downstairs.

We got downstairs to see Zoe. Connor's parents were not home. "Connor. Jared." Zoe 'greeted' us when we got there.

"Zoe." We say in unison. My spine crawled at that. That was creepy. Way way creepy.

"See ya love birds." Zoe jokes as she leaves the house.

"We're not love birds!" We both yell as she closed the front door. I walk over to the couch with Connor stumbling behind me. We sit down and I turn the TV on. "What are we going to do?" I think out loud.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but I'm supposed to see Evan." He stands up whish results with me being pulled up with him.

"Well you better put some pants on then." He rolls his eyes, and we head back upstairs. "After all you want to look good for your boyfriend huh. When you love somebody you put your pants on for them right?"

"Uh where the hell did you get that from?" Murphy asked me as he was putting his pants on. I start doing the same. "And I'm not dating Evan."

"I heard some random guy sing that after we dropped Michael off." I explained as we walked out of the house. "I swear if he's praying to a tree god again when we get there." Connor smacks me in the back of the head. "Ow!"

"Fuck you Kleinman." We walk past my house to see JD, Michael, and some guy with with brown hair and bluish cardigan. He that might be that Jeremy guy. "Hey JD!" Connor waved to him.

"Hey!" JD and Michael wave back. We walked over to them. "Hey guys this is Jeremy." Michael told us. "Jeremy this is Jared and Connor." Jeremy nods.

"So you're like friends again?" I ask which just made Connor slap me again. Michael nods. "Alright then." We started walking to Evan's house again.

"What's with your cousin and slushies? It's like every time is see him he's drinking a slushie." I hear Connor ask. I roll my eyes and walk into Evan's house.

"What's with you and weed?" I ask was he walk up the stairs. Connor stops which makes me stop.

"Touche." He says and we start walking again. We reach Evan's room and Connor knocks. "Evan?"

The door opens. "H-hey g-guys." Evan let us in. "How did you sleep?"

"Hmm ask Jared." Connor says with hatred for some reason. Hahahah!!!!

"Wait what?" I ask. "Could you maybe repeat that?" I ask.

"I told him to ask you." Connor says crossing his arms. Ow.

I stand on Evan's bed. Now I was a little taller then Connor. "What? Oh yeah why should I tell him?"

"Well after you fell asleep you kept cuddling me." He explained. "I finally gave up on pushing you away from me so I had to sleep with you latched on to me." Evan just watched us.

"Hey! I can't help what I do in my sleep!" I yelled at him. "You should be glad that's all that I did do!" We both went silent. "Uh please forget I just said that.

"Well that just got awkward." Evan states. "I got something to tell you guys!" We both look at him. "I got a girlfriend!"

"Please tell me it's not Zoe." Connor tells him.

"Nope! Better her name is Alona Oak." He smiles.

"Alona Oak?" I hear Murphy question the name.

"It's Hebrew for Oak Tree." I explained to him. He looks at me curious. "Don't ask."

"Do guys want to meet her?" We both nod. "C-come on f-follow me." We follow him out of his room and we go into the backyard. There in a pot was a tree. "Guys meet Alona."

"Your girlfriend is a tree?" He nods. "Um Evan are sur-" I cover Connor's mouth.

"Shh let's see where this goes."

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